HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 1005.16 DDRC Procedures Revised 11.30.20 District Discipline Review Committee (DDRC) Administrative Procedures for Secondary Students Revised 11/30/2020 I. THE PURPOSE OF THE DDRC The DDRC is a Level III discipline intervention that is convened after an individual school has exhausted all building level remedies. Students may be referred to the DDRC because of the severity of an offense or series of offenses. The DDRC conducts hearings of student misconduct referred by the school principal and makes “next step(s)” recommendation(s). II. DECISION TO REQUEST DDRC The Director of Secondary Education or designee must conduct an informal review before a DDRC can be requested. III. THE RIGHTS OF THE STUDENT AND HIS/HER PARENTS IN A DDRC HEARING Board Policy 1005.15 defines the student’s right to Due Process. At the DDRC meeting, the student has a right to have present his/her parents and/or other such advocate as he/she chooses. These rights should be given to the student in writing at the same time he or she is notified of the DDRC meeting (see Section IV). A copy of the Due Process rights statement is attached. Similarly, students on an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan should also be given a copy of their rights - Procedural Safeguards Notice and 504 Parent/Student Rights Statement, respectively. Copies of these rights statements are also attached. IV. STUDENT AND PARENT NOTIFICATION OF A DDRC HEARING The administrator requesting the DDRC is responsible for notifying the student and his/her parents both by telephone and by letter. This includes providing them a copy of their rights to Due Process. Parents of students on an IEP should also be given a copy of the Procedural Safeguards Notice. Parents of students on a 504 Plan should also be given a copy of the 504 Parent/Student Rights Statement. The following statement must be provided to the student and /or parents both verbally and in writing: You and your child have the following rights as guaranteed under the Constitution. When charged with misconduct, you and your child have the right to verbally and/or in writing present your version of the issue(s). At the District Discipline Review Committee (DDRC) meeting, your child may be represented by parent/guardians, an attorney at your cost, or other such advocate (relative/friend/teacher) of your choice. You shall be given the right to be heard and shall be granted the opportunity to present such witnesses and testimony as deemed reasonable. You also have the right to cross examine any person who may give testimony against your child. You have the right to appeal the decision of the DDRC to the Superintendent of Schools within ten (10) school days. V. MEMBERSHIP OF THE DDRC The DDRC is an ad hoc committee that is composed of the following members: Director of Secondary Education or designee who acts as chair Principal or designee of the school requesting DDRC action who assembles the committee One administrator from another building of the same level One non-affected teacher who teaches a similar age/grade Director of Student Services or designee Probation Officer (if the student is on probation) Emerson High School principal o Translator if needed VI. SCHOOL LEVEL RESPONSIBILITIES PRIOR TO REQUESTING DDRC INTERVENTION The school must exhaust all school level remedies. School level remedies may include, but are not limited to: Behavior intervention team plan A specific behavior contract 504 Plan Collaboration with service providers Release of information Change of classroom assignment Referral to Impact Child Assistance Team Referral to support agencies Reduced school day (requires parental agreement) Counseling for student and parents Parent attends school with student Suspension (supervised-school, out-of-school supervised, out-of-school to parents) VII. SCHOOL LEVEL RESPONSIBILITIES PRIOR TO DDRC MEETING Prior to the DDRC meeting, the school must present to the Director of Secondary Education: Executive summary of the incident(s) instigating the DDRC Detailed discipline record including misbehaviors and interventions Detailed attendance record Academic record to include a current progress report, graduation progress and ISAT test scores School Counselor recommendations regarding academic success and/or graduation progress Special Education records including, if needed, a manifest determination o 504 records School Nurse records (medical alerts and medications) Results of the Predicts Risk assessment (s) if conducted Results of Comp U-15 assessment (s) if conducted Current UA test o Translated documents if needed VIII. DDRC HEARINGS FOR REPEAT OFFENDERS As a general rule, students should not be referred to the DDRC more than once. The initial DDRC’s recommendations will include sequential consequences, up to and including a recommendation to Trustees for their action. The exception to this rule is if extended time has passed since the initial DDRC. IX. LOCATION AND TIME OF DDRC HEARING DDRC’s must be held within the statutory time limit for suspensions five (5) school days imposed by the building administration plus five (5) school days by the Superintendent plus seven (7) school days imposed by the Board. DDRC’s will be held at the District Office at a time convenient to parents. X. DDRC RECOMMENDATIONS The list of actions which may be taken at any level of discipline is intended to be suggestive and not conclusive nor sequential since all disciplinary action or combination of actions should fit the needs and circumstances of the individual student. The following list is provided in this context: Transfer to another school or alternative program as may be available with a specific behavior contract Recommendation to Board of Trustees for expulsion Current secondary alternative programs include: Grades 7-8 Day treatment, school companion, supervised-school suspension, home- based learning, IDLA, **Edmentum (Emerson) Grade 9 In supervised -school suspension, single credit after-school class, home-based learning, ***Emerson day or evening program, IDLA, **Edmentum (Emerson) Grade 10-12 Supervised -school suspension, home-based learning, Emerson day or evening program, IDLA, **Edmentum (Emerson) **Edmentum (Emerson) is contingent upon the parent/guardian’s ability to provide internet access and a computer with the appropriate specifications. Nova Net online courses are not appropriate for all students. ***Experience suggests that, in general, 9th grade students are not mature enough to benefit from Emerson. XI. AUTHORITY OF INDIVIDUAL DDRC MEMBERS Decisions will be made by consensus. When consensus is not achieved, an appeal may be made to the Superintendent. An appeal must include both majority and minority reports. The Superintendent's decision may be appealed to the board of trustees who have final authority.