HomeMy WebLinkAboutOLD Board Policy 2003IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 91
Board of Trustees:
Dr.,Iohn Murdoch
Superintendent of S chools
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808.0 - BENEFITS
809.0 - LEAVES
Section 100 - I
Idaho Falls School District #91
101.1 - Authority of School Trustees
The General Laws of the state of Idaho created a state Board of Education for the general
purpose of supervision, control and govemment of the public school system of the State. The
statutes of the State further provide that local public school districts under the supervision of the
State Board of Education shall be maintained, developed and operated by locally elected boards
of trustees. Local boards of trustees derive their authority from the Idaho constitution, the
General Laws of Idaho, and the regulations of the State Board of Education. ln the absence of
statutes or regulations, the local board of trustees has the authority to establish policy and duties.
101.2 - Trushes Commitment to Excellence
The Board is committed to the education of all students as appropriate to the best of their
individual abilities; to a constant awareness of the concerns and desires of the whole community
regarding the quality and performance of the school system; and to the employment ofa
superintendent who will see that the district maintains a position as an outstanding school system
and under whose leadership school personnel will carry out rhe policies ofthe Board with
imagination and dedication.
101.3 - Objectives of the Trustees
The Board commits itself to the following objectives
To interpret the educational needs and aspirations of the community, and to meet them
through the formulation of policies which stimulate the learner and the Ieaming process;
To promote management of the school system in accordance with Board policy;
To provide leadership, support and resources in order that the goals and objectives of the
school system can be effectively carried ouq
To maintain two-way communication with the various publics served by the schools.
To evaluate the effectiveness of current programs as they relate to the District's mission
102.1 - Board Represents Citizens
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Idaho Falls School District #91
102.2 - Board Decision Making Authority
The Board of Trustees has the dual responsibility for implementing sratutory requiremenrs
pertaining to public education and local citizens' desires for educating the community's youth.
While the Board has an obligation to determine and assess citizens' desires, it should be
understood that when citizens elect delegates to represent them in the conduct of public
education, they, at the same time, endow their representatives with the authority to exercise their
best judgment in determining policies, making decisions, and assuring procedures for carryng
out the responsibility.
102.3 - Intention of Board of Trustees
The Board, therefore, reaffirms and declares its intent to:
Maintain two-way communications with citizens of the District. The public will be kept
informed of the progress and problems of the schools, and citizens will be urged to bring
their aspirations and feelings about their public schools to the attention of this body which
they have chosen to represent them in the management of public education.
)Establish policies and make decisions on the basis of declared educational philosophy and
goals. All decisions made by this Board will be made with primacy given to the purposes
set forth, most crucial of which is the optimal leaming of the childrcn enrolled in our
Act as a truly representative body for citizens of the district in matters involving public
education. The Board recognizes that ultimate responsibility for public education rests with
the State of Idaho, but individual boards of trustees have been assigned specific authority
through statute. The Board will relinquish none of this authority since it believes that
decision making control over the children's learning should be in the hands of local citizens
as much as possible.
A Board of Trustees is the legal entity for conducting a system of public education within the
geographic area of a school district. The system was created by, and is govemed by, state
statutes. Members of the Board are state officers chosen by citizens of the district to represent
them and the state in the legislative management of public schools.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
103.1 - Trustee Z,ones
The District is divided into five (5) Trustee zones. A map showing the various trustee zones can
be obtained from the office of the Superintendent. The general description of trustee zones
Section 100 - 4
Idaho Falls School District #91
Beginning at Broadway
l5'h Et then north to Ion
to 8lsr North; then west
Armstron g lateral Canal
and Yellowstone following northeast along Northgate Mile to
a Rd (33rc N); then west to 5s E (-ewisville Hwy); then north
to the lnake River; then south along the Snake River to the
to l7e N; then West to 26s W. to the approximate intersection
with the Hoff lateral canal; then south to the approximate junction of Hoff lateral canal
and Grandview Rd; then east along Grandview to Skyline; then south along Skyline to
its approximate intersection with I-15; then northeast along I-15 to Broadway; then east
on Broadwa to Yellowstone (the nt of be ).nntn
Zone2 Beginning at the approximate intersection of 49 S and the Snake River following the
Snake River north to its intersection with Broadway; then west to I-!5; then southwest
along I-15 to its approximate intersection with Skyline; then north along Skyline to
Grandview; then west along Grandview to its approximate intersection with the Hoff
Iateral canal; then north to l7s N on 26s W; then east on l7e N to the Armstong lateral
and continuing along the Amstrong lateral to its intersection with the Snake River;
rh orth al th S ke Ri to ri rh 1 29th N h 26rh wennonenaerltsInterseconItenestto
then orth t I 45II N then t to the B II elB Co then uth 49lhnowesonIutteuntvInsoto
S then Eas t 49rh Sourh t S ake Ri (the of beononverOInt nnIn
Znne 3 Beginning at the intersection of 11300 S and 35 E north to 8325 S.; then east to
approximately 3750 E; then norrh ro 7931 S.; then west to 35e E; then north to 5750 S.;
then west to 25ft E; then north to 49s S; then East to l5th E; then north to 33 S; then
east to 20t!, E (Meppen Canal); then north to 12th St; then west to Stokes; then north to
9b St/Callop; then west to Southeast Bonneville; then south to 12e; then west on 12fr to
South Holmes; then south to 73d S; then west to l't E; then south to 976 S; then east to
South Holmes; then south to ll30O S; then east to 356 E the nt of be nnln
Znne 4 Beginning at the intersection of 12u St and the Meppen Can.al; ttren nortn at,ongrtre
Meppen Canal to I't St; then west to l5s E; then north to the point of intersection wirh
Northgate mile; then southwest along the Northgate Mile to the intersection of S. Blvd;
then south along S. Blvd. to l2th St; then west to Southwest Bonneville; then north to
9s St/Gallop; then east to Nixon; then south to 126 St; then east to the intersection of
l2s St. and the Meppen Canal (the point of beginning).
Znne 5 Beginning at the intersection of97*ffi ; then E to South
Holmes; then north to 126 St; then west to S. Blvd; then north to the intersection of S.
Blvd and the Northgate mile; then southwest along Yellowstone to Broadway; then
west to the Snake River; then south along the Snake River to its intersection with 35e
W. and 906 S; then east to l3s E; then south to 97th Si then east to l'I W (the point of
Znne 1
103.1.1 Trustee Elections
In elections for the District's Board of Trustees, the candidate receiving the greatest
number of votes cast within the zone shall be declared by the Board as trustee elected from that
103.2 - Membership on Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall consist of five (5) members. Each trustee shall be elected for a term
of three (3) years or until the annual me€ting of the District held during the year in which a
Trustee's term expires. The election dates for the term of each trustee from the zones arc set for
the third Tuesday in May as follows:
zoNE I - 2006, 20n/9, 20t2, 2015, 2018, 202r
zoNE 2 -2W6, 2ffi9, 2012, 2015, 2018, 2021
zoNE 3 -2005, 2008, 20rt,2014,2017 ,2020
zoNE 4 -2001, 2007 ,20t0,2013, 20t6,20t9
zoNE 5 -2005, 2008, 2011, 20t4, 201'1, 2020
Section 100 - 5
Idaho Falls School District #91
104,1 - Organization
At its annual meeting, the Board of Trustees shall elect its officers from among its members. A
chairman, vice-chairman, clerk, and a treasurer will be elected. A parliamentarian may be
appointed. The parliamentarian will be a member of the administrative staff.
104.2 - Duties of Offrcers
l. Chai on: The Chairperson of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board,
appoint special committees as directed by the Board, and perform such other duties as are
imposed upon him/her by the Board and by statute. He/she may vote in any and all cases,
and in the event of a tie vote, the motion fails. Helshe shall appoint all committees of the
Board and shall be an ex-officio member of all such committees.
2. Vice-Chaimerson: The Vice-Chai rperson shall preside in the absence of the Chairperson,
and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.
Clerk: The Clerk is a member of the Board and shall see that a record of such proceedings
is kept as requircd by law and by the Board.
Treasurer: The Treasurer is a member of the Board assigned to address fiscal
Deputv Clerk: This is a non-€lected position and will be filled by Board appointment.
Duties are to comply with all legal publications and deadlines with reference to elections,
calls for bids, and other budget and financial matters relating to the proper operation of the
104.3 - Annual Meeting of the Trustees
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Idaho Falls School District #91
Newly elected Board members assume office at the annual meeting in July. An oath of off,ice
shall be administered to each trustee whether elected, re-elected or appointed. Said oath may be
administered by the Clerk or by a trustee of the district and the records of the district shall show
such oath of office to have been taken and indicate the person who administered the oath.
105.1 - Board Policy Making Function
The Board shall make policy for the operation of the District consistent with the laws of the State
of Idaho and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, and it shall oversee and
exercise its best efforts to insure the proper conduct and management of the schools of the
105.2 - Board Planning/Evaluating Function
Since the Board of Trustees is the governing body of the school district with full control over all
the many phases of the school program, its attention is necessarily directed to planning,
evaluating, and policy making. The Board delegates to the Superintendent of Schools the
responsibility for the day+o-day operation of the District 9l schools.
106.1 - Oflicial Meetings
The Board of Trustees shall act as a board as a whole and must exercise its powers and duties
only in properly called meetings where a quorum is present to transact business.
106.2 - Individual Members
Individual members cannot make commitments binding on the entire Board. A single Board
member may, however, execute an assignment requested by Board action.
106.3 - Prohibition Against Personal Gain
It is unlawful for any trustee to:
Have any pecuniary interest directly or indirectly in any contract or other transaction
pertaining to the maintenance or conduct of the School District;
2. Accept any compensation for services rendered as a trustee.
106.4 - Prohibition Against Contracts with Spouse
It is also unlawful for a school board to: "Enter into or execute any contract with the spouse of
any member of the board, the terms of which said contract requires, or will require, the payment
or delivery of any school district funds, money or property to such spouse."
106.5 - Compensation and Reimbursement for Trustees
Section 100 - 7
Idaho Falls School District #91
No compensation shall be allowed any person who is a member of the Board. However, trustees
may be fully reimbursed for travel expenses incurred while traveling on the business of the
It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to prepare written agendas for each Board meeting.
The Superintendent will direct that a copy of the agenda be delivered to each member of the
Board for study and consideration at least forty-eight (48) hours before the Board Meeting.
Board members having matters they desire to have placed on the agenda should contact the
Superintendent at least five (5) working days before the Board Meeting. In addition, the agenda
should cover items of significance which patrons of the District wish to have the Board discuss.
107.3 - Regular Meetings of the Trustees
107.4 - Special Meetings of the Trustees
Special meetings may be called at any time. If the time and place of special meetings have not
been determined at a meeting of the Board with all members present, the notice of the time and
place shall be given to each member not fewer than twenty-four (24) hours before each special
meeting is to be convened. The Board has the power to wave the Agenda timeline requirement
for a Special meeting.
107.5 - Executive Sessions of the Board
The Board is empowered to hold executive sessions, at any time, from which the public is
excluded. However, no rules, resolutions, or regulations shall be adopted at such executive
107.1 - Notice of Board Meetings
The superintendent shall release to public information media, at least twenty-four (24) hours
prior to the scheduled meeting time, the dates and times of all regular and special meetings,
together with the proposed agenda whenever possible.
107.2 - Board Agenda
Each year, the Board of Trustees shall set the dates and times of Board Meetings at their annual
meeting which shall be held on the 4h Tuesday of Juty. All meerings of the Board, both regular
and special, arc open to the public and shall be held in the Board Room of the Administration
Building unless the Board shall fix a different hour and place for the meeting.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
107.5,1 - Identifying Need for Executive Sessions
Before an executive session can be held, the Presiding Officer must identify the need for an
executive session in each instance.
107.5.2 - Legal Reasons for Executive Session
Executive sessions may be held under the following specific instances:
1. To consider the employment of an employee.
2. To consider the dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against
an employee.
3. To conduct deliberations concerning the discipline or attendance of a student.
4. To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or acquisition of an interest in real
5. To consider records that are exempt by law from public inspection;6 To consider matters of trade or commerce;
7. To consider the evaluation of the superintendent of schools.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
107.6 - Order of Business for Board Meetings (Adopted February 15, 2005)
The following order ofbusiness is desired at meetings ofthe Board of Trustees.
Work Session or Closed Session (when necessary)
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes
Payment of Claims (Second Tuesday Meeting)
Matching Funds
Student Reports (Second Tuesday Meeting Only)
Patron Input (Sign-in Requked)
IFEA Report
Education Formdation (Second Tuesday Meeting Only)
First Reading of Policy Changes
Superintendent's Report (as needed)
Other (As needed)
PROPOSALS fNote: Ser Policy 108.6]
Second Reading ofPolicy Changes
Other (as needed)
ACTION ITEMS (Action requested)
Third Reading ofPolicy Changes
Other (as needed)
Closed Session (when necessary)
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Idaho Falls School District #9t
107.7 - Attendance of Superintendent of Schools at Meetings
The Superintendent of the school system, or the Superintendent's designee, shall be present at all
Board meetings, except when excused for good cause or when the Superintendent's own position
or salary is under consideration in executive session. At such times, the Superintendent would
expect to be excused so that the Board could consider these matters freely.
107.8 - Quorum Necessary for Board Meetings
A majority of the Board, three members, shall constitute a quorum to transact business at any
meeting of the Board. If a quorum is not present within twenty (20) minutes after the time set for
a meeting, the members then in attendance may adjoum to any date prior to the next regularly
scheduled meeting, and notice ofsuch meeting date, together with time and place, shall be given
to all Board members.
107.9 - Voting at Board Meetings
The Board's vote on motions and resolutions shall be by aye's and no's, and the vote shall be
recorded. Unless otherwise provided by law, all questions shall be determined by a majority of
the votes cast, provided there is a quorum present.
107.10 - Robert's Rules of Order
107.11 - Minutes of Board Meetings
The Clerk shall assure that a complete record of all transactions of the Board is made and shall
set them forth in full in the official minutes of the Board. The minutes are to be approved as
written and/or corrected. Minutes shall be typed and kept on file as the permanent official record
of the District. The Clerk shall act as custodian of the minutes and shall make them available to
any citizen desiring to examine them during the usual office hours of the District. Duties
assigned to the Clerk may be delegated through the Superintendent to appropriate personnel.
107.12 - Voting Disqualification of Board Member
When any relative of a trustee or of a trustee's spouse is considered for employment in the
School District, such trustee shall abstain from voting in the selection of such relative and shall
absent himself/herself from the meeting while such employment is being considered and
determined. A trustee's spouse cannot be a District employee.
107.13 - Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees
The annual meeting ofthe Board shall be held in July of each year.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
In general, Robert's Rules of Order, current revised edition, shall govem the proceedings of the
Board. The main exception is that the Board Chairman retains full membership privileges, and
may offer and second motions, and is expected to vote on all motions.
107.14 - Use of Video and Recording Equipment During Meetings
107.14.1 - Employees May Decline to be Recorded
It is the District policy that unless there is a prescribed legal right to record or a specific
agreement by all parties to a proceeding or deliberation to which the Board, administrators or
employees ofthe District are party, such District personnel shall be authorized to decline
participation if the proceeding is being recorded.
107.14.2 - Prohibition Does Not Apply to Board Meetings
This policy is not intended to prohibit recordings of Board meetings or public statements by
news media which will generally be encouraged subject to specific proceedings when the Board
determines otherwise.
The Board of Trustees will not prohibit the use of electronic recording devices, cameras, or other
media during the board meeting, if the use is unobtrusive and does not disrupt the meeting. Idaho
Code 67-2342
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Idaho Falls School District lf9l
The Board believes that the practice of recording Board meetings or meetings between
administration and staff with patrons other than in declared hearings has a tendency to stifle open
expression and allows an opportunity for quotation out of context.
107.14.3 - Recordings of Board Meetings
108.1 - Preliminary Development of Policies
The Board considers policy development one of its chief functions. It is the intent of the Board to
develop policies and put them into writing so that they may serve as guidelines and goals for the
successful and efficient functioning of District 9l schools.
The policies of the Board are developed, and are meant to be interpreted, in terms of existing
federal and state laws, regulations of the Idaho State Board of Education, and other city, county,
state, and federal regulations.
108.3 - Input Sought on Policy Formulation
While reserving for itself the responsibility and authority to determine policies for the public
schools, the Board will generally seek the counsel of citizens, students, and staff members in the
development of policies.
10E.4 . Submission of Suggested Changes
Accordingly, proposals for new policies, or changes in existing policies, may be submitted by
any Board member, superintendent, student, student organization, citizen, community group,
staff member, or employee organization.
1085 - Use of Advisory Committees in Policy Formulation
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108,2 - Interpretation of Policies
When a policy is needed to set new and important directions for the school system, or when a
proposed policy would substantially alter a major program or mode of operation, an ad hoc
advisory committee may be named to examine policy needs in depth and make recommendations
to the Board. Such recommendations are limited to the policy and not to the specific
administrative procedure. Such committees may be appointed by the Board and may be
composed of persons r€prcsentative of the administrative staff, instructional and non-
instructional staffs, parents, students, and/or general community as appropriate to the policy area
under consideration. Such committees will be given guidelines as to how and when they will
make their reports.
108.6 - Study of Proposed Policies (Adopted February lO, 1997)
To permit time for study of all new policies or amendments to policies and to provide an
opportunity for interested parties to react, proposed policies or amendments will be presented at
three separate meetings as agenda items to the Board in the following sequence:
Proposals: second reading of proposed policy or policies;
IEport from superintendent on any comments for change;
report from any Board or advisory committee assigned responsibility in the area; Board
discussion and directions for any redrafting.
Action Items: discussion, final reading, adoption/rejection.
108.7 - Amendments to Proposed Policy
Amendments to the policy at the action stage will not requirc repetition of the sequence, unless
the focus of the policy is changed.
Policies will be adopted and/or amended only by the affirmative vote of a majority of the
members of the Board when such action has been scheduled on the agenda of a regular or special
108.9 . Adopting Policy During Emergency Conditions
The Board may dispense with the above sequence only to meet emergency conditions.
10E.10 - Effective Date of New Policies
Policies will be effective upon the date set by the Board if other than rhe dare of adoption. The
date will ensure that affected persons have an opportunity to become familiar with the
requirements of the new policy prior to its implementation.
108.11 - Suspension of Policies
Board policies may be suspended only by a majority vote of all the members of the Board,
except when an emergency may require the Superintendent to suspend them. He/she may
do so for a twenty-four (24) hour period without Board action if an emergency exists. The
Board shall be notified when such exception occurs.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
Information: distribution with agenda. (This serves as the first reading ofthe proposed
policy. The administration will give an overview of the intent, and open the record until the
next meeting of the Board to receive comments)
108.8. Policy Adoption by Board
109.1 - Distribution PIan for Board Policv
The Superintendent is directed to establish and maintain an orderly plan for preserving and
making accessible the policies adopted by the Board.
109.2 - Access to Board Policy
Accessibility is to extend at least to all employees of the school system, to members of the
Board, and, insofar as conveniently possible, to all persons in the district. A policy concerning a
pa(icular group or groups in the schools will be distributed to those groups prior to the policy's
effective date.
109.3 - Policy Manuals Remain as Property of Trustees
109.4 - Board Policy as Public Record
The Board's policy manual will be considered a public record and will be open for inspection at
the District offices and on the District's web site rvrv*'.d9l.k l2.id.us.
The appointment of a superintendent is a function ofthe Board. The Board will conduct an active
search to find the person it believes can most effectively translate into action the policies of the
Board and the aspirations of the community and the professional staff.
The Board may seek the advice and counsel of interested individuals or of an advisory
committee, or it may employ a consultant to assist in the selection. However, final selection will
rest with the Board.
A vote of the majority of Board membership present at a Board meeting for which due notice has
been given of the intended action will be required for the appointment of the superintendent.
The appointment of a superintendent is a function of the Board. The Board will conduct an active
search to find the person it believes can most effectively translate into action the policies ofthe
Board and the aspirations of the community and the professional staff.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
All policy manuals distributed to anyone will remain the property of the Board and will be
considered as "on loan" to anyone, or any organization, in whose possession they might be at any
time. They are subject to recall at any time.
The Board may seek the advice and counsel of interested individuals or of an advisory
committee, or it may employ a consultant to assist in the selection. However, final selection will
rest with the Board.
111.1 - Administration in the Absence of Policy
The Board delegates to the superintendent the function of specifying required actions and
designing the detailed iurangements under which the District will be operated in accordance with
Board policy. These detailed arrangements constitute the regulations governing the district.
The Board will approve regulations when such approval is required by law or otherwise
advisable. The superintendent and other administrators will have full freedom, however, to issue
additional regulations, rules, and procedures provided they are in harmony with Board policies.
Board Review of Resulations
In the absence of Board policy relating to a specific situation, the Superintendent will use hiVher
best judgment in arriving at a decision. The decision will be made on what is sensed the policy
would be if it existed, based upon the spirit and tenor of other existing policy and historical
The Superintendent will recommend to the Board whether or not a policy should be written to
cover similar incidents.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
A vote of the majority of Board membership present at a Board meeting for which due notice has
been given of the intended action will be required for the appointment of the superintendent.
The superintendent has responsibility for canying out, through supplementary regulations and
directives, the policies and regulations established by the Board.
The policies developed by the Board, and the regulations and directives developed to implement
policy, are designed to achieve an effective and efficient school system. All Board employees
and students are expected to abide by them.
Administrators and supervisors are responsible for informing staff members in their schools,
departments, or units of existing policies and regulations and for seeing that they are
implemented in the spirit intended. Continuous disregard for Board policy and district
regulations may be interpreted as insubordination and/or willful neglect of duty.
Development of Regulations
111.2 - Superintendent Allowed to use Discretion
In the absence of Board policy relating to a specific situation, the Superintendent will use hiVher
best judgment in arriving at a decision. The decision will be made on what is sensed the policy
would be if it existed, based upon the spirit and tenor of other existing policy and historical
111.3 - Superintendent to Recommend Policy Additions
The Superintendent will recommend to the Board whether or not a policy should be written to
cover similar incidents.
ln an effort to keep its written policies up-to-date so that they may be used consistently as a basis
for Board action and administrative decision, the Board will review its policies on a continuing
basis. The superintendent is directed to keep all policies up to date.
112.2 - Board Evaluation of Existing Policies
The Board will evaluate how the policies have been executed by the school staff and weigh the
results. It will rely on the school staff, students, and the community for providing evidence of the
effect of the policies which it has adopted.
I123 - Superintendent to Recommend Policy Revisions
The superintendent is given the continuing commission ofcalling to the Board's attention all
policies that are out-of-date or appear to need revision for other reasons.
The Board of Trustees of the Idaho Falls School District No. 9l recognizes the need for ethical
behavior on the part of each member and by the Board acting as a whole. The Board, therefore,
ascribs to the following as its Code of Ethics.
112.1 . Board to Review Policy Annually
ll3.l - Need for Code of Ethics
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Idaho Falls School District #91
113.2 - Board Member Responsibility
A School Board member should honor the high responsibility which his or her membership
- By thinking always in terms of "children first."
- By understanding that the basic function of the school board member is "policy making"
and not "administrative", and by accepting the responsibility of leaming to discriminate
between these two;
- By accepting the responsibility along with his/her fellow
board members of seeing that the maximum of facilities and
resources is provided for the proper functioning of schools;
- By representing at all times the entire school community;
- By accepting the responsibility of becoming well informed
conceming the duties of board members, and the proper
functions of public schools;
- By recognizing responsibility as a State official to se€k the improvement of education
throughout the State.
1133 - Board Member Relationships to Other Board Members
A School Board Member should respect his relationships with other members of the Board:
- By recogrizing that authority rests only with the Board in official meetings, and that the
individual member has no legal status to bind the Board outside of such meetings;
- By recognizing the integrity of their predecessors and associates and the merit of their
- By refusing to make statements or promises as to how he/she will vote on any matter
which should properly come before the Board as a whole;
- by making decisions only after all facts bearing on a question have been presented and
- By respecting the opinion of others and by graciously
conforming to the principle of "majority rule";
- By refusing to panicipate in irregular meetings which are
not official and in which all members do not have the
opportunity to attend.
113.4 - Board Member Responsibility to Community
School Board members should me€t their responsibilities to the community:
- By attempting to appraise fairly both the present and future educational needs of the
- By regarding it as a major responsibility of the board to interpret the aims and the
methods of the schools to the community;
- By insisting that all school business transactions be on an open, ethical, and above-board
- By vigorously seeking adequate financial support for the schools;
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Idaho Falls School District #91
- By refusing to us€ the position on a school board in any way whatsoever for personal gain
or personal prestige;
- By refusing to discuss personnel matters or any other confidential business of the Board;
- By maintaining communications with the community relative to pertinent issues.
The Board desires citizens of the district to attend its sessions so that they may become better
acquainted with the schools and so that the Board may have opportunity to hear the expectations
the public has of its schools.
114.2 - Function of Board Meeting
It is of paramount importance, however, that the patrons realize that a Board meeting is a
meeting held in public view, not a public meeting. To permit community members to be heard,
and at the same time to conduct its me€tings properly and efficiently, the Board establishes the
following procedures for persons wishing to speak before the Board:
The person should inform the Superintendent at least five (5) working days before the
meeting of hiyher desire to be on the Board agenda; the topic to be addressed; and any
group he./she represents. The amount of time allotted for the presentation will be
determined in consultation with the Superintendent.
lndividuals who appear at a Board Meeting to address a topic on the published Agenda will
be allowed three (3) minutes to make their remarks. Extensions to this time limit are at the
sole discretion of the Board Chairman. The Board will generally not r€spond to remarks
made in this manner during the meeting, but may issue a written response after the meeting.
Speakers may offer objective criticisms of school operations and programs, but the Board
will not hear complaints about school personnel or other persons at a public session. Other
channels provide for Board consideration of complaints involving individuals.
114.3 - Authority of Board Chairman
The Chairman will have authority to terminate the remarks of any individual who does not
adhere to the above rules. Persons appearing before the Board are reminded that although
requests may be directed to the Board, action will not be taken on any item not on the published
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Idaho Falls School District #91
114.1 - Public Invited to Attend Sessions
115.1 - Importance of Board Policy
115.2 - Executive Power Delegated to Superintendent
Delegation by the Board of its executive powers to the Superintendent provides freedom for the
Superintendent to manage the schools within the Board's policies and frees the Board to devote
its time to policy-making and appraisal functions.
115.3 - Superintendent Held Accountable for Operation
115.4 - Support for Superintendent in Delegated Duties
The Board will strive to procure, when a vacancy exists, the best professional leader available for
the head administrative post. Once hired, the Board as a whole, and individual members, will:l. Give the Superintendent full administrative authority for properly discharging all
professional duties, and by holding the Superintendent responsible for acceptable results.2. Act only upon the rccommendation of the Superintendent in matters of employment or
dismissal of school penonnel.
3. Hold alt meetings of the Board in the presence of the Superintendent except when the
Superintendent's contract and salary are under consideration.4. Refer all complaints to the Superintendent for appropriate investigation and action.5. Adequately support the Superintendent and other staff members to the end that they can
discharge their educational functions on a thoroughly professional basis.6. Present personal criticisms of any employee directly to the Superintendent.
The Board of Trustees places a high priority on the importance of planned and continuing
program of Inservice for its members. The central purpose of the program is to enhance the
quality and effectiveness of public school govemance in our school district. The Board shall plan
specific inservice activities designed to assist Board members in their efforts to improve their
skills as members of a policymaking body; to expand their knowledge about trends, issues and
new ideas affecting the continued welfare of our local schools; and to deepen their insights into
the nature of leadership in a modem democratic society.
Section 100 - 20
Idaho Falls School District ll9l
The Board believes that the legislation of policies is the most important function of a school
board and that the execution of the policies should be the function of the Superintendent.
The Board holds the Superintendent responsible for the administration of its policies, the
execution of Board decisions, the operation of the intemal machinery designed to serve the
school program, and for keeping the Board informed about school operations and problems.
116.1 - Importance of Inservice for Board Members
116.2 - Board Members Encouraged to Attend Organizational Meetings
Board members shall be encouraged to participate in meetings and activities of area, state, and
national school boards associations, and of other educational groups, and to study and examine
the materials receive from these organizations.
To help members develop understanding of the educational program, the superintendent shall
request members of the professional staff to appear before the Board from time to time to present
and discuss new developments in various areas of curriculum and instruction, law, public school
finance, and other items that may expand the knowledge base of Board members.
The Board will appoint an attomey to advise and represent the District as the Board deems
17.2 - Duties of School Attorney
The School Attomey will be the chief legal advisor for the district. Without restricting the
generality of the foregoing, it is his/her responsibility to:l. Be pres€nt as requested at meetings of the Board and its committees.2. Advise the Board and its officials when requested to do so on legal matters.3. Advise the Board and superintendent on points of law where the rights and liabilities of the
District may be affected.4. Upon request, prepare and/or approve all contracts, agrcements, and legal instruments
required in the ordinary course of District affairs.5. Handle legal actions brought by the Board and defend legal actions brought against the
Board, the District, and/or its employees for causes related to their employment.6. Upon request, investigate and report on accident claims and other claims made against the
7 . Serve as advisor to the Board on negotiations and enforcement of existing employee
contracts.8. Represent the Board in contract matters affecting the superintendent of schools.
118,1 - General Statement on Non-Discrimination
Section 100 - 21
Idaho Falls School District #91
I16.3 - Professional Stalf Presentations to Board Members
117.1 - Appointment of School Attorney
The Board is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in relation to age, race, religion,
national origin, gender, creed, color, marital status, or disability. This policy will prevail in all
matters conceming staff, students, the public, educational programs and services, and individuals
with whom the Board does business.
118.2 - Specific Areas Covered by Non-Discrimination Statement
In keeping with the requirements of federal and state law, this school district will strive toward
non-discrimination in any employment assignment and promotion of personnel, in educational
opportunities and services offered students, in their assignment to schools and classes, in their
discipline, in location and use of facilities, and in educational offerings and materials.
1183 - Encouragement to Improve Relatiotrships
The Board encourages its staff to improve human relations within the schools and to establish
channels through which citizens can communicate their human relations concems to the
administration and the Board.
Unlawful discrimination against students on the basis of race, gender, color, national origin,
religion, creed, marital status or disability in educational programs and activities is prohibited.
The District will not discriminate against a student on the basis of sexual orientation.
120.1 - Board Commitment to Clean Environment
The Idaho Falls School District #91 Board of Trustees is dedicated to providing a healthy,
comfoftable, and productive environment for staff, students, and citizens. The Board believes
that education has a central role in establishing pattems of behavior related to good health and
shall take measures to achieve this goal.
Section 100 - 22
Idaho Falls School District #91
119.1 - General Statement on Equal Educational Opportunities
120,2 - Board Concern for Employee Health
The Board is concemed about the health of its employees and also recognizes the importance of
adult role-modeling for students during formative years. In addition, recent pronouncements by
the Surgeon General of the United States indicate that research has proved that second hand
smoke, defined as smoke that is in the air breathed by a non-smoker, is as dangerous to the non-
smoker as smoking is to the smoker.
1203 - Board Prohibition Against Employe€ and Student Use
Therefore, effective with the final approval of this policy, smoking and the use of tobacco
products shall be prohibited in all school buildings and all district-owned vehicles. Possession
and use of tobacco products by students on school property or in district-owned vehicles is also
prohibited. This policy is binding upon all district employees and students enrolled in District 9l
120.4 - Prohibition of Use by Others in School Buildings
Citizens who are observed smoking or using tobacco products while in school buildings, or
traveling in district-owned vehicles, shall be asked to refrain from such use. If the individual fails
to comply, his or her violation will be reported to the appropriate building principal or
administrator. The principal or administrator shall make a decision on what funher action to take
with the individual, and may include a directive to leave the school building. Repeated violations
may result in a recommendation to the Superintendent that the individual be prohibited from
entering district buildings or traveling in district-owned vehicles.
l2l.l - Description of School District 9l
BEGINNING at the northwest comer of Sec. 6, Twp. 3 N., R. 34 EBM; thence east along the
county line 22 miles, more-or-less, to the northeast corner of Section 3, Twp. 3 N., R. 37 EBM;
thence south 1 mile to the southeast corner of Sec. 3, Twp. 3 N., R. 37 EBM; thence east I 1/2
miles more-orJess to the east bank of the Snake River; thence southerly along the east bank of
said Snake River to the south line of Sec., 24,Twp.3 N., R. 37 EBM; thence east I 1/4 miles,
more-orJess, to the northeast comer of Sec. 30, Twp. 3 N., R. 38 EBM; thence south 3 miles to
the southeast comer of Sec. 6, Twp. 2 N., R. 38 EBM; thence east I mile to the northeast corner
of Sec. 8, Twp. 2 N., R. 38 EBM; thence south 2 miles to the southwest comer of Sec. 16, Twp.
2 N., R. 38 EBM; thence east ll2 mile to the south quarter corner of said Sec. 16, same Twp. and
R; thence south on the north-south center line of Sec. 21, Twp. 2 N., R. 38 EBM, approximately
ll2 mile to an intersection with the center line of Hoopes Avenue; thence south along the center
line of Hoopes Avenue approxi mately ll2 mile to the center line of lTth stre€t; thence west
approximately 36 feet to the south quarter comer of Sec. 21, Twp. 2 N., R. 38 EBM; thence
south I mile to the south quarter comer of Sec. 28, Twp., 2 N., R. 38 EBM; thence west ll2 rrule
to the northwest comer of Sec. 33, Twp. 2 N., R. 38 EBM; thence south I mile to the southwest
Section 100 - 23
Idaho Falls School District #91
comer of said Sec. 33, Twp. 2 N., R. 38 EBM; thence east I mile to the northwest comer of Sec.
3, Twp. I N., R 38 EBM; thence south 1/2 mile to the west quarter of said Sec. 3; thence east I
mile to the east quarter comer of said Sec. 3; thence south I l/4 miles; thence east l/4 mile to the
northeast comer of SW l/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 11, Twp., I N., R. 38 EBM; thence south l/2
mile to the southeast corner of the NW ll4 of the NW l/4 of Sec. 14, same Twp. and R; thence
wesr l/4 mile to the southwest corner of the Nw 1/4 of the Nw l/4 of sec. 14, Twp. I N., R. 38
thence south I 3/4 miles, more-orJess, to the southwest comer of Sec. 23, same Twp. and R;
thence west 3 miles to the southwest comer of Sec. 20, same Twp. and R; thence north I mile to
the northwest comer of said section; thence west I 1/2 miles, more-or-less to the south quarter
corner of Sec. 13, Twp. 1 N., R. 37 EBM; thence no(h l/2 mile to the center of said Sec. l3;
thence west 2 ll2 mtles, more-or-less, to the west quarter comer of Sec. 15, same Twp. and R;
thence north to the west bank of the Snake River; thence following the west bank of the Snake
River in a no(herly direction 2 1/4 miles, more-or-less, to the south line of Sec. 34, Twp. 2 N, R
37 EBM; thence west 9 1/2 miles to the northwest corner of Sec. 6, Twp. I N., R 36 EBM;
thence south 2 miles to the county line, being the southwest comer of Sec. 12, Twp. I N., R. 35
EBM; thence west l2 miles to the southwest corner of Sec. 7, Twp., I N., R. 34 EBM; thence
north 14 miles to the point of beginning.
Section 100 - 24
Idaho Falls School District #91
Section 200 - I
Idaho Falls School District #91
The proper administration of the schools is most vital to the success of the educational program.
Although the superintendent shoulders most of the responsibility within the policies set forth by
the Board, neither the superintendent nor the Board can make all important decisions in individual
The principal and the school staff are in direct, daily contact with students. Therefore, they are
most directly responsible for educational Jesults. In keeping with this responsibility, school
administrators must have commensurate authority.
The design of the administrative organization will be such that all schools are part of a single
system subject to the policies set forth by the Board and implemented through a single chief
administrator, the superintendent. Within district policies and regulations, principals will be
responsible and accountable for the administration of their schools.
Major goals of administration in the District will be:
l kovide effective leadership for the District's various units and programs;2. To provide professional advice and counsel to the Board and to any advisory groups
established by Board action;3. To implement the management function so as to ensure the best and most effective learning
environment through achieving such sub-goals as: (a) providing leadership in keeping abreast
of current educational developments; (b) arranging for the staff development necessary to the
establishment and operation of learning progmms that better meet more leamer needs; (c)
coordinating cooperative efforts at improvement of leaming programs, facilities, equipment,
and materials; and (d) providing access to the decision-making process for staff, students,
parents and others.4. To develop and maintain close working relationships and open channels of communication
within the school system and community;5. To facilitate the assessment of educational priorities and the development of annual
admi n istrati ve/board objectives:6. To encourage a proactive problem solving approach within the school district.7. To maintain positive relationships with the Board of Trustees, school administration and
district employees.
