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1012.0 – ATHLETICS
1013.0 – GENERAL
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Refer to Board Policy 3280 Equal Education and Nondiscrimination Found in
Board Docs Under Policies
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The process of education requires a regular continuity of instruction, classroom participation,
learning experiences, and study in order to reach the goal of maximum educational benefits for
each individual child. The regular contact of students with one another in the classroom and their
participation in instructional activities under the direction of a highly qualified teacher are vital.
Education is much more than written assignments or homework; it encompasses instruction,
discussion, interaction, and project work that occurs in the classroom. Most of the learning that
takes place in a classroom cannot be replicated or sent home as homework. When a child is
not in school, learning opportunities are lost.
Regular attendance reflects a student’s dependability and is a significant factor on the student’s
permanent record. Future employers are as much concerned about punctuality and dependability
as they are about academic record. School success, scholarship, and job opportunity are greatly
affected by a good attendance record.
Therefore, the intent of the Board of Trustees is to have students attend school on a regular basis
since regular and consistent attendance results in increased learning.
All students are required to be in attendance at school for all but five days (5) of each grading
period (trimester). Being in attendance means being physically present in the classroom or
engaged in virtual learning online under the direction of a D91 teacher.
1002.1 – Right-to-Attend
The services of District #91 public schools are extended to any resident between the ages
of five (5) and twenty-one (21.) An official birth certificate is required for proof of age
for enrolling students. Idaho Code 33-201 stipulates:
• A child must be five on or before September 1 of the school year in which the
child is to enroll in kindergarten.
• For a child enrolling in first grade, the age of six (6) must be reached on or
before September 1 of the year in which the child is to enroll. A five-year old
child who completed a private or public out-of-state kindergarten for the
required 450 hours but has not reached the “school-age” requirement in Idaho
shall be allowed to enter the first grade.
• D91 Preschool services are provided to qualifying students with disabilities
starting on their third birthday.
1002.1.1 – Homebound Instruction
Homebound instruction is available to students for reasons of accident, extended
illness, or unusual handicapping condition. Homebound services must comply
with state and federal regulations and will be overseen by the Director of Student
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1002.1.2 - Homeless Students
All schools and employees of the District shall work to ensure that children
and youth who are homeless, lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime
residence, are free from discrimination, segregation, and harassment.
1. Each child of a homeless individual and each homeless child has equal
access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to other
2. Children who are homeless will be admitted to all district schools
regardless of residence and irrespective of whether the homeless child
is able to produce records normally required for enrollment.
3. Homelessness does not in any way separate homeless students from
the mainstream school environment; and
4. Homeless children and youths have access to the education and other
services that such children and youths need to ensure that such children
and youths have an opportunity to meet the same challenging state
academic standards to which all students are held.
5. If the district determines that a student’s absences are the result of
homelessness, the school shall offer additional counseling to the student
and/or student’s guardian’s and may not refer the student to a truancy
court. If any of the student’s absences are excused as a result of
homelessness the school will allow the student a reasonable time to make
up missed school work and not penalize them for those absences.
The terms “homeless,” and “children and youth in transition” include:
1. Children and youths who are sharing the housing of other persons due to
loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in
motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of
alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or
transitional shelters; or are abandoned in hospitals;
2. Children and youths who have a primary nighttime residence that is a
public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular
sleeping accommodation for human beings;
3. Children and youths who are living in cars, parks, public spaces,
abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or
similar settings;
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4. Migratory children who qualify as homeless for the purposes of this
part because the children are living in circumstances described in
clauses 1 through 3 above; and
5. An unaccompanied student, a youth not in the physical custody of a
parent/guardian, may qualify as homeless if they are living in circumstances
described in clauses 1 through 3 above.
6. Students in foster care are not considered homeless.
1002.1.3 – Attendance Guidelines
1. Parents/guardians and students shall be accountable for all absences.
2. Every effort will be made to assure that students are treated fairly and equitably.
1002.1.4 – Attendance Requirements
1. Students are expected to be in class on time.
a. When a student’s tardiness becomes frequent or disruptive, the student shall
be referred to the principal or the counselor.
b. If counseling, parent conference, or student support plan is ineffective in
changing the student’s attendance behavior, disciplinary action may be taken.
2. Students are expected to be present at school and their assigned grade or subject.
a. Elementary students must be present for at least two and a half (2.5) hours of
instruction to be counted as attending for half a day and 4 hours of instruction
to be counted as attending for a whole day.
b. 7th – 12th grade students must be present for at least (40) Forty Minutes of
instruction to be counted as attending for each class period.
c. In the event of extenuating circumstances, the building administrator has the
discretion to make changes as needed.
3. Students should have no more than five (5) total absences from each class during
a trimester.
a. Students enrolled in D91 Online Academy or Emerson Alternative school
should refer to their school’s attendance regulations on the school websites.
Links- D91 Online Academy- Student Handbook 2021-2022 (ifschools.org).
Attendance Policy - Emerson Alternative School (d91.k12.id.us)
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1002.1.5 – Notification to Parents
Principals/designees should document any notification to parents/legal guardians
concerning student’s attendance patterns. Documentation provided upon request.
1002.1.6 – Consequences and Appeal
1. The Board or its designee may deny credit and/or grade for a class, and refer to
Bonneville County Juvenile Probation any student who is not in school or
engaged in virtual learning online under the direction of a D91 teacher for all but
five days (5) of each grading period (trimester).
