HomeMy WebLinkAboutChildren's Adventure Center FY 21:.,. . Idaho lralls School District 9l A World Class Education 690 fohn Adams Parkway ldaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Phone: [208) 525-7500 FAX: (208) 525-7596 Web Address: !4r4gj!1-f,! lid.gs IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 9I System of Carr Protocol for Independent Contractors l)rolocol lirr .f hc ('hiklrcn's Adycnturc Ccntrr ?rovidinq lll:ll.\\ l(ll{,\l- l\TI,lRYll\l lON Sl'll( 1.\1-lS1 {ltl). l}lall.\\'OItl.\1. IN:I'ERVENTION PARAPROFESSIOANT, (BI PARA) ). BEHAVORIAL TIi( H]-t( tA:i (Bt TE('II),COMMUNI'I'Y BASED REHABILITATION SERVICES acRRs). I NTERVENTION PROFESSIONAI.. HABILITATIVE SKILLS (HSI AND PDI{SO\.\I, CARE SITRVICES (P('S}: The purpose ofthe System ofCare is to establish a procedural protocol to assist ldaho Falls School District 9l in collaborating for the delivery ofrelated services provided by independent contractors in accordance an eligible student's Individualized Education Program (lEP) and developed punuant to Idaho Special Educalion Rules and Rcgulations,20l6; The Chilclrcn's Mcntal Services Act of 1998: and Medicaid billing policy lor rehabilitative services in a school setting (IDAPA,1DAPA, IDAPA 16.0i.10.653.05.e, and IDAPA - Qualifications and Supervision). Thc school will bc the lead agcncy for any cnrolled student while that student is in scbool. Beforc thc Independent Contmctor may work with a student, a contactual agrcement must be completcd with the Indepcndent Contractor and the Director of Student Services. lndependent Contractor Agcncy: The Children's Adventure Center Supervisor: Heidi Abegglen AdmiDistrator: Business Address: 265 Gladstone, ldaho Falls. lD 81401 Telephone Nurnber: 208-528-8639 E Mail: tacheidia@hotmeil.com BI Ratc: S34.34lhour Bl-Para Rate: $ l9,l l/hour BI 'l ech Ratc: $3o.0ilhour cBRS Rate; $36.26lhour Intcrvcntion Professional $47.1s/hour Students: As per addendum tlS Pro Rate: S.10.01/hour' HS Para Rste $ I9.31/hour PCS Rate: $ I I .944tour lndependent ( ()rtr Dircclor of Studcnt Seryices: o^,", bl ttfa? - ,o",a1,1zzro Conlr.r(ror 'l h( ChildrEn s dvcnlurc Crnr(f School Yca.20?0-l0l I I