The superintendent is the chief executive officer of the school system and has, under the direction
of the Board, general supervision of all of the public schools and all of the personnel and various
personnel departments of the school system. The superintendent is responsible for management of
the schools under the Board's policies and is accountable to the Board.
Section 200 - 2
Idaho Falls School District #9I
The superintendent, at his or her discretion, may delegate to other school personnel the exercise of
any powers and the discharge of any duties imposed upon the superintendent by these policies. The
delegation of power or duty, however, will not relieve the superintendent of responsibility for the
action taken under such delegation.
Where the Board has provided no guidelines for administrative action, the administration shall
have the power to act. However, such actions may be subject to review by the Board in an effort to
determine the necessity of new policy.
The Board shall be responsible for specifying the duties of the superintendent and holding the
superintendent accountable by evaluating-how well these duties have been performed. The
superintendent shall be responsible for specifying the duties ofall other administrarors and holding
each accountable by evaluating how well these duties have been performed.
202.1 - Superintendent's Performance Responsibitities
Serves as chief executive officer of the Board except as otherwise provided by law; makes
rules not in conflict with law or with the policies of the Board; and decides all matters of
administrative and supervisory detail in connection with the operation and maintenance of
the schools.
Formulates the development of policies for approval by the Board, delegating such
responsibility to associates and subordinates as he deems desirable.
3. Attends all meetings of the Board as an ex officio non-voting member.
4. In order to assist the Board in reaching sound judgments, establishing policies and approving
those matters which the law requires the Board to approve, the superintendent places before
the Board necessary and helpful facts, comparisons, investigations, information and reports;
and makes available at the proper time the personal advice on special or technical matters of
those p€rsons who are particularly qualified to furnish it.
Has the power to recommend the appointment, assignment, transfer, promotion, demotion,
discharge, and/or suspension of any employee of the Board as provided by law and the
policies ofthe board. within the framework of Idaho code 33-513 Sections 2 and 5, the
Superintendent (or designee as per Policy 205.0) may suspend a certificated professional
employee with verbal notice. The verbal notice shall be followed by written notice not later
than the succeeding work day. The notice shall state the alleged reason(s) for the suspension
and inform the employee that the suspension will continue pending a hearing with the Board
of rrustees to determine reinstatement or discharge. The notice of suspension shall be
delivered to the employee and proof of delivery shall be obtained by the Superintendent or
designee. A copy of the notice of suspension and recommendation(s) will be mailed to the
Board of Trustees at the time the notice is delivered to the employee. The salary of the
suspended certificated employee shall continue until such time as a discharge is effected or
the person is reinstated.
Section 200 - 3
Idaho Falls School District #91
Directs the administrative staff in the visitations to the schools; through his stafi directs,
assigns and assists teachers and all other educational employees in the performance of their
duties; and performs such other duties as the Board determines.
Directs the work of the professional staff in the evaluation of curriculum and textbooks, and
upon the basis of such study, makes recommendations to the Board.
Supervises the establishment or modification of school attendance and transportation areas
subject to approval of the Board.
Directs the preparation of an annuaFbudget showing rhe estimated receips and
disbursements necessary to cover the needs of the district for the ensuing fiscal year,
recommends revenue sources to fulfill budget needs, and submits his recommendation for
action to the Board in accordance with law.
10. Supervises and directs, in accordance with law and regulations of the Board, purchases and
expenditures within the limits of the budget.
I l. Exercises leadership in directing studies of sites and buildings, taking into consideration the
population trend and the educational and cultural needs of the district to ensure timely
decisions by the Board and electorate regarding construction and renovation projects.
12. Represents the district in dealings with other school systems, social institutions, business
firms, govemment agencies, and the general public.
13. Keeps the public informed about the modern educational practices, educational trends, and
the practices and problems in the school district.
14. Assist the Board in complying with the Board's statutory obligation to enter into a
negotiation agreement with the local education organization. The superintendent shall be
responsible for the selection, appointment and supervision of the memb€rs of the Board's
negotiating team. Assist the Board in establishing the parameters for the list of items
submitted by the Board's negotiating team for negotiations. The superintendent is further
charged with the obligation of keeping the Board informed as to the progress of the
negotiations and in seeking Board approval for any changes in negotiation parameters.
(Adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 24,2001)
The specific enumeration of the duties of the superintendent as detailed above will not act to limit
the broad authority and responsibility of the office.
Section 200 - 4
Idaho Falls School District #91
202.2 - Evaluation of the Superintcndent
Through an annual evaluation of the superintendent, the Board will strive to accomplish the
l. Clarify for the superintendent, priorities in the school system as seen by the Board.
2 Clarify for all Board members, the role of the superintendent in the light of his/herjob
description and the immediate priorities among hiVher responsibilities as agreed upon by the
Board and the superintendent.
Develop harmonious working relationships b€tween the Board and the superintendent.
Provide effective administrative leadership for the school system.
Establish a set of goals for each calendar year by which the superintendent's performance
will be measured.
The Board will provide the superintendent with periodic opportunities to discuss superintendent-
Board relationships, and will inform him/her, in writing, at least annually, of its assessment of
hiVher performance.
The legal authority of the Board is transmitted through the superintendent along specific paths
from person to person as shown in the organizational chart ofthe District.
The lines of authority on the chart represent direction of authority and responsibility.
The superintendent may reorganize lines of authority and revise the organizational chart subject to
Board approval of major changes and/or the elimination and creation of positions. The Board
expects the superintendent to keep the administrative structure up-to-date with the needs for
supervision and accountability throughout the school system.
203.1 - Line and Staff Relations
Each employee of the Board, except the auditor and school attorney, will be responsible to the
Board through the superintendent.
All personnel will refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrative officer
immediately in charge of the area in which the problem arises. Administrative officers will refer
such matters to the next higher authority when necessary.
All personnel will have the right to appeal any decision made by an administrative officer to the
next higher authority and through appropriate successive steps to the superintendent of schools.
This policy does not negate the employees' grievance procedure which is contained in the
"Negotiated Master Contract" between the Board and the representative organization.
Section 200 - 5
Idaho Falls School District #91
The superintendent's administrative staff is organized on the premise that the multiple
responsibilities of the superintendent can be better served by establishing a means which will
permit the best thinking of all staff members to be brought to &ar on school problems. Although
the Board and the superintendent cannot absolve themselves from legally constituted
responsibilities, the team provides for a two-way flow of information and unified action on the part
of team members-
The members of the staff also act in an advisory capacity. Their mission is to gather ideas, to
present reactions of district personnel, to express opinions, and to interpret school policy to other
staff members in the light of detailed infdrmation they receive through discussions in meetings.
The members of the administrative staff include the positions designated as management positions
including principals, vice principals, head teachers, and administrators with district-wide
204.1 - Administrative Staff and Committees
The Board authorizes the superintendent to establish such permanent or temporary staff and
committees as he/she finds necessary for proper administration of Board policies and for the
improvement of the total education program.
All staff and committees created by the superintendent will be for the purpose of obtaining to a
maximum degree the advice and counsel of administrative and supervisory personnel of the
District and to aid in district communication. Functioning in an advisory capacity, such groups
may make recommendations for submission to the Board through the superintendent. However,
such groups will exercise no inherent authority. Authority for establishing policy remains with the
Board, and authority for implementing policy remains with the superintendent.
The membership, composition, and responsibilities of administrative staff and committees will be
defined by the superintendent and may be changed at hiVher discretion.
204.2 - Superintendent's Staff (revised 6125102)
ln accordance with board authorization, five (5) standing members comprise the superintendent's
staff. The superintendent shall have sole responsibility for the organization and functioning of the
superintendent's staff and may add additional members in an ex-officio capacity. Each standing
member of the staff has been designated with major administrative assignments and is responsible
directly to the superintendent. The superintendent's stalf positions are shown in policy 204.2.1.
Section 200 - 6
Idaho Falls School District #91
204,2.1 - Organizational Chart
Board of
Supervisor of
Supervisor of
Supervisor of
Supervisor of
Business WVHS
Driver's Ed.
Vocarional Ed.
Accts. Payable
Food Service
Linden Park
Temple View
Fox Hollow
Section 200 - 7
Idaho Falls School District #91
204,3 - Administrative Job Descriptions
Other administrative positions exist within School District 9l to provide additional
leadership as the District pursues the accomplishment of its mission. Board policy 204.1
details the District Organizational Chart
The superintendent is authorized to appoint an acting sup€rintendent to serve for specified
periods of time during his/her temporhry absence from the District.
A temporary absence is defined as a vacation period, attendance at national conventions,
and/or any other periods when the superintendent would be out of immediate contact or
presence in the District for over twenty-four (24) hours.
When so appointed, the acting superintendent will assume atl duties which are the
responsibility of the superintendent of schools, with particular emphasis on emergency and
day-to-day decision making. The acting superintendent will not be expected to deal with
matters requiring long term planning or preparation unless specifically so assigned by the
The acting superintendent will take special care to keep the Board informed as to any
departure from normal routine.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of superintendent of schools, or in the event of
incapacitation of the superintendent, the responsibility for the temporary appointment of an
interim superintendent rests with the Board.
It shalt be the responsibility of the superintendent, or hiVher designee, to evaluate all school
district administrators. such evaluation shall be based on the appropriate administrative
position job description. The superintendent shall report to the Board annually regarding the
performance of administrative personnel.
Subject to Board approval, the superintendent will have complete freedom to organize,
reorganize, and arrange the administrative and supervisory staff, including instructions and
business affairs, in a manner which in hiVherjudgment best serves the Idaho Falls public
schools. The responsibility for selection, placement, and transfer of personnel shall be vested in
the superintendent subject to approval by the Board.
Section 200 - 8
Idaho Falls School District #91
Authorized persons may travel at district expense when approved by the superintendent.
Travel outside the district shall be by the most economical and practicable means.
Before the start of school each year, the superintendent shall present a written yearly travel
schedule to the Board Chairman detailing when he/she will be out of the district for school-
related pulposes.
District level administrators are defined as those employees, other than the Superintendent,
who are employed for 250 days per year and who have responsibi lities and duties that require
them to supervise other District 9l employees. District level employees are eligible for the
same terms and conditions of the Negotiated Master Contract as members of the bargaining
unit unless the Board specifically votes to limit or expand any terms and conditions found
Administrative and supervisory personnel will be assigned on the basis oftheir
qualifications, the needs of the District, and where the superintendent and the Board feel the
employee is most qualified to serve.
210.2 - Vacation: District Level Administrators
Vacation time for full-time District level administrators shall be granted at District expense
for the benefit of the District as well as a consideration of the heatth and welfare of the
The number of vacation days for District administrators employed on a twelve (12) month
(250 days) basis is as follows:a. Ten (10) working days per year during the first five years.b. Fifteen (15) working days per year during the sixth through the tenth year.c. Twenty (20) working days per year, thereafter, starting with the eleventh year.d. Not over forty (40) days can be accumulated at any time.e. At the time of separation from the school district (termination or other cause), the
Section 200 - 9
Idaho Falls Schoot District #91
District vehicles may be assigned to individuals where circumstances warrant such
consideration. The use of District vehicles shalt be limited to official school district business.
210.1 - Assignment and,/or Reassignment
The basic consideration in the assignment of administrative personnel is the well-being of the
programs of instruction.
miximum number of unused vacation days to be credited for separation benefits will be
twentv (20) days unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Trustees.f. Each administrator will be credited with the number of days awarded for his/her
specific year of service, prorated monthly, staffng July 1 of each contract year.g. In addition to vacation benefits, administrators will be eligible for certain paid holidays
as approved annually by the Board of Trustees with the adoption of the "Administrative
Work Calendar".h. Holidays:
New Years
President's Day
lndependence Day
Memorial Day
labor Day
Section 200 - l0
Idaho Falls School District #91
308.0. PAYROLL
Section 300 - l
Idaho Falls School District #91
One of the primary responsibilities of the Board of Trustees is to secure
adequate funds to carry out a high level program ofeducation. The quantity
and quality ol leaming programs are directly dependent on the funding
provided and the effective, eflicient management ofthose funds.
A goal of the Board of Trustees is to provide each youngster with the most
effective and efficient educational program possible within the financial
means available. It is imperative that all personnel of the District establish
and practice sound fiscal management procedures which guarantee the
maximum utility from each dollar expended.
In ldaho, public school budgeting is controlled by statute and state
regulations. A budget is required for every fund that a school system uses in
its yearly operation.
302.1 - Fiscal Year
The fiscal year is defined as beginning on the first day ofJuly and ending on
the thirtieth day of June.
302.2 - Budget Planning, Preparation, and Management
Budget preparation and control shall be through the Oflice ofBusiness and
Operations. Leadership and the solicitation of budget input will be ananged and
sought as needed by the Superinlendent and designees will be responsible for
preparing and presenting to the Board for adoption, the annual school budget. By
law, the adoption ofthe budget by the Board must take place no later than thirty
(30) days prior to the Board's annual meeting.
Budget planning shall be an integral part ofcurriculum program planning so that the
budget may effectively express and implement all programs and activities of the school
system. This planning shall be a year-round process involving broad participation by
administrators, supervisors, teachers, and other personnel within the school system.
Section 300 -2
Idaho Falls School District #91
The annual school budget is the financial outline of the District's educational
program; it is the legal basis for the establishment of tax rates. The annual
school budget process is an important function ofschool district operations and
should serve as a means to improve communications within the school
organization and with the residents of the community.
302.2.1 - General Fund Contingency
Consistent with Idaho Code Section 33-801A it is the intent of the Board to establish and
maintain a Ceneral Fund contingency'of 3-5%o ofcurrent expenditures. Any variance,
outside these parameters, must be approved by the Board.
302.3 - Sources of Funding
Funds legitimately available and useful to the public schools through local taxation, state
support, and federal programs will be sought in accordance with the provisions of the law
that controls the distribution of such funds.
Idaho statutes provide a number ofavenues whereby funds are made available to the
school districts. Annual tax levies, special assessments, and the like will be reviewed
Dedicated funds are provided through the State Department of Education to support
programs for students with special needs. These sources, and the requirements for
eligibility will be under constant review to ensure full district participation in the use of
these funds.
It is the intent ofthe Board, and it so directs the administration, to study federal
legislation and recommend to the Board those particular parts of the legislation which
may potentially help the Board provide better educational opportunities, a better
educational environment, and better physical and mental growth for each pupil. The
Board will seek and utilize all federal, state and foundation grants available which are
consistent with the advancement ofthe educational program ofthe District and consistent
with the policies ofthe Board. The preparation of proposals will be consistent with the
budgetary practices of the district.
From time to time philanthropic individuals or groups may offer to make funds available
to the school district. These funds will, when accepted, be used to promote the
educational activities of the District. Where necessary, the Board will review the terms
and conditions ofthe grants or gifts to ensure they are in line with the district's policy and
302.4 - Investment of School Funds
The Board authorizes the Business Office to invest such school district moneys as
are determined not immediately needed for the operation ofthe school district.
Investments may be made only in those instruments approved by, and in a method
conforming to, state [aw.
Section 300 -3
Idaho Falls School District #91
302.5 - Borrowing Authority/Limitations
The Board is permitted, by law, to borrow money in anticipation ofcollection oftaxes for
the purpose of securing funds for school operations or for the payment ol previous loans.
302.6 - Budget Publication, Review Hearings, etc.
I . Publication: The tentative budget document as approved by the Board shall be
published and made available to all inlerested parties.
Public Hearings: At least one (l) public hearing on the proposed budget shall be
held prior to the adoption of the budget. A notice stating the location, date, and
hour olthe public hearing shall be placed in the local newspaper fourteen ( l4) days
prior to the date of the public hearing. Public notices shall also be displayed in not
less than three (3) places within the community.
Budget Amendments: Fund transfers between major sections of the budget may be
made only upon approval of the Board olTrustees. Minor adjustments within
specific categories to accommodate changes in curriculum or other minor
operational problems may be made upon approval ofthe Superintendent ofschools
Updates and Revisions: The budgeted revenues and expenditures of the District
will be reviewed formally by the Board of Trustees no less often than once each
year after formal adoption. Actual revisions will be made according to ldaho Code
when anticipated expenditures will exceed their projected levels.
After the budget has been adopted by the Board, a copy will be sent to the State
Department of Education.
302.7 - Budget Adoption
Following consideration ofthe budget proposal presented by the Administrative/Finance
Committee, the Board will approve a proposed budget and so notiry the public.
The proposed budget will be available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent.
The District budget serves as the control to direct and limit expenditures. Overall
responsibility for this control is vested with the Business Office which will establish the
procedures for budget control and reporting throughout the district.
The total amounts which may be expended during the fiscal year for the operation ofthe
school system are set forth in the budget. The total amount budgeted as the expenditure
Section 300 -4
Idaho Falls School District #91
for each program is the maximum amount which may be expended for that classification
ofexpenditures during the school year, except as a transfer of funds, is authorized by the
The superintendent and his staff arc authorized to make commitments in accordance with
the approved budget, policies of the Board, and administrative plans approved by the
304.1 - Accounting System
To ensure reliable and valid management information, a uniform system ofaccounting
will be used by all departments and schools within the district. Where practical, this
system of accounting will embrace the principles, practicas, and concepts embodied
within an accrued encumbered method of accounting.
The following purposes must be satisfied by the accounting system:
Administrative Control: The financial records must be adequate ro guide the
making or deferring ofpurchases, the expanding or curtailing ofprograms, and the
controlling of expenses. Current data should be immediately available and in such
form that periodic summaries may be readily made fiom the data.
2 Budget Preparation: The financial records must be adequate to serve as a guide to
budget estimates ofsubsequent years and to hold expenditures to the amounts
appropriated. Accounts are to be kept for each item for which separate budget
estimates must be made.
Accounting for Stewardship: The financial records ofthe District must be adequate
to show that those responsible have handled funds within the framework of law and
in accordance with Board Policy.
The District's financial records will provide the following information
For each account in the District's budget: The appropriation and revenues,
transfers, current and accumulative expenditures, unencumbered balances, and
unreceipted revenues.
For each purchase order: The name ol vendor, description of the item involved, the
amounts, the record ofBoard approval, the call for bids ifrequired, and an abstract
ofthe bids received. Purchase order sets will be numbered and each set accounted
For each purchase: The purchase order information above, plus the record of
receipt and condition of goods, the invoice and the record of payment.
Section 300 -5
Idaho Falls School District #91
30{.2 - System Design
The system shall be multidimensional in nature and be able to cross reference data to
curriculum program elements, school activities, business functions and departments,
school locations and such other features as are necessary in the elfective and efficient
management ofthe District's business. Federal and state regulations must be
accommodated in this design.
This system ofaccounts shall be used for all business transactions and budget
documentation to establish uniformity of systems and procedures.
A complete and current chart ofaccounts will be maintained and distributed to all
divisions and departments. Updating ofthis document and the training ofpersonnel will
be the responsibility of the Business Department.
The annual fiscal audit of all books and accounts of the school district and student
activities will be conducted by an independent certified public accountant. Such audit
shall be prepared consistent with generally accepted principles of accounting and will
satisfu any and all legal requirements for the same.
The financial audit shall be completed and all reports compiled and presented to the
Board and administrative staff. Copies ofthe audit will be filed in the district office and
state agencies in accordance with the Idaho Code.
In addition to the quantitative audit, a separate management report shall be prepared by
the independent audit firm for purposes ofproviding a qualitative review ofdistrict
financial operations. Said report will be given to the Board and the administration at the
time of the annual audit report.
304.3 - School Accounts
Special accounts for student activities, faculty groups, or special projects may be
maintained by the respective schools, but the management, accounting, and auditing will
be controlled through established procedures set by the Business Office.
304.4 - Financial Reporting
A list ofall District Expenditures shall be prepared no less often than once each month.
This summary shall be presented to the Board ofTrustees on the first meeting ofeach
month for review and approval.
Reports showing the financial condition ofthe school district budget versus actual
revenues and expenditures shall be presented to the Board ofTrustees as requested.
Section 300 -6
Idaho Falls School District #91
A continuing inventory witl be kept of the District's capital equipment. Each school will
maintain a complete inventory. Schools are encouraged to maintain a video inventory
record in addition to their written inventory. A duplicate record containing all school
inventories will be maintained by the Business Office. Supplies, small tools, and
consumable materials wilI be inventoried annuallv.
The Business Office is assigned the responsibility for developing procedures for
maintaining district inventories. A copy ofthe complete inventory will be on file in the
Administration office. Building administrators will implement the procedures, providing
reports as requested on the contents of their buildings.
Each teacher is responsible for maintaining an inventory of equipment, materials, and
supplies in his or her shop, laboratory, or classroom. Such record shall be updated no
less than once per year during the last month ofschool.
The function ofpurchasing is to serve the educational program by providing the
necessary supplies, equipment, and services. The Board declares its intention to purchase
competitively without prejudice and to seek ma,ximum educational value for every dollar
expended. The acquisition of supplies, equipment, and services wilI be centralized and
supervised in the business office.
The Business Office has responsibility for the quality and quantity ofpurchases made.
The prime guidelines goveming this responsibility are that all purchases fall within the
framework ofbudgetary limitations and that they be consistent with the approved
educational goals and programs ofthe district.
All goods, services, equipment, and supplies for the school district will be purchased in
accordance with the provisions ofthe Idaho Code and good purchasing practices.
306.1 - Annual Purchases
Where possible, it will be the practice of the school district to group like materials,
equipment, and supplies and bid them on a bulk basis.
Section 300 -7
Idaho Falls School District #91
306.2 - Bids and Quotations
Idaho Falls School District #91 shall be in compliance with State Public Works and
Procurement Laws including:
I . Public Works Construction Bidding:
a. $0.00 - $25,000 = No bidding is required.
b. $25,001 - $100,000 = Semi-formal bidding: The District must request at least 3
bids in writing, describing the work to be completed. Three days must be
allowed for response, with one additional day prior to bid opening to allow for
objections. By statute, the District must accept the tow bid. Related records
must be kept for six months.c. $100,001 and above = Formal bidding required per ldaho Code 67-2805
Section 3 as amended by HB 337.d. The District is exempt from Public Works Contracting:i. For single projects less than $10,000.ii. For a single project ofless than $50,000 for which no responsive state of
interest was received from a licensed contractor, when solicitations were
provided per ldaho Code 67-2805.iii. Any construction, alteration, or repair due to an emergency pursuant to
the provision ofchapter l0 title 46 of Idaho Code.
2. Public Procurement of Goods and Services Bidding:
a. $0.00 - $25,000 = No bidding is required.
b. $25,001 - $50,000 = Semi-formal bidding: The District must submil in writing
a request for bids describing goods or services desired to at least three vendors.
Unless an emergency exists, three days must be allowed lor response, with one
additional day prior to bid opening to allow for objections. By statute, the
District must accept the low bid. Related records must be kept for six months.c. $50,001 and above = Formal bidding required per Idaho Code 67-2806 Section
d. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject all bids ilthe District is able to
purchase more economically on the open market.
e. Personal or professional services performed by an independent contractor (i.e.
legal counsel, auditor, architect, engineer, etc.) are exempt from bidding laws
(see policy 306.9).
306.3 - Quality Control and Standardization
All purchases, whether by competitive bid or quotation, shall consider the quality ofthe
articles to be supplied and their conformity to predetermined specifications. Items
commonly used in specific schools or on a district-wide basis, shall be standardized
whenever possible, consistent with educational goals and in the interest ofefficiency
and/or economy.
Section 300 -8
ldaho Falls School District #91
Where specific products and/or services have historically proven favorable on a quality
rather than a price basis, and where long run economic justification exists, purchases of
such items will be made when the individual order does not exceed the statutorv amount
of $25,000.
306.4 - Local Purchasing
It is the Board's intention to purchase locally whenever goods and services ofequal
quality at competitive prices are available.
Goods and services will not be purchased locally ifthey can be secured elsewhere at a
savings to the District, or if a non-local source can provide a better quality ofproduct, or
service, or more efficient delivery. Local suppliers and contractors shall be given
preference only as other conditions are equal.
306.5 - Reservation of the Board
The Board of Trustees reseryes the right to reject any or all bids and to accept the bid or
quotation which appears to be in the best interest of the District. Furthermore, the Board
also reserves the right to waive any informalities in any bid, or to reject and./or accept any
part of any bid. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled time for bid opening.
Bids received after the time and date specified shall not be considered.
306.6 - Purchase Orders and Contracts
Petty cash purchases are limited to items where the cost of issuing a purchase order is
greater than the value ofthe item or where expenses cannot be reasonably anticipated.
Procurement cards can be used supply orders when authorized by the immediate
supervisor and the Business Office. Procurements cards can also be used for authorized
travel arrangements. Properly executed purchased orders shall be used when petty cash
and procurement cards are not authorized. These purchase orders must be properly
executed and approved by the Superintendent or his designee.
306.7 - Vendor Lists
Opportunity shall be provided to all responsible suppliers to do business with this school
district. To this end, the Business Office shall develop and maintain lists ofpotential
bidders for the various types of materials, equipment, and,/or supplies. Such bidders, lists
shall be used in the development of a mailing list for distribution ofspecifications and./or
invitations to bid. Any supplier may be included in the list upon request, provided a
public works license is procured by the vendor for any labor or service requirement as per
Idaho Code.
The District will seek business and bids from all eligible vendors, regardless of race,
creed, color, sex, national origin, age, or handicap.
Section 300 -9
Idaho Falls School District #91
306,8 - Cooperative Purchasing
Where possible, the District will join in cooperative purchasing with other school districts
or organizations to take advantage of lower prices for bulk purchasing and to reduce the
administrative costs involved in bidding.
306.9 - Selection of Professional Services
Professional services such as legal, architectural, insurance, consulting, and accounting
services frequently may exceed $25,000, the amount at which the purchase of services
must be let for bid. However, these services are classified as professional, and the law
does not apply to them. The selection of persons to perform these services will be made
by the Board after full consideration ofdistrict needs and of what prospective contractors
can offer.
Payment of claims shall be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval using the
following procedures:
l. The business department will be responsible for assuring that budget allocations are
observed and that total expenditures do not exceed the amount allocated in the
budget for all items.2. All claims for payment from school department funds will be process by the
business department. Payment will be authorized against invoices properly
supported by approved purchase orders, with properly submitted vouchers, or in
accordance with salaries and salary schedules approved by the Board.3. The Board will receive, each month, the list ofexpenditures for payment from
school and District funds.4. When Trustees have questions regarding a claim, they will contact the business
department for clarification. Invoices, statements, and vouchers will be available
for inspection by the Trustees upon request.5. When Trustees wish 1o discuss a claim in Board Meeting, prior to the approval of
the claim, they will so advise the Board Chair or designee.6. When notified (#5 above), at the meeting in which the claim is presented for
approval, the Chair will invite questions and comments regarding the claim.7. The lists will be reviewed and presented for approval by the Board ofTrustees.
Where expenditures are inevitably going to exceed the budget, the business department
will advise the superintendent and budget committee ofthe Board as to the nature ofsuch
over expenditures.
Section 300 -10
Idaho Falls School District #91
307.0 - PAY}IENT CL,.\I}IS
School District #91 shall contract the services ofprofessional staff by virtue of approved
contracts and shall cause payments for those services to be prorated over a period of
twelve ( l2) months.
Full time classified personnel shall be paid for services by virtue ofproper documentation
and supervisory sign-off (time cards, etc.) and will be paid for the period of employment
over a twelve month period. Part time employees will be paid on a current basis.
AlI salaries and supplements paid regular staff members, substitute or part-time
personnel, and student workers will be paid through the business office. Compensation
records kept by the business office will reflect an accurate history of the compensation
and related benefits accorded each employee.
308.1 - Payroll Procedures
Proper payroll procedures are dependent on staff attendance accounting and on the
signing-in and signing-out of part-time and hourly workers, including evening school
personnel. The necessary procedures for this will be established by the Business Office
and carried out by the administrative personnel.
308.2 - Payroll Schedules
Unless otherwise established, payroll payments will be made monthly, with actual
disbursements coming on the last working day of each month. Personnel reporting
services on time cards (hourly) will use the current payroll cutoffcalendar as reference
for cut-off dates.
308.3 - Payroll Deductions
The following deductions are permitted by the Board:
l. Membership dues in recognized associations shall be deducted from those
employees having signed the proper authorization card. (See Negotiated Master
2. Deductions for employee contributions to the District's group hospitalization, dental
and life insurance programs;
3. Tax sheltered annuities approved by the Insurance Committee ofthe district;
4. Credit Union payments for loan retirement or shfies deposit;
5. Charitable organizations approved by the Board ofTrustees.
Section 300 -l I
Idaho Falls School District #91
308.0 - PAYROLL
Personnel and district officials who incur expenses in carrying out their authorized duties
will be reimbursed upon submission of a properly completed and approved voucher and
such supporting receipts as required by the business office.
Such expenses may be incurred and approved in line with budgetary allocations and
regulations for specific types ofexpenses.
An amount to cover necessary travel will be presented as part of the total budget each
District facilities may be made available for community use on a rental basis when such
is not in conflict with District needs and when the activity is compatible with the facility
being requested. It is not intended that the School District compete with other privately
owned space that may other wise be available.
It is the policy ofthe Board to keep its equipment secured and maintained for the
purposes for which it was purchased. District equipment will not be made available for
the personal use of individuals either by loan or by rental. The use of District equipment
in Community Education classes, or by patrons participating in other school programs, is
Employees ofSchool District 9l are expressly forbidden from loaning school equipment
to themselves or others for off-campus use. This prohibition also extends to the loaning
ofan employee's assigned keys to others, including family members, for the purpose of
gaining access to district buildings and equipment.
Use of district-owned equipment is specifically reserved for work on school projects. As
such, it is permissible for teachers and others, with proper prior administrative approval,
to use computers and other associated equipment off-campus while employed by the
district including summer breaks, etc., in order to facilitate the employee's performance
of school related work and./or_further the employee's expertise in the use ofsuch
Section 300 - 12
Idaho Falls School District #91
310.1 - District Facilities
Rental fees and any fees collected for temporary use ofschool facilities will be deposited
in the operating fund ofthe District and used for general purposes, except as the Board
authorizes a particular use ofthe rental fee in a specific instance.
310.2 - District Equipment
equipment. It is the sole responsibility ofthe employee using District equipment otf-
campus to reimburse the District for damage or loss, normal wear and tear excluded,
unless the employee is on officially approved school business.
District-owned equipment shall be maintained and supported by authorized District
employees or vendors authorized by District employees responsible for maintenance of
such equipment. Any other person performing maintenance of District equipment will be
held liable for damages to the equipment and/or lost time required to restore equipment to
its original state.
3I 1.2 - Cash in School Buildings
Accumulations of cash exceeding that amount absolutely necessary to [ansact business
shall not remain ovemight in school buildings. Daily deposits ofcash should be made
with minimal amounts of cash being kept in school vaults.
When equipmenl, books, and materials become wom out, obsolete, surplus, or otherwise
unusable in the schools, the SuperintendenVdesignee may authorize their disposal in a
manner to the District's best advantage, provided that the unit value ofthe itenl/items is
not more than $500. lfvalues are in excess ofthose amounts, formal authorization for
negotiated sale, or for putting the items to bid will be obtained from the Board.
If reasonable aftempts to dispose of surplus properties fail to produce a monetary retum
to the District, the Superintendent is authorized to dispose ofthem in some other way that
would be acceptable to good management practices.
Section 300 -13
Idaho Falls School District #91
311.1 - Local Depositories
All funds belonging to the school district shall be deposited in local banks and distributed
as nearly as practical in accordance with the State Depository Statute.
Section 300 -14
Idaho Falls School District #91
Section 400 - I
Idaho Falls School District #91
The Board looks upon the non-instructional operations ofthe schools as essential to the
central f'unction ofeducation. School business and support services will be designed to
provide a good educational program. Support services are responsible
Ensuring the proper operation and maintenance of school buildings, vehicles,
equipment; and to set high standards ofsafety; to promote the health ofpupils and
staff; to reflect the aspirations of the community and to support environmentally the
efforts of the staffto provide good instruction;
Establishing tfuough the Superintendent and staff efficient and businesslike
procedures for the management ofbuildings and grounds, offrces, vehicles,
equipment, supplies, and the food program;
The establishment ofa thorough, effective, and economical maintenance program,
including preventive maintenance that will ensure a useful life ofschool property,
vehicles, buildings, and equipment;
4 Adherence to generally accepted management principles and applicable laws and
regulations when establishing policies and regulations in these areas.
The Board recognizes the necessity for a planned safety program to ensure a safe
environment for all personnel and pupils throughout the school system.
The Superintendent and his/her staffwill develop and implement a safety program which
will include, but not be limited to, compliance with and enforcement of all state and federal
laws, rules, and regulations. The program will include a provision for in-service training
designed to promote safety standards and practices.
402.1 - Emergency Plans
Special drilt activities as required to comply with fire safety and other emergencies will be
planned and implemented by each principal, in association with the central oflice and civil
authorities, to ensure orderly movement and placement of students to the safest available
Section 400 - 2
ldaho Falls School District #91
402.2 - Emergency Closures
The decision to close school because of inclement weather that could endanger students,
either in getting to or from school or while in school, will be made by the Superintendent on
the basis olconditions that exist within the District.
The Board affirms its cooperation with civil defense authorities in making the District's
facilities available for public use in the event ofan emergency. A civil defense plan is
maintained by the School District.
Should it become necessary to close any or all ofthe schools by reason of weather or other
emergency, the Superintendent may order the closing ofany or all schools so affected.
Notification ofsuch closings will be given staff, employees, and the pubtic. The plan of
notification shall be determined by the superintendent.
The Superintendent will also have the authority to delay the opening ofany or all schools,
or to dismiss them early because ofweather conditions or other emergencies.
402.3 - Video Surveillance (Adopted by Board of Trustees April 24,2001)
The board authorizes the use of video c neras on district property, including busses, to
ensure the health, welfare, and safety ofalt staff, students, and visitors to District property,
and to safeguard district facilities and equipment. Video cameras may be used in locations
deemed appropriate by the superintendent.
The district shall notifr staff and students through studenVparent and staff communications
that video surveillance may occur on district property including the 3-B Transition
classroom and any other location that may apply.
Students and staff found to be in violation ofboard policies, administrative regulations,
building rules, or law, through video surveillance, shall be subject to appropriate
disciplinary actions. Others may be refened to law enforcement agencies.
Video recordings may become a part of a student's educational record or an employee's
personnel file. The district shall comply with all applicable laws related to record
maintenance and retention.
Section 400 - 3
Idaho Falls School District #91
School district properties will be maintained in good physical condition: they will be safe,
clean and sanitary, and as comfortable and convenient as the facilities will permit or the use
The superintendent, or his/her designee will have the general responsibility for the care,
custody and safekeeping of all school property, establishing such procedures and employing
such means as may be necessary to discharge this responsibitity.
At the building level, the principal will be directly responsible for overseeing the school
plant and for the proper care ofschool property by the staffand students.
403.1 - Operation ofPlant (Housekeeping)
The overall normal housekeeping and operational duties ofthe schools or buildings
operated by the District are the responsibility of the Assistant Superintendent for Business
and Operations. Plant security shall be directed by the Assistant Superintendent for
Business and Operations, or his/her designee.
403.2 - Grounds
Grounds maintenance such as watering, lawn care, and grooming, fencing, landscaping and
cleaning ofthe grounds is of major concern and will be under the supervision olthe
Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations.
403.3 - Buildings and Grounds Security
School buildings constitute one of the greatest investments ofthe community. In the
interest ofpreserving the safety and welfare of students and to protect this investment to the
greatest extent possible, the administration will develop regulations and procedures that
Section 400 - 4
ldaho Falls School District #91
l. Ensure the locked security of appropriate school property.
2. Minimize fire hazards.
3. Reduce the possibility of faulty equipment.
4. Provide for the keeping of records and funds in a safe place.
5. Protect against vandalism and burglary.
6. Provide for the prosecution ofvandals.
7. Provide for employee responsibility for all furniture, textbooks, reference
materials, and other district equipment and supplies assigned to the employee's
The Board believes that all reasonable measures should be taken to conserve energy. The
Board directs the administration, supported by the school staff, to implement cost eflective
operating procedures to reduce energy consumption in school facilities. The Board lurther
directs the administration and the staff to continually assess the consumption ofenergy and
make recommendations for improved energy conservation.
The Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations will maintain all records and
accounts for properties of the District.
405.1 - Receiving and Warehousing
To accommodate the vast amount of instructional and non-instructional supplies needed for
effective management of the District, central warehousing witl be provided.
The Board authorizes a district warehouse to facilitate the receipt, storage, and shipment of
supplies and equipment necessary for the appropriate conduct of the business ofthe
The Board directs the administration to establish adequate rules, regulations, and
procedures for the operation and maintenance ofthe warehouse to ensure that the best
interests of the District will be served.
