HomeMy WebLinkAboutConnection Therapies FY 21':l . 'Idaho Falls School District 91-*A World Class Education 690 }ohn Adams Parkway Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Phone: (208) 525-7500 FAX: (2081525-7596 Web Address: www,d91.k12.id.us IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 System of Care Protocol {or Independent Contractors Protocol for Indeoendent Contractors Providing SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST: The purpose of the System ofCare is to establish a procedural protocol to assist Idaho Falls School District 9l in collaborating for the delivery of related services provided by Independent Contractors in accordance with an eligible student's Individual Education Plan (IEP) developed pursuant to Idaho Special Education Manual 2018 and the Medicaid Billing Policy for SpeechL/Audiological Therapy and Evaluation in a school setting (IDAPA 16.03.09). This protocol provides guidelines for the Idaho Falls School District 91 and independent contractors to implement Speech,/Language Pathology (SLP) services that are delivered to eligible students with an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) on file in the sehool district. In order to provide SLP services, the independent contractor must be approved through the Director of Studert Services' office and provide the following documentation: A copy ofyour current certificate of liability insurance with Idaho Falls School District 9l named as an additional insured on the policy. Proof of workers' compensation coverage for independent contractor persor:.nel. A copy ofthe contractor personnel current criminal background check prior to having contact with students pursuant to Idaho Code Section 33-130. A copy of the oontractor personnel credentials pertinent to the service being provided prior to workilg with students. A copy ofthe service/task plan the student is working on in non-school settings' The school will be the lead agency for any student effolled while that student is in school. Before the lndependent Contractor may work with the student, a Conhactual Agreement must be completed with the Contractor, building principal and Director of Student Services. Idaho Falls School District must follow the privacy provisions sel forth by FERPA, HIPAA, and Idaho Special Education Manual 2018. The Idaho Falls school District will need written authorization from the parent/guardian prior to sharing information with Independent Contractors. Contractor: Connections Therapy Centers School: Assigfled Sp<lch Students 2 3 4 5 Dater July 21,2020 I. I II. Overview for Indep endent Contractors Workins with Students Independent Contractor means a person, group, agency, or organization that meets the following two condilions: a. ls not an employee of Idaho Falls School Distric: 9l or a public agency with legal jurisdiction over the circumstances related to their involvement with the student, and b. Is paid or reimbursed for services provided to the student through the established billing policy. Independent Conkactor may do the following in Idaho Falls School District 9l : a. Submit evaluation reports to a school's Evaluation teams for consideration related to an svaluation being conducted. b. Be invited to an evaluation tealn meeting by either the school or parent. i. The determination of eligibility for special education and the provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) are the responsibility ofthe IEP teams and cannot be prescribed by any other entity. ii. All educational decisions regarding educational methodology, materials, and personnel are the responsibility ofthe school district. c. Provide services in the schools to students under the terms of a contract with the school district. (See Independent Contractors Agreement) i. Contracts are established when the school district is paying for the serviees and describes the services, the role and responsibilities of the Independent Contractor with the evaluation team and school administration, and the frequency and duration of services; includes documentation of licensure/certification to perform the prescribed services; addresses issues related to liability, terms ofpayment; and states the provisions for changes or termination of the contract. (Example: District contracts for physical therapy services) ii. Contracted services to a student with a disability shall be included on the students IEP. d. Provide services to students on school grouads under the terms of Summary of Scrvices with the school district. (See Summary of Services Form) i. Summary of Services is established to allow the services to take place on school property to benefit the student's progess in the general education curriculum. The Summary of Services shall describe the specific services provided, the responsibilities of the school and independent contractor, procedures for background checks and insurance, and the provisions for space, time, equipment, and materials provided by the school disticl. The school district may terminate the Summary of Sertices at any time. CoDEaclor: Coolections Therapy CeBters School: Assigned Speech Studcflls 2 Date: July 21,2020 2 3 4 ii. Services provided under a Sunrmary of Services to a studen! with a disabitity shall be included on rhe student's Individual Education Plan (rEP). The district has no obligation to enter into a contract with an independent contractor or to allow an independent contractor access to school district propirty, space, materials, or equipment. School district records are only accessible to Independent Contractor under contract with the school district and with written consent fiom the