2. Students can lose credit for any class in which they exceed five (5) absences in a
trimester class with the following exceptions: death in the family, school-
sponsored activities, and-acute or chronic illness with accompanying medical
3. Parents/guardians, who believe that all or part of their student’s excessive
absences are the result of extraordinary circumstances, may request a review of
the case following the attendance appeal process. Student/Parent can request an
appeal form from the counseling office. Following the appeal, an administrator
may approve a grade and credit for a course in extenuating circumstances. Loss of
Credit Appeals (LCA) must be filed within 10 days of the trimester ending.
1002.1.7 – Make-up Work
Pursuant to guidelines set forth in Student Handbook and or school website, students
are expected to make up any assignments missed (for credit) due to an excused
Adopted: 05/13/2020 Revised: 12/08/2021 Reviewed: 04/08/2020
06/28/2011 03/11/2020
1002.2 – COVID 19
In light of COVID 19, the district has crafted a plan that allows us to respond as
conditions in our community change.
Adopted: 07/15/2020 Revised: 12/08/2021 Reviewed:
1002.3 – Definitions
Students can miss up to 5 days per trimester. Any days missed beyond the 5, may result
in the student losing credit (LCA). Absences counted in the (5) five-day limit include:
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1. Verified Absences (VER): An excused absence is one which has been verified
by the parent/legal guardian; an absence that the parent/legal guardian knew of,
approved, and cleared with the attendance office before, the day of, or no later
than the close of the second day upon the student’s return to school. In order for
an absence to be excused, the student’s parent/guardian must provide an adequate
acceptable written or oral excuse within forty-eight (48) hours of the last day of
the absence, except for school approved activity absences.
2. Unverified Absence (UNV): An unexcused absence is one which is unverified by
the parent/legal guardian; an absence in which the parent/legal guardian did not
have knowledge of, or did not approve, or did not clear with attendance office
before, the day of. All Unverified absences shall be included in the total absence
limitation and may not be excluded through Attendance Make-up Sessions.
Students who have in excess of 5 Unverified Absences (UNV) in a trimester shall
receive a Loss of Credit Absence (LCA) grade which may be appealed per
Administrative Procedure 1002.0 – Attendance
3. Truant (UNX): Absence of a student from class or any portion of a class for any
reason other than illness, emergency, or activities that have prior approval of the
administration. Parental permission is not valid when a student misses class and
remains on school grounds.
4. Late Verified Absence (LTV): absence cleared after the forty-eight (48) hour
deadline has expired.
5. Note: family trips; work days; vacations; visiting friends or relatives; hair;
medical or dental without a doctor note; photography appointments;
attending concerts; shopping; or any other activities which are unacceptable
to the Board.
Absences that are not included in the 5 days per trimester and to not count towards loss of
credit (LCA) include:
1. School Activity Absence (ACT): An absence due to participation in district
sponsored field trips, extra-curricular, or co-curricular activities may be granted
upon approval of the superintendent/designee.
2. In-School Suspension (ISS): (In-School Suspension) One in which the student is
considered present in school for attendance purposes. Make-up work is allowed.
3. Supervised School Suspension (SSS): One in which the student attends at an
alternate location. The student is considered present in school for attendance
purposes. Make-up work is allowed.
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4. Out of School Suspension (OSS): Involuntary removal from school. A family
member at home supervises the student. Suspended students will not be counted
as truant and make-up work will be required. However, credit for the work will
be at the discretion of the teacher and building administrator depending on
whether the suspension is related to an academic performance requirement.
5. Death in Family (DIF): Death in Family is used for death of an immediate
family member.
6. Court (CRT): Court excused absence – student has to have a written excuse from
the court.
7. Medical (MED): An excused absence, due to illness or a medical/dental
appointment, directly verified by a licensed medical practitioner cleared with the
attendance office before or within two business days of the student’s return to
8. Tardy Medical (TMED): Tardy from returning from Dr. appointment – verified
by Dr. excuse.
9. College/Career Readiness (CCR): College/Career Readiness excused absence
for college visit. Students can use up to 3 days their junior year or 2 days their
senior year to visit a college or university. Student must bring back a signed
paper from Registrar or counselor at the College/University and give to the
attendance office to have absence approved.
10. School Closure (CLS): School Closure for something that has happened at the
school such as pipes freezing, no heat, etc.
11. Weather (WTHR): School closed due to weather.
12. Homebound (HMB): verified absence for those students who have been placed
on homebound and are receiving their homework form the homebound
13. QTP – COVID-19 Quarantined – Parent Verified
14. QTS – COVID-19 Quarantined – School – Directed
15. CVD – COVID- 19 Positive by Dr. Note or EIPH
16. Tardy (TDY): A student is tardy if he/she is not in the assigned classroom when
the bell rings.
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17. Tardy over 10 minutes (T10): Tardy over 10 minutes but is present more than
half the class.
Adopted: 12/09/2020 Revised: 12/08/2021 Reviewed:
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1003.1 - Admission Requirements
Any student entering school for the first time shall present a birth certificate or other
satisfactory proof of age, and an acceptable record of immunizations against the "dread"
diseases (as defined by the Idaho Department of Health).
1003.2 - Resident Student
A resident student is defined as one whose parents' legal residence is within the District
land boundaries as prescribed by State statutes. Persons 18 years or older who are bona
fide residents of the District may attend the school based on their residence and without
regard to the residence of their parents or guardian.
1003.3 - Grade Placement
Grade placement shall be the responsibility of the principal and shall be based on general
achievement, consideration being given to the mental, physical, emotional, and social
maturity of the child. In general, pupils transferring into the system will be placed in the
same grade level from which they transferred, but children transferring, as well as
continuing pupils may be retained or advanced in grade after screening reveals that
alternate placement would be to their advantage.