405.2 - Maintenance and Control of Instructional Materials
All instructional materials and equipment of the school system will be classified and
catalogued according to an acceptable system. Textbooks will be made available to all
children in sufficient quantity and at appropriate levels so that they are optimally useful to
each child, and so that every teacher can meet both the planned curriculum sequence and
the special instructional needs of the children.
All textbooks purchased by the schools are school property. Principals will be responsible
for textbooks assigned to teachers and for conducting an inventory ofall books at the end of
the school year.
405.3 - Disposal of District Owned Property
Ifany Districrowned property is no longer needed for public school purposes, the Board
may dispose of it. Disposal of prope(y shall occur in the manner prescribed by state law.
Section 400 - 5
Idaho Falls School District #91
,106.1 - Technology Purposes
It is the intent of the Board that technology be used, as a tool, to support the following:. Student mastery and utilization oftechnology in meeting local, state, and federal
Achievement Standards.. Lesson planning and the delivery of instruction.o Student assessment, record keeping, and repo(ing.. Otheradministrativeresponsibilities.
It is the Board's expectation that all staffwill have or gain the necessary skills to adequately
use technology for the above-mentioned purposes.
The Board directs the superintendent to organize the Technology Services Division (TSD)
to carry ou1 the proper planning, purchasing and support ofall technology in the district
whether it affects instruction or administration. Instructional and administrative technology
is to be consolidated under one department in order to increase efficiency, eliminate
duplication of services and purchases, allow for secure sharing ofresources and services,
and promote the administration ofconsistent policies and procedures. The Board requires
that the TSD maintain an up-to-date Technology Services Manual which contains the
procedures needed to help cany out the provisions of this section ofboard policy. This
manual is to be approved by the Board, whenever substantive changes are made.
The management ofthe TSD will be under the direction of the Supervisor ofTechnology
Services. This position witl report to the superintendent or designee. The Supervisor of
Technology Services will maintain an organizational chart ofhis/her staff that will be
published in the Technology Services Manual.
406.4 - Technolo Plannins
The Board expects technology planning to occur as a part olthe district's strategic planning
process and/or as otherwise required by technology funding agencies. The TSD is
authorized to fulfitl this responsibility with adequate input for all interested parties such as
administrators, teachers, classified staff, students, parents and patrons. Available
technology funds will be allocated to interested parties in accordance to the established
Section 400 - 6
Idaho Falls School District #91
406.2 - Technolow Curriculum
A K-12 technology curriculum guide should be prepared and presented to the Board for
adoption in accordance with Policy Section 600 (Curriculum). The curriculum should
address the developmental level ofstudents, be integrated throughout the cuniculum, and
address technology competencies needed by students.
406.3 - Deliverv of Technolow Services
technology plan(s). Evaluation criteria and time lines are to be included in all technology
planning. The TSD should report to the Board as needed, but not less than once per year.
406.5 - Technology Support
Support is defined as adequate staff needed to install and maintain hardware, install and
upgrade software, install and maintain the network infrastructure, and provide adequate
training and support for all district staff. Support also includes contracts for virus and filter
protections, etc. It is not the intent ofthe Board that TSD staff support district staff
members' personal (non-employment) use of technology.
406.6 - Technology Purchases
Technology funding sources and expenditures will be proposed in the annual budget and
should follow established technology plans. Purchases of technology will follow policies
and procedures of Section 300 (Purchasing) of Board Policy. It is the responsibility of TSD
to delineate and carry out these responsibilities following procedures set forth in the
Technology Services Manual.
406.7 - Technolory Gratrts
It is generally the policy ofthe Board to encourage the TSD, as well as other staff members,
to seek grant money for the purpose of enhancing and supplementing technology budgets.
406.8 - Technolory Use Agreement
The Board expects that its technology and all related resources such as its network of
computers, peripherals, etc. will be used by all users in ajudicious, prudent manner
observing generally accepted rules ofconduct and etiquette. To ensure proper
understanding between the Board and users oftechnology the Board authorizes the
existence ofan approved Technology Use Agreement (TUA). Subsequent substantive
changes to the TUA must be approved by the Board and the Board recognizes the need for
such changes as technology and its proper uses change. The Board requires that all district
staff, students and parents or legal guardians of minor students read and sign a Technology
Use Agreement before an account will be established allowing them access to technology
services via the district's technology network. It is the responsibility of the TSD to ensure
compliance and maintain adequate records. Violation of the terms and conditions of this
agreement will result in disciplinary action in accordance with already established board
policy up to and including termination of employment or expulsions from school. If
possible, the TSD has authority to provide reduced services mutually agreeable to both
parties to users refusing to sign a TUA; however, users will not be allowed access to the
Intemet without a properly signed TUA.
Section 400 - 7
ldaho Falls School District #91
406.9 - Network Security, Virus Protection and Internet Filtering
The Board expects the TSD to have in place an appropriate hrewall system to protect its
technology from unauthorized access and malicious attacks from the Internet. It also
expects its technology to be protected with an appropriate virus protection system. The
board expects Intemet content to be filtered of inappropriate materials as set forth in the
TUA with an appropriate Intemet filtering system. The board expects the TSD to be
fiducially responsible in balancing the cost ofthese products with the risks associated with
each protection.
406.10 - Equipment and Data Securify
The Board expects the TSD to maintain equipment and data security in accordance to the
generally accepted rules for the Information Technology (lT) industry in that technology
equipment is protected by alarm systems whenever possible within reasonable costs and
data is backed up daily with periodic back-ups stored off-premise. TSD will not release any
data to anyone other than the owner of the data unless authorized by the owner.
406.11 - Software Copyright
It is the expectation ofthe Board to adhere to the provisions of all technology related
software copyright laws. Violations of copyright laws are a criminal otfense. The
following procedural statements state the compliance steps of this policy.
l. Copyright laws as well as the ethical and practical problems caused by software
piracy will be taught in the district's curriculum.2. Copying of copyrighted software will be done strictly in compliance with the terms
and conditions set forth by the owner ofthe copyright.3. Backup copies: The provisions ofPublic Law 96-517, Section 7(b) which amends
Section I l7 of Title l7 of the United States Code allows tbr the making ola back-up
copy of computer software. This states that ". . .it is not an infringement for the owner
of a copy of a computer program to make or authorize the making ofanother copy or
adaptation ofthe computer program provided:a. that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in the
utilization ofthe program in conjunction with a machine and that it is used in no
other manner, or
b. that such a new copy and adaptation is for archival purposes only and that all
archival copies are destroyed in the event that continued possession ofthe
computer program should cease to be la*fitl."
The Board recognizes this provision and allows copying for these purposes.
4. Other than for the provisions stated in paragraphs 2 and 3 above, the Board in no way
sanctions the copying ofcopyrighted technology related software for any use
whatsoever, including school use.
5. Iltegal copies of copyrighted software may not be made or used on school equipment.
6. ThtTSD-is responsible for establishing procedures which will enforce this policy.
Section 400 - I
Idaho Falls School District #91
7. The Board authorizes the TSD to allow at its discretion the execution ofany provision
allowed for by the license agreement oftechnology related software such ai work-at-
home rights provided appropriate paper work is in place delineating both rights and
responsibilities.8. The Supervisor ofrechnology Services for the district or his/her designee is the only
individual(s) who may sign license agreements for software use in the district.9. The legal or insurance protection ofthe district cannot be extended to employees whoviolate copyright laws.
406.12 - Maintenance and Disposal of Technolory Equipment
Guidelines for the maintenance and repair oftechnology equipment will be set forth in the
Technology Services Manual. Disposal of obsolete technology equipment will be in
accordance with state law and Board Policy 3 12.
406.13 - Technologr Donations
406.14 - Services provided to Outside Users
Tax Supported Institutions - with appropriate compensation the Board allows the TSD to
sell.and support technology software owned by the district to other tax supported
institutions or to enter into lease agreements for technology services with iire same provided
such anangement are mutually beneficial to both parties.
Non-Tax Supported Institutions - such agreements as mentioned above for technology
services to local non-tax supported institutions will be considered only for educationii
purposes and if comparable services are not otherwise available in the community. Inaddition consideration of these agreements will depend upon the availability of resources
and appropriate compensation.
406,15 - Dissemination of Information via Internet
The board authorizes the TSD to maintain a website accessible to Intemet users for thedissemination ofpertinent information applicable to staff, parents and patrons ofthedistrict. The information may not promote a politicar or buiiness "urr". It may promoteparent-teacher-student organizations or school causes that are not political. pirional
information such as addresses and telephone numbers of staff members should not bepublished without permission. Personal information of students may not be published
unless it is adequately protected by security measures alrowing only those with properauthority to access it. Pictures or other identifiable information about students may'not bepublished without the consent of their parents or lega.r guardians unress it i. prope.lyprotected as heretofore mentioned.
Section 400 - 9
Idaho Falls School District #91
The Board authorizes the TSD to accept or reject technology equipment donations solely at
its discretion as set forth in the Technology Services Manual. The TSD will not set a vaiue
on accepted donations.
406.16 Cell Phone Usage (Adopted March 23,2004)
All cell phones shall be tumed off during instructional times and during meetings.
Allowances for special circumstances or emergencies should be made on a case-by-case
basis by the responsible authority.
Authorized bus stops will be located at convenient intervals in places where pupils may
board and get off, cross highways, and await arrival ofbuses with the utmosi sifety
permitted by highway conditions.
Insofar as educational requirements permit, school schedules will be adjusted to allow
maximum utilization ofeach bus in the system by alternating or coordinating elementary
and secondary trips with the same fleet of buses.
407,2 - School Bus Safety
The safety and welfare ofstudent riders will be the first consideration in all matters
pertaining to transportation.
Section 400 - l0
Idaho Falls School District #91
Bus routes, scheduling, and stops will be developed to achieve maximum service with an
optimum fleet of buses.
Bus routes will follow the most direct roads practicable to serve those students entitled to
transportation service. where an altemate route may be selected without sacrifice of
efficiency or economy, preference will be given to that route serving the largest number of
students more directly.
Routes will be designated 1o eliminate as many tum around points as possible and to
employ as nearly as practicable the full carrying capacity of each bus. No bus will be
overloaded. New routes will be established only when full capacity of the bus on existing
routes has been reached or is imminent.
The school district will comply with all state laws and regulations pertaining to the
operation of school buses and will make these requirements known to bus drivers. It will
also cooperate with local safety offrcials in formulating and accomplishing its school bus
salety program.
Transportation to and from school for students living one and one-half(l l/2) miles from
their designated school, or approved exceptions, shall be provided at district expense as
allowed by the Idaho code, court rulings, and directives from the State Board olEducation.
407.1 - School Bus Scheduling and Routing
407.3 - Special Use of School Buses
'I . School Activities
Activity buses used for field trips, athletic events, and other school related activities are to
be requested on the Districl's transportation request form well in advance ofthe activity
date. The requests are to be submitted to the appropriate administrator tbr approval.
The assignment ofbusses to groups requesting them will be made on the
basis of:l. Longest trip
2. Number of passengers
3. Storage requirements
All activity vehicles will be inspected immediately after each trip.
Cleanliness and condition wilt be the responsibility of the group transported.
Damage cost will be assessed the group.
Schools will be directly responsible for the driver's lodging, reservations,
and meals.
Onty participants, coaches, advisors, and the driver will be allowed on the
bus. Friends and family members will not be permitted to ride district
transportation to and from activities.
All activity groups will be accompanied and supervised by district employed
teachers, coaches, or advisors to and from all activities.
Conduct of students on the bus will be the responsibility ofthe coach,
teacher, or advisor with the group.
407.,1 - Community Groups
The policy of the Board is that transportation equipment purchased by the school district is
to be used primarily for school purposes. Requests from private or non-school groups to
use district transportation equipment are to be directed to agencies available in the private
407.5 - Discipline Relating to School Bus Transportation
407.5.1 - Statement of Philosophy
The safe and proper transportation of students on school busses is of significant importance
to all parties concemed. The conduct ofstudents whether waiting for transportation, or
while being transported, should be the same conduct as expected ofstudents while in class.
We will not tolerate any behavior that prevents our drivers from carrying out their
responsibilities; or that intimidates others; or that prevents fellow passengers trom having a
safe ride to and from school.
Section400 - ll
Idaho Falls School District #91
407,6 - Rules of Conduct
407.6.1 - Regarding the Bus Driver
The driver is responsible to operate the bus in a safe manner. Pupils need to obey
requests ofthe driver promptly and willingly. Such requests may include, but are
not limited to:
a. Specific seat assignments.
b. Student assistance in keeping the bus clean.
c. Requiring permission to open windows.
d. Requiring students to maintain unobstructed aisles.
407.6.2 - Regarding Loadingfu nloading
Enter the bus with the least possible confusion.
If necessary to cross the road:
a. Cross 15 feet in front of the bus.
b. Wait at the front of the bus for driver signal before crossing traffic lane.
Remain on the sidewalk (back from curb) until bus comes to a complete stop.
No fighting, harassment, pushing, shoving, or cutting in line.
Do not hitch rides on rear bumper.
Students must be on time and should board bus only at assigned school and home
bus stop. Students will identiS themselves (name and address) ifasked to do so by
407.6.3 - Regarding Riding the Bus:
Follow driver requests promptly.
Go directly to an available seat and remain seated; facing forward.
NO PROFANE OR INAPPROPRIATE language or gestures. No harassment of any
NO destruction of any property.
No weapons of any kind will be allowed on a bus. A vioration wirl resurt in a
suspension ofbus privileges for one year.
Carry-on items will be limited to those items that can be held on rider,s lap.
.O _ CHTLD NUTRITI ON AND WELLNESS (Approved April I l, 2006)
Section 400 - l2
ldaho Falls School District #91
Understanding the important role nutrition plays in healthy rife-style choices and in theeducatioaal process, the superintendent o, d"rign.. i, auiirori."a and directed to deveronand implement an efficient and effective nutritiin p.og.u*i;;,h;;;;;;;;;;il:,
of the Disrrict that is in compliance with state -a LaJiuii.g"lations, this pori.y, iJ'--'sound nutritional practices.
408.1 - Financial Management
Child Nutrition shall financially operate on a non-profit, self-sustaining basis. The District
shall be responsible for paying the employer costs of FICA and PERSI and for kitchen
utilities. All other associated costs shall be the responsibility ofthe Child Nutrition
408.2 - Regular Menu Planning
In addition to Federal requirements, all menu planning must comply with the tbllowing
guidelines on a weekly basis (please note: menu analysis and compliance will be phased in
as technology and/or labeling become available.):r A maximum of 30% of the calories may be from fat with not more that l0oZ
from a combination of saturated and/or transfats.o Not less than l0% and not more than 20Yo of the calories must be from protein.o Not less than 50% and not more than 65% of the calories must be from
carbohydrates.. Menu planning should maximize fresh ingredients and minimize processed
foods and added sugars.
Section 400 - l3
Idaho Falls School District #91
408.3 - Ala Carte Menu Planning (applies to competitive breakfast and lunch time sales)
In addition to the guidelines noted in Policy 408.2, ala carte menus must comply with the
following guidelines:
. No candy.. No added caffeine.r No caloric soda pop or punches.o A maximum of l2 ounces per caloric drink serving. Please note: I 00% fruit
juice is permitted, but it must comply with the l2 ounce serving size.o There is no maximum serving size for water and non-caloric drinks.o A maximum of 2% milk fat is allowed for either plain or chocolate milk.o Added sugar may not exceed 35%o of an item's weight.o Where possible reduced calorie offering should be made available next to non-
reduced calorie items, i.e. light yogurt vs. regular yogurt.o Ala carte individual servings shall not be larger that the regular food service
servings and, on a daily basis, should minor the servings offered on the regular
food service menu. Snack sizes shall be limited as follows:. Snacks: 1.25 oz. or less.. Seeds, nuts, dried, fruit, trail mix: 2 oz. or less.. Cookies/cereal bars: 2 oz or less.. Bakery items: 3 oz. or less.. Frozen desserts: 3 oz. or less.. Yogurts: 8 oz. or less.. Cheese Sticks: I oz.r Fresh Fruit & vegetables.
408.4 - Competitive Day-time Sales and Vending Machines
408.4.1 - Competitive Day-time sales must meet the standards set forth in this policy (e.g.,
outside vendors lunch hour vendors must meet the ala carte standard, etc.)
408.4.2 Elementary Schools
Vending machines and competitive day+ime sales are not allowed in the District's
elementary schools.
408.4.3 Secondary Schools
Vending contracts in effect at the beginning of the 2006-07 school year shall be honored,
but renegotiated where possible to comply with this policy. Any new contracts shall be
required to meet guidelines set forth in this policy. Secondary schools may operate vending
machines and competitive day-time sales under the following guidelines:l. Vending machines which meet ala-carte guidelines may be tumed on (high
schools only) during the times that breakfast and lunch are being served.2. Vending machines which do not meet Ala-cane guidelines, but do meet the
following guidelines may be tumed on during non breakfast and lunch times.
a. Beverages sales are limited in the jr. high schools to drinks containing
less than or equal to 25 grams ofadded sugar (e.g., com syrup, honey,
sucrose, etc) and not more than 65 mg. ofcaffeine per 20 oz. serving.
Beverages must also meet the nutritional guidelines for fat and saturated
fat. 100%o fruitjuice or beverages sweetened with 100% fruitjuice are
allowed as long as the portion size does not exceed l6oz. At least 40%
of fruit juice selections must be reduced calorie choices. Non-fat and 1%
flavored milk with greater than I 5 grams of sugar per serving are
allowed with a portion size limit of l6 oz.
b. There is no serving size limit on bottled water and non-caloric drinks.
Water must be priced 25% lower that other beverages of similar size.c. Beverage sales for high schools must comply with jr. high standards with
the exception that 20Vo ofthe drinks may be selected from traditional
sugared drinks, but must limit caffeine to no more than 95 mg per 20 oz.
d. Snacks: 1.25 oz. or less.
e. Seeds, nuts, dried, fruit, trail mix: 2 oz. or less.f. Cookies/cereal bars: 2 oz or less.
g. Bakery items: 3 oz. or less.h. Frozen desserts: 3 oz. or less.i. Yogurts: 8 oz. or less.j. Cheese Sticks: I oz.k. Fresh Fruit & vegetables.l. Other items shall be no larger in portions than those foods served as part
of the school meal programs.
Section 400 - '14
Idaho Falls School District #91
408 -.5 - The Role ofFood in Rewards, Activities, Concessions, and parties.
Educators are discouraged from using foods and beverages with low nutritional value as
rewards. concessions and occasional class parties and celebrations are exempt from the
above guidelines; however, providing healthful options is strongly encouraged. Healthy
options are to be published on the District's website. only commercially pripared and
packaged products or products which have been prepared by District #91 Food Service may
be served.
408.6 - the Role of Food in Fund Raisers.
Effective August I , 2008, candy and other foods with low nutritional value (see policy
408.3 for specific limitations) may not represent more than 20%o of the items offered in fund
raisers over the course of a school year.
408.7 - Physical Activity.
Physical activity is to be encouraged tkough active engagement in recess, physical
education classes, and intramurals which maximize the use of available spaie, time, and
408.8 - Wellness Education for Students, Parents, and Staff.l. The school district will make available information that encourages parents toprovide their children with nutritious foods, regular exercise, and healthy
lifestyle choices. This information is to be availabre on the district's *.b pug",
through brochures, tfuough district and school newsletters, and parent ."itingr.2. Food service staff shall receive the training needed to comply with this policyl3. wellness education (nutrition, fitness, safety, physical and emotion treatttr; iito
be included through the normal curriculum adoption process in each elementary
grade, secondary health classes, and appropriately integrated into other courses.
408.9 - Monitoring and Compliance.
The superintendent or designee(s) shall be responsible for monitoring the compliance ofthis policy. Monitoring of compliance shall include:l. Providing building principals and food service personnel with forms needed to
complete an internal self-audit verifying compliance with the various
requirements of this policy.2. The establishment of an oversight committee which shall incrude as a minimuman adminishator, a health professional, and a parent.3. within the first twerve weeks of each schoor year, this committee shalr:a. Review building and department selfreports.b. Audit food service menus including ala carte and practices related to thispolicy for compliance.c. Audit vending machines and day time competitive sales for compriance.d. Recommend actions to responsible p".ro*il to remedy concems and toprovide needed follow up.e. Review this policy and recommend revisions as necessary.L Provide a written report of findings and recommendationi to trustees.
Section 400 - l5
Idaho Falls School District #91
The Board will strive to provide facilities that will offer the best possible physical
environment for leaming and teaching.
The Board aims specifically toward:l. Securing property in advance ofbuilding needs to allow for the construction of
schools at sites best suited to the growth areas ofthe districl.
New buildings and renovations that will accommodate and facilitate those new
organizational and instructional panems that support the district's educational
philosophy and instructional goals;
Meeting all safety requirements through the remodeling of older structures;
Providing such building renovations as needed to meet requirements on the
availability of public school facilities to handicapped persons;
Building design and construction that will lend themselves to low maintenance costs
and the conservation of energy. These two factors will also be given special
consideration in the renovation of buildings.
409.1 - Specifications
Specifications for new school facilities and extensively renovated facilities will be
developed by the Superintendent and the central office stalf with input from the
professional and non-professional staffs. The educational specifications will be
submitted to the Board for i1s consideration.
Certain school buildings may no longer be adequate for instructional purposes and should
be used to benefit the school district or public in other ways.
A school may be considered for closing ifany of the following conditions apply:
The school building is inadequate by virtue ofage, condition, size ofsite, or other
overriding limitations and cannot reasonably and economically be brought up to the
current educational standards.
The school has been substantially under capacity for a two-year period and is
projected to remain so. "Substantially under capacity" is the difference between
program capacity and student membership such that the students in that grouping
could be housed in other existing facilities.
Section 400 - l6
Idaho Falls School District #91
In keeping with the practice to recognize elected officials and others for their efforts, the
Board wishes to have plaques installed on new construction projects giving the names of
persons at the time of acceptance ofthe project bid as reflected in the Board minutes. The
plaques will provide the following information:
Name of School or Building
Board Approved Construction Date
Names of the Board Members on the Board
Approved Construction Date, thusly:
Vice Chairman
Members (ln order of number of years on the Board).
Name of Superintendent
Name of Architect
Name of Contractor
Section 400 - 17
Idaho Falls School District #91
509.0 - GrFTS & BEQT.IESTS
Section 500 -l
Idaho Falls School District #91
A goal of school public relations is to improve the quality of education for all children. In
order to achieve this goal, and to evaluate progrcss towards it, the Board sets itself the
following objectives:
To help parents and other citizens recognize their responsibility for the quality of
education provided by their schools;
To foster public understanding of the need for constructive change and to solicit
public advice on how we can achieve our educational goals;
To involve citizens in the work of the schools and the solving of educational
To identify non-parent groups, such as senior citizens, and promote the involvement
of these persons in school activities and programs;
To eam the good will, respect, and confidence of the public with regard to school
staff and services;
To promote a genuine spirit of cooperation between the school and the community
and to set up channels for sharing the leadership in improving community life.
To develop public understanding of all aspects of school operation; to ascertain
public attitudes toward issues in education; and to discover the public's aspirations
for the education of their children;
8. To secure adequate financial support for a sound educational program;
Section 500 -2
Idaho Falls School District #91
The Board will keep all the staff and patrons informed of the affairs of the district. To
achieve its goals for good school/community relations and maintenance of open two-way
channels of communication with the public, the Board authorizes the superintendent to:
l. Design a formal plan for public relations at the district and building levels and assign
the responsibility for implementing the padcutars of the plan ro th; public
Information Officer or other designee.
Prepare or guide the preparation of informational materials including: newsletters,
articles for periodicals, newspapers, television and radio releases, special pamphlets,
and other assigned material and to maintain close liaison with masJ medii andpublicity organizations.
3 Prepare or assist in the preparation of materials which will keep staff members
informed of school and individual recognitions, awards and achievements.
Organize or assist in development of speakers' bureaus and speaking engagements
with civic, ftA/PTO, and other groups.
Provide staff members with assistance and materials for working with educational
conventions or meetings and for preparation of material for community and staff
consumption (handbooks, information leaflets, etc.)
Assist in coordinating work with civic and other groups which contribute to school
system values.
Serve as community relations counselor to the Board and other staff members.
Urge each principa.l and school to maintain good school-community relations
including issuing a school newsletter or regular communication advising parents and
patrons of school programs and activities.
The minutes, accounts and other non-confidential records of the Board are public
documents. They are in the custody of the Superintendent, or a designee, and shall be
made available to the public, upon request, during regular business hours.
Upon receipt of a written request, the Superintendent or a designee will provide a copy of
the record requested. A reasonable cost will be charged to defray the expense of copying
requested materials.
confidential records are not open to the public. These include staff personnel records,
student records, and records pertaining to such matters as may be discussed in executive
Section 500 -3
Idaho Falls School District #91
when not in use for school purposes, school buildings and grounds or podons thereof,
may be used for adult education, discussion groups, recreation, entertai;ment, and
religious, civic, or social purposes, and such other pu{poses that promote the welfare of the
community, including use as registration and po ing places for voters.
Io p"^91 group, or organization has any vested right to use school propeny. But, theBoard of rrustees may grant the use of buildings and grounds for any lawfui purpose.
A nominal rental fee to cover the cost of heat, lights, and general expenses of opening the
building will be charged in accordance with a schedule approved by the Board.
Permission to use school facilities will be granted by the superinrendent or his/her
designee, in keeping with school board regulations, to organizations and residents when
such use will not interfere in any way with the regular programs and activities of the
The Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations shall establish such rules and
regulations as needed to implement this policy as well as to assure the preservation of
school district property. Accordingly, the Board will review regulations pertaining to the
use of school facilities.
Students and faculty of the schools are to be protected from intrusions on their time by
announcements, posters, bulletins, and communications of any kind from individuals and
organizations not directly connected with the schools.
In all cases, the policies listed below will be executed by the Superintendent at hiVher
discretion. When any group or organization is not satisfied with the judgment of the
Superintendent as exercised under this policy, it may petition the Board in writing.
The Superintendent and principals are urged to interpret this policy strictly. Exceptions
may be made, when, in their judgment, the best interests of the school will be served. In
the case of differences of opinion, the decision of the Superintendent will be final.
505.1 - Solicitations in the Community
Discretion should be applied to all fund raising considerations. All student projects which
involve solicitations from the community or business firms, or which involve the sale of
tickets or commodities, must have the approval of the principal and the Assistant
Superintendent for Instruction and Curriculum. Fund raising projects from any one school
should be confined to that attendance area. In no instance will students be encouraged or
permitted to pursue fund raising by door-to-door solicitation.
505,2 - Solicitations of Students
The public school setting is not to be used to contact staff members or students for sales or
other commercial purposes not directly related to the operations or activities of the District
or the school.
Section 500 -4
Idaho Falls School District #91
The school system will provide adequate custodial service and supervision at the expense
of the group using the facility or the renting group may elect to provide clean-up services
subject to approval of school district staff.
The schools shall strive to protect the students and their parents from money raising plans
of outside organizations, commercial enterprises, and individuals. This policy applies
particularly to ticket sales, and sales of articles or services except those directly sponsored
or approved by the school authorities.
When requests appear, the procedure to be followed will be:
l. Principals of individual schools should refer requests for solicitations or distribution
of materials to the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Curriculum. persons
who have approval from the District Office will show an approval card to principals.
2. The Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Curriculum will judge the request
according to the following criteria:
Materials which promote commercial or profit making organizations or
businesses will not be distributed in the schools. The school staff and pupils
shall not be used in any manner for promoting interests of a commercial nature.
Projects which are profit-making but which also provide funds for PTA,/PTO
and other parent or student groups will be allowed at the discretion of the
Surveys, questionnaires, and requests for information will be judged by the
appropriate administrator on the basis of merit to the schools and the students.
d. Upon approval of an administrator, the schools may distribute information
which advertises activities of non-profit making organizations or activities
which will promote the general welfare.
If a principal chooses not to participate in any of these activities, he or she will be
allowed to abstain.
505.3 - Solicitations of Employees
Sales representatives will not be allowed to make presentations to teachers or staff
members relative to items of a personal interest during school hours.
The names and addresses of employees shall not be given to any private person or firm as
an aid in soliciting business, contributions, or collections.
Section 500 -5
Idaho Falls School District #91
The Board recognizes that situations may arise in the operation of the system which are of
concem to parents or the public. Such concerns are best dealt with through
communication with appropriate staff members and officers of the District, such as the
faculty, the principals, the central office and the Board.
Matters conceming individual students should first be addressed to the teacher or the
person directly involved in the matter.
Unsettled matters from (1) above, or problems and questions conceming individual
schools, should be directed to the principal of the school.
Unsettled matters from (2) above or problems and questions concerning the District
should be directed to the Superintendent's office.
If the matter cannot be settled satisfactorily by the Superintendent, it may be brought
before the Board of Trustees.
In the event the complaint is against a particular teacher or District employee, the
contract between the District and the teachers association, as well as traditional
concepts of due process of law, require that the affected employee be notified. For
this reason the board requires that such complaints, which may ultimately be resolved
by the Board, shall be in writing. Complaints informal in nature to be
administratively acted upon, and not intended for Board action, may be orally
directed to the principal, central office administrators, or the superintendent.
Written complaints received by the District involving District personnel will be made
available to the affected personnel.
The Board considers it the obligation of employees of the District to entertain the questions
of parents or the public.
The public schools have the primary responsibility for the formal education of the children
and youth of the community, However, the Board recognizes that many govemmental
agencies and community organizations, while not primarily concemed with education, play
a definite role in education.
Therefore, it will be the desire of the Board to establish positive working relationships with
all other public and private organizations which contribute to the education process and to
the general welfare of the citizens of the community.
Section 500 -6
Idaho Falls School District #91
The following guidelines are suggested as the proper procedure to be followed by persons
with questions or complaints:
507.1 - Relations with PTA/PTO Groups
The Board recognizes that parent-teacher organizations are a source of interest in the public
schools. The district looks to the PIA/PTO as a means of promoting a finer educational
program by achieving better understanding among the pupils, the parcnts, the teachers, and
the administrators. The district will give every encouragement to the maintenance of
enthusiastic and industrious parent organizations.
507.2 - Relations with Governmental Authorities
The school serves the children, the parents, and all of the residents of the city, and it is in
the interests of all to coordinate the functions of the Board with other agencies concemed
with the security, safety, health, and well being of the citizenry.
Therefore, the Board directs its administrative staff to inform the elected and appointed
officials of the local, county, and state govemmental units of the desire to plan
cooperatively for the improvement of services to residents.
The Board and its administrative officers welcome elected officials to participate with them
in the planning and execution of such projects as will be mutually beneficial.
To this end, the Board of Trustees and the City of Idaho Falls have developed and executed
a "Joint Use Agreement" which stipulates formal terms and conditions for cooperative
efforts. This agreement will be evaluated annually and updated as needed. It shall be the
responsibility of the superintendent and/or his/her designee to administer the "Joint Use
Agreement" on behalf of the school district.
@eference: "Memorandum of Agreement" between the city of Idaho Falls and Idaho Falls
School District #91, executed March 14, 1989.
507.3 - Relations with Planning Authorities
The Board will participate in local and state planning functions that could directly affect
district schools and their immediate environment.
The Superintendent will keep the Board informed of planning matters bearing directly on
the operation of the district schools or school sponsored programs and will undertake action
on behalf of the Board to influence matters in the best interests of the students, the schools
and the district.
Section 500 -7
Idaho Falls School District #91
The Superintendent will give padcular attention to the following factors when analyzing
the impact of local planning proposals:
Effect on the school and its students of forced growth in excess of the maximum
enrollment limits stated in the school district's master plan;
Highway and road construction and traffic implications such as noise and air
pollution, hazardous crossings, and congested ingress and egress;
Overload, deterioration, vandalism, and maintenance of schools, fields, tennis courts,
and other school facilities;
4. Need for bikeways, parking, and additional bus transportation
507.4 - Relations with Police Authorities
Relationships between the schools and officials of law enforcement agencies in
investigative matters concerning pupils will take into consideration the respective roles of
the schools and law enforcement agencies in assisting and protecting the interests of the
community and ensuring the rights of all concerned.
It is the general policy of the District to support educational endeavors of other institutions
whose goals are compatible with those of the District. The following guidelines shall foster
a cooperative intent where practical:
The School District will promote improved cooperation with other school districts in
selected programs which can expand students' knowledge and which can be better
done in cooperation than by a single district acting alone.
The School District will assume appropriate responsibility for expanding the fiscal
base for education, providing for efficient expenditure of funds, and bringing about
state or federal legislation which improves education or contributes to District goals.
The School District will cooperate with recognized professional educational
organizations for the mutual improvement of education.
Section 500 -8
Idaho Falls School District #91
509,1 - Cash Donations
Each year a sum of money may be budgeted within the School Plant Facility Fund to match
funds that are raised within the school to purchase equipment and materials for District
An additional sum of money may be designated to match gifts and bequests that are given
to the District or a school for special purchases or projects. In this category, matching
funds (up to $5000) may be provided for any one project. Funds from these sources may
not be enhanced with money from other sources for purposes of matching, and are limited
on an annual basis to the amount budgeted.
ln all cases, the requests are to be directed to the Board of Trustees through the appropriate
administrator(s). The Board will consider and approve each request on the basis of its
contribution to the school and the District.
509.2 - Non-Cash Donations
Gifts made to the School District in the form of goodVservices will be evaluated as to the
utility and ongoing costs involved in their acceptance. The School District shall make no
statement, written or implied, as to the dollar value of such gifts and in no case will such
donations be considered matchable.
I Private Service Provider means a person, goup, agency or organization that meets the
following conditions.
a. Is not an employee of Idaho Falls School District #91 or a public agency with
legal jurisdiction over the circumstances related to their involvement with the
student, and
b. Is paid for services provided to the student.
c. Provides evidence of a satisfactory State of Idaho Background Check.
d. Provides evidence of personal liability and Workers' Compensation Insurance,
Examples of Private Service Providers includes, but is not limited to, Physicians,
Optometrists, Psychologists, Counselors, Targeted Service Coordinators,
Behavioral Therapists, Developmental Disabilities Specialists, Speech Therapists,
Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Social Workers, Substance Abuse
Counselors, Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Specialists.
Private Service Providers may do the following in District #91 schools:
a. Refer a student to a school Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) for consideration for
evaluation to determine eligibility for special education.
Section 500 -9
Idaho Falls School District #91
b. Submit evaluation reports to a school IEP team for consideration related to the
referral or an evaluation being conducted by the MDT.c. Be invited to an IEP Team Meeting by either the school or the parent.i. Under IDE A 1997 , the determination of eligibility for special educarion and
the provisions of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), is the
responsibility of the IEP Team and cannot be prescribed by any other entity.ii. AII educational decisions regarding educational methodology, materials, and
personnel are the responsibility of the school district.
d. Provide services in the schools to students under the terms ofa contract with the
i. Contracts are established when the District is paying for the services and
should describe the services, the role and responsibilities of the Private
Service Provider with the IEP Team, the frequency and duration of services,
documentation of licensure/certification to perform the prescribed services,
address issues related to liability, terms for payment, and state the provisions
for changes or termination of the contract.ii. Contracted services to a student with a disability shall be included on the
student's IEP.
e. Provide services to students under the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding
with the District.i. Memorandums of Understanding are established when the District is not
paying for the services, but agree that the services are needed in the school
for the benefit of the student's progress in the general education curriculum.
The Memorandum of Understanding shall describe the specific services
provided, the responsibilities of the school and the private provider, the
provisions for space, time, equipment, materials provided by the District,
and that the District may terminate the Memorandum of Understanding at
any time.ii. Services provided under a Memorandum of Understanding to a student with
a disability shall not be included on the student's IEP.
iii. The District has no obligation to enter into a contract or Memorandum of
Understanding with a Private Service Provider or allow such Provider
access to school district property, space, materials, or equipment.
District records are only accessible to Private Service Providers under contract with
the District or with written consent of the student's parent or guardian, or if the
student is l8 years of age or older. Requests for records may be subject to a fee to
cover the costs of copying and mailing.
Nothing in this policy shall be construed to limit or impinge in any way on services
parcnts may acquire for their child that are provided outside the school day or year.
Section 500 -10
Idaho Falls School District #91
lThis section was reviewed and revised October 26, 20M)
Section 600 - I
Idaho Falls School District #91
The Board recognizes its legal responsibility to approve the curriculum, related materials,
and resources to be used in District #91 Schools, and it declares its intention to select and
maintain such materials in accordance with the laws of the state and mles of the State Board
of Education.
The educational program of the District should challenge the academic and vocational
hterests and intellectual potential of the students and should adequately prepare them to
meet State Achievement Standards. It is the teacher's tesponsibility to provide instruction
based on the district's curriculum, state and federal mandates, and community expectations.
