HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccess Point FY 21ildaho Falls School District 91 A Worltl Cluss l:ducatiott 690 f ohn Adams Parkway Idaho Falls, ldaho 83401 Phone: (208) 525-7500 IiAX: (208) 525-2596 Wcb Adrlrcss: w .d91.k12 .id.us I. l)r(,locol firr Accrss l'oint Fanrilv s r:ryiccs I'rovidinu IlI,-llAvlOILAL In*T EIT\/TiN'TI0N Sl'l'l(llr\l,lS'l' (lll ), I}EIIAVOITI AI. IN',l l,.t{\/t,lNl'toN P.,\Rrl PROII'SSI0A N I,(B I PAITA). I itit t.,\ votU A t.'t'ti(:t.l NI crAt\-III TECII ). (i0i\,il\t tiN t't'Y li/\SE I) IlIiItAllt t_l t'A'{'toN srilt\,'l C l.is((:lt r {li) AN l) H.Atil l,l'I'A1't\/ti sKt t_l_s rllS): 'l hc;:tttllosc ol'thc Systcm of'Care is lo estirblish a Inoccdural plotocol kr assist ltlaho lralls SchooLI)istrict 9l in collaborating lbr thc dcljvcry ot'r'clatctl scrviccs pror.idetl b1, indcpc;dcr.lt coltractorsin accoldalrcc an cligiblc sludcnt s Inclir.idualizctl litlue.rtion progranr {ll:lr1 ancl rlcveloltcilptrrsuant lo ldaho S1:ccial llducation Ilulc's and l{cltulations. l0l6: Thi (.'hitth.<:n's AJcntt Sc,t,iL.as .4cr ol t99tl: and Mcdicaid billing policl, Ibr rchirhilirarivc scrvices iu a school sctting (rD,tili l(r.03.09.245. IDAPA i6. lt)Al,A 16.03.t0.651.05.c.and II)Al,A I 6.0:t.-0d.855.10 Qualilications and Supen ision). 'l'hc school rviil bc lhc lead agcncy for an1 culrllctl stLulcnt rvhilc tltal sllrlent is irr sch<xrl. llclirrcthc.lndcllcrxlcnl Contr.lctor t:lay \\'olk rvith u student. o cont]'actuxl .gr""nl"nt ntust bc c6mpicicrirrilh thc lndcpcndcut Contractor and the I)ircclor ol'sttrtlcnt Sct.viccs. lndcpcn(lcnt Collrnclo!. A{cnc}: Acccss prrinl lialrilt Sen iccs Supcrlisrrr':'lirnrrncm Srnith Adnrinisrrohr: I)crc li4olino llrrsirrcss Addrcss: 2?22 I'cton plaz.n- Srritc 2- klaho lralh. ll) tiirl0-l I clcphorc Nurubcr: 208-5ll-,1016 I1-14nil: lirD Ite til sl)oin s.conl lll ltntc: S.i.l ..i.1,4ro u r ll I-l'itrit l{atc: $ 19.31/hour lll .lcch ltalc: $i0.0-1,/hour ( ll l{S l{rtc: $3(,.?6/hour llS l'r'o ltatc: lii0.03/lrour. llS l)ara l(rttc $19.j l/hoL ln(lcl)L'n(le t ('ontr ac.lor l)ircctor ol'Slu(le nt Scrviccs Slu(lcrli: As ltcr lrtltlcntltrt|] l)atr.: 6 Drtc: _g-(4 / z oz<: l"'l (i,rtnl(|or: .,\(c':ii lt,itlt liimih Sr.niccs \!h'xrl Yc;u ltlllf:(): I LO LO IDAITO Irilt,t,s sCfl ool I)tsTnIC,I' 91 Svstcnr of (larc Protocol frrr Irrrlcpcnrlcnt Contrflclors I