HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 804.0 Principal Evaluation ProceduresRevised June 2015
AP 804 - Principal Evaluation Temporary Procedures
Statement of Philosophy
School District 91 has a firm commitment to performance evaluation. Every effort will be made to
assure that only highly accomplished administrators are retained on the staff of School District 91.
The primary purpose of evaluation is to enhance the quality of leadership performance, nurture
the growth of teachers, and support principals in professional development to facilitate the
achievement of District goals. Supervision and evaluation of professional employees involves a
cooperative process between the evaluator and principal for the purposes of identifying and
documenting the performance of principals.
New Statutory Requirements
There shall be a minimum of one written evaluation in each of the annual contract years of
employment, which shall be completed no later than May 1 of each year. The evaluation shall
include a minimum of two (2) documented observations, one (1) of which shall be completed prior
to January 1 of each year. The requirement to provide at least one (1) written evaluation does not
exclude additional evaluations that may be performed. No civil action for money damages shall
arise for failure to comply with the provision of this subsection. (Idaho Code 33-514; see also
Idaho Code 33-513 and 33-515)
IDAPA Rule Requirements
IDAPA – Standards. Each district principal evaluation model shall be aligned to
state minimum standards based on the Interstate School Leaders Licensure consortium (ISLLC)
standards and include proof of proficiency in conducting teacher evaluation using the state’s
adopted model, the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching Second Edition.
IDAPA – Professional Practice. For evaluations conducted on or after July 1,
2013, all principals must receive an evaluation in which sixty-seven percent (67%) of the
evaluation results are based on Professional Practice. All measures included within the
Professional Practice portion of the evaluation must be aligned to the Idaho Principal Evaluation
Framework. Principals will be rated on their professional practice in each of the components for
Domains 1, 2, and 3. The evaluator will assign a numerical value of (1) for Unsatisfactory, (2) for
Basic, (3) for Proficient, and (4) for Distinguished using the rubric from the Idaho Principal
Evaluation Framework for each component including specific evidence that supports the rating
given. The sum of the numerical values shall be divided by the number of components to
determine an average numerical rating for professional practice listed. This average rating will be
counted as 67% or 2/3 of the principal’s overall rating.
An initial evaluation report including ratings and evidence will be discussed with the principal prior
to the January 1 deadline. A final evaluation report including observation evidence from the
second observation will be added to the initial evaluation report. Final ratings will be based on
evidence from both observations.
Parent/guardian input and student input shall be encouraged. No numerical rating from these
inputs will be included in the teacher’s performance rating but the number of Parent/Guardian
Input forms will be noted on the final evaluation. The principal will receive a copy of all
Parent/Guardian Input forms submitted.
Revised June 2015
IDAPA – Student Achievement. For evaluations conducted on or after July 1,
2013 all certificated instruction employees, principals and superintendents must receive an
evaluation in which at least thirty-three percent (33%) of the evaluation results are based on the
ISAT 2.0 and one other objective measures of growth in student achievement as determined by
the board of trustees and based on research. The other objective measure may include but is
not limited to IRI test results, STAR test results, End of Course Assessments, PSAT/SAT,
graduation rates, and AP testing result. The District Key Performance Indicators will provide
guidance as to which assessment data is used for the student achievement portion of the teacher
evaluation model. The second objective measure will be selected collaboratively by the principal
and his/her evaluator.
Using the following rubric, the principal will be given a numerical rating based on the combined
district-wide ISAT growth percentage and a second numerical rating for the additional growth
measure. Ratings will be averaged together and counted as 33% or 1/3 of the teacher’s overall
evaluation. The actual data evidence for student growth will be included on the teacher’s
evaluation form. In the absence of growth data from the ISAT, the student achievement score will
be based on the second measure(s) of student growth as identified by the teacher and
(1) Unsatisfactory 0-25% of the teacher’s students met their measurable achievement targets
(2) Basic 26-50% of the teacher’s students met their measurable achievement targets
(3) Proficient 51-74% of the teacher’s students met their measurable achievement targets
(4) Distinguished 76-100% of the teacher’s students met their measurable achievement targets
For the purposes of this document, principal is defined as all certificated staff members who are
employed as a principal or assistant principal. The director of elementary or secondary education
will evaluate the building principals. The building principal will evaluate the assistant principal(s)
assigned to their respective buildings.
Statement of Purpose
The evaluation shall be conducted with each principal to provide services as follows:
Inform each principal of how he or she is performing in his or her assignment.
Communicate to each principal both his/her strong and weak points and areas where
improvement, if any, is needed.
Create an opportunity for the evaluator and the principal to discuss objectively the
employee’s job performance and mutually agree upon goals and objectives.
Provide the following information to a principal whose performance necessitates the
imposition of probation or nonrenewal of contract:
1. Written notice of the specific areas of unsatisfactory performance.
2. A reasonable time period to make corrections.
3. Adequate supervision, assistance, and evaluation during the period of
All monitoring or observation of the performance of an principal shall be conducted openly and
with full knowledge of the employee.
Revised June 2015
The principal evaluation process is based upon Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium
(ISLLC) standards which centers on three domains.