The following core curriculum areas, in the order listed, will receive priority for developing
knowledge and skills: Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies. Graduates
should be sufficiently well educated to be effective citizens who contribute to society, are
productive in the work force, and will continue their education in pursuit of their careers and
Section 600 - 2
Idaho Falls School District #91
Curriculum is concemed with what is taught. It is the sum of all schooi activities which are
maintained for the education ofthe youth of School District #91. District-approved
curriculum should provide the basis of instruction for each individual subject. Essential and
expected objectives should fill 80% of the available time. In the remaining time (20%),
teachers, using extended objectives, are to enrich and adapt curriculum materials in order to
meet the needs of individual students. Sound instructional practices should support the
The Board recop.izes that parents are partners in education and that within the law,
parents/legal guadians have the inherent responsibility to direct the education of their
children. Under policy 1003.6 - Dual Enrollment Statute, parents may select the
class(es/program(s) in which their child enrolls. When parents object to specific curriculum
materials or topics within a class, they may request in writing that the teacher provide a
reasonable altemative leaming opportunity with equivalent requirements for their student.
Policies 612.4 - Public Complaints About Instructional Materials and 621.0 - Teaching
About Controversial Issues also provide direction for teachers, adrninistrators, and parents.
603.1 Idaho Falls and Skyline High Schools
Credit eamed in the 96 grade counts toward high school graduation. Credits and classes
required to eam a diploma in Idaho Falls School District No. 91 are listed as follows:
U. S. History
Western Civilization
Westem CMlization
<Physical Education (Intro to Fitness)
Computer Technology
Credit Summary
(Ends with Class of2006)
(Begins with Class of 2007)
2005 &2006
#Senior Thesis Required.
*Two Credits must be a lab science.
** No more than six (6) correspondence and six (6) work-study or work-based learning
credits may be applied toward graduation.
<P.E. Requires Introduction to Fitness or 3 other P.E. credits.
^Must be non-world history humanities courses.
Beginning with the class of2006, students must (1) pass the ISAT l0 or (2) pass a comparative
assessment approved by the District #91 Board of Trustees. In addition, each student receiving
special educadon services will include as part ofhis/her IEP a statement ofhow the student will
d,rroo*t ut. proficiency in the Idaho Achievement Standards as a condition of graduatiorl if it is
different than meting proficiency under either #1 or #2 above'
In order to receive a diploma from either Idaho Falls or Skyline High Schools a student must
have earned at least 39 credits or the last l0 credits from the high school awarding the^ .
Irpro*r, ".t u", moved with hivher family from out of the area after the beginning of the
second trimester of the senior year.
Al1 oedits applied towartl graduation must have been eamed from accredited institutions'
Section 600 - 3
Itlaho Falls School District #91
(Ends with Class of 2006)
(Begins with Class of 2007)
603.2 - Weswiew High School
To eam a diploma from westview High School, students must meet state Board enrollmelt
requirements, earn all the required credits, and enough electives to equal 42 total credits.
603.3 - Early Graduation
Any high school student, who completes the number ofcredits required for graduation prior
to finishing the nine trimesters ofhigh school work (grades l0-12), may petition the Board
ofrrustees for early graduation providing he/she has the endorsement of the principal and
the superintendent. Early graduation will not ordinarily be permitted prior to the end of the
second trimester of the senior year.
Role Responsibilities:
Board of Trustees: Approve the Curriculum and Resource Adoptions. ln addition it is the
responsiblity of trustees to ensure there is adequate funding for curriculum development and
supporting resouces. One percent of the maintenance and operations budget is desigtrated
for this purpose.
Superintendent: lmplement this policy. Changes and improvements in curriculum matters
may be implemented administratively, as deemed necessary and educationally sound, by the
Superintendent upon approval of the Board. The Superintendent is also responsible to
insure that building level administrators are monitoring the implementation of the written,
taught, tested, and reported curriculum.
Curriculum and lnstructional Support Personnel: Prepare and./or recommend written
curricula, related assessments, and resources to the Superintendent and Board for their
approval on a seven-year adoption cycle. In addition, monitor student achievement growth
for the purpose of completing the program evaluation requirements ofsections 604.2 and
Building Administrators: Contribute to curriculum development, resource selection, and
monitor the implementation of the written, taught, tested, and reported curriculum at the
classroom level.
Teachers: Contribute to curriculum development and resource selection, and implement the
wdtten, taught, tested, and reported curricullm. Teacher-selected resources should suppo(
srudents in their responsiblity of leaming the written curriculum.
Section 600 - 4
Idaho Falls School District #91
Business Personnel: Prepare and recommend the district's budget development on the basis
of the needs of students. Data on student achievement should guide the budget development
and program implementation process with the goal of maximizing student achievement.
Resource allocations should be tied to identified curriculum priorities.
All other District Employees: support the maximization of student achievement through
effectively fulfilling their assigned duties.
curriculum shall be coordinated within grade levels and subject fieas and articulated
between grade levels utilizing written currriculum documents (see policy 604.5).
Curriculum materials should, where appropriate, be adopted on aK-12 basis. Textbooks
and other curriculum resources should be adopted on a fiscally sound, seven-year rotation
cycle that takes into account the physical condition ofthe materials, currency ofcontent,
and the priority ofneed. An adoption cycle may be moved up, postponed, or skipped upon
approval of the Board.
Curriculum developmenUadoption should be directed by a Board approved procedure
manual which is guided by the following principles:
1. Curriculum Unity: To ensure the written curriculum is taught, tested, and reported. As
a rational system, we should be able over time to set achievement goals and move our
operations closer and closer until unity ofpurpose is attained.2. Curriculum: The objectives of the system; i.e., what students should know and be able
to do.
3. Resources: Textbooks, materials, technology, and other tools used to teach the
objectives.4. lnstruction: Teaching + Curriculum.5. Achievement: Measured Leaming.6. Focus: To identi! what is essential.7. coordination: To provide consistency within subject areas and across grade levels and
schools. @lease note: Scope delines the content ofa course while coordhation assures
that the content will be consistent from class to class and from school to school.)8. Articulation: To ersure that there zre no gaps or unnecessary overlaps on a preK-l2
continuum of curriculum objectives. (Please note: Sequence establishes the order in
which the curriculum will be taught. Articulation ensures that there is a seamless
connection between courses.)9. Alignment: To match the test to what is taught(content) and to the context and
cognitive level in which it is taught. The closer the match between the written, taught,
tested and reported curriculum, the deeper the alignment. It is only tkough deep
alignment that socio-economic barriers, which aflect achievement, can be overcome.
10. Connectivity: To reinforce complex, interdisciplinary learning. For exarnple, writing
skills leamed in English should have application in all other courses of study.
I 1. Relevance: To ensure that students are actively involved in a leaming process that
focuses on thet present and future needs.
12. Student Accountability: To establish clear standards and a means whereby students
increasingly assume responsibility for their own leaming in order to meet the
established standards.13 Educator Accountability: To ensure that the written curriculum is taught, tested, and
reported. @lease note: District-adopted curriculum should not exceed more than 800/o
Section 600 - 5
Idaho Falls School District #91
of the teaching time. This allows teachers 20% of the available time for reinforcement
and enrichment.)
Ownership: To ensure willingness to implement adopted curricula.
Evaluation: To continually review curriculum on the basis of student achievement data
to determine its inherent value, improve as needed, and abandon when curriculum has
low priority.
604.1 - Public Review of Recommended Curriculum
The public will be provided thfuty (30) days to review and comment on curriculum, related
materials, and resources recommended for adoption prior to the Board,s final approval.
604.2 - Evaluation of Curriculum
Systematic progam evaluation is to serve three purposes: (1) to determine if the curriculum
is matched to districVstate standards; (2) to determine ifstudent achievement of the
curriculum objectives meets or exceeds districVstate expectations; and (3) to determine ifthe
instructional program is effective in teaching curriculum objectives.
In conducting program evaluation, two components are to be considered, curriculum and
instruction. Curriculum is defined as the objectives of the district. lnstruction is deciding on
the procedures for teaching the curriculum. Curriculum program evaluation is to focus on
PreK-12 student achievement of the objectives specified for all subject areas. Consequently,
valid criterion-referenced and norm-referenced assessment tools are to be available.
Instructional program evaluation is to focus on the manner in which student achievement of
the curriculum objectives is being met. The instructional program includes such variables as
the amount of instructional time, instructional resources used and their alignment to
curriculum objectives, methods of teaching the content or skills, and supplemental support
services and programs that focus on achieving the mission of the district.
604.2.1 Curriculum Program Evaluation:
There are four criteria levels to be used in curriculurn program evaluation:
Level I : Completeness ofSubjects and Couses
On an arxrual basis, the entire curriculum is to be reviewed to determine if all needed
subjectVcourses are included and if instructional time allocations are appropriate.
SubjectVcourses will be added or deleted, and time allocations will be modified on the basis
of this evaluation. The evaluation criteria are ( I ) A course of study has been outlined for all
Section 600 - 6
Idaho Falls School District #91
Idaho Fails School District #91 shall have ongoing curriculum evaluation that is based on
student achievement data. Specific disciplines shall be formally evaluated on the established
seven-year adoption cycle. The phases ofan adoption include planning and desigr,
implementation, evaluation, and revision. Infomral curriculum evaluation and refinement
must also be an ongoing part of the educational process and should involve parents,
students, and educators.
curriculum subject areas considered necessary for students' present and future needs and (2)
The amount of instructional time allowed to each subject/course corresponds to priorities of
the district.
Level 2: Completeness of Standards and Objectives.
Each subject area will be evaluated dwing its respective adoption on the basis ofthe
following criteria: (l) The subject's standards are being met; (2) All of the objectives have
been identified and validated; (3) criticality ofobjectives are to be prioritized as essential,
expected, or extended; (4) weighting ofobjectives conesponds to students' developmental
needs and priorities set forth in Idaho State Achievement Standards.
Level 3: Subject and Objective Quality.
Content and placement ofobjectives (scope and sequence) within each subject will be
evaluated on the same schedule as used in Level 2 on the basis ofthe following criteria: (1)
students' needs and interests are reflected in the objectives; (2) competencies needed to
function in society are included in the objectives when appropriate; (3) Recent research and
knowledge related to the content of the subject are reflected in the objectives; (4) objectives
are consistent with district philosophy, community expectations, and state achievement
standards; (5) The assignment ofobjectives to subjects/grade levels must be articulated in a
developmentally appropriate manner.
Level 4: Shrdent Achievement Expectations
Annual program evaluations will be conducted using an established time frame to determine
if students at each grade level have acquired the knowledge and skills identified in the
written curriculum. Evaluation requirements include the following:1. A comprehensive testing program, including required state and federal testing, will be
conducted which provides both criterion and norm-referenced measures.a. Tests will be deeply aligned to the content, context, and cognitive level(s) ofthe
written and taught curriculum.
b. There will be an adequate number of test items to measure objective mastery.c. Mastery will be reported by total group, related sub group averages, and by the
percentage ofstudents meeting or not meeting achievement expectations.2. Expectations for Criterion Reference Assessments developed within District #91
include the following descriptors:
a. Passing: 90% of students will score 70% or higher.b. Proficient: 80% of students will score 80% or higher.c. Exemplary: Reported as the percent of students scoring 90% or higher.
d. Achievement of subgroups of students should reflect the same academic
characteristics of the district's total student population.
3. In setting norm referenced expectations (including N'WEA Tests, Diect Writing, and
Direct Math) the goal is to have as many students as possible at or above grade level.
Section 600 - 7
Idaho Falls School District #91
The following table shows the grade level expectations of Northwest Evaluation
Association's (NWEA) Spring Testing Norms.
(The above scores are current NWEA national norms and are presented for
discussion purposes only. Final scores and definitions ofcompetency will reflect
Idaho Norms and definitions once they are established.)* Denotes the scores in which a second grade student would be one grade level
below expectation.a. Passing: 100% of cognitively-able students will achieve not less than one grade
level below expectation. (2.5 or higher on DWA and DMA). Cognitively-able is
defined as a student whose education is not modified by an Individual Education
Plan (IEP) and/or has three or more years experience in an English-speaking
b. Proficient: Reported as the percentage ofstudents whose scores fall between their
respective grade level and one grade level above expectations. (3.0 or higher on
DWA and DMA).c. Examplary: Reported as the percentage of students who are advanced two or
more grade levels. (4.0 or higher on DWA and DMA).d. Demographic characteristics ofstudents ranking at or below the grade level
expectation should reflect the same demographic characteristics as the district,s
total student population.
The instnrctional program defines the means by which students will acquire the knowledge
and skills specified in the curriculum. The two levels of instructional prograrn evaluation,
quality and effectiveness, are described below.
Level 1: lnstructional Program Quality
In evaluating the quality of the instructional program the major question being address is the
adequacy of the instructional program at both the district and building levels.
District-level evaluation criteria:
a. Course study guides, that include gradeJevel performance objectives and
recommended time allocations, are provided for each curriculum area.
b. Adequate instructional resources are provided to teach the r€quired objectives.
Section 600 - 8
Idaho Falls School District #91
604.3 Instructional Program Evaluation (Previously Section 620.0)
Test Content Grade Level
2+3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-12
Reading +179 189-
228 230
,r,1 g 1 190-
226 225
Mathematics r 182 189-
t9'7 -
223 228
c. Adequate inservice is provided so instructional staffunderstands how to use the
adopted resources in teaching the objectives.d. Staffing resources are equitably distributed among schools.
SchooVClassroom evaluation criteria:a. Teachers are teaching to the objectives specilied in the curriculum.b. Teachers are following recommendations for instructional time allocations.c. Instructional resources are available and used to support student mastery of
specified objectives.d. Teachers assess student perfo*nances of specified objectives and use evaluative
data to plan instn rction.e. Teachers effectively use principles of teaching and learning in delivery of
instruction.f. Student performance is routinely monitored by teachers.g. A system for maintaining information on student progress is maintained.h. Remediation and enrichment are provided as needed.i. Instructional interventions are evaluated to determine if student achievement is
influenced.j. A plan for use of support services is developed and is operational.
Level 2: Instructional Program Effectiveness
The primary measure of instructional program effectivess is the extent that district
achievement stand.r6. 3rg fsing met (see policy 60 4.2.1 Level4). If those standards are
being met, then the instructional program is judged to be effective. If standards are not
being met at either the district or school levels, interventions, which correspond to the goals
of the instnrctional program, should be planned.
The purposes for evaluation ofkrskuctional Program Effectiveness will be the following:
To determine educational needs and provide information for both short and long-
term planning (see Section 1 Mission & Strategic plan Section 4).
To indicate instmctional strengths and weaknesses.
To show the relationship between achievement and the system's stated goals. This
is to include the use of data to determine the effectiveness ofall district fl:nctions.
To provide data for public information.
The Board will rely on the professional staffto provide continuous evaluation of theeducational program and instructional processes. The administration shall regularly provide
the Board with reports ofstudent achievement as various assessment data become available.Summative district-wide achievement data shall be provided publicly in the distict,s annualreport. The Board may participate with the professional staff in programmatic evaluations,but not in personnel evaluations other than that of the superintendeni. It may also arrangefor programmatic evaluations to be carried out by outsidi agencies.
Section 600 - 9
Idaho Falls School District #91
604.4 - Adding or Dropping Programs/Course
The Board must approve the implementation of new programs/courses or the permanent
dropping of existing programs/courses. However, elective courses may be dropped during
one semester/trimester/year because offew enrollees in the course but reoffered and
reinstated the following semester/trimester/year by administmtive action.
604.5 - Curriculum Documents
The following curriculum documents should be updated annually:
Each elementary grade (PreK-6) and specialty programs are to have
curriculum brochures defining the general objectives ofeach subject and,/or
Each subject area should have, where applicable, a K-12 guide which clearly
articulates the curriculum between grade levels and coordinates the
curriculum within a grade level or within a subject area.
Secondary schools are to have a common catalogue ofcourse offerings.
Course numbers are to be comnion throughout the district,s secondary
Each secondary course of sh.rdy should have a comprehensive course
Four-year planning guides (grades 9-12) Ne to be introduced in gth grade and
provided to new students to assist in planning for high school graduation
and/or post-secondary education.
605.1 - Special Education Students
605.2 - Programs for Gifted Students
Section 600 - 10
Idaho Falls School District #91
605.0 - PRO
The Board believes all students with disabilities benefit from receiving a Free and
Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).-regulations for special education students ages 3-21.
The Idaho special Education Manual and all subsequent amendments to the manuil as
developed by the State Department ofEducation, Bureau ofspecial Education, shall be the
official manual of the district for providing special education seryices. Any policies adopted
by the Board that vary from this manual will be so noted, and will receive prior approvaf
from the State Departrnent ofEducation, Bureau ofSpecial Education.
The Board believes that children and youth requiring assistance for development of
extraordinary ieaming ability and./or outstanding talent in creativity should be provided with
adequate programs and services to meet their special needs. Existing resources will be
utilized to meet these needs.
Appropriate research studies will be periodically reviewed to determiae recent trends and
developments in evaluation techniques.
The Board will conduct federal and state-fiuded summer schools. All summer programs will
be subject to annual review by the Superintendent.
The Board recogrr.izes that education is a lifelong process. Therefore, programs which meet
the intellectual, social, vocational, and recreational needs ofcommunity patrons of all ageswill be offered to citizens of all ages through the Departrnent of community Education.
while sponsored by the Board, it is the intent that the adult program will be self-supporting.
The adult education program will be administered by the Superintendent or his/trer designee.
District #91 shall provide an altemative secondary school program for students qualiflng
under State Board rules. The curriculum shall provide, as a minimum, the altemative school
credits required in policy 603.2. This program receives state funding derived from student
enrollment. The program shall be operated under the auspices ofwestview High School
and shall consist of a day program, evening offerings, and juvenile detention services.
Any proposal for program expansion or modification must be presented to the
Superintendent and then to the board for consideration and action.
609.1 - Transfer Credits
only credits eamed from a high school, which has received its accreditation from a
nationally recognized accrediting organization, may be transferred to Idaho Falls schoolDistrict #91 and used to fullfill graduation requirements. with the exception of foreign
exchange students (see 609.3.2), a nationally recognized accrediting organization is
interpreted to include similar organizations in a foreign student's native country.
609.2 Grade/Subject Level Placement
Students, Grades K-12, enrolling in Idaho Falls school District #91 from non-accredited
schools will be required to demonstrate proficiency (as established by the school) in coREsubjects to determine appropriate grade/subject level placement. students transferring fromaccredited schools may also be required to demonstrate proficiency ifthere is a questilon asto appropriate grade/subject level placement.
Section 600 - 11
Idaho Falls School District #91
609.3 Foreign Exchange Students
Rules goveming foreign exchange students are as follows:a. Students will be perrnitted to enroll for a maximum of one year in a Diskict #91
trigh school and must be eighteen ( 18) years ofage or younger at the time of
Students may not emoll if they have graduated from high school or its equivalent
in their native country.
Students may not eam a high school diploma unless transfer credits were earned.
in an institution that is accredited by a U.S.A accrediting organization.
Enrollment offoreign exchange students may not exceed l% ofthe school's
student body. The Board reserves the right to withdraw approval and regulate the
number o f students participating.
Foreign exchange students must be in full compliance with Idaho immunization
Foreign exchange students must reside with a legal resident ofthe District.
Limited exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the Board.o Foreign exchange students must have sufficient knowledge of the English
language to enable effective communication and to use instructional materials
and textbooks printed in English. An English proficiency test ofthe District's
own choosing may be administered and will supersede all other tests. lf an
organization places a student who, upon arrival, is deemed by the District to
be deficient in English language proficiency, the organization will do one of
the following:. Terminate the student's placement.. Provide, and pay for, tutorial help until the student reaches
proficiency, as determined by the district.,,
Foreign exchange students are expected to emoll in a minumum of4 periods per
trimester and must be enrolled in English and U.S. History and/or govemment.
Foreign exchange students are eligible to participate in the High school Activities
Program. Guidelines for participaion are set by District policy and by the Idaho
High School Activities Association.
Foreign Exchange students are expected to pay all related student body and
activity participation fees that they incur, that are similarly expected of other
students enrolled in the high school.
Foreign exchange students must maintain passing grades in all classes, follow
rules and regulations of Diskict student policies, and show satisfactory discipline
and attendance. Failure to comply with these expectations shall result in dismissal
of the student from the District's Foreign Exchange program.
The sponsoring foreign student exchange orgarrization must assume the final
responsibility ofresolving problems, including, if necessary, the changing ofhost
families or the early retum home of the exchange student because ofpersonal,
family, or school difficulties. The host farnily must be willing to meet with school
Section 600 -12
Idaho Falls School District #91
personnel when functions or conditions require it. The host family must provide
the District with all required enrollment and emergency contact information.
Other entrance requirements may be established by high school principals with the
approval of the Board.
The purposes ofathletic programs in the secondary schools olthe District are:
To provide a wide basis ofparticipation in both team and individual sports in
interscholastic competition.
To develop a strong program of competitive sports:a- By encouraging and developing talented athletes in listed sports and providing
sufficient opportunity, especially at the junior high level, for students to develop
individual ability;
b. By encouraging the development of team spirit among all members of the team
and their coaches;c. By developing good attitudes ofpride, sportsmanship, and ethical behavior in
students, participants and spectators;d. By developing and maintaining a good relationship between athletic teams and
the student body, faculty, administration and community;e. By teaching fi.rndamentals and techniques ofeach sport in a progressive
sequence; and,f. By providing student athletes with an aw:ueness ofpotential opportunities as
afforded them through competitive athletics.
h keeping with the above goals, the Board will seek to place girls, sports on an equal
opportunity basis with boys' sports.
The Board will encourage students, faculty, and the community to recogrize the value of
athletics in relation to the total school program while maintaining the proper relationship to
the total program.
District #91 shall be a member of Idaho High School Activities Association and the High
Country Athletic Conference.
customarily the principals of member schools, or their designees, are voting members of
athletic conferences. It should be understood that such adminishators serve as
representatives of the District. Therefore, before voting on a change ofbylaws, rules, or
regulations that will in any way affect the schools or athletic teams of this district, this
district's representatives to athletic organizations will advise the superintendent of the
proposed change and seek and follow hivher directions for voting. The superintendent or
his/her designee shall represent the district at meetings of the Idaho High School Activities
Section 600 -13
Idaho Falls School District #91
Instructors are encouraged to arrange for individual students and groups to provide public
performances when such performances contribute to the prograrn objectives and when they
do not interfere with other scheduled activities or classes within the school, as follows:
I All performances ilvolving students will be approved by the building principal.
Approval for travel must be in compliance with Board Policy 1011.4.
The extended use of one particular group will be discouraged.
Student organizations may participate in the activities of the School District and with
patriotic and civic groups in the community upon the approval ofthe principal and
district offce admini strator.
ln all cases where student performances are requested, attendance rules will be
considered before permission is granted.
As the goveming body of the School District, the Board is legally responsible for the
selection of instructional resources. Since the Board is a policy-making body, it delegates to
professional personnel ofthe District the authority for the selection olinstructional and
library resources in accordance with the policy below.
Resources for school classrooms and school libraries will be selected by the appropriate
professional penonnel in consultation with the administration and faculty. Final decision on
purchase will rest with the Superintendent, or designee, subject to ofEcial adoption by the
board in the case ofbasic textbooks.
The Board believes that it is the responsibility of the District:
To provide resources that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into
consideration the varied interests, abilities, and maturity levels of the pupils served;
To provide resources that will stimulate growth-in factual knowledge, literary
appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards;
To provide a background of information which will enable students to make
intelligent judgrnents in their daily lives;
To provide resources on opposing sides ofcontroversial issues so that young citize$
may develop, under guidance, the practice of analytical reading and thinking;
Section 600 -14
Idaho Falls School District #91
5. To provide resources representative ofthe many religions aodethnic, and cultural
groups, showing their contributions to our heritage.
The above principles, adopted from the School Library Bill ofRights of the American
Association ofSchool Libraries, will serve as a guide in the selection of all instructional and
library materials.
612.1 - Delegatiou of Authority
lnstructional materials shall be non-discriminatory in nature and will be selected after
involvement ofteachers, administrators, and patrons and in accordance with the state
Department of Education policies and guidelines.
612.2 - Textbook Selection and Adoption
The Board recognizes its legal responsibility to choose the textbooks to be used in the public
schools, and it declares its intention to select and maintain such books in accord*.. *ith
the laws of the State and the policies ofthe State Board ofEducation.
Textbooks will be selected upon the recommendation of the professional staffcommittee
with the approval of the Board.
612.3 - Selection and Adoption ofLibrary Resources
The primary objectives ofschool media centers are to implement, enrich, and support the
educational program of the schools. Materials for media centers will generally be selected
by media professionals in consultation with administrators, supervisors, and faculty
members. Reputable, unbiased, professionally prepared selection aids should also be
consulted as guides by the media professionals. All materials for media centers will be
selected on the basis of the following criteria:
Selection should consider the needs of the individual school, based on a knowledge of
the curriculum and on requests from administrators and teachers.
Consideration should be given to the needs of individual students based on a
knowledge of elementary and secondary youth and on requests ofparents and students.
selection should provide for a wide range of resources on all levels of difficulty with a
diversity of appeal and the presentation ofdifferent points of view.
The resources should have a superior format and high literary value.
For the purpose of definition, the term video in this policy applies to all audio/visual
612.3.1 - Video Selection and Use
Section 600 - 15
Idaho Falls School District #91
The selection and use of videos should comply with the following guidelines:
1. Videos may be used for instructional purposes ifthey reinforce or enrich the adopted
Video Standards:
A. Elementary schools may use videos in which the content is or would be "G"
rated. PG rated movies that are directly tied to adopted curriculum objectives
must be proposed, using the regular curriculum adoption procedures, for Board
approval. Parent notification is required ofBoard approved pG rated movies.B. Secondary schools may use "G" and "PG" rated videos, if appropriate. All
videoVvideo clips should be evaluated for mature content, profanity, nudity,
violence, sexual and other themes to ensure appropriate educational value.C. Parental notification ofsecondary students is not required for nonrated videos
in which content is or would be rated "G" or "PG.', In all other cases parents
should be notified either at the beginning of the course or at least one week in
advance ofthe showing. The notification should provide the name ofthe
video/video clips, the rating, a brief description ofcontent, and the instructional
connection. Parents objecting to a video should be referred to Board policy
6t2.4.D. Shrdents are not required to view scheduled videos. Students choosing not to
view videos should be provided other leaming alternatives.
Videos maybe used if they are fomrally established as part of the curriculum or have
building principal approval.
All video materials shall be previewed by the teacher before they are presented to
Video use shall comply with copyright laws. Unless otherwise perrnitted by the
copyright owner, a lawfully made videotape may be used only in a classroom setting
as part ofa face-to-face instructional activity.
Videos selected for entertainment putposes during non-instructional houn (i.e.
activity travel bus, recess/lunch hour on inclement weather days, after school for a
popcom party, etc.) may be shown, providing they comply with copyright laws and
meet the standards identified ia #2.
612.4 PubIic Complaints About Instructional Materials
Patrons'Rieht to Review Inskuctional Materials: patrons have the right to review
instructional materials. Requested materials will be made available for patron
review during normal school business hours. pakons wishing to make a request for
removal of instructional materials from school premises may be required to iubmit,
in advance, a refundable deposit equal to the value of the requested materials. If,
Section 600 -16
Idaho Falls School District #91
B. Com Must Be In Wri All complaints regarding instructional materials,
after a reasonable period for study, a request to rehm the materials is ignored or
refused, the deposit may be used to purchase replacement materials.
whether they apply to a single child or an entire population, must be submitted inwriting. The complaint should address the following iterns:
l. Complainant's Narne, Address, Telephone Number.2. Explain whether you represent yourself or an organization or group.3. If you represent an organization or group, identi$ it.4. IdentiS the material you find objectionable. please note title, author,
publisher and copyright.5. Please answer the following questions:a. What do you specifically find objectionable in this material?b. Have you examined the entire body of this work?c. What is your understanding ofthe purpose the teacher has for using this
material?d. What do you believe might result from using this material?e. What action do you wish the school district to take regarding this
material?6. Add any other comments you feel .re necessary.
Upon receipt ofthe oral objection by a parent regarding the use ofmaterial with a
child or children in the immediate family, the teacher may assign altemate materialfor that child's or children's use for up to one week while awaiting receipt ofa
written complaint.
C. Process to Review Complaints
I Where a parent requests to exempt hiVher own child from using a piece of
material, the initial review will be completed by the teacher(s) and principal
with the principal having authority to grant or deny the request.
Where a complaint aflects students outside the complainant's immediatefamily or where a complainant wishes to appeal the decision of a principal, areview committee will be established as follows:
a. The committee shall consist of seven voting members and will be
chaired by a district administrator or designie.b. The chairperson shall appoint to the committee three (3) parents, oneofwhom should be from another school attendance area; the buildingprincipal; and two teachers.c. If age appropriate, two students may serve on the committee as
non-voting advisory members.
Section 600 -i7
Idaho Falls School District #91
Neither the complainant nor the teacher(s) using the materials for
which review is requested shall serve on the review committee. Both
may meet with the committee to explain their positions.
613.1 - Instructional Aides
When a complainant is intended to remove access to material by students
other than the complainant's immediate family, material will remain in use
during the review process unless otherwise directed by the superintendent.
The review committee should convene within l5 working days of the receipt
of the written complaint, and complete its review within 30 working days of
its initial meeting.
The decision of the committee should be by majority vote, with the numerical
vote made a part of the final report.
The report to the Superintendent should explain deliberations and major
reasons for the recommendation made. The report should be limited to trvo
typewritten pages. A minority report may also be submitted to the
Superintendent within 40 working days of the receipt of the written
Appeals from the decision of the committee may be made through the
Superintendent to the Board ofTrustees. The decision ofthe trustees shall be
final and non-appealable.
The District recognizes the importance of instructional aides in the educational program.
The District agrees further that where a clear need is indicated and where funding is feasible,
these aides should be provided to assist teachers and students. The Superintendent is
authorized to obtain appropriate educational aides within the limits of the budget, state law,
and approved instructional prograrn.
613.2 - School Volunteers
citizens, who volunteer their time and talents to the improvement and enrichment of the
public schools, instructional and other programs, are valuable contributors. The Board of
Trustees encourages constructive participation ofgroups and individuals in local schools and
Section 600 -18
Idaho Falls School District #91
in central and area offices to perform appropriate tasks during and after school hours under
the direction and supervision of professional personnel. whenever possible, community
volunteers will be recruited from the neighborhood served by the school in which they work.
The entire process of recruitment, utilization, coordination, and training of volunteers is a
responsibility of the school administration and will be carried out as directed or delegated by
the superintendent. Every effort should be made to utilize volunteer resources in a marurer
which will ensure maximum conkibution to the safety, welfare, and educational growth of
614.1 - Guidance
The focus ofthe counseling and guidance program in the District is on the developmental
needs of all students.
counselors demonstate respect for the dignity and worth ofeach individual and encourage
each student to develop individual responsibility and decision-making skills. counselors
coordinate the school guidance progmm and involve all staffmembers in designing and
implementing plans to meet three major goals:
Educational Development: Students witl participate in planning their educational
experience so that their education is consistent with educational requirements and
career aspirations.
PersonaVSocial Development: Students will develop appropriate behaviors for a
variety of social settings. students will develop awareness of self and con-fidence in
their own abilities in order to enhance their career and development.
career Development: students will develop career options consistent with their
interests, abilities, and values.
within the areas of cowrseling and guidance responsibility, the counselor enters into
professional relationships with three segrnents of the school community: students, school
personnel, and parents and guardians. The counseling relationship shall be consistent with
the rights of the individual and the legal obligations of the counselor as a professional.
when appropriate, counselors will be responsible for explaining the ramifications ofconlidentiality and its limitations to students.
614.2 - Pupil Personnel Services
Pupil personnel services may be provided for the students of the District. These servicesmay include, but are not limited to: remedial services, psychological and counseling
sewices, homebound instruction, speech therapy, and health and attendance serviceJ.
Section 600 -19
Idaho Falls School District #91
614.3 - Individual Tutoring
All requests for District tutoring services for credit must be reviewed for approval by the
building principal and the appropriate educational administrator.
Individual tutoring for credit classes shall not be done by family members ofthose receiving
credit unless approved by the Board ofTrustees.
Tutors should have a valid teaching certificate endorsed by the State Department of
All courses for which credit is given toward graduation must be taught by an instructor
holdilg a valid teaching certificate.
The philosophy of the Board conceming academic achievement, as well as children's social
growth and development, is based on the premise that children have diverse capabilities and
individual pattems of growth and leaming.
Therefore, the Board feels it important that teachers have as much and as accurate
knowledge ofeach shrdent as possible in order to assess hivher needs and growth, and to
make instructional plans for him/her. Thus a sharing of information among parent, teacher,
and student is essential.
The Board supports staff efforts in finding better ways to measure and report student
progress. It desires that:
1. Teachers are encouraged to contact parents to share information about student
performance.2- Parents will be informed with a written or electronic report at least six times a year,
as to the progress their children are making in school.3. Parents will be alerted and confened with as soon as possible when a child's
performance drops below 70% or the child's attitude becomes unsatisfactorv or the
child shows marked or sudden deterioration.4. lnsofar as possible, distiactions will be made between a student,s attitude and hivher
academic performance.5. At comparable ievels, the school system will strive for consistency in grading andreporting except as this is inappropriate for certain classes or certain students-.6. When no grades are given but the student is evaluated informally in terms of his/her
own progress, the school staff will also provide a realistic appraisal of the student,s
standing in relation to his peers.
Section 600 -20
Idaho Falls School District #91
'7 W}len grades are given, the school staffwill take particular care to explain the
meaning of marks and symbols to parents.
615.1 - Student Progress Reports to Parents
The Board believes it is essential that parents be regularly and fully informed of their
children's progress in school. Each school will report a pupil's progress to the student and to
his/her parent or guardian. The report will be clear, concise, and accurate and will provide a
basis ofunderstanding among teachers, parents and students for the benefit of the individual
pupil. The Board directs the administration to develop progress report forms or cards in
accordance with policy.
The basic grading scale to be utilized within the district is:
Plus and minus may be added to the grade at the discretion of the teacher. The plus and
minus will be reported on all transcripts, but will not be figured into the student's GpA. In
addition to the above scale, high schools will use a weighted scale for the purpose of
recognizing academic achievement.
All students who have met all of the graduation requirements will be issued a diploma from
their graduating high school at the time of graduation.
As a general rule, most students should move from one grade level to the next with their age
peers. lndividual consideration and specific help should be given to slow and/or
handicapped leamers so that they can progress with the class.
Section 600 -21
Idaho Falls School Disrict #91
A. TO A+
B- TO B+
C. TO C+
When a child is not making adequate academic progress for any reason, a thorough
investigation of the possible causes should be undertaken under the direction of the building
principal. Steps should include:
A parent conference to discuss the situation and receive perrnission to proceed with
the next steps;
A written summary by the classroom teacher(s) ofher/his concerns to include
precise descriptions ofbehaviors, records oflack of achievement, and the steps that
have been taken to give individual help;
The following health related screenings should be made to rule out possible physical
reasons for poor student production:
a. Vision exam and health appraisal by a School Nurse.
b. Hearing exam and possibly a speech evaluation by the Communication Disorder
Classroom observation ofthe child by the principal, or someone assigned
by the principal such as resource teacher, social worker, or psychologist.
Diagnostic testing by the resource teacher and/or psychologist to gain further
information as to ability and achievement levels and to observe the child,s
adjustment and ability to perform academic tests out of the classroom.
A staff meeting under the direction of the principal to share findings and determine
the best solution(s) to serve the interests of the student.
A parent conference to review the findings of the school staff and discuss the
recommendations of the school.
Ifretention is to take place, the following steps are strongly suggested:
That children entering this District who are older than their classmates be placed no
more than one level below their chronological age;
That retentions be limited as much as possible to Kindergarten and grade one;
That there be no more than one retention for any child during the elementary grades
K-6, and no more than one at the secondary level.
That copies ofthe retention form are to be filed with the appropriate administrator
and placed in the student's permanant folder.
Time allotments for subject areas at the different levels ofeducation will be in accordance
with state Board of Education rules and the-standards of the Northwest Accreditation
Section 600 -22
Idaho Falls School District #91
616.1 - Time Allotments
616.2 - Homework
Homework will be encouraged.rs aD extension of classroom activities and must meet the
ability level of the students. It must be consistent with the objectives of the class and the
school. (Guidelines for homework witl be developed by District staff.)
Because the Board believes that completion of the requirements for a diploma from the
public schools is an achievement that improves the community, as well as the individual, the
Board wishes to recognize that achievement in a publicly celebrated graduation exercise.