Open Enrollment:
Residence, for the purpose of this policy, is defined as “The domicile that is used by the
parent/guardian that is secured by a signed purchase agreement, deed of trust, or rental
agreement as the address for mail, telephone, registration for voting, and attendance zone for
other school-aged family members.”
Students whose parents or legal guardians request a transfer to a school outside the attendance
area where the parents or guardian of the student reside, must annually complete an enrollment
application which will be originated through the following offices:
Elementary: District Office or Elementary School.
Middle and Senior High Schools: Student’s home school. Both the sending and receiving
principals must approve of all transfers.
Transfers will be accepted with the following conditions:
1. Resident elementary student waiver requests from one school to another may be
made providing class loads remain reasonably equal or when a student moves
from a population of high enrollment to lower enrollment. Nonresident students
may only waiver into elementary classes that are at or below the district class size
2. Open enrollment for District #91 Middle Schools and High Schools will begin
April 1st and close on the second Wednesday in May for fall trimester, on the third
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Wednesday in November for the second trimester, and on the third Wednesday in
February for the third trimester. Available spaces will be awarded first to District
#91 students and then to nonresident students set forth in AP1003.3 Grade
Placement (see ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES folder). Waiver requests
will be responded to in writing within sixty days of the above noted deadlines.
(Please note: State law requires all waivers to be renewed annually).
3. A student may be denied a transfer or a transfer may be revoked at the end of the
grading term if his/her disciplinary and/or attendance record is excessive or if
academic performance is unacceptable
4. Transfers must occur during the designated times except for disciplinary or
trauma reasons as determined by the district administration.
5. All students on a waiver must be living at home or with a legal guardian, unless
of legal age and living alone.
6. In the event that a student’s residence changes from being within the school’s
attendance area to being out of the attendance area, continued enrollment will be
permitted through the conclusion of the school year.
7. Students whose parents are in the process of building a residence, have a signed
construction contract, or an earnest money/sales contract for the purchase of a
home at the beginning of a school term will be considered a resident of that
school’s attendance area.
8. Transportation remains the responsibility of the parent or emancipated student.
9. Enrollment at Emerson High School is open to all students regardless of
10. Students who move to District #91 who have been expelled from another school
in the previous 12 months are not eligible for enrollment.
11. A nonresident student who is granted a zone waiver after the high school senior
year has started may earn credits that can be transferred to his/her home high
school, but may not graduate from Idaho Falls or Skyline High Schools.
NCLB School Choice
According to federal law and State Board of Education rules, students who are enrolled in an
accredited traditional or charter public school are eligible to transfer to another school if their
school has been identified as in school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring.
1. Parents of children attending these schools will be informed by letter of their
opportunity to choose another school as early as possible. Notification will
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include choice options, priority rankings, timelines, and transportation
2. If an eligible student exercises the option to transfer to another school they will be
permitted to remain in that school until he or she has completed the highest grade
in the school. However, the district is not obligated to provide transportation for
the student after the end of the school year in which the student’s school of origin
is no longer identified for school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring.
3. Students in grades 9-12 who transfer under the NCLB School Choice Option are
subject to Policy 1003.4.3.C regarding athletic eligibility.
Adopted: 03/23/2004
Adopted: 03/08/2017 Revised: 02/08/2017 Reviewed: 02/08/2017
08/23/2011 08/09/2011 07/10/2011
08/14/2007 08/14/2007
05/13/2003 05/13/2003
1003.4. C 8/14/2007
1003.4. C replaced with 1012.2 Adopted 12/9/2008
1003.4 - Class Size
The Board of Trustees of Idaho Falls School District 91 recognizes the importance of a
low teacher/student ratio and strives to decrease class size where appropriate when
funding and facilities permit. It is important to provide a learning environment that is
positive and productive for every child in the classroom. This can best be achieved if the
class enrollments are maintained at manageable levels. The Superintendent is charged
with developing procedures to distribute the existing student load equitably.
Policy History:
Adopted: 06/28/2011
1003.5 - Non-Resident Students
Students whose parents or legal guardians are not legal residents of the district shall not
attend school in District 91, except as the following conditions apply:
1. Students whose parents have purchased or leased a home within the School
District and who will occupy such property before the end of the first quarter of
the school year. Parents will assume responsibility for transportation of such
children until they move into the district.
2. Students assigned to residents within School District #91 by public agencies.
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3. Students whose parents move from School District #91 during the school year
may continue to attend school until the end of that year with the understanding
that parents will assume responsibility for transportation. Other special cases as
approved by the superintendent or his/her designated representative.
In order for any pupil whose parents or legal guardians are non-residents to enroll
in District #91 as a special case, the following conditions must be met:
a. District #91 shall have received from the pupil’s home district: (1) a copy
of the parent\s or legal guardian’s request for the pupil to enroll in District
#91 and (2) a letter of approval by the home district of such enrollment.
b. The average class size or special program case load in the receiving
building cannot be greater than district average.
c. The student must be in good standing. Students, who have been expelled
from another school in the last 12 months or where expulsion is imminent,
will not be accepted.
d. Transfer requests submitted after school starts will be accepted only in
cases of severe hardship or trauma.
e. Students in grades 9-12 who transfer must comply with Policy 1003.4.3.C.