student's parenJ or guardian, or the adult student (l 8 years old or older). Request for records may be subject to a fee to cover costs ofcoplng and mailing. Nothing in this System of Care protocol shall be construed to limit or impinge in any way on services parents may acquire for their child that are not provided at the school. Issues related to the amount of time students are :emoved from school for any purpose fall under the terms ofother school district policies. Contractor: Confleciions Thempy Ceoters School: Assigned Speech Studenls Datcr July 21,2020 5. Idaho Falls School District 9l INDSPENDENT CONTRACTOR CONTRACTAL AGREEMENTI Speech/Langnag e Patholosv (SLP) Services This Contractual A$eement is entered into between ldaho Falls School District 9l (hercinafter referred to as "District') and Connections Therapy Centers (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). Whereas, the Distlict providcs spccial cducational and related $ervices to assist students attending school in the District in their educational development, as identified on the students' individualized education progem (lEP) plan; and Whereas, the Contractor is duly licensed or qualified and able to provide related services to the District's students; It is hereby agreed by both parties thal: DURATION OF AGREEMENT: The period ofthis Cotrtractual Agreement rvill commeDce on the 26rh day ofAusust 2020 rtrd remsi[ in effect u[tll the 3'd ofJune 2021. This Contractual Agreement is contingent upon the availability offunds of the Districl. TLis Coohacrual Agreemetlt shall not.x.eed lwelve (12) calendar months. At the discretior ofthe District, the C'ostractua) Agreenrent may be renewed annually. SERVICES TO BE RENDERED: Provider shall render the prolessional services enumerated on Summary ofSenices, attsched heteto aod made a part ofthis Contractual Agreement as set fonh fully herein. RECORD KEEPING: Cottractor shall be responsible for maintaining complete and accurate records documenting the professional senices provided pursuart to this Conkactual Agrcement and shall provide copies ofthe records to the District wirhiu five (5) working days ofthe date requestcd. Additionally, upon r€asonablc notice, the Dishict shall have the right to review soch recolds at any time during busiress hous. Appropriate Medicaid billing sheets will be completed eact month for the student(s) served. COMIDENTTALITY: Provider agrees that all information regarding sewices provided pusuant to this Contractual Agreement, including, but Eot limitod to, the studenrs' identity and the narure ofserviccs rcndered, shall be colfidential pursuant to the Family Educational Records and Privacy Act (FERPA). Contractor is prohibited liom disclosing ary information obtaired as a rcsult ofrendering services pu$uant to this Contractual Agre€ment to any individual not authorized and directed by the District, without parenUguardian consent or consent ofthe studeDt if l8 years ofage or older. REPORTING OF A3USE, ABANDONMENT, OR NEGLECT: Contractor acknowledges its obligation to conrply with Idaho Code Section l6-1601, et seq. snd rePod, within 24 hours, &ny susp€cted abuse, abandonment, or neglect ofa child to tle law enforcement agency ot Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Contractor also agrees to ilform the District, within 24 hours, ofsuch suspicion. 4Conts6ctor: CoDrectioDs TheraPy Ccntels School: Assigned Speech Studenls Date: July 2i, 2020 RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES: In performiog services under this Contractual Agreement, Conkactor is and shall at all times be an independent contlactor ofthe District. Nothing herein is to be construed as establishing an employer-€mployee relationship. SERVICE DELIYERY: TIME AND PLACEI contraclor shall perform services set forth in summary ofservices, unless the parties mutlally agee !o a modification ofthe time and place of sewice delivery. COOR.DINATION OF SERYICES: To facilitate delivery of services, the District will provide: l) reasonable and prompt notification ofm€etings and other appoiotmelts in which th€ Contractor is expected to participate; 2) signed parental consent forms, as necessary; 3) ideDtirying information regarding the client and the paren guardiaq a;d, 4) reasonable assistance in facilitating communication between the contractor and clients, parents/guardian, and other prcviders and agencies. PRIOR APPROVAL OF SERVICES: All services rendered by Con[aclor under the terms ofthis Contractual Agreement shall require prior approval by the Districr in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations, local policies ana proceaures,ina professional codes of conduct. CONSENT/AUTTIORIZATION TO ACCESS EDUCATIONAL RECORD INFORMATION OR PROTECTED HEAI,TH INTORMATION: District a[d Cortractor shall at all times require the written coasent or authorizatio! ofthc parent/guardiarlor sdult student, i:age of l8 years of age or oldcr, for the disclosure ofaccess to educatioual informator pursuant to FERPA or protected health information pusuaat to lhe Health lnformation Portability and Accourta-bility Act (HIPAA) regalding the student, and shall maintain the confidentiality of that information consisten wiih thc state and fedenl law and regulations. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: The services rendered pursuanr to this conhactual Agreemeot will be provided by individuals who are duly liccnscd to perform the services or supervised by a licensed/certified provider in accordance with applicabie professiolal staldards. contractor agrees that all work pursuant to this contractual Ageemeat wili !e performed in accordance with the highest professional standards. Written assurances ;iU be provided to the District attesting that all employees who come into contact with students shall have beeo subj;ct to a criminal background check at least as stringent as that required by Idaho Code 33 - 130 and policies ofthc District, aad havc bcen determioed to not havc a crimioal background iaconsistelt with working with children. The District shall haye the right to observe services being provided to the clients. INSURANCE Afi D LIABILITY: Contractor shall be liable for any losses or damages resultilg ftom Cootractor's porformance ofany services covered by this A8treement. Contractor shall obtain liability iDsurance and submit proof of such insurance to the District within ten (10) days ofthe date ofthis Agreement. Contractor shall indcmni$, and hold harmless tbe District from any liability, including bur not limited to, costs, €xpenses and attomey fees resulting &om contractor's performauce of scrvices provided under this Agreemeot. District shall indemtriry atrd hold harmless Conkacto! from any liability, including but not Iimitod to, costs, expenses and a$orney fees resulting &om District's reckless or willful misconduct related to this Agreement. ASSIGNMENT: This Contractual Agreemeot shall not be subject to assignment, in whole or in part, by Contracror or by operatio! oflaw so as to autho ze any pcrson otherthan coltractor, or conbactor's employees, to asiume the duties subject to this Contractual Ageement .without the District,s prior written colsent. AMEITIDMENT: This contractual Ageemeot may be amended at any time with the prior wrinen consent ofboth parties. Any and all amendments to this Contractual Agroement shall be in writing. Cout-aclor: CotrIleclions Therapy Centers School: Assigaed Speech Students 5Date: July 21,2020 TERMINATION; This Contractual Agreemeot may be terminated without cause by either party within thirty (30) days aftcr goviditrg wriuen notice ofthe intcnt to terminate to the other party. Additionally, the Districr rnay irunediately terminate this Contrac$al Agleemeflt, upon written notice, in the Event futding for the District's program is no longer available or the speeific services to this Contractu8l Agreemeot arg modified or terminated for a student. DEFAULTI Upon default by either party, the non-defaulting party may canc€l this Contractual Ageement immediately, upon notice and may pursue any and all available legal, equitable, and other remedies. The defaulting party shall be liable for any ard all expenses that are incur,ed by the non-defaultiog party as a resllt thereof, including, but not limited to, procu ng substitute performance, legal fees, and other losses incurred duc to the default. TIME OF PXRFORMANCE: Time is oftle essence in this Contracrual Agrcementi therefore, all times for performance ofthe obligations, as statcd herein, shall be strictly complied with by the parties, NON.WAVIER BREACH: The failure ofContractor or the District to insist upon strict performance ofany ofthe torms ofthis Contactual Agreement, ot to exercise any option herein conferred io any or all instances, shall not constirute a waiver or relilquishmeot ofany such tcrm, but the same shall be and remain in full force 8nd cffect, unlcss such waiver is evidence by the prior written consent ofContractor or the District. NON.DISCRIMINATION: Thc parties hercby agree that no peNon shall, on thc grounds ofrace, color, crecd, uatiotal origiq sex, age, or disability, be excluded Aom or denied participation in, or otherwise subj€cted to, discrimination undcr any activity pe.formed pursuant to this Contractual Agreement. ATTORNEY FEES: Ifeither party defaults in any manner or fails to fulfill any and./or all provisions ofthis Contracrual Agreement, and ifthe nondefaulting party hires an attomey to exercise its rights upon such default or failure, or ifthe parties are involved in any litigation (iocluding any proceedings in banlauptcy), the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reaso[able attomey fees and cosls liom the other party. This paragraph shal] be eflforceable by the parties notwithstanding any rescissioo, forfciture, or othcr lcrmination ofthis Contractual Agreement. DISPUTE RESOLUTION; All participatiDg agetrcies agree to r€solve systemic disputes that arise in the provisio! ofspecial educatioo ald independent contactor service! i a non-adversarial manner and to ensure that usiltg the following process to resolv€ intelageBcy disputes docs not disrupt services to students aod families; l. An individual or agency with a concem will first use the agency's ioternal procedurcs to address the concem. 2. lfresolution is not achicved at the previous level, the issue aDd all rclevant inforrnation will now be forwarded to the Director ofStudent Services ofthe Idaho Fatls Scbool District 9l and contractor's administrator. 3. Ifcoosensus is not reached at the previous level, the Director ofStudent Services will forward the issue and all relevant infomration to the supe.intendent of ldaho Falls School District 91. 