This exercise should be a dignified, formal ceremony, which recognizes the academic
achievements of the entire graduating class. Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum
Laude, and other outstanding examples should be recognized at this ceremony. Audiences
should be apprised of the dignity of the moment and requested to withhold their jubilation
until completion of the ceremony.
Participation in graduation exercises is a privilege accorded to students who have
successfully completed all requirements for a senior high school diploma and are in good
standing at the time of graduation exercises.
shrdents are expected to dress and act in a fashion that is commensurate rr/.ith the dignity of
the ceremony. Use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs during or immediately preceding the
service is not acceptable and may be grounds for removal from the premises. Boys are
expected to dress conservatively with long pants and a dress shirt. Girls are expected to
wear dresses or other dressy clothing. (Sweat shirts or pants, shorts of any kind, shirts with
slogans, bare feet, mini skirts, bluejeans, or other casual attire are unacceptable.)
The privilege ofparticipation in graduation exercises may be revoked by the principal of theschool in the instances ofany student unwilling to comply with regulatitns oi oresi anabehavior. Such students are not required to attend graduation ceremonies but may opt topick up their diploma at the high school oflice fo[owing the graduation ceremony andproviding all the requirements are met.
students will be provided an opportunity to participate in the plarming ofgraduationceremonies. However, final plans such as outside speakers, and when, where, and in what
manner the graduation ceremonies will be held, will be subject to the approval of the schooladministlator.
All student speeches will be reviewed by the school principal prior to the ceremonies.
Section 600 -23
Idaho Falls School District #91
The Board supports the use of standardized tests as one indication ofthe success and quality
ofthe educational program. ln the case ofindividual students, standardized tests, in
combination with other criteria, can provide an indication of student achievement.
Therefore, the Board will:
Provide for an ongoing and District-wide standardized testing program which wiil be
subject to annual review and evaluation.
Require careful evaluation of all proposed testing instruments.
standardized achievement tests will be administered to pupils primarily to provide the staff
with data to indicate instructional needs ofgroups and individuals and to facilitate program
Achievement test results of individual students are confidential data; they will be
communicated to parents.
No personaiity tests or inventories will be administered to any individual pupil without the
administrative approval and the express written consent of the child's parent or guardian.
These tests, ifapproved or permitted by the administration and the parent, will be
administered only by special education staff or guidance counselors.
The Board makes special recognition that controversial issues are an inherent part ofour
democratic tradition and that a knowledge and understanding ofthese issues are an
indispensable part of education.
The Board further recogrizes that because the teacher holds a position of authority and
respect in the classroom and community, and by virtue of that position has great influence in
the formation of the values of all students. Every teacher has a responsibility to refrain from
an excessive expression of personal views during the instructional day. When the teacher,s
personal views are expressed, they should be so identified.
To ensure that controversial issues are dealt with fairly and objectively, and with instruction
as their goal, such issues may be a part of the curriculum so long as the following policies
are observed:
Pupils will have access to avaiiable materials which are relevant and educationally
sigrrificant to the issues at hand.
Section 600 -24
Idaho Falls School District #91
In order to satisfactorily analyze and evaluate such materials, teachers will instruct
pupils in the principles and techniques ofthe scientific method and provide
opportunities for practice in applying established facts to specific problems.
All personnel will seek to create an atrnosphere in which difference ofopinion can
be voiced without fear and hostility and with mutual respect for all viewpoints.
Constitutional guamntees ofdue process and freedom ofspeech will continue to be
observed by students and instructors alike when they are involved in a controversial
Teachers will encotrage the suspension ofjudgnent and conclusions by individuals
until all relevant and significant facts have been assembled, critically examined, and
checked for accuracy.
Teachers will seek to develop in pupils a sense of responsibility for their beliefs,
opinions, attitudes, and actions.
Teachers shall place major emphasis upon "why" and "how,'to think rather than
"what" to think.
The district may, from time to time, offer split sessions of the same curricular area in
order to present differing viewpoints to students. ln such insta[ces, parental
permission will be required for entry into the "optional" class.
620.1 - Statement of Purpose
Trustees reserye the right to deterrrine the level of involvement of District #91 ia accepting
Federal funds. The district is to be in compliance with rules and regulations of Federal
programs implemented by trustees.
620.2 - Federal Programs
School District #91 has implemented the following Federal programs:o Title I prograrns include reading, math, migrant and Limited English Proficiency
progmmso Title II professional development programso Title [V Safe and Drug Free schools. Title VI Special Education (see policy 616.0), innovative and class size reduction
programsr Title D( Gender Equityo USDA Child Nutition Act 7CFR245
Section 600 -25
Idaho Falls School District #91
620.3 - General Compliance Requirements
o Services are provided in accordance with the district's non-discrimination
policies (1 18.0 and I 19.0). Compliance regulations will be approved by the Board ofTrusteeso ln addition to scheduled advisory groups and standard rights (policy 602.0),
parental involvement requires membership from each group on district and
school-level planning teamsr Translation services are to include both oral and written communication in the
parent's native language. All Federal programs are to be articulated,/coordinated/aligned with general
district academic standards and curriculum offerings (policy Section 600)r Each Federal program will be evaluated for effectiveness on an annual basis
620.4 - Roles and Responsibilities
Policy Section 200 directs the administrative line authority for Federal programs. Building
principals are responsible for all support prognms and personnel within their buildings.
Support personnel with district-wide responsibilities report to the Supervisor ofFederal
Section 600 -26
Idahg Falls School District #91
SECTION 700 - NEGOTIATIONS (Revised and Adopted by the Board of Trustees on
April 24,200I)
Section 700 -1
Idaho Falls School District #91
When the negotiating teams representing the Board of Trustees and the representative
organization have reached tentative agreement, the Board will await ratification of said
agreement by the representative bargaining goup prior to its own formal ratification of
the agreement.
Section 700 -2
Idaho Falls School District #91
Section 800-1
Idaho Falls School District #91
8l 1.0
8 r5.0
801.1 - Recruitment
An outstanding educational program is dependent upon the employment and retention of
the best qualified professional personnel. This witl be accomplished by giving careful
consideration to qualifications and by providing attractive salary schedules, adequate
facilities, and good working conditions.
Overall recruitment and selection is the responsibility of the Superintendent, or designee.
Factors which influence selection of professional personnel are as follows:a. Training and certificationb. Professionalcompetencec. Personality and compatibilityd. Suitability for the positione. Professionalattitude
Employment is subject to Board approval.
801.2 - Employment of Personnel
The selection, assignment, promotion, and retention of all personnel shall be determined
on the basis ofthe contribution of each person to the educational program. In the
performance of their duties, all personnel shall be expected to show evidence of capable,
efficient service to the schools.
801.3 - Aflirmative Action Policy Statement
The Board of Trustees of School District #91 commits itself to an Affirmative Action
Program that will provide for equal opportunity in educational programs, delivery of
services and employment practices. The intent of the program is to insure equal
educational opportunity to all students within the district and to insure equal treatment of
employees in recruitment, employment, training, promoting, and other personnel
practices. The district Affirmative Action Program focuses on all students and
employees in the district with a particular focus on racial and ethnic minorities, women,
disabled and older persons.
Section 800-2
Idaho Falls School District #91
802.1 - Appointment Procedure
The Superintendent of Schools shall recommend and the Board of Trustees shall consider
for approval all personnel on the basis of the qualifications.
802.2 - Performance Evaluation and Continuing Employment
Each supervisor shall evaluate the individual performance of each professional employee
under his direct supervision at least once each year and discuss the results of the
evaluation with the employee.
Because teacher performance and competency to instruct or govem students or a class
have an enduring and consequential influence upon pupils, every effort must be made to
assure that only teachers whose capabilities, sklls, and teaching performance will
produce good results shall remain on the staff of School District No. 91.
Procedures for the supervision and evaluation of certificated personnel are found in
"Procedures for the Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Employees." (See
Negotiated Master Conract.)
802.3 - Mandatory Medical Examinations
In the event the Superintendent has reasonable grounds to believe that a teacher is
suffering from physical or mental illness and that such illness impairs the ability ofthe
teacher to perform his/her contract responsibilities, the Superintendent may require the
teacher to secure a physicai or mental examination and obtain a written medical
certificate to be submitted to the Office of the Superintendent. This information shall
remain confidential.
802.4 - Recording Credits
In-service and college credits accrued by each teacher shall be recorded by October l5b
of each year in the personal records of each teacher on file in the District Administration
office. Salary adjustments for the current year for such credit will not be made after that
date. Each teacher will be responsible for fumishing evidence substantiating his eamed
credits and for reporting changes in degree status. Extenuating circumstances will be
given individual attention. (See language in Negotiated Master Contract)
Section 800-3
Idaho Falls School District tt91
802.5 - Reassignment or Transfer
The Superintendent has the responsibility for the assignment of all personnel in the
803.1 - Statement of Policy
It is the intent of the Board of Trustees of Idaho Falls School District #91 to attempt to
protect students and employees from exposure to diseases while they are attending school
or actively working for the school district. Staff members are encouraged to wear
protective gloves when handling any bodily fluids in the performance of their duties.
Students and school district employees who have, or are suspected of having, a
communicable disease shall be dealt with according to the rules listed below.
803.2 Definition of Communicable Diseases
803.3 Suspicion of Disease
If a school district employee has reason to believe a student or another school district
employee has a communicable disease as def,rned in the section above he/she shall
immediately repon this information to hiVher immediate supervisor or to the
Superintendent of Schools. If the supervisor who receives such a report believes that this
information is accurate, he/she shall report to the school nurse who shall then notify the
SDH, and the Superintendent of Schools if not previously notified.
803.4 Appointment of Health Review Team (HRT)
The Superintendent of Schools shall appoint a Health Review Team (HRT) for the
purpose of reviewing the cases of employees and students having, or suspected of having,
a communicable disease. The HRT shall consist of an administrator, the school nurse, a
local physician, and other members as the Superintendent of Schools deems necessary.
The affected employee shall be allowed to remain in the classroom or at the work site
until the HRT verifies whether the student or employee has a disease. The
Superintendent of Schools is authorized to arange safe placement of the affected
employee during the investigation.
Section 8004
Idaho Falls School District #91
The basic considerations in the assignment of professional personnel are the demands and
responsibilities of the program of instruction. It is the policy that instructional personnel
be assigned on the basis of their qualifications and the needs of the District.
For purposes of this policy, the definition of "communicable diseases" shall be the one
established by the Idaho State Department of Health (SDH), and shall include, but not be
limited to, those contagious diseases reportable to SDH.
803.5 ConfidentialityRequirements
Steps will be taken to protect the confidentiality of any employee with a communicable
disease. Therefore, the knowledge that any employee has a communicable disease will
be confined to those persons who have a direct need to know as determined by the
Superintendent of Schools. Those persons will be provided with appropriate information
and made aware of the requirements of confidentiality.
803.6 - Recommendation of Health Review Team
The HRT shall consult with the affected employee's physician regarding any suspected
case of comrnunicable diseases. The HRT shall conclude, within 72 hours after first
being informed, its fact finding and report a recommendation to the Superintendent of
Schools. After receipt of the above information and recommendations, the
Superintendent of Schools shall determine the placement of the affected employee. In
the case ofan employee where exclusion from the work site is in the best interests of all,
the worker is eligible for all leave provisions as are all other school district employees.
803.7 - Possibility of Exclusion Guidelines
In the case of an employee who has a human retrovirus variously labeled Human
lmmunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and when certain health conditions in the school
environment (e.g. measles or chicken pox) which could threaten their health, the
physician of the employee will be notified by the school nurse.
Exclusion from the classroom or the work place will be at the discretion of the affected
employee's physician.
803.8 Education Regarding Communicable Diseases
The Idaho Falls School District shall take steps as determined by rhe Sup€rintendent of
Schools to educate parents, students, and school employees regarding communicable
diseases and their transmission. Such education would serve to minimize the risk of
transmission to others, and to assist efforts to provide the best educational setting for
infected students and a safe work environment for infected employees.
Section 800-5
Idaho Falls School District #91
Faculty members may be reassigned or transferred when, in the judgment of the
Superintendent, or designee, the move will result in increased effectiveness in the
classroom. Reassignment can be initiated by a teacher seeking transfer, by the principal
of the teacher, or by the administration.
A list of all professional vacancies within the District will be compiled and posted in each
building before the 156dayof May each year. Any professional siaff member may
obtain an updated list anytime before the start ofthe next school year.
A written request for reassignment stating reasons and listing possible benefis for the
District shall be submitted to the Superintendent not later than May 20 preceding the next
school year.
The Superintendent, or designee, will approve or disapprove the request, in writing to the
applicant, at the earliest possible date.
Transfer or reassignment may be made at any time because of extenuating circumstances
or emergencies. (See Negotiated Master Contract)
The Board of Trustees has the obligation and responsibility to discontinue programs and
reduce staff to operate within rhe constmints of its financial capabilities. The decision to
continue or discontinue programs and services shall be made by the Board on
recommendation from the superintendent and administrative staff. The administration
will seek input from the Representative Organization relative to the discontinuation of
programs and services.
The Board recognizes that its primary purpose is to provide instructional programs and
services to the students of this Distdct. Toward that end, the Board agrces to examine
revenue sources including the consideration of authorizing an override election to avoid
staff and progmm reductions. Further, all aspects of the district's operations will be
considered when making any reductions.
Section 800-6
Idaho Falls School District #91
The request will be studied and evaluated by the Superintendent and any other
administrative penonnel who would be involved in the transfer.
805.1 - Reduction in Personnel
A. Procedure for Reduction of Teaching Staft
In the event the Board of Trustees adopts a reduced educational program by reason
of its financial necessity, including, but not limired to; declining enrollment, levy
failure, decreased state or local funding, or decreased federal funding, those staff
members who will be laid off or contract nonrenewed, or adversely affected in
contract status will be identified by using the following procedures:
The District will determine, as accurately as possible, the total number of
certificated staff members leaving the District for reasons of retirement,
family transfer, normal resignations, leaves, discharge or nonrenewal, etc.,
and these vacancies will be considered to determine the number of layoffs
2. I-eave of Absence:
In addition, other reductions shall be made by inviting staff memben with
at least.one (l) year of experience to apply for one (1) year leave of
absence without pay. The Superintendent shall recommend favorable
action by the Board for any applicant if the ganting of such leave would
eliminate the necessity for lay-off or contract renewal.
Any staff member taking such leave of absence shall be entitled to re-
employment by the District following the expiration of the leave period
unless such person would otherwise have been laid off or contract
nonrenewed under these staff retention procedures. In which case, the
staff member shall be placed in the employment pool established in these
procedures and be subject to re-employment as therein provided. Staff
members taking one (l) year leave of absence shall be responsible for
providing the District with their mailing addresses and any changes
thereof during their leave period. Any staff member entitled to re-
employment following the expiration of the staff member's one (l) year
leave of absence shall continue to be subject to the provisions appticable
to state law and the provisions of the applicable staff retention procedures
in the same manner as if actually employed by the district during the leave
Section 800-7
Idaho Falls School District li9l
l. Determination of Vacant Positions:
Vacant positions will be filled by transferring currently employed staff
members within the District unless by reason of certification, training
and/or experience, no qualified person is available.
Employees provided leave of absence as herein provided shall be entitled
to participation in District sponsored benefit programs as set forth in
paragraph 8G.
3. Certification:
To ensure that the certificated staff member recommended for retention
will be qualified to implement the educational program determined by the
Board, all certificated staff members must possess a current valid Idaho
State Certificate as may be required for the position available.
4. EmploymentCategories:
Elementary certificated staff members will be considered for
retention in one category (K-8).
Secondary certificated staff memben (7-12) will be considered
for retention in subject matter areas or departments. Each subject
matter area or department is a category defined by, but not
limited to, one of the following: science, math, social studies,
language arts, industrial arts, physical education and health,
home economics, business education, music, art, individual
language (e.g. French, Spanish and German). Other categories
will be determined by the administration.
Other nonsupervisory certificated staff members will be
considered for retention according to their specialties as endorsed
on their certificates:
Special Education Personnel - (by field or specialty.)
Vocational Teachers - (by field specialty.)
CounselorVSocial Workers
Other Specifi c Specialties
5. Retention of Employment Category
Each certificated staff member will, in accordance with the criteria set
forth in paragraph .46 hereof, be considered for retention in the category
or specialty appropriate for which they have been contracted. Certificated
staff members may also be considered for retention in such additional
categories, specialities, and subject matter areas which they are not
teaching but are currently certificated to teach with proper state
Section 800-8
Idaho Falls School District lfg l
The following categories and specialties are established to ensure the
qualifications of personnel assigned to retained positions:
All written requests for consideration in additional categories and/or
specialties shall be submitted in writing within five (5) working days after
the request for such information is made by the Superintendent, or his/her
No staff member shall be considered for retention in a position of higher
rank than the position held by such staff member at the time of the
implementation of these procedures. District salary structure as of the
time of the implementation of these procedures shall determine whether a
position is "of higher rank" than the posirion currently held by the staff
In the event an instructional program or service is entirely discontinued by
the Board and the person(s) employed therein are not certificated to work
in another position, then by necessiry, that pefion(s) will be laid off or
contract nonrenewed regardless of seniority within the district.
Selection Within Employment Caregories:
Certificated staff members shall be considered for retention in available
positions within the categories or specialties for which they qualify under
paragraph 4a hereof. In the event that there are more qualified staff
members than available positions in a given category or speciality, the
following criteria shall be used to determine which staff members shall be
recommended for retention.
a.Total seniority as a certificated staff member with this School
District shall be the basis for retention for those categories and
specialties identified in paragraph A4 above. Within each such
category or speciality, the staff member having greater seniority
shall be retained. In the event ties exist, the staff member having the
highest degree or next highest number of college or university
credits beyond the B.A. degree as recorded in the personnel office as
of March 15, of the current school year, shall have preference. Total
teaching experience will be the next factor considered for retention.
If ties remain, the staff member to be retained shall be determined by
drawing lots among the tied staff members.
Seniority within the meaning of this policy shall be based upon the
number of years of most recent continuous employment by SchoolDistrict No. 91. Although the District has recognted the ieaching
Section 800-9
Idaho Falls School District #91
Staff members will be considered for additional categories and/or
specialization only if they do not qualify for retention in the category or
specialty appropriate to the position held at the time of the implementation
of these procedures.
experience outside the District for placement on the salary schedule,
it is the intent of this Reduction in Force policy to determine
seniority on the basis of most recent continuous employment with
this district. By the application of this policy, reduction in force will
affect those teaching under a non-continuing contract prior to
affecting those teaching under a continuing contract.
7. Action by Superintendent:
The provisions of paragraphs Al through .4.6 above shall be implemented
as soon as possible after the identification of the need for a reduced
educational program.
8. Employment Pool:
a.All cerrihcated staff members who are not recommended for
retention in accordance with these procedures shall be taid off or
contract nonrenewed and placed in an employment pool for possible
re-employment during the first school year immediately following
his or her placement in the employment pool. Employment pool
personnel will be given the opportunity to fill open positions within
the categories or specialties identified in A4 for which they are
qualified under paragraph A5. If more than one such staff member is
qualified for an open position, the criteria set forth in paragraph ,4,6
shall be applied to determine who shall be offered such a position.
Any staff member wishing to remain in the employment pool for a
second year shall notify the Superintendent, or designee, in writing
between June I and June 30 ofhis or her first year in the
employment pool. If such notification is not received, the name of
any such staff member shall be dropped from the employment pool.
Employees remaining in the employment pool will be notified by the
district of this obligation. The notice will be sent to the employee at
their last known address.
When a vacancy occurs for which a person in the employment pool
qualifies, notification from the School District to such individual will
be by certified mail or by personal delivery. Such individual will
have five (5) calendar days from the receipt of the letter to accept the
position. If an individual in the employment pool fails to accept a
position for which he or she is eligible, such individual will be
dropped from the employment pool.
Any certificated staff member receiving written notice of lay off or
contract nonrenewal pursuant to the provisions of this policy shall be
eligible for a "special leave of absence" without pay upon written
application directed to the Superintendent or his/her designated
representative and received not more than ten (10) days following
receipt of the nonrenewal notice. Staff memben electing to take a
Section 800-10
Idaho Falls School District #91
It is recognized that certificated staff members of the District holding
administrative or supervisory positions and not provided for under the
provisions of this policy, may be eligible under applicable Board policy
and administrative procedures for retention in one or more of the
employment categories identified in paragraph 4 above.
10. Reduction in Administrative Staff:
In the event the Board of Trustees adopts a reduced educational program
by reason of financial necessity, including, but not limited to, levy failure,
decreased state support, and/or declining enrollment, those certificated
employees holding administrative or supervisory positions
(administrators' herein) who will be retained to implement the district's
reduced or modified program, and those administrators who will be
terminated from employment or adversely affected in contract status will
be identified pursuant to the provisions of the administrative procedures
which follow:
Section 800-l I
Idaho Falls School District #91
"special leave of absence" shall be placed in the employment pool
established under paragraph 8a above and shall be considered for re-
employment together with other staff members in the employment
pool. The personnel file of any person taking a "special leave of
absence" shall be amended to reflect that status and all references to
the nonrenewal of such staff member's contract shall be removed
from the staff member's personnel file. Personnel taking a "special
Ieave of absence" shall enjoy the same rights and privileges
applicable to the case of other leaves of absence without pay.e. The District will utilize employment pool personnel as substitutes on
a first priority basis.f. The provisions of this paragraph 8 shall be applicable to all
employees laid off or contract nonrenewed under the terms of this
policy and also to all persons having employment pool status under
any prior leave of absence. To the extent that any conflict exists
between the recall procedures of this policy and any prior leaves of
absence, the provisions of this policy shall govem the recall rights of
persons having employment pool status under any prior leave of
absence.g. While a staff member is on leave and remaining in the employment
pool, he or she shall have the option to remain an active participant
in group insurance programs if such an arrangement is agreeable to
the carrier and the Distdct. Any such arrangement shall be at no cost
to the district, and all premiums are due as determined by the district
and the carrier.
B. Administrative Procedures:
Determination of Vacant Positions: The District will determine, as
accurately as possible, the identity of administrators known as of April 1
leaving the District for reasons of retirement, family transfer, normal
resignations, leaves, discharge, or nonrenewal, etc., and these vacancies
will be taken into consideration in determining the number of available
administrative positions for the following year.
Certification: Possession of any valid Idaho State Certificate which may
be required for the position under consideration shall be prerequisite for
Employment Categories: Each administrator shall be considered for
rctention by employment categories as follows:
a.Building administrators will be considered for retention in the
following categories:
Senior High Principals
Junior High Principals
Elementary Principals
Senior High Assistant Principals
Junior High Assistant Principals
Other administrators, including, but not limited to, assistant
superintendents and coordinators, will be considered for retention in
their fields of specialty and not as separate categories. Each
administrative field of specialty shall be considered to be a separate
and distinct category. District administrative organization shall be
taken into consideration in determining the field of specialty for an
individual administrator.
Each administrator in accordance with the criteria set forth in paragraph 5
hereof, shall be considered for retention in the employment category
appropriate to the position held at the time of the implementation of these
procedures. If an administrator does not qualify for retention in the
employment category appropriate to the position held at the time of the
implementation of these procedures, he or she shall also be considered for
retention in such additional employment categories as he or she may be
qualified for pursuant to the following criteria:a. An administrator whose current position involves the direct
supervision of other certificated employees shall be considered for
retention in the employment category or categories appropriate to the
supervised employees; in this regard an elementary principal
Section 800-12
Idaho Falls School District #91
4. Retention of Employment Category:
satisfies the requirements of this paragraph with respect to the K-6
teaching category.
An administrator shall be considered for retention in other
employment categories if he or she has had a minimum of one (l)
year full-time professional experience teaching or performing in
such additionai categories.
Selection Within Employment Categories:
Administrators shall be considered for retention in available positions
within the categories for which they quatify under paragraph 4 above. In
the event that there are more qualified administrators than available
positions in a given category, the following criteria shall be used to
determine which administrators shall be recommended for retention:a. Total seniority as a certificated employee, less any seniority
attributable to any position of lower rank than the position or
category under consideration, shall be the basis for retention for
those employment categories identified in paragraph 3 above.
Within each category the senior employee shall be recommended for
retention. In the case of equality of seniority, the determining factor
will be total seniority as a certificated employee. If ties exist, the
employee having the highest degree or next highest number of
credits beyond the B.A. degree as recorded in the personnel office as
of March 15 of the current school year, shall have preference. If ties
remain, the employee to be retained shall be determined by drawing
lots among the employees who tie. "Seniority" within the meaning
of this paragraph shall mean years of certificated experience of the
nature eligible for recognition by the district which is limired to
employment by this district.
In the event an administrator is not eligible for retention in any
category or specialty identified in paragraph 3 above, but is eligible
to be considered for retention in one or more teaching or other
nonsupervisory certificated employee employment categories
pursuant to paragraph 4 above, such as set forth in the Reduction in
Force policy with respect to any such employment category,
provided, however, that for the purpose of determining seniority for
reassignment to a teaching or nonsupervisory position, seniority shall
be determined based upon the total years of employment with the
district in a supervisory or other staff position.
6. Action by Superintendent:
The provisions of paragraph I through 5 above shall be implemented as
soon as reasonabty possible following the identification of the need toimplement a reduced educational program. The Superintendent shall take
Section 800-13
Idaho Falls School Disrricr ifg l
such action iu; may be required by statute to nonrenew or adversely affect
the employment contracts of affected administrators.
7. Employment Pool
Any adrninistrator who is not recommended for retention in
accordance with these procedures sha.ll be terminated from
employment and placed in the employment pool and shall be given
the opportunity to fill open positions within the categories or
specialties identified in paragraph 3 above for which he or she is
qualified under paragraph 4. If more than one (l) such administrator
is qualified for an open position, the criteria set forth in paragraph 5
shall be applied to determine who shall be offered such position.
Any terminated administrator shall also be placed in the employment
pool identified in the Reduction in Force Policy in the event such
administrator is qualified to be considered for reemployment in any
nonsupervisory certificated employment category pursuant to
paragraph 4 above.
It shall be the responsibility of each administrator placed in the
employment pool to notify the Superintendent, or his or her
designee, in writing between January 2 and January 3l if such
administrator wishes to remain in the employment pool. If such
notification is not received, the name of any such administrator shall
be dropped from the employment pool. The district shall make a
reasonable effo( to notify administrators remaining in the
employment pool of this obligation.
When a vacancy occurs for which persons in the employment pool
qualify, notification from the School District to any individual will
be by certified mail or by personal delivery. Such individual will
have five (5) calendar days from the receipt of the letter to accept the
position. If an individual fails to accept a position offered, such
individual will be dropped from the employment pool.
The Board recognizes the responsibility of the school system for cooperating with teacher
training institutions in the placement of student teachers. The superintendent and his/her
staff are directed to prepare regulations governing the placement of student teachers
which will:
1 Provide for placement of student teachers with outstanding teachers who will serve
as their supervisors.
Section 800-14
Idaho Falls School District #91
Direct that classroom teachers assume the major portion of teaching time but
protect them from excessive supervisory responsibilities toward student teachers.
Ensure that students are not overexposed to student teaching, either in one year or
during several years, as they progress through school.
Ensure placement of student teachers without regard to race, religion, color, sex,
creed, or national origin.
If at any time a student teacher becomes unacceptable, the District reserves the right to
refuse that student teacher further teaching experience within the District.
Placement on the District's salary schedule is based on qualifying education and
experience. The salary schedule is adopted annually by the Board and lists criteria that
are used in determining placement. To receive credit for an actual year of experience, a
teacher must have taught seven (7) months on a full time assignment or at least 50
percent of a school day for a full year.
For new hires, prior experience in the United States or its territories, in grades K-12 in
public schools, or state accredited parochial, or private schools, may be accepted as per
the Negotiated Master Contract.
Credits for advancement on the salary schedule must be verified by an official transcript
from an institution accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting association.
Extra pay will be allowed for recognized special services not included in base contracts
according to the approved schedules.
808.1 - Definitions
Benefits are defined to be the accumulation of sick leave, other special leaves as listed in
this section, paid holidays, voluntary or involuntary payroll deductions, and insurance
coverages offered by the District.
808.2 - Full-Time/Part-Time Assignment
A full+ime assignment is an assignment requiring a time commitment of at least 507o of
the normal teaching day or 20 or more hours per week for 5 or more consecutive months.
All other assignments :ue considered part{ime
Section 800-15
Idaho Falls School District #91
808.0 . BENEFITS
808.3 - Full-Timey'Part-Time Certified Employees
A full-time certified employee is one who fills a full-time assignment. Those not meeting
this criteria are considered part.time or casual certified employees.
808.4 - Benefit Criteria
All full+ime certified employees will receive benefits as defined above and described
below. A full time cedfied employee filling a part{ime assignment will not receive
additional benefits due to the pan-time assignment
808.5 - Payroll Deductions
Open Enrollment
Every year the District will hold an open enerollment period from September l't
through October l5th. During this time employees may:. Change their medical and/or dental insurance coverage without a qualifying
. Make application to join the certified or classified sick leave banksr Enroll in income protection, cancer, intensive care and other insurances.
The District shall provide a Cafeterial Plan with a Premium Only Plan and a
Flexible Spending Plan. Returning full-time employees must enroll by August 3l't
each year to be able to participate in the Flexible Spending Plan. New full-time
employees may enroll at the time of full-time employment.
Federal and State Income Taxes
Federal and state income taxes will be withheld from all compensation received by
employees at the established rates and in accordance with the W-4 form completed
by the employee. Certain tax sheltered benefits as provided for by law and the
District will be allowed.
Social Security
Social Security will be withheld from all compensation received by employees at
the established rate. Employee's contributions are matched by the State of Idaho.
Again, certain tax sheltered benefits as provided for by law and the District will be
Public Employee's Retirement System
All full-time employees must contribute to the Public Employee Retirement System
of Idaho. Amounts will be withheld from all compensation received at the
established rate. Retirement contributions are sheltered from State and Federal
income taxes. The District is required to contribute to Public Employee Retirement
System of Idaho based on the established employer rate.
Section 800-16
Idaho Falls School District #91
6 Credit Union
The services of a credit union are available to all employees of the school district.
Payroll deduction is available upon request.
Tax Sheltered Retirement Plans
Tax sheltered retirement plans, offered and sold by companies recognized and
licensed by the State of Idaho Department of Finance and/or the State of Idaho
Department of Insurance and meeting the criteria as established by the Board for
payroll deductions, are available to employees desiring to shelter their regular
income from State and Federal income taxes. Enrollment in these programs and
adjustment to existing premiums may be made twice annually. Employees may
also contribute to the Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho 401(k) Choice
Voluntary Contributions for Charity
Employees may elect to contribute to the United Way or the Idaho Falls School
District 91 Education Fund through payroll deduction.
Other Deductions
Other payroll deductions are available for various association dues and insurance
programs. Certain criteria set by the Board must be met by programs and/or
companies in order to qualify for payroll deduction. Information is available
through Human Resources or the Negotiated Master Contract regarding other
payroll deductions.
808.6 - Insurance Coverages
Worker's Compensation
As required by law, School District #91 is covered for injuries received by
employees during the course of their work for both medical costs and time lost
because of industrial related accidents.
An employee who is unable to work due to an industrial accident will not receive
salary compensation from the District for those days he./she is unable to work. Such
compensation will come from the State Insurance Fund paid directly to the injured
employee. In cases where the sums paid amount to less than what the employee
would otherwise have eamed, that employee may elect to use his/her accumulated
sick leave to compensate for the difference. Sick I-eave Bank applications cannot
be granted during the period of payment from the State lnsurance Fund.
The combination of amounts paid to an injured employee from both State Insurance
Fund and from sick leave accumulation are not to exceed the amount paid should the
employee never have been absent because of injury.
All evidence of amounts paid from State Insurance Fund must be submitted for
review to the payroll office prior to approval for the use of sick leave compensation.
Section 800-17
Idaho Falls School District #91
2. Medical, Dental, and Life Insurances
These insurance coverages are provided on a cooperative basis in which the District
normally assumes the cost of the employee's premium for individual coverage.
Provisions have been made so that the spouses and dependents of employees can be
covered under these programs. Premiums for these coverages are bome by the
employee and are made through payroll deductions.
New full-time employees have thirty 30 days from date of full-time employment in
which to enroll in these programs. If an employee desires coverage under this
program, it is hiVher responsibility to be sure that they are enrolled. After the initial
enrollment period, any employee desiring to enroll or desiring changes in coverages
will be subject to an extended waiting period and/or proof of insurability. New
arrivals are not subject to these conditions. An employee may cancel coverages at
any time subject to the qualifying event restrictions goveming premium only plan
809.0 - LEAVES
809.1 - Sick Leave
Sick leave will be accumulated by all fullrime employees at the beginning of their
full+ime assignment each year based upon the number of days worked per year.
Sick leave shall be allowed to accumulate from year to year with no limit.
Employees who use all of their sick leave accumulation and are unable to retum to
work due to continued illness may apply to the Certified Sick Leave Bank or
Classified Sick kave Bank, if they are a member, for additional sick leave.
Membership and the awarding of sick leave grants are subject to the specific rules
of the appropriate sick leave bank.
This leave may be used for illness or personal leave. Its use is not restricted except
when the employee uses sick leave for more than seven (7) consecutive days in any
year. In that event, the employee must provide the District with acceptable
documentation that indicates that the leave is a direct result of personal illness,
family illness or a death in the immediate family of the employee or spouse.
Additional days beyond the seven (7) consecutive days may be granted upon
written request to the Superintendent.
No payments for unused sick leave will be paid to the employee upon termination
of employment with the school District. upon retirement, accumulated sick leavewill be converted to a sick leave entitlement benefit in accordance with Idaho code.
This entitlement may be used to pay for medial, dental and/or life insurance after
Section 800-18
Idaho Falls School District #91
Sick leave cannot be used in advance of being eamed. In accordance with Idaho
Code, unused sick leave can be transferred between districts if the employee
terminates employment with School District #91 to take employment in another
Idaho school district. Employees leaving School District #91 should notify the
payroll clerk so that a certification of the amount of accumulated leave can be sent
directly to the new place of employment.
Proof of illness may be required at any time. The District reserves the right at its
own expense, to require additional medical examination of any person requesting
leave under provision of this section..
l. Use of Sick Leave During Pregnancy
The use of sick leave for matemity-related illness will be treated no differently
than any other illness.
2. Premiums for Fringe Benefits While On an Approved Leave Without Pay
If the number of days between the end of the use of paid leave and the return to
work by the employee is twenty (20) days, (or three (3) calendar weeks,) or
less, then the District will pay all premiums for the insurance programs for the
employee. If this time is greater than twenty (20) days, then it will be the
responsibility of the employee to pay any insurance premiums if he/she desires
to retain the coverage during the time he/she is on leave.
Any teacher desiring matemity, paternity or parental leave must submit a
written request to the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, and receive
approval from the same.
809.2 - Professional Leave
Professional organization: See Negotiated Master contract between school District
No. 91 and the Representative Organization of certificated personnel.
Professional Meetings: Professional leave may be requested by any member of the
teaching staff for the purpose of attending professional meetings, workshops,
conferences or seminars sponsored by an educational agency oi organization,
intenchool or intra-school visitations, or other appropriate activiti;s. professional
leave may be granted to those teachers who wish to participate in such activities,
upon submitting a written request through their buirding principal not less than one(1) week prior to the professionar meeting, outrining the purpose and projected cost ofthe conference.
Teachers will be compensated for professiona.l leave at their regular rate of pay.
Section 800-19
Idaho Falts School District #91
809.3 - Leaves of Absence for Other Reasons
kaves of absence for extended periods of time may be granted from time to time to
accommodate special conditions or needs of the staff. Each case will be considered
on its own merits and will be subject to the following conditions:l. The individuals use the time for the purpose stated in their petition for
consideration.2. kaves of absence shall not exceed one school year. Extensions, if desired,
must be sought by re-application.3. Acceptance of a leave of absence under this policy holds in abeyance accrued
benefits for the employee except that if he/she is rehired, he./she will be given
credit for prior service and regain all benefits previously accrued.4. [raves of absence are granted with the understanding and ageement by the
applicant that, notwithstanding any other contractual provisions, reinstatement
at the conclusion of the leave of absence will depend upon the availability of
funds and a teaching assignment for which he/she is qualified, and that his/trer
qualifications for the assignment are at least equal or better than the
qualifications of any other applicant for the position being sought.5. Application for the leave of absence and the acceptance of terms of the leave of
absence must be expressed in writing by the applicant.6. The recipient of a leave of absence must notify the District administration of
his/her intent to retum by April I of the next employment year.
809.4 - Considerations For Leave Without Pay
Appreciating the importance of the physicat presence of the teacher in the classroom,
and recognizing the loss to student achievement when the teacher is absent, there are
occasions during the school year when a teacher will request leave for personal
reasons beyond the number of days allowed under the terms of the Neeotiated Master
Contract. Such leave is considered as leave without pay. Unless it is approved by the
appropriate administrative authority, it could represent a breach of contract.