Adopted: 5/13/2003
1003.6 - Dual Enrollment Statute
The Board of Trustees, after review of communications of explanation from the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Department of Education and the Deputy
Attorney General assigned thereto and other affected parties and advisors, has
promulgated the following policies to attempt to comply with and to assist in the
administration and implementation of the provisions of Idaho Code, 33-203, (Dual
Enrollment Statutes) consistent with other state statutes, this School Board's policies and
State Board of Education Rules and Regulations. Because of the complex nature of this
statute and the vague and ambiguous language contained therein, it is contemplated that
these policies may have to be amended from time to time as experience dictates.
1003.6.1 - Dual Enrollment
A nonpublic student residing within the boundaries of this District who is
legitimately enrolled in a private, parochial, or home school or at a post secondary
institution and has not graduated from high school who is also dual enrolled in
this District's schools by meeting the criteria outlined herein.
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1003.6.2 - Non-public Student
Any student who receives educational instruction outside a public school
classroom and such instruction can include, but is not limited to, a private school
or a home school.
1003.6.3 - Primary Education Provider
That person or entity providing the majority of the nonpublic student's educational
instruction outside the public school Programs or Activities.
1003.6.4 - Program and Activity
The terms "program" and "activity" as used in I.C. 33-203 shall include any
regularly scheduled course of study or any regularly scheduled interscholastic
activity recognized or sanctioned by the Idaho High School Activities
Optional: Program or activity shall not include testing, health, or other similar type services nor
does it include incidental activities such as school dances or field trips not directly related to an
academic class for which the student is properly enrolled.
1003.7 - Enrollment
Any nonpublic student wishing to enroll in a school in this district must provide evidence
of residence in this district, acceptable evidence of date and place of birth, evidence of
immunizations required by the State of Idaho (or suitable waiver) and must comply with
the registration procedures required by the District which includes providing complete
records of the student's academic history.
1003.7.1 - Registration and Procedures:
Before entering a program or activity a nonpublic student must complete
registration and gain admission to a school in this district. Registration shall
include in addition to routine procedures, the providing of all student records and
testing information (where necessary) to qualify for admission as a nonpublic
student and to identify appropriate placement for the student. Such registration
and admission procedures are required even if a student is requesting dual
enrollment status only for participation in an interscholastic or nonacademic
1003.8 - Transportation
A nonpublic student, upon admission to a school in this district, may ride a school bus on
regularly scheduled routes (including activity bus routes) and use regularly established
bus stops or stops which would require no deviation from the regularly established bus
route. No alteration of routes will be made to specially accommodate a nonpublic
student. If a nonpublic student attends only part time, the district may furnish
transportation at the regularly scheduled time closest to the time period for which a
student is enrolled (i.e., morning busing for a.m. classes or afternoon busing for p.m.
classes.) The district will not provide such transportation if there is no available space, if
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the furnishing of such transportation would cause a deviation or alternation of the
regularly established bus routes or stops or if the furnishing of such transportation would
require the purchase of additional or substitute equipment.
1003.9 - Mixed Curriculum
If a nonpublic student wishes to attend activities or programs in a particular discipline, in
a class or grade where the curriculum is merged or integrated, such request shall be made
in writing particularizing the subject matter presentment which the student desires to
attend (i.e., art instruction in a third grade class.)
The teacher and principal of that school shall, upon request, provide scheduling
information to the nonpublic student. It shall be the nonpublic student's responsibility to
contact the District and ascertain when such subject matter will be presented. Where
certain subject matter is integrated into a mixed curriculum, no change in the presentation
need be made because of a nonpublic student's request for attendance. It is also the intent
of this policy to insure that the teacher's right to integrate disciplines and be flexible in
planning and modifying the daily classroom presentations shall not be hindered or
restricted in any way.
1003.10 - Interim Periods
If a nonpublic student is dual enrolled in classes or activities which are not contiguous in
time (i.e., a first period and a fourth period class,) the student shall not be on the school
premises other than when the program or activity for which the student is enrolled is
taking place. The district shall not be responsible for the care or supervision of the
student in any form for periods before, in between or after the programs or activities for
which the student is properly enrolled. Any transportation needs for such students not
provided for otherwise under this policy during the school day shall be the sole
responsibility of the student and his/her parents or guardian.
1003.11 - Extracurricular Non-academic Activities
A nonpublic student may participate in extracurricular activities as prescribed in Idaho
Code 33-203 (4) (5) (6) and Idaho High School Activities Association Rule 8-16-1.
Idaho Code http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/idstat/Title33/T33CH2SECT33-203.htm
IHSAA Rules http://www.idhsaa.org/manage/articlefiles/57-
Adopted: Revised: 05/13/2014 Reviewed: 04/08/2014
1003.12 - Class Size/Disenrollment
Pursuant to I.C. 33-203(1), if enrollment in a specific class or program reaches the
maximum for the program, priority for enrollment shall be given to a student who is
enrolled full time in the public school. If a class or program is full and includes a part
time nonpublic student when a regular full time student transfers into the school during
the semester/trimester, the district's normal enrollment procedure shall remain the same
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and the nonpublic student may not be dis-enrolled to provide space for the full time
student. Regular full time students will be given priority for enrollment at the start of
each semester/trimester.
1003.13 - School Rules, Regulations And Policies
A nonpublic student shall be subject to all the same policies, regulations and school rules
as any regularly enrolled student during the times that the nonpublic student is present at
school. Such policies, regulations and rules will include but not be limited to, those
relating to attendance, grades, prerequisites, classroom conduct and discipline.
1003.13.1 - Prerequisites:
A nonpublic student must meet all prerequisites for enrollment for a program or
activity which is required of public school students.