DOMAIN 1: School Climate
Component 1.a. School Culture
Component 1.b. Communication
Component 1.c. Advocacy
DOMAIN 2: Collaborative Leadership
Component 2.a. Shared Leadership
Component 2.b. Priority Management
Component 2.c. Transparency
Component 2.d. Leadership Renewal
Component 2.e. Accountability
DOMAIN 3: Instructional Leadership
Component 3.a. Innovation
Component 3.b. Instructional Vision
Component 3.c. High Expectations
Component 3.d. Continuous Improvement of Instruction
Component 3.e. Evaluation
Component 3.f. Recruitment and Retention
Performance Continuum
The continuum ranges from describing principals who do not meet the standard to highly
accomplished professionals who are able to share their expertise and effectively lead the school
to accomplish District goals.
Unsatisfactory - Performance is clearly unacceptable and needs to change immediately.
Basic - Performance has real deficiencies and is not entirely successful. The principal
appears to understand the concepts underlying a component but implementation is
sporadic, intermittent or otherwise not entirely successful.
Proficient - Performance is solid and is the expected performance for a principal. The
principal understands the concepts and practices underlying each component and leads
it well. Strong student achievement is and indicator of principal leadership at this level.
Distinguished - Performance denotes outstanding leadership as described by the
criteria for each domain and/or component. Principals at this level of performance
operate at a qualitatively different level, both inside and outside their school. Their
schools consist of a community of teachers who work collaboratively, are highly
motivated and effectively engaged in the practice of teaching. Improving and/or high
student achievement is one indicator of principal leadership at this level.
Revised June 2015
Evaluation Process
The District has created forms for use in the supervision and evaluation of principals. Evaluation
forms and rubrics are included in the Principals Evaluation Procedures, Appendix A.
Focus – Professional Practice and Student Growth
All measures included within the Professional Practice portion of the evaluation must be aligned
to the Idaho Principal Evaluation Framework. Principals will be rated on their professional
practice in each of the components for Domains 1, 2, and 3 of the Idaho Principal Evaluation
Framework. Principals will receive a copy of the rubrics for these domains and components at
the beginning of the school year. The evaluator will be looking for evidence of the principal’s
performance level for each of the components in these identified domains. The evaluator will rate
the principal’s performance in each component using the rubric found in the Idaho Principal
Evaluation Framework Specific evidence will be listed to validate the rating given.
Principals will also be evaluated on student growth measures. In the absence of growth data on
the ISAT 2.0, the student growth measure identified by the teacher and administrator will be the
focus for this portion of the evaluation.
The evaluator monitors the Professional Practice of the principal and student achievement
throughout the school year. Evaluation activities will be conducted openly and with the full
knowledge of the principal. Evaluation activities should be conducted with sufficient time to make
an adequate performance judgment.
Interim Conference
Periodic, specific evaluation activities should be followed by an interim conference between the
evaluator and the principal. The conference will provide the opportunity for the evaluator and
principal to review the ratings given for each component with the supporting evidence listed. It
will also provide an opportunity for the principal to reflect upon his or her professional growth.
The interim conference will be held prior to January 1.
Evaluation Conference
The evaluation conference will provide the principal an opportunity to the final ratings with the
associated evidence for both the professional practice and student achievement. Feedback
received from parents/guardians and students will also be reviewed and discussed. Formal or
informal follow-up activity recommendations will be discussed during the evaluation conference.
Evaluation Report
Following the evaluation conference, the principal will be provided a final evaluation report that
addresses the professional practice ratings, student achievement rating, and feedback from
parent/guardian and students. The approved evaluation report form will be used for all written
evaluations. The principal has the option to respond in writing to the evaluation report.
Parental Input:
Parental input shall be part of principal evaluations. Input received between May 1 and the last
day of April of the following year will be included in written evaluations for that time frame. Only
parental input received via the approved district parental input form will be used in written
evaluations. Parental input forms will be available in each school office and on the district web
Written evaluations will note the number of signed parental input forms received for each
individual principal. Parental input forms received between May 1 and the last day of April of the
following year will be included in written evaluations for that time frame.
Revised June 2015
A probationary period shall be provided by the Board to any employee whose performance is
judged to be unsatisfactory.
1. The evaluator will recommend to the Board in writing that the principal be placed on
2. If the Board adopts the recommendation, the principal will be notified in writing by the
3. The specific areas of unsatisfactory performance, along with provisions for adequate
supervision and direction for probation will be defined in writing to the principal. A clearly
articulated probationary plan will be developed. The plan will include identified
concern(s), desired outcomes, and improvement targets. The plan will also include
strategies for assistance and improvement. The plan of probation will include a mutually
agreed upon timeline. The timeline shall not be less than eight full weeks or forty (40)
school days.
4. Each step of the probation process including identification of concerns,
observations/evidence collection and pre- and post-conference notes shall be
documented and initialed by both the principal and the evaluator.
Monitoring and Evaluation
An evaluation committee, consisting of teachers, board members, administrators, teachers and
parents, will be formed. The committee will meet to provide feedback regarding the evaluation
process including staff development needs and implementation of the evaluation process.
Professional Development
Data collected by an evaluator through growth plan and reflection conferences will be considered
when planning and designing principal staff development activities
Evaluators responsible for performing evaluations will participate in principal evaluation training.
The costs associated with principal evaluation professional development will be paid by the