It is most difficult tojustify a teacher's absence for extended personal reasons to
patrons and to colleagues unless the request has an overriding need that cannot be met
otherwise. Such requests are generally discouraged for the obvious reasons.
When such leave is considered to be of the utmost importance on the part of the
individual, a rcquest must be submitted in writing through the app.opriat"
administrative channels. To be approved, the event that would prompt such a request
must be truly unique in nature, relating to something that could not bi accomplished
outside the scheduled school year, and be a rare occurrence in the tenure of the staff
member. Additionally, the timing and duration of the absence must be such that it
does not unduly present activities or obligations that cannot be adequately covered or
delegated to someone else.
Section 800-20
Idaho Falls School District #91
These administrative guidelines would influence the evaluation of any request sent
forward and would be used to establish consistency in the decision-making
809.5 - Military Leave
District #91 shall be in strict compliance with federal laws relating to military leave.
District #91 takes the position that, where possible, mititary leave should be financially
neutral to the district and employees taking such leave. This means that the district will
cooperate with employees on military leave to maintain their contracted school district salary
for up to 190 days (one school year), but that the employee should not profir (at district
expense) by being on leave.
When military salary (including allowances, i.e. housing allowances) is equal to or higher
than the school district salary, the employee is eligible to take seven days from accumulated
leave from the date the military leave begins. Additional accrued salary shall be paid as
requested by the employee.
When military salary (including allowances, i.e. housing allowances) is less than rhe school
district salary, the following procedures are to be used in the order they are presented:
l. The employee is eligible to take seven days from accumulated leave from the date the
military leave begins.2. The employee's accrued salary shall first be used to make up the difference between
military and school district salary.3. Once accrued salary has been consumed, the district shall pay an amount per day that
does not exceed the employee's daily rate of pay, less the cost of the substitute teacher,
For example, ifthe daily rate of pay = $160 and the cost of the substitute is g90; then
up to $70 a day is available to level military pay with school disrrict pay.4. Once the difference between the employee's pay and the substitute's salary has been
consumed, the employee may use accumulated leave to make up the salary difference.5. Under these provisions, it may be possible that the employee's combined mititary and
school district compensation does not equal what the person was receiving as a full
time district employee. The combined use of #s 24 of the above procedures may not
exceed 190 teacher conrract days, at which time the school district's financial
responsibility shall end, regardless of the number of times a person is called into active
militrry dury.
Section 800-21
Idaho Falls School District #91
Benefits shall be awarded on rhe following basis:
l. District benefits will cease at the point in time that the employee receives miliury
benefits. Districr benefits will resume at the point in time miiitary benefits end for theemployee. Employees shall be responsible for the costs associated with maintaining
- dependant coverage during the period of thet military leave.2. The employee is responsible for providing aI documintation that rerates to any salaryor benefit payments beyond the initiar seven days of leave paid from accumurated teaveand their accrued salary.3. The district w r work with the employee in sequencing payroll to ensure that apaycheck is not missed as the employee transitions from school district to miritary pay.
For the purpose of determining experience placement on the salary schedule, military leave
shall count the same as if the employee was teaching.
809.6 -Other Leave
See Negotiated Master Contract between School District No. 9l and the
Representative Organization of cenificated personnel.
The administration will make every attempt to hire the most qualified substitutes for
teachers who are absent from their classrooms.
810.1 Long Term Substitutes
An individual substituting on a long-tern basis for the same teacher in the same
assignment will be paid at the current daily substitute rate for the first ten (10) days.
Beginning with the eleventh (l lh) day, and for as long as the individual is
substituting for that same teacher in the same assignment, he/she shall be paid at a
higher rate.
Permanent record folders will be kept on all certificated personnel. These records
shall constitute a chronological and historical record of all data pertinent to the
Section 80O-22
Idaho Falls School District #91
A long-term substitute will revert back to the regular substitute rate for ten days for
any absence other than personal illness, emergency sickness in family, death in family
or as excused by the Assistant Superintendent. Any absence will not be counted as
part of the ten days.
810.2 Short Term Substitutes
Short+erm substitute teachers will be paid on the following schedule:l. A substitute working up to and including 3.5 hours (excluding the lunch period)
will receive one-half (V2 of the daily rate. Substitutes working more than 3.5
hours will receive the full daily rate. Starting time for determining the above
mtes is the official time teachen are to be on duty n the school in which the
substitute is working.2. When a substitute is catled but not needed, he/she will be paid a $15 show-up
fee.3. A substitute working more than one assignment in a single day will never
receive more than one day of pay.4. An individual substituting for a paraprofessional will receive an hourly
substitute aide rate and should report that assignment on a substitute
paraprofessional timecard.
Teachers shall be expected to continue their educational development during their
service in the District schools. It will be the responsibility of each certificated staff
member to take classes or participate in workshops or other self-improvement activities
sufficient to keep current and maintain the skills required for the professional position.
employment history of the employee. Items to be included, but not limited to, are
application forms, personal resumes, current payroll deduction authorizations, annual
performance data, evaluation reports, and other data deemed pertinent.
It is the responsibility of each staff member to conduct himself or herself in such a
manner that reflects honor and dignity on the staff member, the School District, and
the educational profession.
813.1 - Non-School Employment
Employees shall not engage in any other employment or in a private business during
the hours necessary to fulfill appropriate assigaed duties.
813.2 - Staff Potitical Activities
The Board recogrizes that employees of School District No. 9l have the same
fundamental civic responsibilities and privileges as other citizens, .rmong these arc
campaigning for an elective public office and holding an elective public office.
In connection with campaigning as a candidate, or for a candidate seeking public office,it shall be considered contrary to policy for school system facilities, equifment, or
supplies to be used at any time, or for there to be any involvement of sysiem personnel
during the work day, or for there to be any encroachment on the time oi the work day.
Any employee with District No. 9l who is elecred to an office and unable to fulfillhis/her contract or obligations, wilt forfeit all pay white service in office. Theemployee will be alrowed to retum to his/her poiition upon compretion of hivher dutieswithout loss of tenure, fringe benefits, etc.
Section 800-23
Idaho Falls School District #91
813.3 Employee Sexual Harassment (Adoption: September 28, L999)
Each individual has the right to work and learn in an atmosphere which promotes equal
opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices, including sexual harassment. At
Idaho Falls School District #91 sexual harassment, whether verbal, physical or
environmental, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated, The sexual harassment of any
employee or recipient of service rendered by the District is absolutely forbidden.
Definition of Sexual Harassment:
For the pulposes of this policy, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome or
unwanted conduct of a sexual nature (verbal or physical) when:
Submission to or rejection of this conduct by an individual is used as a
factor in decisions affecting hiring, evaluation, promotion or other aspects of
This conduct substantially interferes with an individual's employment or
creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to: unwanted sexual
advances; demands for sexual favors in exchange for favorable treatment or
continued employment; repeated sexual jokes, flirtations, advances or propositions;
verbal abuse of a sexual nature; graphic, verbal commentary about an individual's
body, sexual prowess or sexual deficiencies; leering, whistling, touching, pinching,
assault, coerced sexual acts or suggestive insulting. Obscene comments or gestures;
display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures.
This behavior is unacceptable in the workplace itself and in other work-related
settings such as business trips and business-related social events.
tr. Individuals Covered Under The Policy:
This policy covers all employees and recipients of services provided by the district.
Idaho Falls School District #91 will not tolerate, condone or allow sexual
harassment, whether engaged in by fellow employees, administrators, supervisors,
students or patrons.
The district encourages reporting of all incidents of sexual harassment, regardless of
who the offender may be.
Section 800-24
Idaho Falls School District #91
m. Establishing a Sexual Harassment Awareness Program:
Idaho Falls School District #91 will inform employees of its zero tolerance policy
for sexual harassment by providing a copy of the Board of Trustees sexual
harassment policy to each employee. Employees will be made aware of the
procedures for reporting a sexual harassment complaint.
IV. Reporting a Complaint:
While Idaho Falls School District #91 encourages individuals who believe they are
being harassed to firmly and promptly notify the offender that his or her behavior is
unwelcome, the District also recognizes that power and status disparities between
an alleged harasser and a victim may make such a confrontation impossible. In the
event that such informal, direct communication between individuals is either
ineffective or impossible, the following steps should be followed:
A Notification of Appropriate Staff
Individuals who believe they have been subjected to sexual harassment should
report the incident to their building principal or supervisor or to the Human
Resources Department. If the building principal or supervisor resolves the
complaint in an informal manner, the principal or supervisor must file a
confidential report to the Human Resources Department about the complaint
and resolution. This enables the district to be aware of any pattern of
harassment by a particular individual. Principals and supervisors are
encouraged to consult a trained member of the district's sexual harassment
committee before taking action.
B. Description of Misconduct
An accurate record of objectionable behavior or misconduct is needed to
resolve a formal complaint of sexual harassment. Verbal reports of sexual
harassment must be reduced to writing by either the complainant or the
individual(s) designated to receive complaints, and be signed by the
complainant. Individuals who believe they have been or currently are being
harassed should maintain a record of objectionable conduct in order to
effectively prepare and corroborate their allegations. While the District
encourages individuals to keep written notes in order to accurately record
offensive conduct or behavior, the District hereby notifies all employees that,
in the event that a lawsuit develops from the reported incident, the
complainant's written notes may not be considered privileged information,
and therefore, confidential unless such notes were originally made in
anticipation of litigation.
C Timeframe for Reporting Complaint.
Idaho Falls School District #91 encourages a prompt reporting of complaints
so that rapid response and appropriate action may be taken. Howevei, due to
Section 800-25
Idaho Falls School District #91
the sensitivity of these problems and because of the emotional toll such
misconduct may have on the individual, no limited timeframe will be
instituted for reporting sexual harassment complaints. I-ate reporting of
complaints will not in and of itself preclude this firm from taking remedial
D Protection Against Retaliation
The District will not in any way retaliate against an individual who makes a
report of sexual harassment nor permit any employee to do so. Retaliation is a
serious violation of this sexual harassment policy and should be reported
immediately. The District will not in any way retaliate against an individual
who makes a report Any person found to have retaliated against another
individual for reporting sexual harassment will be subject to the same
disciplinary action provided for sexual harassment offenders.
Investigating the Complaint:A. Confidentiality
Any allegation of sexual harassment brought to the attention of the sexual
harassment committee will be promptly investigated in a confidential manner
so as to protect the privacy of persons involved. Confidentiality will be
maintained throughout the investigatory process to the extent practical and
appropriate under the circumstances.B Identification of lnvestigators
Complaints will be investigated and resolved by the person on the District's
sexual harassment committee to whom it was reported. In addition, any of the
following individuals may be included in reviewing the investigation and
outcome: Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and
Instruction, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations, Human
Resources.C. InvestigationProcess
In pursuing the investigation, the investigator will try to take the wishes of the
complainant under consideration, but should thoroughly investigate the matter
as he/she sees fit, keeping the complainant informed as to the status of the
investigation. Steps to be taken in the investigation include:o Confirm name and position of the complainant.o Identify the alleged harasser.. Thoroughly ascertain all facts that explain what happened.
Questions should be asked in a nonjudgrnental manner.. Determine frequency/type of alleged harassment and, if possible,
the dates and locations where alleged harassment occurred.o Find out if there were witnesses who observed the alleged
harassment.o Ask the individual how he/she responded to the alleged
Section 800-26
Idaho Falls School District lfg l
Determine whether the harassed individual consulted anyone
else about the alleged harassment and take note of who else
knows and their response to the disclosure.
Develop a thorough understanding of the professional
relationship, degree of control and amount of interaction between
the alleged harasser and complainant. (Does the person control
compensation, terms of employment or promotions? Do these
individuals work in close proximity to one another and/or on the
same projects?)
Determine whether the alleged harasser has carried out any
threats or promises directed at the complainant.
Does the complainant know of or suspect that there are other
individuals who have been harassed by the alleged harasser?
Has the complainant informed other administrators or
supervisors of the situation? What response, if any, did
complainant receive from these individuals?
Ask complainant what action he/she would like the district to
take as a consequence of the harassment.
When first interviewing the alleged harasser, remind him/her of
the District's policy against retaliarion for making a complaint of
sexual harassment.
VI. Resolving the Complaint:
Upon completing the investigation of a sexual harassment complaint, the District
will communicate its findings and intended actions to the complainant and the
alleged harasser. If the investigator together with any appropriate review
committee, finds that harassment occurred, the harasser will be subject to
appropriate disciplinary procedures, as listed below. The complainant will be
informed of the disciplinary action taken. If the investigator, together with a review
committee, determines that no sexual harassment has occurred, this finding will be
communicated to the complainant in an appropriately sensitive manner. In the
event that no resolution satisfactory to both parties can be reached based on theinitial investigation, the matter may be resolved through the District's grievance
A. Discipline.
Individuals will be severely disciplined, up to and including discharge.
Appropriate Individuals found to have engaged in misconduct constituting
sexual harassment discipline will be determined by the Superintendent and.ior
the Assistant superintendent of curriculum and Instruction and/or the Assistant
Superintendent of Business and operations. In addressing incidents of sexual
harassment, the district's response, at a minimum, will inilude reprimanding theoffender and preparing a written record. Additional action may include:
referral to counseling, withholding of a promotion, reassignment, temporary
suspension wirhour pay, or termination. Although the DiJtrict's ability todiscipline a non-employee harasser (e.g. patron,iupplier) is limited by the
Section 800-27
Idaho Falls School District #91
degree of control, if any, that the District has over the alleged harasser, any
employee who has been subjected to sexual harassment should file a complaint
and be assured that action will be taken.
B. False Accusations.
If an investigation results in a finding that the complainant falsely accused
another of sexual harassment knowingly or in a malicious manner, the
complainant will be subject to appropriate discipline, including the possibility of
C. Grievance Process.
If either party directly involved in a sexual harassment investigation is
dissatisfied with the outcome or resolution, that individual has a right to appeal
the decision through the District's established grievance procedures.
Vtr. Maintaining a Written Record of the Complaint:
The District shall maintain a complete written record of each complaint and how it was
investigated and resolved. Written records shall be maintained in a confidential manner
in the Human Resources Department.
Section 800-28
Idaho Falls School District #91
Position of Complainant:
Date of Complain t
Name of alleged harasser:
Date and Place of
Incident or Incidents:
Description of Misconduct
Evidence of Harassment,
i.e., letters, photos:_
I agree that all the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of m
Received by:
Section 800-29
Idaho Falls School District t*9l
Name of Compluirurt,
List any witnesses that were present:_
Any other information:
Name of Witness:
Position of Witness:
Date of Testimony/
Any other Information:
I agree that all the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my
Received by:_
Section 800-30
Idaho Falls Schoot District #91
Description of
Instance Witnessed:
Adoption: September 28, 1999
The abuse of alcohol and/or drugs is a serious threat to the district, its employees and
students. Management and employees are equally responsible for maintaining a safe and
healthy working environment. For that reason, the district has adopted the following
A Publishing a statement notifying all employees of District 91 that: l.l. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a
controlled substance is prohibited in the District 9l workplace.2. The possession, consumption, or sale of alcohol on district premises or
while on district business is prohibited. (District prope(y includes all
facilities, offices, buildings, equipment, automobiles, trucks, vehicles and
parking areas, whether owned, leased, used, or under the control of the
3. Employees under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance
which impairs judgment, performance, or behavior while on district
premises or on district business will be subject to discipline, including
discharge. ("Under the Influence" means being unable to perform work in a
safe and productive manner or being in a physical or mental condition that
creates a risk to the safety and well-being of the individual, students,
employees, the public or district property.)
4. Employees who report to work under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
will not be allowed to go to their respective workstations or drive
themselves home. Either a family member or driving service will be
contacted and arrangements will be made to have the employee driven
home.5 Consuming alcoholic beverages and/or abusing drugs while driving any
vehicle for district business is prohibited.
6. Any employee found in violation of such prohibitions will be placed on
probation and required to complete an established drug or alcohol abuse
assistance and/or rehabilitation program or may, at the discretion of the
Board of Trustees, be dismissed. (Employees who enter an alcohol or drug
treatment program as a condition of continued employment will be required
to sign a rehabilitation agreement. If an employee drops out of the program
or fails to meet any tenns of the rehabilitation agreement, he/she will be
subject to immediate discipline up to and including termination.
Section 800-31
Idaho Falls School District #91
1. In compliance wirh rhe Federal Regulations established by the Drug Free Workplace
Act of 1988, the Board of Trustees of District 9l certifies rhe district will take such
steps as are necessary to comply with the Federal Regulations, including but not
limited to the following acts:
B Establishing a drug and alcohol free awareness program to inform employees
about:l. The dangers of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace.
2. The Board of Trustees policy regarding maintenance of a drug and alcohol
free workplace.
3. Available drug and alcohol abuse counseling, rehabilitation, and employee
assistance programs.
4. The penalties which may be imposed upon employees for drug and alcohol
abuse violations occurring in the workplace.5. The Board of Trustees policy on testing.
C. Providing every employee with a copy of the statement described in paragraph
Section 800-32
Idaho Falls School District #91
E. Agreeing to notify the Federal Agency within ten (10) days after receiving
notice under subparagraph D.2 from an employee or otherwise receiving actual
notice of conviction.
7. Employees who abuse alcohol and,/or drugs off+he-job run the risk of
jeopardizing the safety of themselves, their family, the public, and the
district. Discipline, up to and including termination, may be imposed
whenever such usage interferes with the district's ability to carry out its
responsibilities, or increases irs potential liability.8. Reasonable accommodation will be offered to employees who admit to an
alcohol problem.
9. The district may discipline, discharge, or deny employment to employees
whose use of alcohol adversely affects job performance or conduct to the
extent that the employees are not qualified to perform the essential functions
of theirjobs.
D. Notifying every employee in the statement described in paragraph A that, as a
condition of employment, the employee will:l. Abide by the terms of the statement.
2. Notify the district of any criminal drug and/or alcohol statute conviction for a
violation occurring in the workplace, no later than five (5) days after the
Taking one of the following actions within 30 days of receiving notice under
subparagraph D.2 with respect to any employee who is so convicted.I Taking appropriate action against such an employee up to and including
termination, or
2. Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug and/or
alcohol abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such
purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other
appropriate agency.
G. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a Drug and Alcohol Free
Workplace through implementation of the above policy.
tr. The district reserves the right to require any employee suspected of alcohol and/or
drug abuse to undergo testing. Employees who refuse to be tested will be subject to
discipline, up to and including termination. In addition, any employee involved in an
accident in a district vehicle must undergo an immediate test. Refusal to do sounder
those conditions may constitute grounds for discharge. Any employee suspected of
alcohol and/or drug abuse who refuses to submit to urine and/or blood analysis will
be removed from district property and be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including terminiation.
Bus drivers will be subject to mandatory testing in compliance with the regulations of
the Department of Transportation @OT) Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and
Testing as contained in 49 CFR Part 382.
The Board adopts the Code of Ethics of the Idaho Teaching Profession adopted by the
Professional Standards Commission and approved by the State Board of Education as a
code of ethics and rule of conduct expected of all district teachers. In addition, the Board
declares that the responsibilities of staff members towards the code of ethics and conduct
in the community is required and should the staff member violate such code of ethics or
rule of conduct compromising the effective ability of the teacher to perform hivher
professional duties in the district, such violation will be grounds for the termination of the
816.0 . GENERAL
El6.l - Travel Outside District Boundaries
All such travel for official District #91 business must be approved in advance by
the District Superintendent, or his/her authorized representative.
I District credit cards may be issued through the business office for official use
only.2. Mileage reimbursement for use of private cars must be approved by the
Superintendent. The mileage rate is set by the Board of Trustees, and the
employee will be paid at the prevailing rate at the time of travel.
Section 800-33
Idaho Falls School District #91
816.2 - Travel Within the District
Requests for transponadon are handled through the transportation office. Private
cars may be used for school business, exclusive of student transportation, but
reimbursement must be approved in advance by the Superintendent, or designee.
Problems of mutual concern shall be reviewed throughout the year by the president
of the Representative Organization and the Superintendent to determine the
procedural processes to solve these concems as the need exists. Efforts shall be
made to resolve these items in the simplest manner and through the recognized
administrative channels.
Section 800-34
Idaho Falls School District #91
(Revised/Adopted Februery 10, 1994
Section 900-l
Idatro Falls School District #91
The Board ofTrustees recogr.izes the need for the establishrnent ard efficient operafion
of many groups or departrrents to support the prime purpose for which the public schools
have been organized. Therefore, the Superintendent ofSchools, being the chiefexecutive
officer for the operation of School District #91, is charged with the responsibility of
organizing, staffing, and training of personrrcl needed to pmvide support to the
educational progranr Accountability for the services rerdered rests with the
901.2 - Responsibility
To frcilitate good management, the Superinterdent is empowered to delegate
responsibility for major departurents or groups to administrative staf members as he/she
may choose. All persomel, except administrative staffor departrnent heads, rray be
hired in accordance with approved personnel provisions without Board approval
902.0 - Chssified Emolovees' Hrndbook (Adopted February 10, 1997)
Section 900-2
Idaho Falls School District #91
901.1 - Authority
The administration shall maintain a Board approved Chrsified Emolovees' Ilendbook
for the purpose ofestablishing rules aod procedures that directs the work of classified
employees. All changes to the handbook will be considered by trustees thro"gh ttre
normal policy rcvision process (see Policy Section 108.6).
Section 1000-page 1
Idaho Falls School District #91
l00l.l - General statement on Equal Educational Opportunities.
Unlawful discrimination against students on the basis of race, gender, color, national
origin, religion, creed, marital status or disability in educational programs and activities
is prohibited. The district will not discriminate against a student on the basis of sexual
ATTENDANCE - Adopted: February 25,2003
The services of District #91 public schools are extended to any resident between the
ages of five (5) and twenty-one (21.) An official birth certificate is required for proof
ofage for enrolling students. Idaho Code 33-201 stipulates:
A child must be five on or before September 1 of the school year in which the
child is to enroll in kindergarten.
For a child enrolling in first grade, the age ofsix (6) must be reached on or
belore September 1 ofthe year in which the child is to enroll. A five-year old
child who completed a private or public out-of-state kindergarten for the
required 450 hours but has not reached the "school-age" requirement in Idaho
shall be allowed to enter the first grade.
Preschool services are provided to qualiflng handicapped students starting on
their third birthday.
Homebound instruction is available to students for reasons ofaccident, extended
illness, or unusual handicapping condition. Homebound services must comply with
state and federal regulations and will be directed by the Supervisor of Student Services
1002.2 - Required Attendance
Every child ofcompulsory school age, 7- 16 years ofage, must be in attendance in an
approved school unless otherwise exempted by law.
1002.3 - Responsibility
Section 1000-Page 2
Idaho Falls School District #91
Trustees and educators recognize that regular attendance is positively related to student
achievement. Everyone shares in the responsibility for making school attendance a
1002.1 - Right-to-Attend
Parents/Guardians are urged to help their child establish good attendance
habits throughout the child's schooling experiences. Absences due to family
convenience such as vacation and baby-sitting are strongly discouraged.
Parents are responsible for verifying absences by contacting the attendance
office before, the day of, or no later than the close ofthe second day upon the
student's retum to school. Parents are responsible for providing the school a
current and secure day telephone number for contact regarding absences.
Students are directly responsible for establishing good attendance habits,
which place priority on being in the classroom on a regular daily basis. Days
missed for personal or family convenience should be minimized. When in
school, students are required to be in class or in designated areas. (See also
examples of truancy, Section 1002.4.) If a student exceeds the allowable
days, it becomes that student's responsibility to participale in scheduled make-
up sessions. Students who are not living with a parent/legal guardian and
have declared themselves emancipated may clear their own absences with an
Teachers are responsible for structuring the class in such a way that each day
is meaningful and rewarding to the students in attendance. Teachers are
required to take accurate attendance and comply with building tevel
attendance procedures. Teachers should model regular attendance.
Administrators are responsible for establishing building level procedures that
are needed to implement the attendance policy. School activities and related
travel should be arranged to minimize negative impact on attendance.
Attendance records follow a transferring student to the new school.
1002.4 - Secondary Attendance
Excused Absences: An excused absence is one that the parent/legal guardian knew ot
approved, and cleared with the attendance office before, the day of, or no later than the
close of the second day upon the student's retum to school. All students are expected
to check out at the office ilthey leave during the school day.
Unexcused Absence: An unexcused absence is one in which the parent/legal guardian
did not have knowledge of, or did not approve, or did not clear with attendance office
before, the day of, or no later than the close ofthe second day upon the student's return
to school. Unexcused absences include:
. Out-of-school suspensions.o Late verified absences - absences cleared after the reporting deadline has
passed.o Truancies, including the following:
o The student is in the school building but is not in attendance at a regularly
scheduled class and does not have permission of the teacher or the school
office. Parental permission is not valid when a student misses a class and
remains on school grounds. It is mandatory to receive permission from
the teacher ofthe class the student is leaving or permission from the
Section 1000-Page 3
Idaho Falls School District #91
o The student leaves the school building without prior approval by the
parent or guardian (given by phone or written note) and without
checking out through the office.
o The student intentionally skips class(es) without the consent/knowledge
of the parent.
Attendance ReouirementVloss of Credit:r Students shall lose credit for any class in which they exceed five (5) total
absences in a trimester class or eight (8) in a semester class not counting the
following excused absences which defined as exempt:o Death in the family
o School approved activities in which the sponsoring group meets the
following criteria:o Maintains a financial account that is annually audited by a licensed
CPA.r Has school-approved bylaws.. Advisor/coach communicates regularly with school administration.o Has membership only from the school's attendance area or students
on approved waivers.o Approved absences would only apply to the group's terminal state
event (i.e. state competition, festival, etc.)r Absences for a group would not be approved ifthe school also
sponsors the same activity in a regular sports season (i.e. club
volleyball).o The exception to the above criteria would be for student groups
which perform for other District #91 students (i.e. Youth
Symphony.)o Acute, major or chronic medical condition verified by state licensed
medical practitioner, oro Excused absences, which were made up according to the District
requirements, outlined below in "Make up Opportunities."o Students will not be granted credit for make up work that resulted from
unexcused absences and may also be subject to additional disciplinary
consequences.o Credit loss due to excessive absences will be designated on the student's
transcript with the letters "LCA" (loss ofcredit due to poor attendance.)
r In the event that an attendance problem is not otherwise resolved, the student
may be refened for expulsion as a habitual truant under the provisions of
Section 505 ofthe ldaho Code.
Make u ties: Students may make up for credit any assignments missed due
to an excused absence according to established class procedures. In addition, sessions
will be provided for students who incur more than the allowable number of excused
absences and want to avoid loss ol credit. Make up oppo(unities will be provided only
for students who have exceeded or will exceed the allowable number ofexcused
absences by the end of the current trimester or semester'
Section 1000-Page 4
Idaho Falls School District #91
For each class period missed, one hour's attendance in make up session will
be required for high school students and 40 minutes attendance will be
required for 7th and Sth grade students.
It is the student's responsibility to make up each class that was missed within
the current semester/trimester grading period.
Sessions conducted by certified teachers shall not exceed four hours,
therefore, one entire make up session cannot account for one entire school day
Times and dates of make up sessions will be published prior to the beginning
ofthe school year.
Transportation for students involved in make up sessions will be the
responsibility of the student or parents/guardians.
Students are expected to be productive, disciplined, and focused on the course
work during make up sessions.
Specific rules governing make up sessions are the responsibility of the
building principal.
Tardiness: Rules regulating tardiness will be established at the building level.
1002.5 - Elementary Attendance
Excused Absence: An excused absence is one that the parenVlegal guardian knew ol,
approved, and cleared with the attendance offrce. Students should not have more than
five (5) total excused absences in a trimester with the following exceptions:
o Death in the family,o School approved activities, or
o Acute, major or chronic medical condition verifred by a state licensed medical
Unexcused Absence: Al unexcused absence is one in which the parenVlegal guardian
did not have knowledge of, or did not approve, or did not clear with the office.
Unexcused absences may be required to be made up outside ofschool time.
Absence Review Procedure: Absences should be reviewed on the following schedule:
Four absences in a trimester (excluding those due to school-approved
activities, death in the family, or acute, major or chronic medical condition
verified by a medical practitioner) trigger a review by the child's homeroom
teacher. This review may include a conference with the child and
parent/guardian. The teacher may wish to invite a school nurse, counselor, or
principal ifneeded.
Eight (S) cumulative absences (excluding those due to school-sponsored
activities, death in the family or acute, major or chronic medical condition
verified by a medical practitioner) trigger a review by the principal. This
review may include, ifneeded, a conference with the child, parent, teacher,
nurse, counselor, and the truant officer. Administrators may request, if
needed, medical verification of illness'
Section 1000-Page 5
Idaho Falls School District #91
Additional reviews will be scheduled in four-day increments (12, 16,20, etc.)
by the building principal and may include central office administration, health
and welfare, or the prosecuting attomey to investigate possible child neglect
or habitual truancy.
In the event that an attendance problem is not otherwise resolved utilizing the
above steps, the students may be referred for expulsion as a habitual truant
under the provisions of Section 33-205 ofthe Idaho Code.
Tardiness: Rules regulating tardiness will be established at the building level.
1003.1 - Admission Requirements
1003,2 - Resident Student
A resident student is defined as one whose parents' legal residence is within the District
land boundaries as prescribed by State statutes. Persons l8 years or older who are
bonafide residents ofthe District may attend the school based on their residence and
without regard to the residence oftheir parents or guardian.
1003.3 - Grade Placement
Crade placement shall be the responsibility of the principal and shall be based on
general achievement, consideration being given to the mental, physical, emotional, and
social maturity ofthe child. In general, pupils transferring into the system will be
placed in the same grade level lrom which they transferred, but children transferring, as
well as continuing pupils may be retained or advanced in grade after screening reveals
that altemate placement would be to their advantage.
1003.4 - Conditions for Attendance (Revised and Adopted May 13, 2003)
Open Enrollment
Students whose parents or legal guardians request a transfer to a school outside the
attendance area where the parents or guardian of the student reside, must annually
Any student entering school for the first time shall present a birth certificate or other
satisfactory proofofage, and an acceptable record of immunizations against the
"dread" diseases (as defined by the Idaho Department of Health).
Residence, for the purpose of this policy, is defined as "The domicile that is used by the
parent/guardian that is secured by a signed purchase agreement, deed of trust, or rental
agreement as the address for mail, telephone, registration for voting, and attendance
zone for other school-aged family members."
Section 1000-page 6
ldaho Falls School District #91
complete an enrollment application which will be originated through the following
Elementary: District Office or Elementary School
Junior and Senior High Schools: Student's home school. Both the sending and
receiving principals must approve ofall transfers.
Transfers will be accepted with the following conditions
Resident elementary student waiver requests from one school to another may be
made providing class loads remain reasonably equal or when a student moves from
a population of high enrollment to lower enrollment. Nonresident students may
only waiver into elementary classes that are at or below the district class size
2. District #91 Jr. High Schools will accept waiver requests on the following basis:
A. Enrollments will be capped at the following numbers:
Eagle Rock 300 students in each grade
Clair E. Gale 275 students in each grade
Taylorview 300 students in each grade
B. Open enrollment will begin April l't and close on the second Wednesday in
May for fall semester and on the third Wednesday in January for the spring
semester. Available spaces will be awarded on a lottery basis, first to District
#91 students and then to nonresident students. Unsuccessful students will be
placed on respective waiting lists in the order in which they were drawn and
given priority as space becomes available. Once caps have been reached,
transfers may be made between District #9l junior high schools on a space
available basis. (Please note: State law requires all waivers to be renewed
C. Students who have attended a feeder elementary school for at least their full
sixth grade year will not be excluded on the basis ofthe enrollment cap.
However, they are subject to all other provisions of this policy.
3. District #91 high schools will accept waiver requests on the following basis:
A. Enrollments will be capped at I 250 or a difference of 100 students, which ever
is less, effective for the beginning ofthe 2003-04 school year.
B. Open enrollment will begin April l"rand close on the second Wednesday in
May for the first trimester, on the third Wednesday in November for the second
trimester, and on the third Wednesday in February for the third trimester'
Available spaces will be awarded in the following order ofpriority:
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ldaho Falls School District #91
I . District #91 students currently attending the school of choice on a waiver
that will be entering their senior year and are in good standing.2. District #91 students currently attending the school ofchoice on a waiver
that will be entering their junior year and are in good standing.3. Non-resident students currently attending a District #91 school on a
waiver that will be entering their senior year, having attended that school
continuously for the previous 2 years and are in good standing.4. District #91 students entering their sophomore year who have a sibling
that meets criteria a or b or a sibling who has previously attended the same
school ofchoice and are in good standing.5. District #91 students entering their sophomore year who have established
their IHSAA athletic eligibility with the receiving school, provided they
are in good standing. (2003-04 school year only).6. District #91 students entering their sophomore year and are in good
standing.7. Non-residents students currently attending a District *91 school on a
waiver that will be entering their junior year, having attended that school
for the complete previous year and are in good standing.8. Non-residents students entering their sophomore year, having attended a
feeder jr. high school the previous year and are in good standing.9. Non-resident students making application for the first time.
Please note: Good standing is defined as acceptable attendance, behavior, and
academic effort (unacceptable academic effort is defined as teacher(s) report of
poor academic work due to lack of effort, misbehavioq or poor attendance).
The following process will be used in granting waiver requests:
1. Projected erollment is determined by pre-registration tallies.2. Nl students attending a given school on a waiver basis will be subtracted
from the projected enrollment pre-registration tally.3. Waivers are reviewed using the above priorities, with granted waivers
being added to the total enrollment projection until the enrollment cap or
differential is met.4. ln the event zone waiver requests for all students in a given priority group
who are in good standing cannot be granted, a lottery will be conducted to
determine which student requests will be granted. Those students whose
waivers are not granted will be placed on a waiting list in the order in
which they were drawn. Waiver requests submitted after the spring
deadline will be placed on the waiting list in the order in which they are
received.5. Waiver request will be responded to in writing within sixty days of the
above noted deadlines.6. All waivers are subject to Section C.
C. A transfer is defined as ( 1) a 9e grade student playing for a high school other
than the one to which hiVher residence is zoned; and (2) a student who
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Idaho Falls School District #91
establishes athletic eligibility in one high school and then transfers to another
high school without an accompanying move by hisArer parents.
Effective with the class of2007, students in 96 grade may only participate in
interscholastic athletics in the jr. high tley attend and,/or in the high school to
which their residence is zoned. Tenth grade students who transfer to or attend a
high school outside the attendance area to which their residence is zoned,
without a parental move, shall be ineligible to participate in interscholastic high
school athletics for a period ofthree hundred sixty-five days beginning on the
first day which said student errolls in and attends the "out-ofattendance area,,
school or for one complete school year; including but not limited to practice,
travel with the tean\ uniform issue, or participation in an athletic contest. The
only exc€ptions to above policy is when a student must transfer due to hardship
defined as, "unforeseeq unavoidable, or unusual circumstances, including but
not limited to, removal of the child from the home by civil authorities, death of
parents or guardians, and abandonment, provided the transfer was not for
athletic reasons and there was no undue inlluence." Students transferring
without the move ofa parent, during their final four semesters (six trimesters) of
athletic etigibility will be subject to IHSAA Rule 8-14-12.
4. A student may be denied a transfer or a transfer may be revoked at the end of the
grading term if his/her disciplinary and./or attendance record is excessive or if
academic performance is unacceptable5. Transfers must occur during the designated times except for disciplinary or trauma
reasons as determined by the district administration.6. All students on a waiver must be living at home or with a legal guardian, unless of
legal age and living alone.
7. In the event that a student's residence changes from being within the school,s
attendance area to being out ofthe attendance are4 continued enrollment will be
permitted through the conclusion ofthe school year.8. Students whose parents are in the process ofbuilding a residence, have a signed
construction contrac! or an earnest money/sales contract for the purchase ofa home
at the begiming ofa school term will be considered a resident ofthat school's
attendance area.9. Transportation remains the responsibility ofthe parent or emancipated student.
10. Enrollment at westview High school is open to all students regardless ofresidence.
I 1. Students who move to District #91 who have been expelled from another school in
the previous l2 months are not eligible for enrollment.
12. students from Swan valley District #92 or country club Estates will be considered
under the same rules as resident students.
13. A nonresident student who is granted a zone waiver after the high school senior
year has started may earn credits that can be transferred to hiVher home high
school, but may not graduate from Idaho Falls or Skyline High Schools.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
NCLB School Choice
According to federal law and State Board ofEducation rules, students who are enrolled
in an accredited traditional or charter public school are eligible to transfer to another
school iftheir school has been identified as in school improvement, corrective actiorl
or restructuring.