1003.14 - Graduation of Nonpublic School Students
A nonpublic student must meet all grade and other graduation requirements of this
district in order to graduate and obtain a diploma from the schools of this district. In
order to graduate and receive a diploma, a nonpublic school student must be a full time
student of this district during that student's final two trimesters.
1003.15 - IDEA/ADA/Section 504 Students
Parents who wish nonpublic students to be enrolled in special programs must comply
with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the Americans
With Disabilities Act of 1973 [Section 504]. If a request for referral is made by said
parents and if the evaluation of the student by the multi-disciplinary or child study team
determines that special services are appropriate for the student, then such programs will
be provided when possible. Until such determination is made, such special educational
services or accommodations will not be provided.
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1004.1 - Records and Reports
A cumulative record for every student who enters school in this District shall be maintained
from the time he enters school and continues until he leaves the District. It shall contain
pertinent information on his school progress and other data which may contribute to the
understanding of the child. This record is confidential and for the use of the school staff, and
information relating to it shall be released only in accordance with the policies given in this
1004.2 - Progress and Behavior
Reports to the parents of the student's progress in school and his/her behavior shall be made at
least every nine (9) weeks and more often if the school deems it necessary. This information to
the parents may be in the form of a report card, a parent-teacher conference, a mid-term report, a
letter, or any combination of these methods.
1004.3 - Release of Information to Parents
Upon signing a request form, the parents of any student attending school in this District
shall have the right to inspect and review any and all official records, files, and data
directly related to their children, including all material that is incorporated into each
student's cumulative record folder, and intended for school use or to be available to
parties outside the school or school system, and specifically including, but not necessarily
limited to, identifying data, academic work completed, level of achievement (grades,
standardized achievement test scores), attendance data, scores on standardized
intelligence, aptitude and psychological tests, interest inventory results, health data,
family background information, teacher or counselor ratings and observations, and
verified reports of serious or recurrent behavior patterns. Where such records or data
include information on more than one student, the parents of any student shall be entitled
to receive, or be informed of, that part of such record or data as pertains to their child.
1004.3.1 - Release of Directory Information
Directory information is defined as information contained in an education record
of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of
privacy if disclosed. It includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Student name
2. Physical address
3. Telephone listing
Upon a request made by military recruiters or an institution of higher education,
the District will provide access to secondary school students’ names, addresses
and telephone listings unless a parent or secondary school students requests, in
writing, that directory information not be released without prior written consent.
Policy History:
Adopted: 06/28/2011 Revised: Reviewed:
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1004.4 - Hearing to Challenge School Records
The parents of any student attending school in this District shall have an opportunity for a
hearing to challenge the content of their child's school records to ensure that the records
are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of
students, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or deletion of any such
inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate data contained therein.
1004.5 - Release of Information to Persons Other than Parents
The release of personally identifiable records or files (or personal information contained
therein) of students without the written consent of their parents to any individual, agency,
or organization shall not be permitted, other than to the following:
1. Other school officials, including teachers within the District, who
have a legitimate educational need.
2. Officials of other districts or school systems in which the student
intends to enroll.
3. Emergency disclosures: An educational institution may disclose
personal information about students without prior written consent to
appropriate parties in connection with an emergency if knowledge of
the information is necessary to protect the health and/or safety of
students or other individuals.
1004.6 - Release of Information with Parent's Consent or Pursuant to Court Order
The release of personally identifiable records or files (or personal information contained
therein) of students or persons other than those listed in the above shall only be permitted
1. There is written consent from the student's parents specifying the records to be
released, the reasons for such release, and to whom.
2. Such information is furnished in compliance with a judicial order or pursuant to
any lawfully issued subpoena, provided that the parents and the students must
be notified of all such orders or subpoenas in advance of the compliance
therewith by the school or district.
1004.7 - Record or Release of Information
Any person, agency, or organization desiring access to the records of a student shall be
required first to sign a written form indicating specifically the legitimate educational or
other interest that each such person, agency, or organization has in seeking this
information. Such form shall be kept permanently with the file of the student and shall be
available to the parents and to the school officials responsible for record maintenance as a
means of auditing the operation of the system. The said form shall not be available for
inspection by any other person, agency, or organization.
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1004.8 - Limitation on Use of Information Requested
Any personal information of a student transferred to a third party shall only be on the
condition that such party will not permit any other party to have access to such information
without the written consent of the parents of the student.
1004.9 - Rights of Adult Students
Whenever a student who is attending or has attended school in the District has attained 18
years of age, or is attending an institution of post-secondary education, the permission or
consent of, and the rights accorded to, the parents of the student in regard to the school
records of such student shall thereafter only be required of the student.
1004.10 - Informing Parents and Students of Rights
The parents of students or the students, if they are 18 years of age or older, or attending an
institution of post-secondary education, shall be informed, upon request, of their rights as
have been adopted by the policies of the School District in regard to the school records kept
on such students. Also, copies of these policies shall be available for inspection at the
schools in the District.
1004.11 - Student Data Privacy and Security Policy
The efficient collection, analysis, and storage of student information is essential to improve
the education of our students. As the use of student data has increased and technology has
advanced, the need to exercise care in the handling of confidential student information has
intensified. The privacy of students and the use of confidential student information is
protected by federal and state laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA) and the Idaho Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability
Act of 2014 (Idaho Data Accountability Act).
Defined Terms:
Administrative Security consists of policies, procedures, and personnel controls
including security policies, training, and audits, technical training, supervision,
separation of duties, rotation of duties, recruiting and termination procedures, user
access control, background checks, performance evaluations, and disaster recovery,
contingency, and emergency plans. These measures ensure that authorized users
know and understand how to properly use the system in order to maintain security
of data.
