HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 408 Child Nutrition and WellnessIDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 AP 408.0 - CHILD NUTRITION AND WELLNESS AP 408.1-Financial Management REPLACED WITH NEW PROCEDURE- UNPAID SCHOOL MEAL CHARGES PROCEDURE 8245P Found in Board Docs under Policies AP408.2 - Regular Menu Planning All menu planning must comply with the Final Rule Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs - Jan. 2012. Meals served through NSLP (National School Lunch Program) and SBP (School Breakfast Program) will use Food-Based Menu planning approach for all age/grades groups OVS (Offer vs Serve) at Lunch At lunch, schools must offer students all five required food components in at least the minimum required amounts. The components at lunch are: meats/meat alternates; grains; fruit; vegetables; and fluid milk. Under OVS, a student must take at least three components in the required serving sizes. One selection must be at least ½ cup from either the fruit or vegetable component. Lunch Meal Components • Fruits • Vegetables • Grains • Meat/Meat Alternate • Milk Reimbursable Lunch - student must take 3 of the 5 components and one of the components must be fruit or vegetable OVS at Breakfast At breakfast, schools must offer students all three required food components in at least the minimum required amounts. The components at breakfast are: grains (with optional meats/meat alternates allowed); juice/fruit/vegetable; and milk. Under OVS, a student must be offered at least four food items and must select at least three food items. Breakfast Meal Items • Fruits • Grains • Milk • Other Item Reimbursable Breakfast - minimum 4 items must be offered, student must take fruit but may decline one other item AP408.3 - Ala Carte Menu Planning Any entree item offered as part of the lunch program or the breakfast program is exempt from all competitive food standards if it is sold as a competitive food on the day of service or the day after service in the lunch or breakfast program. Side items, snack foods, beverages and any entrees not served as part of a reimbursable meal will need to comply with "Smart Snacks - Foods and Beverages Nutrition Standards for All Food Sold in Schools - effective July 1, 2014, Idaho State Department of Education, Child Nutrition Programs". http://www.sde.idaho.gov/si.te/rnp/ns]p/docs/smm:tSnaclks/Smm:t 1%20Snaclks1%20Chm:t-FlNALpdf http://www.sde.i.daho.gov/si.te/rnp/ns]p/docs/smm:tSnaclks/ldaho1%20Smm:t 1%20Snaclks1%20i.n1%20S chooP%20PoHcy.pdf Other Requirements: Fundraisers - all items sold must comply with "Smart Snacks in School Fundraisers". Accompaniments - use of accompaniments is limited when competitive food is sold to students in school. The accompaniment must be included in the nutrient profile as part of the food item served and meet all proposed Standards. AP408.4 - Competitive Day: Competitive food: all food and beverages sold to students on the School campus during the School day, other than those meals reimbursable under programs authorized by the NSLA and the CNA. School day: the period from the midnight before, to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day. School campus: all areas of the property under the jurisdiction of the school that is accessible to students during the school day. Applicability The standards apply to all foods and beverages sold on campus during the school day. Ala carte In school stores Snack bars Vending machines Outside vendors AP408.4.1- Competitive Day: Sales must meet the standards set forth in AP408.3 Ala Carte Menu Planning above. AP408.4.2 Elementary Schools: Vending machines and competitive day-time sales are not allowed in the District's elementary schools. AP408.4.3 Secondary Schools Food and beverage sales outside of the school breakfast, lunch or snack must meet the standards set forth in AP408.3 Ala Carte Menu Planning above. All vending contracts shall be required to meet guidelines set forth by the USDA Smart Snacks in School "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards. These standards are listed in AP408.3 above. AP408.9 - Monitoring and Compliance. The superintendent or designee(s) shall be responsible for monitoring the compliance of ldaho Falls School District #91 Board Policy 408.0 -Child Nutrition and Wellness. Monitoring of compliance shall include: Providing building principals with the forms and standards needed to complete an internal self- audit verifying compliance with the various requirements of this policy and accompanying procedures. A review of each building self-audit will be conducted within the first twelve weeks of each school year. 3. Food services will conduct their own internal self-audit annually to ensure compliance with state and federal guidelines and standards. Public Comment School District #91 is seeking comments on these standards. We also want to continue to receive feedback during implementation of the standards, so that we are able to make any needed tweaks to the standards based on real-world experience. Feedback from students, parents, school food staff, school administrators and other interested parties is critical to ensuring successful standards. Comment Online: I I Comment by Mail: Margaret Wimborne Wellness Policy 690 John Adams Parkway Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Procedure History: Adopted: 07/13/2016 Revised: 06/08/2016 07/15/2014 Reviewed: 05/11/2016