1. Parents ofchildren attending these schools will be informed by letter oftheir
oppornrnity to choose another school as early as possible. Notification will
include choice options, priority rankings, timelines, and transportalion
2. lf an eligible student exercises the option to trarsfer to another school they will
be permitted to remain in that school until he or she has completed the highest
grade in the school. However, the district is not obligated to provide
transportation for the student after the end ofthe school year in which the
student's school of origin is no longer identified for school improvement,
corrective actior\ or restructuring.
J Students in grades 9-12 who transfer under the NCLB School Choice Option are
subject to Policy 1003.4 3 C regarding athletic eligibility.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
I 003.5- Non-Resident Students
In order for any pupil whose parents or legal guardians are non-residents to enroll in
District #91 as a special case, the following conditions must be met:
a. District #91 shall have received from the pupil's home district: (1) a copy ofthe
parent\s or legal guardian's request for the pupil to enroll in District #91 and (2)
a letter of approval by the home district ofsuch enrollment.
b. The average class size or special program case load in the receiving building
cannot be greater than district average.
c. The student must be in good standing. Students, who have been expelled from
another school in the last 12 months or where expulsion is imminent, will not be
d. Transfer requests submitted after school starts will be accepted only in cases of
severe hardship or trauma.
e. Students in grades 9-12 who transfer must comply with Policy 1003.4.3.C.
1003.6 - Dual Enrollment Statute
The Board of Trustees, after review of communications of explanation fiom the State
Superintendent ofPublic lnstruction, the State Department ofEducation and the Deputy
Attomey General assigned thereto and other aflected parties and advisors, has
promulgated the following policies to attempt to comply with and to assist in the
administration and implementation of the provisions ofldaho Code, 33-203, (Dual
Enrollment Statutes) consistent with other state statutes, this School Board's policies
and State Board of Education Rules and Regulations. Because of the complex nature of
this statute and the vague and ambiguous language contained therein, it is contemplated
that these policies may have to be amended from time to time as experience dictates.
Students whose parents or legal guardians are not legal residents of the district shall not
attend school in District 91, except as the following conditions apply:
1. Students whose parents have purchased or leased a home within the School District
and who will occupy such property before the end ofthe first quarter ofthe school
year. Parents will assume responsibility for transportation of such children until
they move into the district.
2. Students assigrred to residents within School District #91 by public agencies.
3. Students whose parents move from School District #91 during the school year may
continue to attend school until the end ofthat year with the understanding that
parents will assume responsibility for transportation. Other special cases as
approved by the superintendent, or his/her designated representative.
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1003.6.1 "Dual Enrollment"
A nonpublic student residing within the boundaries of this District who is legitimately
enrolled in a private, parochial, or home school or at a post secondary institution and
has not graduated fiom high school who is also dual enrolled in this District's schools
by meeting the criteria outlined herein.
1003.6.2 "Non-public Student" -
Any student who receives educational instruction outside a public school classroom and
such instruction can include, but is not limited to, a private school or a home school.
1003.6.3 irPrimarvEducationProvider"
That person or entity providing the majority olthe nonpublic student's educational
instruction outside the public schooI Programs or Activities.
Optional: Program or activity shall not include testing, health, or other similar type
services nor does it include incidental activities such as school dances or held trips not
directly related to an academic class for which the student is properly enrolled.
1003.7 Enrollment
Any nonpublic student wishing to enroll in a school in this district must provide
evidence ofresidence in this district, acceptable evidence ofdate and place ofbirth,
evidence olimmunizations required by the State of Idaho (or suitable waiver) and must
comply with the registration procedures required by the District which includes
providing complete records of the student's academic history.
1003.7.1 Registration and Procedures:
Before entering a program or activity a nonpublic student must complete registration
and gain admission to a school in this district. Registration shall include in addition to
routine procedures, the providing ofall student records and testing information (where
necessary) to qualily for admission as a nonpublic student and to identify appropriate
placement for the student. Such registration and admission procedures are required
even ifa student is requesting dual enrollment status only for pa(icipation in an
interscholastic or nonacademic activity.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
1003.6.4 "Prosram and Activity" -
The terms "program" and "activity" as used in I.C. 33-203 shall include any regularly
scheduled course of study or any regularly scheduled interscholastic activity recognized
or sanctioned by the Idaho High School Activities Association.
1003.8 - Transportation
A nonpublic student, upon admission to a school in this district, may ride a school bus
on regularly scheduled routes (including activity bus routes) and use regularly
established bus stops or stops which would require no deviation from the regularly
established bus route. No alteration of routes will be made to specially accommodate a
nonpublic student. If a nonpublic student attends only part time, the district may
lumish transportation at the regularly scheduled time closest to the time period for
which a student is enrolled (i.e., moming busing for a.m. classes or aftemoon busing for
p.m. classes.) The district will not provide such transpo(ation ifthere is no available
space, ifthe fumishing ofsuch transportation would cause a deviation or altemation of
the regularly established bus routes or stops or ifthe lumishing ofsuch transportation
would require the purchase ofadditional or substitute equipment.
1003.9 - Mixed Curriculum
If a nonpublic student wishes to attend activities or progfirms in a particular discipline,
in a class or grade where the curriculum is merged or integrated, such request shall be
made in writing particularizing the subject matter presentment which the student desires
to attend (i.e., art instruction in a third grade class.)
The teacher and principal ofthat school shall, upon request, provide scheduling
information to the nonpublic student. It shall be the nonpublic student's responsibility
to contact the District and ascertain when such subject matter will be presented. Where
certain subject matter is integrated into a mixed curriculum, no change in the
presentation need be made because of a nonpublic student's request for attendance. It is
also the intent of this policy to insure that the teacher's right to integrate disciplines and
be flexible in planning and modifying the daily classroom presentations shall not be
hindered or restricted in any way.
1003.10 - Interim Periods
If a nonpublic student is dual enrolled in classes or activities which are not contiguous
in time (i.e., a first period and a fourth period class,) the student shall not be on the
school premises other than when the program or activity for which the student is
enrolled is taking place. The district shall not be responsible for the care or supervision
olthe student in any form lor periods before, in between or after the programs or
activities for which the student is properly enrolled. Any transportation needs for such
students not provided for otherwise under this policy during the school day shall be the
sole responsibility ofthe student and his/her parents or guardian.
1003.11 - Extracurricular Non-academic Activities
Any nonpublic student involved in an extracurricular activity shall be subject to all the
same eligibility standards as a regular full time student.
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Idaho Falls School District #91
The parents or guardian ofa nonpublic student are responsible for obtaining third
party* testing for their child at their expense in accordance with I.C. 33-203 and State
Board of Education rules. Test results from the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (LT.B.S.) or
the Test of Academic Proficiency (T.A.P.) must be provided to the school principal as a
condition of enrollment. The student must achieve a minimum composite score of the
fifth stanine or higher to be eligible for dual enrollment each year admission is
requested in nonacademic programs. Test results from a given year shall be used to
determine academic eligibility lor the following year and are only valid for a period of
twelve (12) months from the date the test results are released.
"Third Party requirement is optional."
As an altemative to providing test results, until January 3 I , 1996, a nonpublic student
who has not taken the Iowa Test of Basic Skills may provide an affidavit to the
principal ofthe public school that said student is attending. Said affidavit shall be
signed by the student's Primary Education Provider indicating that the provider believes
the student would have received a test score that would meet the standard required by
law if said test had been administered.
1003.12 - Class Size/Disenrollment
Pursuant to I.C. 33-203(l ), if enrollment in a specific class or program reaches the
maximum for the program, priority for enrollment shall be given to a student who is
enrolled full time in the public school. If a class or program is full and includes a part
time nonpublic student when a regular full time student transfers into the school during
the semester/trimester, the district's normal enrollment procedure shall remain the same
and the nonpublic student may not be disenrolled to provide space for the full time
student. Regular full time students will be given priority for emollment at the start of
each semester/trimester.
1003.13 - School Rules, Regulations And Policies
A nonpublic student shall be subject to all the same policies, regulations and school
rules as any regularly enrolled student during the times that the nonpublic student is
present at school. Such policies, regulations and rules will include but not be limited
to, those relating to attendance, grades, prerequisites, classroom conduct and discipline.
1003.13.1 Prerequisites:
A nonpublic student must meet all prerequisites for enrollment for a program or activity
which is required of public school students.
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1003.14 - Graduation of Nonpublic School Students
A nonpublic student must meet all grade and other graduation requirements of this
district in order to graduate and obtain a diploma lrom the schools of this district. In
order to graduate and receive a diploma, a nonpublic school student must be a full time
student of this district during that student's final two trimesters.
1003.15 - IDEA"/ADA./Section 504 Students
A cumulative record for every student who enters school in this District shall be maintained
lrom the time he enters school and continues until he leaves the District. It shall contain
pertinent information on his school progress and other data which may contribute to the
understanding ofthe child. This record is confidential and for the useof the school staff,
and information relating to it shall be released only in accordance with the policies given in
this section.
1004.2 - Progress and Behavior
1004.3 - Release of Information to Parents
Upon signing a request form, the parents ofany student attending school in this District
shall have the right to inspect and review any and all official records, files, and data
directly related to their children, including all material that is incorporated into each
student's cumulative record folder, and intended for school use or to be available to
parties outside the school or school system, and specifically including, but not
necessarily limited to, identiflng data, academic work completed, level olachievement
(grades, standardized achievement test scores), attendance data, scores on standardized
intelligence, aptitude and psychological tests, interest inventory results, health data,
Parents who wish nonpublic students to be enrolled in special programs must comply
with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the
Americans With Disabilities Act of 1973 [Section 504]. If a request lor referral is
made by said parents and ilthe evaluation ofthe student by the multi-disciplinary or
child study team determines that special services are appropriate for the student, then
such programs will be provided when possible. Until such determination is made, such
special educational services or accommodations will not be provided.
1004.1 - Records and Reports
Reports to the parents of the student's progress in school and his,/her behavior shall be made at
least every nine (9) weeks and more often if the school deems it necessary. This information to
the parents may be in the form ofa report card, a parent-teacher conference, a mid-term report,
a letter, or any combination ofthese methods.
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family background information, teacher or counselor ratings and observations, and
verified reports of serious or recurrent behavior pattems. Where such records or data
include information on more than one student, the parents ofany student shall be
entitled to receive, or be informed of, that part ofsuch record or data as pertains to their
1004.4 - Hearing to Challenge School Records
The parents ofany student attending school in this District shall have an opportunity for
a hearing to challenge the content oftheir child's school records to ensure that the
records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation ofthe privacy or other
rights of students, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or deletion ofany
such inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate data contained therein.
The release ofpersonally identifiable records or files (or personal information
contained therein) ofstudents without the written consent of their parents to any
individual, agency, or organization shall not be permitted, other than to the following:
1. Other schooi officials, including teachers within the District, who have a
legitimate educational need.2. Officials of other districts or school systems in which the student intends
to enroll.
3. Emergency disclosures: An educational institution may disclose personal
information about students without prior written consent to appropriate
parties in connection with an emergency if knowledge of the information
is necessary to protect the health and,/or safety of students or other
1004.6 - Release of Information with Parent's Consent or Pursuant to Court Order
The release ofpersonally identifiable records or files (or personal information contained
therein) of students or persons other than those listed in the above shall only be permitted
There is written consent from the student's parents speciffng the records to be
released, the reasons for such release, and to whom.
Such information is fumished in compliance with a judicial order or pursuant to any
lawfully issued subpoena, provided that the parents and the students must be
notified ofall such orders or subpoenas in advance ofthe compliance therewith by
the school or district.
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1004.5 - Release of Information to Persons Other Than Parents
lOO4.7 - Record or Release of Information
Any person, agency, or organization desiring access to the records of a student shall be
required first to sign a written form indicating specifically the legitimate educational or
other interest that each such person, agency, or organization has in seeking this
information. Such form shall be kept permanently with the file ofthe student and shall
be available to the parents and to the school officials responsible for record maintenance
as a means of auditing the operation of the system. The said form shall not be available
for inspection by any other person, agency, or organization.
1004.8 - Limitation on Use of Information Requested
Any personal information ofa student transferred to a third party shall only be on the
condition that such party will not permit any other party to have access to such
information without the written consent ofthe parents ofthe student.
1004.9 - Rights of Adult Students
Whenever a student who is attending or has attended school in the District has attained l8
years ofage, or is attending an institution olposfsecondary education, the permission or
consent of, and the rights accorded to, the parents ofthe student in regard to the school
records ofsuch student shall thereafter only be required of the student.
1004.10 - Informing Parents and Students of Rights
Education is not only a right but also a privilege and must be guarded by appropriate
behavior. Administrators and teachers also have rights and duties. The teacher is
required by law to maintain a suitable environment for leaming and administrators have
the responsibility lor maintaining and facilitating the educational progam. The principal
is authorized by statute to suspend students forjust cause. The teacher has the authority
to suspend students from class for just cause. The following rules, regulations, and due
process procedures are desigrred to protect all members ofthe educational community in
the exercise oftheir rights and duties.
1005.1 - Freedom From Abuse
Section 1000-page 17
Idaho Falls School District #91
The parents of students or the students, if they are I 8 years of age or older, or attending
an institution of post-secondary education, shall be informed, upon request, of their rights
as have been adopted by the policies ofthe School District in regard to the school records
kept on such students. Also, copies ofthese policies shall be available for inspection at
the schools in the District.
A. Corporal Punishmcnt
Definition: Corporal punishment shall be defined as any physical punishment of
students by a teacher or administrator to include spanking, shaking, slapping, hitting,
pushing, squeezing of arms, neck, etc., or other actions designed to impose or to be
interpreted to impose physical pain upon the recipient.
CorporyLl punishmcnt as defined above is an unacceptable method ofdiscipline for
any student in School District 9l .
Certified employees ofevery school district shall be free from abuse as provided in
Section l8-912 (33-1222) Idaho Code. All employees must be respected as they
perform and direct their assigned roles and duties.
State Law 33-512 states that the Board of Trustees shall "prescribe rules for the
disciplining of unruly or insubordinate students." While the Board does not adhere to the
beliefthat corporal punishment is an effective method ofdiscipline, reasonable force may
be used when it has been determined that no other effective means are available to:
l Quell a disturbance;
2. Prevent an act that threatens physical injury to any person;
3. Obtain possession ofa weapon or other dangerous object within a student's
4. Defend oneselfor others;
5. Protect prope(y;
6. Remove a disruptive student from school premises, a school motor vehicle, or a
school-sponsored activity;
7. Prevent a student from harming himselfor herself;
8. Protect the safety ofothers; and
9. Maintain order and control.
t005.2 - Criminal Acts Defined
A. General Rules of Conduct
Violation ofthese standards may be grounds for expulsion or suspension.
The following activities are among those defined as "criminal" under the laws of the
state of Idaho and the city of Idaho Falls. ln addition to serving as grounds for
suspension or expulsion from school district attendance, students should also know
that these activities carry a potential for court action i f remanded to civil proceedings
Section 1000-page 18
Idaho Falls School District #91
The intentional setting of fire.
Physical threats or violence directed at any
student or school employee.
Stealing of school or personal
Explosives including fi recrackers
Obtaining money or property by violence or
threat ofviolence, or forcing someone to do
something against his/her will by force, or
threat of force.
Instigating or taking part in false alarms or a
bomb threat.
Firearms are prohibited on school property
or at school sponsored events.
A person who disrupts the educational
process, or whose presence is detrimental to
the morals, health, salety academic leaming,
or discipline ofthe pupils, or who loiters in
schoolhouses or on school grounds is guilty
of a misdemeanor. (ldaho Code, Section
Property damage.
Driving cars in a dangerous manner near
school grounds or during school activities.
Disruptive behavior on the part of groups of
Stealing from an individual by force or
threat of force.
Being present in an unauthorized place or
refusing to leave when ordered to do so.
Truancy from school or from class.
Interference with school personnel by force,
or by violence.
Possessing, handling, or transmitting any
object which may be reasonably considered
a weapon at any educational function or
school event is prohibited.
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Any perpetrator ofa criminal act will be referred to the appropriate legal authority.
The list is padial only, and "criminal acts" are not necessarily limited to the
1005.3 - Disruptive Actions
Additional grounds for suspension or expulsion also exist in a number of areas
classified as "disruptive actions". The administration may deny attendance at any ofthe
schools through suspension for any disruptive action. They may recommend to the
Board the expulsion ofa student for just cause.
Idaho law provides for denial ofschool attendance in ldaho Code, Section 33-205:
"Denial ofschool attendance at any of its schools, by suspension or expulsion, to any
pupil who is a habitual truant or who is incorrigible, or whose conduct in the judgrnent
of the Board, is such as to be continuously disruptive ofschool discipline, or olthe
instructional effectiveness ofthe school. Any pupil having been suspended or expelled
may be readmitted to the school by the Board of Trustees upon such reasonable
conditions as may be prescribed by the Board; but such readmission shall not prevent
the Board fiom again suspending or expelling such pupil for cause."
The Board considers the following actions as some examples of disruptive actions:
Fighting or aggressive behavior
directed toward another person in a
threatening manner.
Gambling or possessing gambling
devices on school premises or during
school activities.
Requiring another student to perform
humiliating or unnecessary tasks by
using coercion of any type.
(Initiations are prohibited.)
Unmanageable or unruly behavior.
Failing to comply with reasonable
directions of teachers, administrators,
or supervisory personnel.
Possessing or distributing lascivious
literature or materials on school
premises or during school activities.
Cursing, using profane or vulgar
Use ol tobacco or possession of any
controlled substances by studenls is
not permitted on school property.
Habitual tardiness to classes.
Not observing rules of good conduct
and safety. Actions which may be
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1005.4 - Dress and Appearance (Proposed Changes 7127199)
Dress and appearance must not present health or safety problems or pose potential
disruption of the educational process as adjudged by school personnel.
1005.5 - Refusal to Identify Self
All persons must, upon request, correctly identify themselves to proper school authorities
in the school building, on school grounds, or at school sponsored events.
1005.6 - Cooperation With School Personnel
Students must obey the lawful instructions ofschool district personnel.
1005.7 - Off-Campus Events
Students at school-sponsored, off-campus events shall be governed by school district
rules and regulations and are subject to the authority ofschool district officials. Failure
to obey the rules and regulations and,/or failure to obey lawful instructions of school
district officials shall result in loss of eligibility to attend school-sponsored, off-campus
events and./or other such disciplinary action as adjudged appropriate.
1005.8 - Student Rights and Responsibilities
1. Student Conduct
All student conduct in School District #91 is based on respect and consideration
for the rights ofothers. Students have the responsibility to know, respect, and
abide by the rules and regulations of the school district. Students have the
further responsibility to conduct themselves in such a manner that would reflect
honor and digrrity upon the individual, the school, and the community.
Section 1000-page 2l
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potentially dangerous include: failure
to observe good rules of conduct on
school buses, school grounds, in
lunchrooms, and at school activities.
Completion of homework, tests, and/or
other grade assigrrments in a manner
that misrepresents the student's
understanding and mastery of the
subject matter.
Unauthorized use of school computers
or intrusion into personnel files or
records within any computer system.
2. Freedom o:f Speech and Assernbly
A. Students are entitled to verbally express their personal opinions. Such
verbal opinions shall not interfere with the fieedom ofothers to express
themselves. The use ofobscenities olany kind, inflammatory statements, or
personal attacks is prohibited.
B. All student meetings in school buildings or on school grounds may lunction
only as a part ofthe formal educational process or as authorized by the
1005.9 - Drug Free School Policy
In harmony with the federal regulations established by the Drug Free Workplace act of
1988, School District 9l is committed to the concept of having a drug free student
environment. It is the intent of the Board of Trustees that progr,rms and activities be
planned and carried out by the professional staffthat will enable the School District to
achieve this goal.
The primary focus of this program shall be educational in nature with instruction geared to
discourage student experimentation ofany mood altering substance. A companion focus of
the district's program shall be one that is aimed to assist students who have made
unacceptable choices regarding any controlled substance. A necessary part ol the latter focus
is an attitude among teachers and other staffmembers that one of our responsibilities is to
assist those students who need help in overcoming their potentially addictive behaviors.
The Board of Trustees believe that it is possible to have a totally drug free environment
in the school setting. If a student cannot, or will not commit to responsible behavior to
help achieve this goal, several sanctions may be imposed as a disciplinary measure.
They include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Parent or guardian contacted
B. Referral to intemal assistance, such as counselors and/or health professionals
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C. Students have the freedom to assemble peacefully. There is an appropriate
time and place for the expression of opinions and beliefs. Demonstrations
which interfere with the operation ofthe school or classroom are
inappropriate and prohibited.
D. Offrcial school publications such as school newspapers and yearbooks are
under thejurisdiction of the Board of Trustees as are all other programs.
Student editors may not advocate any doctrine, political position, or view
that is not in harmony with established Board Policy or practice. Students
have the responsibility to refrain from libel and obscenity, and to observe
the rules of responsible joumalism.
C. Referral to an outside agency for chemical dependency assessment
D. Suspension from school
E. Expulsion lrom school
1005.10 - Referral Policy
1.0 When there is reasonable cause to believe that a student illegally uses, sells,
distributes, or possesses drug paraphemalia, drugs, alcohol, or other mood-
altering substances in school, on or adjacent to school property or at school
functions, the student will be subject to the disciplinary procedures contained in
this regulation.
As used in this regulation, reasonable cause shall mean the existence ofspecific
observable evidence or behaviors that can be described.
Observable behaviors may include chronic attendance problems, sleeping in class,
enatic behavior, inappropriate comments, drop in grades, defiance of or
disrespect toward authority, or motor coordination problems. Possession of
alcoholic beverages, drugs or drug paraphemalia is also considered as evidence.
Evidence shall include, but not be limited to, smell ofalcohol or other mood-
altering substances, impaired speech, impaired coordination or other recognizable
characteristics unusual for the particular student.
Offenses for elementary students shall be cumulative llom grades K-6 and
offenses for secondary students shall be cumulative fiom grades 7-12.
1005.1I - Procedure
The district will train staffto identily drug, alcohol, and mood-altering substance use
(IMPACT training). Staff will reler such inlormation through appropriate building
procedures (Building CORE teams). To develop reasonable cause for taking action, the
following procedures may be indicated.
Documented behaviors or indicators of drug, alcohol, or mood-altering substance
1 .1 . I IMPACT Student Referral form and IMPACT Teacher Response form.
1.1 .2 Possession of alcohol or other illegal drugs.
All procedures are to be performed with discretion and documented.
Refusal to submit to a request to any ofthe procedures may result in disciplinary
1005.12 - Elementary Disciplinary Procedure
First Oflense for Use or Possession (Grades K-6)
1.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.1.2 Student will be suspended for 5 days.
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2.1 Suspension may be modified if the student participates in and
follows the recommendations of an assessment by a certified
drug/alcohol agency approved by Idaho Falls School District 91.
A release of information to the School District would also be
required.1.3 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.1.4 Ifthe student does not complete the recommendations ofthe assessment,
then the remainder ofthe 5-day suspension will go into effect.
Second Offense for Use or Possession (K-6)
2.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.2.2 School Board petitioned for expulsion ofstudent.
2.1 See 1.2. I
2.3 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.2.4 Child Protection Services (C.P.S.) may be contacted.
Third Offense for Use or Possession (K-6)3.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.3.2 The student shall be suspended and the School Board petitioned for
expulsion of the student.3.3 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.3.4 Child Protection Service (C.P.S.) will be contacted.
First Offense lor Selling or Delivering (Grades K-6)4.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.4.2 Law enforcement agency will be contacted.4.3 The student will be suspended and the School Board petitioned for
expulsion of the student.
4.3.1 See C.P.S. may be contacted.
1005.13 - Secondary Discipline Procedure
1.0 First Offense for Use or Possession (Grades 7- 12)1.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.1.2 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.1.3 Student shall be suspended for 5 days.
1.3.1 Suspension may be modihed ifthe student participates in and
follows the recommendations of an assessment by a certified
drug/alcohol agency approved by Idaho Falls School District 91. A
release of information to the School District would also be required.
Second Offense for Use or Possession (Grades 7- 12)2.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.2.2 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.2.3 School Board petitioned for expulsion ofstudent.
2.3.1 See 1.3.1
Third Offense for Use or Possession (GradesT-L2)
3.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.
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3.2 The student shall be suspended and the School Board petitioned for
expulsion.3.3 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.
First Offense for selling and/or delivering alcohol or drugs (Grades 7-12)
4.1 Law enforcement agency will be contacted.
4.2 Parent or guardian will be contacted.
4.3 The student shall be suspended and the School Board petitioned for
I 005.14 - Interrogation
Individual pupils may not be intenogated by any person, except an employee ofthe school
district, without the approval of the principal. Officials representing the Idaho Department
of Health and Welfare will be allowed access to students upon proper notification to the
building principal.
1005.15 - Due Process
All students will be accorded rights as guaranteed under the constitution. When an incident
ofmisconduct occurs, a student shall be given written or oral notice ofany charges against
him,/her and an opportunity to present his/trer version ofthe incident in question.
Supervisors must give each student the oppo(unity, either oral or written, to defend
himselflherself against the charges ofmisconduct prior to disciplinary action which may
lead to suspension or expulsion. Such procedures must be reasonable, fair, and lead to
reliable determination of the factual issues involved.
A. Risht to Appeal
The right to appeal is discussed under the "Due Process" of this policy. Additionally, the
following shall govem the right to appeal:
1. Any appeal conceming a disciplinary action shall be scheduled lor review within ten
(10) school days from the receipt ofsuch appeal. Atthetimeof the hearing, the
student, his/trer parent or guardian, or his/her attorney shall be given the right to be
heard and shall be granted the opportunity to present such witnesses and testimony as
deemed reasonable. All hearings regarding disciplinary matters will be closed to the
public unless mutually agreed by both parties.
2. Following the hearing, a report offindings will be made within ten (10) school days.
3. [fnecessary, a hearing may be rescheduled to hear arguments on the case, Such
rescheduling is intended to accommodate schedule conflicts ol legal counsel, parents
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No principal shall grant such an interview unless he/she deems it essential to the welfare of
the child, or to the immediate health and safety ofothers, or as may be required by court
order, or as authorized by a parent or guardian of the student in advance of the interview.
and/or guardians, trustees, or school officials. ln such an occurrence, the hearing
shall be rescheduled within ten (10) school days or as mutually agreed by all parties.
The student being disciplined has the right to appeal any decision of a hearing to its
next highest authority up to and including the Board of Trustees. During the appeal
process, disciplinary action shall be suspended.
Any record of disciplinary proceedings ofan exonerated student will be deleted from
hiVher school record.
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1005.16 - Procedural Rules and Regulations
A. Examples of Disciplinary Action
This list ofdisciplinary actions which may be taken by the principal (or designee) or under
his,trer direction is intended to be suggestive and not conclusive nor sequential since all
disciplinary action should fit the misbehavior in order to modify the behavior.
Conference: a meetin g with the student's parent(s) or legal guardian and school personnel
to discuss the student's behavior or learning process. The schools will seek the assistance
of the student's parent(s) or legal guardian(s) in helping the student.
Contact: in which student and/or parents agree to comply with required behavior
Detention: requiring that a student remain after school for a period of time. The student ls
obligated to bring materials to the detention area to work on to improve his/her academic
achievement at school.
Guidance: a conversation between the student and the school personnel. The purpose of
this form of meeting is to inform him/her that his/her behavior needs to change so that
he/she does not violate the rights of others or to help the student improve his/her leaming
Rearranqement o:f School Schedule: assigrring a student a new schedule of classes and/or
teachers when the behavior of the student is such that the student has not conducted
himselflherself in an acceptable manner.
Restriction o:f Extracurricular Activities: inlorming a student that he/she cannot participate
in certain activities because of hisftrer past or present behavior.
Schoo Clean-up: requiring a student to clean up certain areas ofthe school.
Take away free time or recess.
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Students who cannot abide by school regulations and policies of the school district, and who
disrupt the educational atmosphere or interfere with the educational processes ofthe school,
may be suspended for a temporary period of time. One purpose of suspension is to allow time
for the administrator to arrange a conference between the student, parents/guardian, and school
personnel to establish a corrective procedure with cooperation between home and school. In
addition, the following limitations shall apply to all suspensions:
In-schooI Suspension:
1 Removal ofstudent from class or classes and temporary placement in a more
restrictive in-house suspension classification.
2 Suspension fi'om a class may be initiated by the classroom teacher with concurence
ofthe principal. Verbal and written notification to parents or legal guardian shall be
provided by the teacher.
Students will be given credit for assignments completed during supervised in-school
Suspension from one or more classes may be initiated by the building principal
provided that verbal and written notification is given to the parents or legal guardians
in a timely fashion.
Out-of-school Suspension:
No student shall be suspended from a school by a school administrator for more
than five (5) consecutive days for each offense.
2 District administrators may suspend students lor up to five (5) days, and Boards ol
Trustees may suspend students for up to seven (7) calendar days.
Legal Reference: Idaho Code, Section 33-205.
3 Students may not be allowed make-up privileges for assignments missed as a result
of being suspended oufof-schoo[.
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B. Susoension
In-school suspension is defined as temporary removal l]om a class or activity.
Saturday school is a supervised study session held on Saturdays as an altemative to
suspension llom school for some students.
C. District Discipline Review Comm!!!q€ l[DDBe]
Continuation School (Recommendation Only)
Transfer to Another School Within the District
Other Plan for Altemative Education
E. Expulsion
All expulsions are under the jurisdiction ofthe Board of Trustees and shall be govemed in
accordance with the "Due Process" procedures. Any decision by the Board of Trustees
regarding an expulsion shall require:
l. that a quorum ofthe Board be present and,
2 that such decision be made by vote and that such vote constitute a majority ofthose
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Saturdav School
Committees composed ofschool personnel and patrons established for the purpose of
conducting hearings ofstudent misconduct cases referred by the school principal or designee
and make referrals to the administrative staff. The DDRC will include at least one patron
and one teacher who has not previously been involved in the case. A DDRC will be
organized by the superintendent or designee who will serve as chairperson/facilitator. The
DDRC is available if and when the building administrator determines it is an essential step.
Expulsion is a very serious action to be taken against a student and should not be
recommended unless all resources and processes have been exhausted and a conference has
been held between the principal or his/her designee, and the appropriate district
administrator. No recommendation for expulsion shall be made until all necessary
investigations and conferences have been held at the school building level.
Suspension of Special Education Students
Special education students may not be suspended unless the continued presence of
the exceptional student in school poses a danger to himselflherself, other persons, or
property, or unless there is a serious disruption of the educational process.
Examples ofsuch situations are: physical assault, or threatened assault on a teacher
or another student; action taking place on school property ola criminal nature; or
continuous disruptive conduct which the school has attempted and failed to control
through documented changes in the child's educational program/placement.
2. The special education student may be suspended so long as:
a.Written notice is given to the parent or guardian and administrator(s) of the
exceptional student describing the grounds for the suspension and a brief
statement ofthe facts.
A Child Study Team meeting (due process hearing) is called to meet within five
(5) school days, to review the student's Individual Education Program and to
establish a satisfactory plan for readmission or alternative education.
Expulsion of Soecial Education Students
An exceptional pupil may not be expelled unless the student's continued presence in
school presents a danger to himself/herself, other persons, or property. Examples of
emergency situations are: physical assault or threatened assault on a teacher or
another student; action taking place on school property ofa criminal nature; or
continuous disruptive conduct which the school has attempted and failed to control
through documented changes in the child's educational program/placement.
If it is the judgment of the District Child Study Team that a situation exists that a
school provided or supported educational program is not possible, expulsion may be
recommended to the Board of Trustees.
After being informed of the situation, the Board of Trustees will schedule the
necessary due process hearing as outlined.
Within ten (10) calendar days following written notice of expulsion to the parent or
guardian of the exceptional pupil, the District Child Study Team will meet to
review the exceptional pupil's individual educational progam to include
appropriate educational goals that can be carried out in a correctional or
rehabilitative setting. The school district's individual education program for the
exceptional pupil shall be presented to the court lor determining an appropriate
placement following expulsion.
Adoption: September 28, 1999
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1005.17 - Education And Discipline - Student Conduct
A. Sexual Harassment
The Board of Trustees believes that students of the ldaho Falls School District
have the right to leam in an atmosphere which is the most conducive to the
achievement of their fullest potential. Moreover, the Idaho Falls School District
is proud of its tradition of maintaining an educational environment in which all
individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Consequently, sexual
harassment of students whether verbal, physical, pictoral or written and whether
engaged in by employees olthe district or other students, is unacceptable and
will not be tolerated. Trustees have designated the Superintendent of Schools as
the official who is responsible for overseeing the full implementation of this
policy. Any employee or supervisor who is made aware of an alleged incident
ofsexual harassment will take action to bring the matter to the attention of the
most appropriate administrative authority.
2. Definitions Accordin g to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests lor sexual
favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature including
unwanted touching, verbal comments, sexual name calling, gestures, jokes,
profanity, and spreading of sexual rumors. Sexual harassment is further
forbidden when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or
implicitly a term or condition ofan individual's grades, (2) submission to or
rejection ofsuch conduct by an individual is used as the basis for grades
affecting such individual, or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of
unreasonably interfering with an individual's academic performance or creating
an intimidating, hostile, or offensive leaming environment. Conduct of this
nature is unacceptable on school grounds, during regular or special school
sessions, or at any school activity, function or event, and during transportation
in a district vehicle to and from school and school-sponsored events.
a. Examples of conduct which may constitute sexual harassment include:
r sexual advanceso touching, patting, grabbing or pinching another person's intimate
parts, whether that person is ofthe same sex or the opposite sex
coercing, forcing or attempting to coerce or force the touching of
anyone's intimate pa(s
o coercing, forcing or attempting to coerce or force sexual
intercourse or a sexual act on anothero graffiti ola sexual nature
o sexual gestures
o sexual or dirtyjokesr touching oneself sexually or talking about one's sexual activity in
front ofothers. spreading rumors about or rating other students as to sexual
activity or Performance
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unwelcome, sexually motivated or inappropriate patting, pinching
or physical contact. This prohibition does not preclude legitimate,
non sexual physical conduct such as the use ofnecessary restraints
to avoid physical harm to persons or property, or conduct such as
teacher's consoling hug ofa young student, or one student's
demonstration ofa sports move requiring contact with another
other unwelcome sexual behavior or words, including demands for
sexual favors, when accompanied by implied or overt threats
conceming an individual's educational status or implied or overt
promises of preferential treatment.
3. Prevention Because prevention is the best tool for the elimination ofsexual
harassment, this policy will be disseminated to all employees of School District
#91. Principals and supervisors are expected to take appropriate steps to make all
students aware ofthe contents of this policy.
4. Individuals Covered Under The Policy This policy covers all employees and
students olthe district. The Board ofTrustees will not tolerate, condone or allow
sexual harassment of its students, whether engaged in by fellow students,
teachers, administrators, or any other employees of the district. The Board of
Trustees encourages the reporting ofall incidences ofsexual harassment,
regardless ofwho the offender may be.
5. Confidentiality In order to protect all persons involved, all investigations and
hearings surrounding such matters will be designed to the maximum extent
possible to protect the privacy of, and minimize suspicion towards, the accused
as well as the complainant. Only those persons responsible for investigating and
enforcing this policy will have access to confidential communications. ln
addition, all persons involved are prohibited fiom discussing the matter with
anyone not directly involved in resolving the matter.
6. Reporting a ealqp!4inli The Board of Trustees enco urages students who believe
they are being harassed to firmly and promptly notify the oflender that the
behavior is unwelcome. However, the Board recognizes that such a direct
communication may not always be feasible. Therefore, students who believe they
are being sexually harassed may file a verbal or written complaint
with any teacher, administrator or counselor. (If the complaint involves the
building principal, the complainant should report the complaint to the
superintendent or any other district level administrator.)
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The complainant should understand, however, that the person receiving the
complaint may have a responsibility to report the incident either to a superior or to
other authorities including a law enforcement agency or the ldaho State
Department of Health and Welfare.
a. [n the case ofa verbal report, any district employee receiving the complaint
should immediately complete a harassment complaint form and obtain the
complainant's signature.
b. The person receiving the complaint should immediately inform the principal
who will initiate an investigation.
c. Any student or employee who becomes aware that a student is being
subjected to harassment should report the incident to a counselor or
No retaliation will be taken by this district or by any of its employees or students
against a student who reports harassment in good faith. Any person lound to have
retaliated against another indivudal for reporting an incident ofharassment may
be subject to the same disciplinary action provided for harassment offenders.
Those persons who assist or participate in an investigation ofharassment are also
protected lrom retaliation under this policy.
8. lnvestisation The principal or a designee shall take immediate steps to: (1)
protect the grievant from further harassment; (2) discuss the matter with and
obtain a statement from the accused; (3) obtain statements ofwitnesses; (4)
prepare a report of the investigation.