Aggregate Data is collected or reported at a group, cohort or institutional level and
does not contain PII.
Data Breach is the unauthorized acquisition of PII.
Logical Security consists of software safeguards for an organization’s systems,
including user identification and password access, authenticating, access rights and
authority levels. These measures ensure that only authorized users are able to
perform actions or access information in a network or a workstation.
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Personally Identifiable Information (PII) includes: a student’s name; the name of
a student’s family; the student’s address; the students’ social security number; a
student education unique identification number or biometric record; or other
indirect identifiers such as a student’s date of birth, place of birth or mother’s
maiden name; and other information that alone or in combination is linked or
linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school
community who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances,
to identify the student.
Physical Security describes security measures designed to deny unauthorized
access to facilities or equipment.
Student Data means data collected at the student level and included in a student’s
educational records.
Unauthorized Data Disclosure is the intentional or unintentional release of PII to
an unauthorized person or untrusted environment.
• School districts and public charter schools shall follow applicable state and federal
laws related to student privacy in the collection of student data.
• Unless prohibited by law or court order, school districts and public charter schools
shall provide parents, legal guardians, or eligible students, as applicable, the ability
to review their child’s educational records.
• The Superintendent, administrator, or designee, is responsible for granting,
removing, and reviewing user access to student data. An annual review of existing
access shall be performed.
• Access to PII maintained by the school district or public charter school shall be
restricted to: (1) the authorized staff of the school district or public charter school
who require access to perform their assigned duties; and (2) authorized employees
of the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education who require
access to perform their assigned duties; and (3) vendors who require access to
perform their assigned duties.
• School districts and public charter schools shall have in place Administrative
Security, Physical Security, and Logical Security controls to protect from a Data
Breach or Unauthorized Data Disclosure.
• School districts and public charter schools shall immediately notify the Executive
Director of the Idaho State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction in the case of a confirmed Data Breach or confirmed
Unauthorized Data Disclosure.
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• School districts and public charter schools shall notify in a timely manner affected
individuals, students, and families if there is a confirmed Data Breach or confirmed
Unauthorized Data Disclosure.
• Publicly released reports shall not include PII and shall use Aggregate Data in such
a manner that re-identification of individual students is not possible.
• School district or public charter school contracts with outside vendors involving
student data, which govern databases, online services, assessments, special
education or instructional supports, shall include the following provisions which are
intended to safeguard student privacy and the security of the data:
• Requirement that the vendor agree to comply with all applicable state and federal
o Requirement that the vendor have in place Administrative Security, Physical
Security, and Logical Security controls to protect from a Data Breach or
Unauthorized Data Disclosure;
o Requirement that the vendor restrict access to PII to the authorized staff of
the vendor who require such access to perform their assigned duties;
o Prohibition against the vendor’s secondary use of PII including sales,
marketing or advertising;
o Requirement for data destruction and an associated timeframe; and
o Penalties for non-compliance with the above provisions.
• School districts and public charter schools shall clearly define what data is
determined to be directory information. (See BP 1004.3.1)
• If a school district or public charter school chooses to publish directory information
which includes PII, parents must be notified annually in writing and given an
opportunity to opt out of the directory. If a parent does not opt out, the release of
the information as part of the directory is not a Data Breach or Unauthorized Data
• FERPA: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE-2011-title20/pdf/USCODE-
• Electronic Code of Federal Regulations pertaining to FERPA: 34 CFR Part 99
• U.S. Department of Education, Family Policy Compliance Office
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Idaho Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act of 2014, Idaho
Code Title 33, Section 133 http://legislature.idaho.gov/legislation/2014/S1372E1.pdf
Policy History:
Adopted: 10/08/2014 Revised: Reviewed: 09/10/2014
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Education is not only a right but also a privilege and must be guarded by appropriate behavior.
Administrators and teachers also have rights and duties. The teacher is required by law to
maintain a suitable environment for learning and administrators have the responsibility for
maintaining and facilitating the educational program. The principal is authorized by statute to
suspend students for just cause. The teacher has the authority to suspend students from class for
just cause. The following rules, regulations, and due process procedures are designed to protect all
members of the educational community in the exercise of their rights and duties.
1005.1 - Freedom from Abuse
A. Corporal Punishment
Definition: Corporal punishment shall be defined as any physical punishment
of students by a teacher or administrator to include spanking, shaking, slapping,
hitting, pushing, squeezing of arms, neck, etc., or other actions designed to
impose or to be interpreted to impose physical pain upon the recipient.
Corporal punishment as defined above is an unacceptable method of discipline
for any student in School District 91.
Certified employees of every school district shall be free from abuse as
provided in Section 18-912 (33-1222) Idaho Code. All employees must be
respected as they perform and direct their assigned roles and duties.
State Law 33-512 states that the Board of Trustees shall "prescribe rules for the
disciplining of unruly or insubordinate students." While the Board does not
adhere to the belief that corporal punishment is an effective method of
discipline, reasonable force may be used when it has been determined that no
other effective means are available to:
1. Quell a disturbance;
2. Prevent an act that threatens physical injury to any person;
3. Obtain possession of a weapon or other dangerous object within a
student's control;
4. Defend oneself or others;
5. Protect property;
6. Remove a disruptive student from school premises, a school motor
vehicle, or a school-sponsored activity;
7. Prevent a student from harming himself or herself;
8. Protect the safety of others; and
9. Maintain order and control.
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1005.2 - Criminal Acts Defined
A. General Rules of Conduct
Violation of these standards may be grounds for expulsion or suspension.