6Contactor: Cornections Therapy Celltels School: Assigned Spccch Students Datcr July 21,2020 GOVERNANCE: This Contractual Agre€m€nt shall be govcmed by the laws ofthe State ofldaho, Contractor shall, at all times, comply with and observe all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinanccs which are in effect arld applicable during the period of this Contractual Agreement. contractor will submir to the Director of student services, by the end ofeach month, an Invoice (statement of services rendered) for that month and the complorcd dist.ict's Medicaid reporting forms. These complered forEB must be accuratc atrd leady to submit to thc district's billing sewicc. Cencrally, tbc district will issue checks by the seco[d Friday ofthe month ifstatement and paperu'ork is completed and itl the District Office by the end ofthe previous month. Each monthly statement must include the following informatio[ for each srude[t receiving services: a) student's name; b) description or sewices provided; c) total number ofhours spcnt in providing professiooal services; and d) cost of services provided. Additional documentation may bJ required by the District and must be provided within live (5) working days ofthe date the wrinen request for the documenhtion is made. 4. If a concem is identified that is related to the quality ofservice or health and safety issues, schools should refer concems about a contractor, their services, or quality of services to the Director ofStudent Services and contractor's adminishator to addrcss these concems-5. If these concems are not rcsolved itr the dialogue with school adminisftator (Dircctor ofstudcnt Services andlor supe.intendent) and the contractor's administrator, the DlfW rcgional licensing entity may be contacted to invesligate the situation. COMPENSATION/BILLING: The district agrees to pay the Contractor at a rate of SZ5:100 per hour for Speech./Lan Patholow Services. testinp.and DaDerwo rk for the duration of the contract. This contract is not to exceed $91,875 based on the number of days worked (approximately 175 days at 5 days per week \yhen school is in session). COMPLETE STATEMENT OF TERMS; Thir Coakacrual Agreement constitutes the entire ag.eement between the parties hereto, and shall supersede all previous oral or wiften proposals, negotiations, commitments, and all other communicatioos between the parties. This Contractual Agreement may not be released, discharged, or modified excapt by an instrument in writing signed by the duly authorized representatives ofthe parties. Cootsaclo!: Coonectioos Thelapy Centers School: Assigned Spcech Students 1Date: July 21, 2020 This Summary ofServices is to be used only after the District and Contractfi has signed the contract, Independent Contractor Contractual Agreement. ST]MMARY OF SERVICES Irdependent Contractor/Idaho Falls School District 9l protocol Independent Contractor Agency: Connection Therapy Centers Administrator: Michelle Dahlberg and Anna Bidwell Business Address: 1225 S. Highline Drive, Idaho Falls, lD 83404 Telephone Number: 208-535-l 290 Supervison Michelle Dahlberg E-Mail: michelle@connectionstheraoies.com Certificatey'LicensureNumber:SLP-I147 ExpirationDate:02-ll-2021 Review of Service: Itrdicate when each review will be done and who will do the review: First Review: September 28,2020 Second Review: November 16,2020 Third Review: February 15,202t Fourth Review: Ap 26,2021 Other: Upon the request of either party Service(s) to be provide: Speoch,/Language Services When service(s) will be provided: Day(s): Monday - Friday (when school is in session) Time: Thounaday location (i.e. classroom, playground, etc...): Assigned SLP Students Duration ofservices (each day): As required by the assigned students' IEPS. 8Conaactor: Connections Ttlempy Centorg School Assign.d Spcech Studenls Date: July 21,2020 Contractor will compty with the districvschool operationrl procedures and will fulfiu the fouowing responsibilities:. SigD in aod out ofschool office each visit - provide proper identification' o M;st wear a picture identification and/or obtain a visitor's identification badge from the school at the time ofthe each visit. . Must wear apPropriate clothing for a school setting. . Adhere to set schedule - arrive and leave on time. o Noti& building administrator ifyou will be absent (one day notice ifpossible)' . student must be picked up from aDd retumed to an approPriate school staffperson each visit ifapplicable.. Remain in assigned location. o Be knowledgeablc about emergency procedures ofthe school- . Do not violaie the right ofprivacy of any student by using any information randomly obtained by observing other studints as service reierence to make contact with parents to sell or contract them to services fiom your agency' . The special education teacher and./or general education teacher is the instructional leader in theclassroom.Atnotimeshouldaserviceproviderassumethattheirjudgrnentfor instructional implementation or supervision ofan individuaVclass can supersede the teacher or school staff member. . Notiry the disrict/school of any sta{fing changes within the agency that relates to the services indicated on this agreement. . Be cooperative when resolving conflicts with school/district staff' SchooyDistrict responsibllities lnclude: . ResPect the rights ofcontactor, . Provided information regarding the procedurals and schedule ofthe school' o Provide information on emergency procedures. .Whenappropriate,inviteserviceploviderlospecificsfudent'sMDTand.iorIEPteam meetings, wilh Parental aPProva[. .Accommodate,withinreason,Contractor'sneedstofulfillthesewicereviewplan' o Provide a positive climate and building enviroDment to facilitate mutual assistsnce. . Be cooperative when resolving conflicts between conhactor and school staff' The above ilems are not to be conscribed as all inclusive. Any concems will be addressed according to the Dispute Resolution item in the Conffactual Agreement' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pafiies have executed this Contractual Ageement' 7 2 )ovO Signatue of ontractor's Representati Signatue o istrict 9 I Superintendent Designeef Datc z5 z0 9Confilclorr Conn€ctions Therapy Centers School: Assigncd SPcoDh Students Dater July 21,2020 Date