9. Resolution Based upon this report school officials shall take immediate and
appropnate actlon.
( 1) Il a foundation lor the allegation(s) exists, disciplinary action against the
offending student will follow. The disciplinary action will be commensurate
with the scope and the severity of the offense and may include: verbal and/or
written wamings and reprimands; transfer of assignmentsl suspension, or
recommendation lor expulsion;
(2) I I there appears to be no foundation to the al legations then no record shal I be
retained of the allegations.
(3) Bad faith allegations or the use of this policy lor unintended purposes may
result in disciplinary action as noted above against the accuser.
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1005,18 - Harassment Complaint Form
Name of Complainant:
Position of Complainant:
Date of Complaint:
Name of alleged harasser:
Date and Place of
Incident or lncidents:
Description of Misconduct:
List any witnesses that were present:
Evidence of Harassment,
i.e., letters, photos:
Any other information:
I agree that all the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.
Received by:
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1005.19 - Witness Disclosure Form
Name of Witness:
Date of Testimony/
Anv other Information:
I agree that all the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my
Received by:_
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Position of Witness:
Description of
Instance Witnessed:
1005.20 - Education And Discipline
A. Board Search and Seizure Philosophv
In order to maintain a quality educational atmosphere, preserve discipline and good
order, and promote the safety and security of students and employees, all school
property, including, but not limited to, buildings, equipment, buses, grounds, and
other physical settings and equipment of Idaho Falls School District #91 is under
the direct jurisdiction and exclusive control ofthe Board of Trustees and subject to
search by members of the administrative staff
Therefore, students are advised that it is the policy of this School District that
members olthe administrative staffhave the authority to search the student lockers
and all other school property over which the school district has control at any time,
without student consent, and without a search warrant. Members of the
administrative staff also have the authority to search the personal property of
students when reasonable under the circumstances. This authority to search school
property, or personal property of the student when appropriate, is extended to
members of the teaching staff who accompany students on out-of-town activities for
school-related purposes at school district expense.
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1006.1 - Statement of Policy for Possession
It is the policy ofthe Board of Trustees ofSchool District 91 that any student who has a
firearm or explosives in their possession (either on their person, in their purse, handbag,
or backpack, or in their locker) will be immediately suspended from school. The
administration of the building where the offense occurred will hold a Due Process
hearing within five days of the incident, and make a written recommendation for
expulsion to the Board of Trustees, ifappropriate. Ifpetitioned for expulsion, the Board
will hold such hearing at its next regularly scheduled meeting, or at a special meeting, il
the Board deems necessary.
In addition, any student who uses other deadly or dangerous weapons as defined in
federal law section 921 of title l8 of the United States Code shall be subject to the same
procedures and penalties described in the above paragraph.
Any student expelled under this section may not apply for re-admission for twelve
months lrom the date of expulsion. If re-admission is granted after proper application, it
will not occur until the start ofthe next grading term following approval of re-admission.
1006.2 - Statement of Policy for Threats or Use
Additionally, any student who displays a knife, or uses or threatens to use any other
instrument or device as a weapon, including bullying and physical violence against
another student or staff member, will be immediately suspended from school. The
administration will hold a Due Process hearing within five days ofthe incident that led to
the suspension. Depending on the circumstances involved, the administration may
recommend that the Board olTrustees expel the student.
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It is the policy ofthe Board of Trustees olSchool District 91 that any student who has a
knife as NOT defined in Idaho Code l8-3302D in their possession (either on their person,
in their purse, handbag, or backpack, or in their locker) will be immediately suspended
from school. If the suspension lasts more than two days, the principal shall hold a due
process hearing to determine if the student's action merits a recommendation to the Board
for expulsion.
1006.3 - Requirement for Parent/Student Signoff
Ifpetitioned for expulsion, the Board will hold such hearing at its next regularly
scheduled meeting, or at a special meeting, if the Board deems necessary. Any student
expelled under this section may not apply for re-admission until the time period of
expulsion set by the Board expires. If re-admission is granted after proper application,
the student may be required to wait until the start of the next grading term following
approval of re-admission.
Building administrators are required to distribute a disclosure statement regarding this
policy that all high school students and all parents ofstudents in grades K-9 must sign
when the student registers lor the beginning oleach school year.
1006.4 - Prohibition Against Enrolling from Other School District
It is also the policy ofthe Board of Trustees ofSchool District 9l that no student who has
been expelled, or threatened with expulsion, by any other school district may enroll in
School District 9l until such time as the penalty for said infraction would have expired
had the student actually been expelled.
1007.1 - Health Services
1. Puoil Illness and Injury
School personnel shall give onlv emergency care to students who become ill
or are injured on school property, on buses, or in areas adjacent to the school
premises. Any further treatment shall be the responsibility of the parent.
Parents shall be notified in case ofillness, or injury to a pupil. In case the
parent cannot be reached, the family physician listed on the pupil's enrollment
card shall be notified.
2. "Batterine" e.f g Student
1007.2 - Nledication to Students
The purpose of administering medications in school is to help each child maintain an
optimal state of health that may enhance his/her educational plan. The medications shall be
those required during school hours that allow the student to lully participate in the
educational setting. All needed medication and supplies will be provided by the student,
parent, or guardian. The parent and family physician are encouraged to work out a
schedule of giving medication outside school hours. Self administration by responsible
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In the event a child shows evidence ofbeing "battered" or excessively abused,
the proper authorities shall be notifred within 24 hours according to state law.
A. Guidelines:
1. Authorization of Medication
A Request for Medication at School form must be completed and signed by
the parent or guardian and physician. The physician's order must be renewed
annually. Dosage changes require a new physician's order.
2. Medication Labeling, Storage, and Disposal
All medication must be received at school in its original prescription
container. Medications should be brought to school by the parent or
responsible adult especially for elementary school students. If this is not
possible, the parent or guardian must inform the school nurse, principal, or
designee by telephone that the student is bringing the medication to school
and how much medication is in the container. The amount of medication
received will be verified and documented by the school nurse, principal or
Medications administered by school personnel will be kept in a locked storage
compartment. Access to medication will be under the authority of the school
nurse, principal or designee.
At the end ofthe school year, parents and guardians will be notified and asked
to pick up unused medication. All unused medications left at school will be
destroyed by the school nurse and witnessed by another school employee.
3. Administration of Medication
All personnel designated to administer medications will be required to
complete an inservice on techniques for the sale administration and
monitoring of medications. The inservice will be provided by the school
The parent, guardian, or physician's office must give the first dose ofany new
A record will be maintained on every student receiving medication. The
record should include the student's name, date, time ol administration, dosage,
mode ol administration and signature of person witnessing or administering
the medication.
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students is allowed under certain conditions. This decision will be determined by the
school nurse or designee. These recommendations apply to all prescribed and over-the-
counter medications. This policy is intended to provide safe unilorm administration of
medication at school as well as to provide for the safety ofother students.
Students on prescribed medications may be allowed to take their own
medications with written permission from their parent or guardian. The
written permission must be submitted to the school nurse. Competency ol a
student to self administer medication will be established. The student will be
asked to bring only the prescribed dosage each day. Students who self
administer asthma medication in the form of inhalers must provide the
original prescription container. Students with asthma and severe allergies
must have immediate access to their medication.
ln case ofa respiratory emergency; i.e., bee sting or severe asthma attack,
epinephrine, by injection, may be administered by the school nurse.
ln case ofa diabetic emergency; i.e., severe insulin reaction (low blood sugar),
the school nurse or designee may administer glucose.
Aspirin and acetamenophen may be given to a secondary student upon his/her
request, with a physician's standing order and parental permission. The
physician's order and parental permission must be renewed annually.
1007.3 Crisis Management Policy Adopted: June I 997
The Board of Trustees recogrizes schools need to be prepared to handle a crisis
involving a student, a staffmember, a school or the whole district. While the school
district's main function is to educate, the safety of staffand student body is ol
paramount concem. When a crisis occurs, the Board directs each school to follow the
procedures outlined in the Crisis Management Handbook, including the following:
Insure the safety and protection ofthe student(s)/staff
Activate a crisis plan/crisis team.
Notify the superintendent and police, as appropriate.
Notify staff, students, and parents, as appropriate.
Provide immediate emotional support for student(s) and staff in a desigrated
Provide short term support for students or staff members needing further
assistance for a period oltime after the crisis.
The Board of Trustees further recogrizes that trauma in the lile of a staff member or
student can create feelings which can impact the ability to teach or leam. A person (or
persons) sulfering fiom trauma, stress, abuse or depression cannot benelit lully from, or
provide services to, the educational program and that person may pose a threat to
him,/herself or others. All involved school personnel should be alert to the individual
who exhibits signs ofunusual depression or who threatens violence to selfor others.
Stalf members should know how to contact the proper authorities or know how to refer
to district personnel who can link individuals and their families to treatment programs
in the community.
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In order to help prevent suicide and other severe acts ofviolence, the Board directs that
a Crisis Awareness Program be initiated in every school to include the following:
Implement the district-wide crisis plan.
Provide inservice education to increase staff awareness of the seriousness of
trauma, crisis and their impact. This inservice will include waming signs,
procedures for dealing with crisis, and how to help lessen impact on
Establish procedures to help ease the impact ofa crisis on the students, staffand
the community.
Inform parents ofthe crisis procedures and how parents can assist.
1007.4 - Communicable Diseases
A. Statement of Policy
B. Definition of Communicable Diseases
For purposes of this policy, the definition of "communicable diseases" shall be
the one established by the ldaho State Department of Health (SDH), and shall
include, but not be limited to, those contagious diseases reportable to SDH.
C. Suspicion of Disease
If a school district employee has reason to believe a student or another school
district employee has a communicable disease as defined in the section above
he/she shall immediately report this information to his/her immediate supervisor
or to the Superintendent of Schools. If the supervisor who receives such a
report believes that this information is accurate, he/she shall report to the school
nurse who shall then notify the SDH, and the Superintendent ofSchools ifnot
previously notified.
The Superintendent ofSchools shall appoint a Health Review Team (HRT) for
the purpose of reviewing the cases of students having, or suspected ofhaving, a
communicable disease. The HRT shall consist of an administrator, the school
nurse, a local physician, and other members as the Superintendent ofSchools
deems necessary. The affected student shall be allowed to remain in the
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It is the intent of the Board olTrustees of Idaho Falls School District #91 to
attempt to protect students and employees fiom exposure to diseases while they
are attending school or actively working for the school district. Staff members
are encouraged to wear protective gloves when handling any bodily fluids in the
performance of their duties. Students who have, or are suspected of having, a
communicable disease shall be dealt with according to the rules listed below.
D. Aopointment of Health Review Team (HRT)
classroom until the HRT verifies whether the student has a disease. The
Superintendent of Schools is authorized to arrange safe placement of the
affected student during the investigation.
Steps will be taken to protect the confidentiality of any student with a
communicable disease. Therefore, the knowledge that any student has a
communicable disease will be confined to those persons who have a direct need
to know as determined by the Superintendent of Schools. Those persons will be
provided with appropriate information and made aware of the requirements of
F.Recommendation of Health Review Team
The HRT shall consult with the affected student physician regarding any
suspected case of communicable diseases. The HRT shall conclude, within 72
hours after hrst being informed, its fact finding and report a recommendation to
the Superintendent ofSchools. After receipt ofthe above information and
recommendations, the Superintendent of Schools shall determine the placement
of the affected student. In the case of a student where exclusion from the
regular school setting is in the best interests of all, altemative special
programming shall be provided by the school.
ln the case of a student who has a human retrovirus variously labeled Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and when certain health conditions in the
school environment (e.g. measles or chicken pox) which could threaten their
health, the physician ofthe student will be notified by the school nurse.
Exclusion fiom the classroom or the work place will be at the discretion ofthe
affected student's physician.
H. Education Regardins Communicable Diseases
The Idaho Falls School District shall take steps as determined by the
Superintendent ofSchools to educate parents, students, and school employees
regarding communicable diseases and their transmission. Such education would
serve to minimize the risk of transmission to others, and to assist efforts to
provide the best educational setting for infected students and a safe work
environment for infected employees.
E. Confidentialitv Requirements
G. Possibility of Exclusion Guidelines
Section 1000-page 42
Idaho Falls School District #91
1007.5 - Health Consultative Services
Screening, care, counseling, and referral services include:a. Crowth and development, K-6, other students on an individual basis;b. Vision, K-6 (grades 3, 5, 8 in cooperation with Lions Club) and on
individual basis K-12;c. Scoliosis, grades 7,8,9 and on individual basis;d. Blood pressure checks as requested;e. Dental, inspection only, major problems referred;f. Nuisance diseases (pediculosis, scabies, ringworm, etc.);g. Other medical problems.
Special Education Student Evaluation/Placement K-l 2
Determination of lmmunization Status as follows:
According to state law, a statement certifying the student's immunization status
must be in the possession of school authorities at the time of enrollment.
4. InterscholasticAthleticEligibilityForms
7. Health Education:
Instruction regarding health related subjects will be provided in the classroom, in
small groups, and on an individual basis.
Section 1000-page 43
Idaho Falls School District #91
All medical forms for athletic participation shall be reviewed by the health
services staffprior to the student's participation in interscholastic activities.
5. New Student Health Appraisals:
Health appraisals for new students who have no prior record ofa medical
examination shall be conducted by the health services staff
6. Homeboundlnstnrction:
Homebound instruction will be provided for students with extended absences due
to medical reasons. District guidelines have been established to govern such
services. Anangements can be made by contacting the health services staff.
The salety olevery student is a matter ofserious concem to the Board ofTrustees, the
administration, and teachers. It is the policy of the Board to set up regulations to provide
the best safety measures for each and every student.
1008.1 - Emergency Drills
Emergency drill exercises will be planned by the school principal and teachers ofeach
building to assure orderly movement and proper placement ofstudents when emergencies
arise. Fire drills are to be conducted once a month.
1008.2 - Automobiles
When students drive a car to school, the student is subject to the regulations and policies
prescribed by the principal. When a student fails to comply, appropriate action may be
taken by the principal, up to and including loss ofparking privileges in school-owned or
school-designated parking areas.
Transportation to and from school shall be fumished without charge by the School
District to pupils who live more than I 1/2 miles from the school to which they have been
assigned. Determination of the distance shall be made by the Department of
Transportation and shall be measured according to the shortest possible walking route
which a child may take to reach the school.
In addition, transportation will be provided for student activities that are approved by the
District Administration. A transportation cost may be charged for activity travel that is
not part ofthe reimbursement schedule established by the State Department ofEducation.
A transportation fee schedule will be established and approved by the Board of Trustees.
1009.1 - Studetrt Conduct and Discipline on School Buses
The bus driver is in charge of the operation ofa bus at all times. No student activity may
take place that interferes with the operation ofthe bus or the safety of the students or
violates any other part ofthe District's discipline policy or behavior code.
Students who, in thejudgment ofthe bus driver, violate the rules ofgood and safe
conduct in the bus shall be reported to their school principal on the appropriate form.
The principal will determine the proper discipline of the students. The principal, in
cooperation with the Supervisor of Transportation, will decide when a student may retum
to riding a bus once he/she has lost the privilege.
Section 1000-page 44
Idaho Falls School District #91
1009.2 - Student Responsibilities
While using school district transportation, students are expected to observe the following
standards of etiquette and behavior:
Be on time for the bus.
Wait in an orderly line and avoid "horseplay".
Enter or leave the bus through the entry door.
Go directly to an available, or assigrred seat, when entering the bus.
Be seated and remain seated until the bus stops for pupils to unload.
Have a strong sense of responsibility lor the safety ofselfand others.
Keep all parts ofthe body inside the bus except when unloading.
Follow the driver's suggestions promptly.
Treat others and equipment with respect.
Refiain from the use ofprofane language on the bus.
The use oftobacco, alcohol, or drugs and controlled substances is
Refrain from carrying hazardous materials, objects, and animals on the
Refiain from leaving or boarding the bus at locations other than the
assigrred home stop or assigned school.
If necessary to cross the road:
a. Cross in front ofthe bus.
b. Wait at front of bus for signal from driver before proceeding into
traffic lane.
Relrain from eating or drinking of foodstuffs while on the bus.
1009.3 - Disciplinary Procedures
When a student's behavior on a bus is such that disciplinary measures are in order, a
citation form will be completed by the driver and given to the Supervisor of
Transportation who will, in tum, give it to the student's principal for appropriate
disciplinary action.
Section 1000-page 45
Idaho Falls School District #91
Where the disciplinary infiaction is severe enough, a student may be suspended from
riding a bus. The disciplinary action will be communicated by the principal to the
student, the student's parents, and the Supervisor of Transportation.
A student may be suspended fiom riding on a bus by the bus driver ifhe/or she fails to
identify himselflherself when requested to do so.
1010,1 - Approval
The existence and operation ofall school clubs shall be subject to the approval ofthe
school administration and subject to such rules and regulations as the District shall
1010.2 - Election
The club officers shall be elected according to proper election procedures including
nominations, balloting, counting, and verifications.
1010.3 - Membership
No school club shall be allowed to choose its new members merely by the decision of its
present members. No student shall be denied membership in any school club if he or she
can meet the rules and regulations for membership set up by the school.
1010.4 - Advisors
Advisors shall be present at all meetings or functions ofany club or arrange for other
faculty members to take their place. Ifthe group takes a trip, the advisor shall act asone
of the chaperons. If the group is a mixed group, both a male and female chaperon must
accompany the group.
1010.5 - Funds
The advisor will keep a close check on the club funds to assure that good business
practices prevail. Requisition slips for all purchases shall be signed by the advisor, and all
bills must be paid prior to the end of the school year. Club books shall be kept in
accordance with approved District #91 accounting practices and will be available at all
times lor examination by the District auditor.
f010.6 - Participation
Extracurricular activities are a part ofthe total educational program offered to students.
Therefore, exclusion should be based on reasonable rules. Marriage is not a situation
which adversely affects the discipline or usefulness ofthe activities program of the
school and cannot be used to bar the student from extracurricular activities.
1010.7 - Student Government
Under the building principal's supervision, all students are encouraged to padcipate in
the student govemment of the school. Through this participation, students are able to
Section 1000-page 46
Idaho Falls School District #91
1010.8 - Student Publications
Oflicial school publications such as school newspapers should reflect good taste and the
responsible judgment ofthe student editors. Students have the responsibility to refrain
from libel and obscenity and to observe the normal rules lor responsible joumalism and
editing. Within these bounds students have a responsibility, as do editors of other
newspapers, to report the news and to editorialize within established district guidelines.
Any newspaper printed by a joumalism class for school credit must have faculty
supervision. No unauthorized newspapers may be published or distributed on school
district property.
1010.9 - Forms of Initiation
Initiations and Hazing
Only formal induction ceremonies for a club, class, activity, or the student body
will be allowed, and then only under the planning and supervision ofthe sponsor
and the principal. No ceremonies in which the action may be hazardous or
belittling to the student will be allowed.
a. All induction activities for any organization are to be ceremonial in
nature. The word ceremonial is intended to mean activities similar to the
Honor Society induction and is contrasted with initiations that have
required acts or activities that are belittling or demeaning to a group or an
individual. All initiation{ype activities are prohibited.
b. No membership in a club or an organization is to be contingent upon
participation in an initiation ceremony. Membership must be allowed to
any individual who meets the performance criteria for the organization.
No hazing ofone student by another is to be sanctioned. This is intended
specifically to eliminate the initiations that occur in the fall with the 7th
grader entering ajunior high or sophomores or new students entering a
high school. Students that cause or participate in hazing will be subject to
suspension or expulsion.
Section 1000-page 47
Idaho Falls School District #91
become involved and can substantially contribute to the educational program olthe
It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of the Idaho Falls School District No. 9l to
encourage an effective, elficient program ofactivities.
All prior absences must be considered in light ofthe 90% attendance requirement before
ganting a student permission to participate in travel activities.
1011,1 - Senior High Athletics
The provisions olthe Idaho High School Activities Association and School Conference
apply to all senior high school athletics. Procedures and regulations will be developed
in cooperation with the Coordinator of Physical Education and Athletics, principals,
and coaches in line with Board Policy and State and conference provisions.
l0l l 2 - Junior High Athletics
When applicable, the provisions of the Idaho High School Activities Association and
the Junior High Conference will govem junior high school athletics. Procedures,
regulations, and other policies will be set forth in cooperation with the building
principals and the Coordinator Physical Education and Athletics.
1011.3 - Social Events
Social activities are an important part ofany student's life and ofthe school. This type
ofactivity often reflects the educational quality of a school and can be easily observed.
It is the desire ofthe Board to sanction such activities insofar as they fall in line with
overall school policy. Such events are the responsibility ofthe school principal.
l0l1.4 - Student Trips (Secondary Schools)
All school sponsored trips must have the recommendation of the building principal and
be approved by the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Curriculum prior to the
Specific details and plans relative to departure, destination, ovemight lodging, food services,
purpose of trip, number ofstudents involved, chaperons, (male and female must accompany
mixed groups), and return time must accompany all requests.
Parents and/or legal guardians ofthose students going on the trip will be notified ofthe
trip schedule and will sign consent slips for their students.
Student travel that is administered within the school is limited to a radius of 300 miles
and must be limited as follows:
Section 1000-page 48
Idaho Falls School District #91
It is expected that, in general, students will not miss school for activities such as
contests, conferences, trips, etc. However, in instances where only one activity is
available for statewide or regional interaction ofstudents, limited school time may
be used. This loss ofschool time will, however, be charged against the student's
days of allowable absence. The current status of each student's attendance should
be considered belore approval to miss school is given.
Debate is limited to competition in regional conference and state meets. It is
recognized that present scheduling procedures dictate that the use of some school
time is necessary to provide a competitive program. However, absences must be
kept to an absolute minimum, and the schedule must be cleared yearly with the
Assistant Superintendent for lnstruction and Curriculum before any commitments
are made.
The Honor Society is allowed one activity a year at participant expense.
Activities that extend overnight are not acceptable. School time must not be used.
Cheerleaders' activities will be managed and controlled by the administration of
each secondary school. School time will not be used except when necessary for
state competition.
Drill teams are allowed a maximum of one contest per year that requires
ovemight travel or travel outside the East Idaho area and loss ofschool time.
Additional participation in local contests and events may also be allowed when
approved by the building administrator.
Travel for vocational students will be considered only when travel is related to
class activities and requested in advance.
Vocational students who hold a state office or who win state competition may
apply to attend National competition. Expenses for such approved travel are the
responsibility of the student or the organization.
Other school organizations may apply to the school administration for permission
to participate in sponsored or scheduled activities. Organizations such as Key
Club, Student Govemment, music and joumalism are covered by this section.
High school student travel is limited to two consecutive school days, andjunior
high travel is limited to one school day.
Requests for participant sponsored travel are to be submitted to the building
administrator and to the district administrator for approval. Such requests are to
be submitted prior to any fund raising or in-depth planning.
Section 1000-page 49
Idaho Falls School District #91
Travel beyond the 300 mile radius for IHSAA sponsored events for which
participation was eamed in local or regional competition may be approved by the
District Administration. Participation in similar state level competitions sponsored
by other state organizations/agencies will be considered but must have the approval
of the Board of Trustees. Any travel outside the State during the school year that
goes beyond the 300 mile limit must also be approved by the Board.
School sanctioned travel to attend national or regional competitions may be
approved by the principal for selected high school students. The student(s) allowed
such travel would be winners of a state competition with further competition at the
regional or national level, or a student officer or representative attending a
convention or clinic. Expenses for such approved travel are the responsibility ofthe
student or the organization.
1011.5 - Elementary Honor Programs
Elementary honor society is allowed one activity per semester at participant
expense. Travel for activities should be confined to Bonneville County.
1011.6 - School Read-In, Read-a-Thon, Math-a-Thon, etc.
Districlwide activities, i.e. jump rope contests, library tours, arts assemblies, etc.,
are under the jurisdiction ofthe Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and
School activities beyond those scheduled on a district-wide basis must have the
approval of the appropriate administrator.
Section 1000-page 50
Idaho Falls School District #91
These special events must have the recommendation and approval ofthe Assistant
Superintendent for Instruction and Curriculum. Specific details and plans must be
submitted to the administration relative to location, number of students involved,
chaperons, and hourly plans, including transportation ofstudents. No read-in will
be permitted to continue after 10:00 P.M. No read-a-thon, math-athon, etc., may
include student door-to-door solicitation of funds.
l0l1.7 - Elementary Activities
A. Philosophy
The underlying purposes ofthe athletic and cheerleading programs for Idaho
Falls School District No. 91 are to guide the total development of the
individual, utilize the inner resources of the student, and provide opportunity
for their productive involvement.1. By stressing the mental, social, physical, and emotional development of
the student, the athletic and cheerleading programs should provide for
total development.2. By emphasizing the traits of compassion, humility, pride, self-respect,
and self-reliance, the athletic and cheerleading programs should utilize
and develop the strength and determination ofthe student.3. By developing the attributes ofcooperation, leadership, responsibility,
sportsmanship, and competitiveness, the athletic and cheerleading
programs should provide the opportunity for full and productive
involvement ofthe student in the world today.4. By developing athletic and cheerleading programs that will insure equal
opportunities for student participation in athletic events, and by
incurring equal opportunities for students to receive adequate and
satisfactory coaching instruction and supervision.
The coaches' attitude toward athletes should be positive and respectful.
An athlete should never be dealt with in a way that may be humiliating
and especially not in the presence of the public. Coaches should refrain
fiom using language which humiliates, degrades, and./or intimidates
students. Swearing, profanity, or obscenities are not acceptable.
1013.1 - Gifts to Staff Members
Pupils, parents, and other patrons of the District shall be discouraged from the routine
presentation ofgifts to District employees.
When a pupil feels a spontaneous desire to present a gift to a staffmember, the gift
shall not be elaborate or unduly expensive.
1013.2 - Solicitations of Students
The schools shall strive to safeguard the students and their parents from money
raising plans ofoutside organizations, commercial enterprises, and individuals.
This policy applies particularly to ticket sales and sales ofarticles or services except
those directly sponsored or approved by the schooI authorities.
Section 1000-page 5l
Idaho Falls School District #91
t 012.1 -
1013.3 - Sales, Promotions, Surveys
The public school setting is not to be used to contact stalf members or students for
sales or other commercial purposes not directly related to the operations or
activities of the District or the school.
Students are not to be used to carry home announcements related to activities ofa
commercial nature.
The involvement ofstudents in surveys and fund raising activities for charitable
organizations must have approval in advance from the Superintendent's office.
Fund raising activities should be confined to the attendance area ofthe building in
charge of the activity.
1013.4 School Policv
Administrators ofeach individual school may extend this policy by developing and
writing additional rules and regulations for the orderly management of students.
School rules and regulations should be cooperatively developed with staff, students
and parents and should reflect the rights and responsibilities ofthose they are
intended to serve.
Section 1000-page 52
Idaho Falls School District #91
I 101.0
Section ll00 - I
Idaho Falls School District #91
I 101.0 Beliefs
The Board of Trustees believes that public school programs should be designed to fit the
needs of individual students and that parents and educators have a right and responsibility
to participate in the schools which serve them. The State of Idaho has authorized charter
schools as one avenue for parents, teachers, and community members to provide for the
education ofchildren within the public school system.
1 102.0 Leeal Responsibilities
Idaho Falls school District #91 will comply with State Legislative statutes and state Board
ofEducation rules that apply to Charter Schools.
Section 1100 - 2
Idaho Falls School District #91
ldaho Statutes Page I of I
Idaho Statutes
DISTRICT TRUSTEES33-519. RELEASE FOR REIIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. Upon applj.cation of his parent.or guardian, or, if the student has attained Ehe age of ei"ghteen (18) years,upon applicatj"on of the student, a sludent aEtending a pubtic schoof in gradesnine (9) Ehrough t.welve {12) may be excused from school for a period not.exceeding five (5) periods in any week and not exceeding one hundredsixty-five (155) hours per student during any one (1) school year forreligi.ous or ottrer purposes. Release time pursuant. to lhis sectj-on shall bescheduled by the board of trust.ees upon application as provided herein and t.heboard shaI1 have reasonable discretion over the schedulj-ng and t.iming of therelease time. Release Eine pursuant to Ehis section shall noL reduce theminimum graduation requirements for accrediEed Idaho high schools. Theprovisions of Ehis section sha11 not be deemed Eo authorize Ehe use of anypublic school facility for reli,gious inst.ructi-on, The board of trustees of aschool di.stricE may not authorize the use of, and public school faciLiLies,persoDnel or equipment rnay not. be utilized, to maintain attendatce records forthe benefit of release time classes for religious inst.ruction. No credit. shallbe awarded by t.he school or school di.strj-ct for completion of courses duringrelease time for religious purposes. At Ehe dj-scretion of Ehe board credi.t maybe granted for other purposes.
The Idabo Code is nade availa.bl. oD the lElerrct by tbc Idabo L.gislaiure !s. pubtic E.rvice
Thia Iarerne! wersion o! the Idaho Code My not be uscd lor conn.rcial purposes, Dor may rhiE
databaae be puDliahcal or rcpackaged for come.ci.l sal. witbout cxpress Eirleo pcrnis6ion.
Searchihq Idaho Slatules
Available Reference: Seorch Instruclions.
The ldaho Code is the property of the state ofldaho, and is copyrighted by ldaho law, l.C. S 9-350.
According to ldaho law, any person who reproduces or distributes the ldaho Code.for commercial
purposes in violation of the provisions of this statute shall be deemed lo be an infringer of the state of
ldaho's copyright.
http://www3.state.id.us/cgi-bin/newidst?sctid=3 300500 I 9.K 9t2U2006
Policy Section 406.0 - 406.1 5
Policy Section 3 10.2
Policy Section 605.0
Policy Section 616.0
Policv Section 510.0
Jan. 28 003
Revised 4/20l2006
School Properties Disposal Procedure
Computer Services and Operations
District Equipment
Programs for Exceptional Students
Special Education Students - deleted, with policies 6l 7-621
Private Service Providers Working with Students in Public
Feb.26 2002
Policy Section 3 12.0
une 25.2002
Policy Section 204.2 Superintendent's Staff (Revised)
Policy Section 204.3, 204.4, 205.5, 204.5.1, 204.5.2, 204.7 .1 Deleted
Policy 204.6 (renumbered as 204,3)
Policy 305.5 - 309.0 Inventories, Purchase Orders and Contracts, Payroll
Schedules, Travel Expense Reimbursements
Policy 407.3 Special Use of School Buses
Section 600 - Curriculum & Instruction:
Policy 603.1 I.F. and Skyline Grad. Requiremenrs (Revised)
Policy 601.0 Curriculum Philosophy (Revised)
Policy 617.1 Early Graduation (Renumbered as 603.3
Policy 604.0 Curriculum DevelopmenVAdoption/Evaluation (Revised)
Policy 605.0 Programs for Exceptional Students: (Revised)
Policy 606.0 Summer Schools (Revised)
Policy 608.0 Altemative High School (Grades 9-12) (Revised)
Policy 609.0 Transfer/Foreign Exchange Studenrs (Revised)
Policy 611.0 Student Performances (Revised)
Policy 612.0 Instructional Resources (Revised)
Policy 613.2 School Volunteers (Revised)
Policy 615.0 Academic Achievement (Revised)
Policy 616.1 Scheduling (Special Education Students) (Revised)
* Policy 618.0 Graduation Exercises (Revised)
+ Policy 619.0 Testing Program (Revised)
* Policy 620.0 Teaching About Controversial Issues (Revised)
Policy 805.1-8.11.0 Reduction in Personnel
* Renumbered Jan. 28, 2003
Jan. 14,2003
Policy Section 604.2.1 Curriculum Program Evaluation
October 27. 2003
Policy Section 103.0
Policy Section 103.1
Policy Section 103.1 .1
Policy Section 103.2
Policy Section 107.3
Policy Section 107.6
Policy Section 109.4
Policy Section 202.1
Policy Section 204.2.1
Policy Section 307.0
Feb. 25 2003
Policy Section 1002.0
Policy Section 3022.2.1
Policy Section 809.5
General Fund Contingency
Mission Statement, Goals, Strategies
School Board Trustee Zones and Elections
Trustee Zones
Trustee Elections
Membership on Board of Trustees
Regular Meetings of the Trustees
Order of Business for Board Meetings
Board Policy as Public Record
Superintendent's Performance Responsibilities
Organizational Chart
Payment of Claims
Cell Phone Usage
Budget Planning, Preparation and Management
Invesfrnent of School Funds
Budget Implementation
School Accounts
Bids and Quotations
Quality Control and Standardization
Purchase Orders and Contracts
Vendor Lists
Selection of Professional Services
Charter Schools
Credits eamed
NCLB School Choice
March 23. 2004
Policy Section 406.16
October 26.2004
Policy Section 302.3
Policy Section 302.4
Policy Section 303.0
Policy Section 304.3
Policy Section 305.0
Policy Section 306.0
Policy Section 306.2
Policy Section 306.3
Policy Section 306.6
Policy Section 306.7
Policy Section 306.9
Policy Section 308.1
Policy Section 1 100
Policy Section 603.1
Policy Section 1003.4
Mav 13.2003
Policy Section 604.2.I
Policy Section 1003.4 & 3.5
September 23. 2003
Policy Section I
Revised 4/20/2006
Military Leave
Level 4 Curriculum Program Evaluation
Boundary Waivers
f Revised 4/20l2006
February 15. 2005
Policy Section 1003.4.C
Policy Section 107.6
November 8. 2005
Policy Section 306.2
April I I ,2006
Policy Section 408
Athletic Paflicipation for Waiver Students
Order of Business for Board Meetings
Bids and Quotations
Child Nutrition and Wellness
3.0 0verall Goals
To provide the best possible school staff, including both professional and support
To encourage development of meaningful and cooperative interpersonal
relationships among students, stafi and community;
To strive for maximum effrciency in the use of district resources to meet the goals
and objectives ofthe various programs and services;
To achieve what is truly a "community school" in services to the adult
4.0 Identi$ing Priorities
Through the Strategic Planning process (which includes the participation ofparents,
patrons, and educators), building level priorities will be considered annually by the
District Planning Council. This Council, will in turrl recommend district priorities to the
Board. It is the policy ofthe Board ofTrustees that the Board and the Superintendent
shall arurually identifi priorities for education in the District from this report and other
relevant criteria and shalljointly develop goals which will serve as a framework to the
school system for the ensuing school year. The Board is committed to rnaintaining a
system o f accountability toward the accomplishment ofthese goals.
5.0 Objectives
The following objectives were established through the Strategic Planning Process and
approved by the Board ofTnrstees in 1995.
No later than July l, 2000, 1007o ofour Pre K-12 curriculum will be clearly defined and
will be communicated to students, teachers, and parents for each elementary grade level
and for each secondary subject area to ensure that knowledge and technical skills are
taught to our students in a challenging academic environment.
By July lst ofeach year, 100% of identified safety concerns will be resolved and a
support system will be established to maintain an ongoing safe, positive,
teaching/leaming environment in each of our schools.
By July I st ofeach year, a comprehensive staff development program based upon staff
input will be in place for District #91 employees to ensure that students continue to be
taught and served by highly competent professionals.
Mission Statement -2
To provide an educational program and instructional setting which will permit
each student to develop to his or her full potential;
No later than July 1, 2000, identified minimum levels of technology will be achieved in
each ofour schools, with an ongoing technology firnding source established to ensure that
our students can compete in a highly technical society.
Through the year 2000, community input will be invited periodically to review and
update building and district level improvement plars to ensure clear criteria for student
success and system accountability.
6.0 Strategies
We will clearly define and communicate the curriculum for each elementary
grade level and for each secondary subject area to ensure that basic skills and
knowledge are taught. To accornplish this we will:
Work for Pre K-12 alignment of the specific academic and vocational
skills and knowledge needed for graduation.
Hold educators accountable for effective teaching, hold students
accormtable for learning, and encourage parental involvement in their
child's education.
Assess student growth to evaluate the effectiveness of district curriculum
and to provide for student needs by ensuring that basic skills are taught
and that appropriate remediation and endchment opportunities are
We will develop a system-wide staffdevelopment program based upon
instructional designs which will enhance the knowledge and skills of staff
necessary to improve student achievement.
We will develop and implement plans which will expand student involvement in
the community as well as expand the community's involvement in the schools.
We will develop and implement plans to equitably integate technology into
schools to help students learn adopted curriculum.
We will network with other community agencies and resources to provide
students with a safe school environment.
We will enhance students' academic success by implementing prograrns that
encourage responsibility, accountability, self discipline, and strengthened family
We will develop and implement plans for the construction and maintenance of
physical facilities necessary to house students in a ratio which will enhance
Mission Statement -3
8. We will realign system structues to enhance student learning:
+ school calendar year.
* length and content ofthe school day.
+ administrative delivery systern
Mission Statement -4