The following activities are among those defined as "criminal" under the laws
of the state of Idaho and the city of Idaho Falls. In addition to serving as
grounds for suspension or expulsion from school district attendance, students
should also know that these activities carry a potential for court action if
remanded to civil proceedings.
Any perpetrator of a criminal act will be referred to the appropriate legal
authority. The list is partial only, and "criminal acts" are not necessarily limited
to the following:
1. ARSON The intentional setting of fire.
2. ASSAULT Physical threats or violence directed at any
student or school employee.
3. BURGLARY OR THEFT Stealing of school or personal property.
Explosives including firecrackers
Obtaining money or property by violence or
threat of violence, or forcing someone to do
something against his/her will by force, or
threat of force.
Instigating or taking part in false alarms or a
bomb threat.
Firearms are prohibited on school property
or at school sponsored events.
8. LARCENY Theft
9. LOITERING A person who disrupts the educational
process, or whose presence is detrimental to
the morals, health, safety academic learning,
or discipline of the pupils, or who loiters in
schoolhouses or on school grounds is guilty
of a misdemeanor. (Idaho Code, Section
10. MALICIOUS MISCHIEF Property damage.
11. RECKLESS Driving cars in a dangerous manner near
school grounds or during school activities.
12. RIOTING Disruptive behavior on the part of groups of
13. ROBBERY Stealing from an individual by force or
threat of force.
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15. TRESPASS Being present in an unauthorized place or
refusing to leave when ordered to do so.
16. TRUANCY Truancy from school or from class.
Interference with school personnel by force,
or by violence.
18. WEAPONS, POSSESSON OF Possessing, handling, or transmitting any
object which may be reasonably considered
a weapon at any educational function or
school event is prohibited.
1005.3 - Disruptive Actions
Additional grounds for suspension or expulsion also exist in a number of areas classified
as "disruptive actions". The administration may deny attendance at any of the schools
through suspension for any disruptive action. They may recommend to the Board the
expulsion of a student for just cause.
Idaho law provides for denial of school attendance in Idaho Code, Section 33-205:
"Denial of school attendance at any of its schools, by suspension or expulsion, to any
pupil who is a habitual truant or who is incorrigible, or whose conduct in the judgment of
the Board, is such as to be continuously disruptive of school discipline, or of the
instructional effectiveness of the school. Any pupil having been suspended or expelled
may be readmitted to the school by the Board of Trustees upon such reasonable
conditions as may be prescribed by the Board; but such readmission shall not prevent the
Board from again suspending or expelling such pupil for cause."
The Board considers the following actions as some examples of disruptive actions:
1. FIGHTING Fighting or aggressive behavior
directed toward another person in a
threatening manner.
2. GAMBLING Gambling or possessing gambling
devices on school premises or during
school activities.
3. HAZING Requiring another student to perform
humiliating or unnecessary tasks by
using coercion of any type.
(Initiations are prohibited.)
4. INCORRIGIBILITY Unmanageable or unruly behavior.
5. INSUBORDINATION Failing to comply with reasonable
directions of teachers, administrators,
or supervisory personnel.
6. LACIVIOUS LITERATURE Possessing or distributing lascivious
literature or materials on school
premises or during school activities.
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7. PROFANITY Cursing, using profane or vulgar
8. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES Use of tobacco or possession of any
controlled substances by students is
not permitted on school property.
9. TARDINESS Habitual tardiness to classes.
10. UNSAFE BEHAVIOR Not observing rules of good conduct
and safety. Actions which may be
potentially dangerous include: failure
to observe good rules of conduct on
school buses, school grounds, in
lunchrooms, and at school activities.
Completion of homework, tests, and/or
other grade assignments in a manner
that misrepresents the student’s
understanding and mastery of the
subject matter.
Unauthorized use of school computers
or intrusion into personnel files or
records within any computer system.
Adopted: 5/9/2006
No person, group, or organization may establish a fraternity, sorority, or other
secret club or society (e.g. gangs) whose membership is comprised in whole or in
part of students enrolled in the District’s schools, or to solicit a student in any of
the District’s schools to become a member of such organization; and no student
enrolled in the District shall be or become a member, or pledge him/herself to
become a member of such organization.
For the purpose of the preceding section a gang, fraternity, sorority or secret
society shall be interpreted as any organization the active membership of which is
comprised in whole or in part of pupils enrolled in public elementary or secondary
schools, and which exists or perpetuates itself wholly or partly by selecting
members on the basis of the decision of its membership rather than upon the basis
of the right of any pupil, qualified by the rules and regulations of the school, to be
a member. The definition shall not be construed to include organizations
institutionally sponsored by agencies of public welfare, such as the Boy Scouts of
America, Girl Scouts of America, Campfire Girls DeMolay, the YMCA and
YWCA, and similar organizations.
All gangs and gang activities, including, but not limited to creating intimidation or
fear, wearing, possessing, using, distributing, displaying or selling any clothing,
jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign gestures, codes, or other evidence of
membership or affiliation, including graffiti, in any gang is prohibited on any
school premises or at any District sponsored activity, regardless of location shall
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include but not be limited to buildings, parking lots, facilities, grounds, buses, and
other vehicles. This includes instances in which the conduct occurs off the
District premises, but impacts a District related activity.
Disciplinary action for violation of this policy may include up to suspension
and/or expulsion.
1005.4 - Dress and Appearance
Dress and appearance must not present health or safety problems or pose potential
disruption of the educational process as adjudged by school personnel.
