HomeMy WebLinkAboutEL Education FY 21 Addendum09/O2,.2O2O 12 i47 Sunnys ide EteDentary FAX (FAX)208 s24 7889 P, 002/006 F{ Educotion Addendum to the Scope of Services defined in the Cooperation Agre.ment between Sunnyside Elementary and EL Education, lnc. from Sep 1, 2O2O to AuE3l,202L. This Addcndur:r" rvritren on09/02/2020, modifies the Cooperatioo Agrcemeot between Sunnyside Elcmcnary and EL Education. Thc o.igi"a.l Cooperation Agrcement was fully executed on Sep 1,2020. The followingis a summary of the modifi.cations being ma<Ie to the original cooperation Agreen:ent. This summary replaces fre original scopJ of scrvices, cost-and paymcnt planr Tax lD # 06.1576405 Revised S e of Servlces: 20.00 Coo eration reement Amount: Cost and Payma4l: $43,100.00 ]hc gg.igio3l toal cost for the 2020-2021 Coopcration Agrecment was g43,100.00. Thc rcuised 6nal cooperation Aqtccmcnt totar witb Acrd-endum cha nges for zo2o-202r is $43,100.00. 4,00 Dircct Scrsicc Days (Out of Rcgon) $0,00 uue 4,,00 3-Day Institlte Prrticipaot Slot $900.00 $3,600.00 fa.lse t1,750.00 $35,000.00 false 2.00 Rcgiond Leadership Cohon Participant Slor s900,00 $1,800.00 false 6.00 Vlrtual Sumrnit Slot 1450.00 $2,700,00 Origlcd $43,100.00 Scp 1, 2020 aO 2020 E[ Educarion lnc. - Revised June. 2020 $0.00 Direct Scrvice DaF (Out of RcAon) false O9/O2/2O2O 12 r47 Sunnys ide Elementary FAX (FAX)2oE 524 788S EL Educetion, Inc. C/o Accounte Reccivable 247 Wesr 35'h St., Eighth Floor New Yorlq NIY 10001 P.003/006 [t Educotion PaYmcnt Plan and Schedule: NOTICE: Invoices past due beyond 30 days of the agreed upoo payruent plan will bc chargcd an additional1.5 pcrccnt intcrcst cach month that rhc balancc remeins unpald. EL Education and agrcc to thc abovc change in scopc of scrriccs, cost and paymcnt plan for to. The rcvised scope of services, cost and payment plao may bc changed only ia v,/ritng aad must be signed by both parties. Orher rerms and conditions agrced to in thc o rigrr"t Cooperation Agreemcnt remain in effect udess otherwise noted this Addendum EI- Education Repres effadve rized chool/District Signatory RcEonaI Directo t, No. CA 54. ilrtltiitei.'lsrlF',P*ijtiElfH $19,600.00 Scp 1, 2020 falsc $21,5s0.00 falsc Tide Tide e/2/2020 / s.2z-.) Datc Date 2 @ 2020 EL Education tnc. - Revl$ed June 2OZO EL Education, Inc. 7 N. Plcasanr SEeer Sre. 3 Amherst, MA 01002 Ptease sign and retum SIGNED ADDENDUM ro: Please scnd ALL PA-Y\,IFNTS to: Dec 31,2020