1005.5 - Refusal to Identify Self
All persons must, upon request, correctly identify themselves to proper school authorities
in the school building, on school grounds, or at school sponsored events.
1005.6 - Cooperation with School Personnel
Students must obey the lawful instructions of school district personnel.
1005.7 - Off-Campus Events
Students at school-sponsored, off-campus events shall be governed by school district
rules and regulations and are subject to the authority of school district officials. Failure
to obey the rules and regulations and/or failure to obey lawful instructions of school
district officials shall result in loss of eligibility to attend school-sponsored, off-campus
events and/or other such disciplinary action as adjudged appropriate.
1005.8 - Student Rights And Responsibilities
1. Student Conduct
All students of Idaho Falls School District No. 91 while on district property,
including busses, or at any school sponsored activity, regardless of location, are
expected to obey District officials, protect property, maintain order and decorum,
avoid excessive physical contact, fighting, and public displays of affection and
conduct themselves in a positive manner.
Students have the responsibility to know, respect, and abide by the rules and
regulations of the school district.
a. District Officials – Include, but is not limited to the
Superintendent, Directors, school principals, vice-principals,
teachers, coaches and designated chaperones.
b. District Property – shall include, but not be limited to buildings,
facilities, and grounds on the District campus, school busses,
District parking areas, and the location of any District sponsored
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activity. This includes instances in which the conduct occurs off
the District premises but impacts a District related activity.
Legal Reference: IC 33-506
IC 33-512
Adopted: Revised: 5/12/2009 Reviewed:
2. Acts of Social Violence (Bullying, Cyber bullying, Intimidation, Hazing and
It is the policy of Idaho Falls School District 91 Board of Trustees to maintain a
safe school environment for all students, employees, and visitors while attending
school, riding the school bus, and attending district-sponsored activities on school
premises or at other locations. Acts of Social Violence include but are not limited
to: Bullying, Cyber bullying, Intimidation, Hazing, and Harassment (peer, racial,
color, and national origin, sexual orientation, religious, disability, and sexual),
regardless of the specific nature of the students’ behavior, is disruptive to a safe
school environment and will not be tolerated.
It shall be a violation of this policy for any District student, employee, or visitor to
bully, haze, intimidate, or harass another individual, while on any school premises
or at any school sponsored activity, regardless of location. Violation of this policy
may be subject to school disciplinary action even if the threat is not substantial,
direct, or specific enough to constitute a violation of state or federal law.
Other Policies for Federal Requirements
If the bullying, hazing, or harassment allegations fall within the areas protected by
federal law, one or more of the following policies may also apply: Civil Right
Grievance #3211, #5212, Section 504 Hearing #3212.
Sexual Harassment - Refer to Board Policy 3085 Sexual Harassment,
Discrimination, and Retaliation
Policy History: Revised: 12/14/2022
It is everyone’s responsibility to eliminate the behavior prohibited by this policy.
Anyone who believes he/she has knowledge of a person or persons affected by a
violation of this policy should immediately report it to a District official.
District personnel receiving a report of a violation of this policy shall report the
matter to the building principal, supervisor or designee immediately. If the
complaint involves the principal, supervisor or designee, District personnel must
immediately report the matter to the superintendent. If the complaint involves the
superintendent, District personnel must immediately report the matter to the
school board president.
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District personnel witnessing a violation of this policy shall take immediate action
to stop the inappropriate behavior and report the matter to the building principal
or other appropriate District personnel.
District personnel who fail to report or fail to take action to stop violations of this
policy may face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
The Superintendent, principal or designee shall conduct a thorough investigation
of any allegation of bullying, hazing or harassment within ten (10) working days
of receipt of the allegation, except in extraordinary circumstances, as determined
by the individual assigned to investigate. All investigations with sufficient
evidence to support the allegations require a written report.
Because of the possible sensitive nature of the allegations, any investigation for
violations of this policy shall be conducted, to the extent possible and within legal
constraints, to protect the privacy of the complainant, victim and the accused. In
instances where the allegation involves suspected child abuse, harm to self or
harm to others, the District official must report the case to the proper authorities
as required by law.
Discipline for violations of this policy:
• for an employee, may involve actions up to and including dismissal.
• for a visitor, may involve actions up to and including future prohibition
from entering any school premises or attending any school sponsored
activity, regardless of location.
• for a student, may involve actions up to and including suspension, and/or
Discipline shall be appropriate to the offense, age and status of the individual.
The Superintendent or designee shall submit the case to the appropriate law
enforcement agency when the charges warrant such action.
Insufficient Evidence
If there is insufficient evidence to support the allegations, no report of the
allegation shall be placed in an accused or complaining employee’s personnel
record or in an accused or complaining student’s permanent record.
False Accusation
If the investigation discloses that the complaining individual knowingly or in a
malicious manner falsely accused another of bullying, hazing, or harassment, the
complaining individual may be subject to disciplinary action as stated above.
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District students, employees, or visitors shall not retaliate against an individual
who in good faith reports, associates with the individual reporting, participates in
the investigation, or investigates a violation of this policy. Any person engaged in
retaliatory actions may be subject to disciplinary action as stated above.
The Superintendent or designee shall develop procedures to:
• implement or review actions taken to prevent bullying, hazing or
• follow up with victims of violations of this policy to ensure preventive
actions were
a. Bullying means a student or groups of students repeatedly use their
personal power with the clear intention to hurt another student or group of
students. Bullying may include, but not limited to physical (hitting,
pushing, punching, cornering), verbal (calling names or insults,
threatening, telling cruel jokes), and indirectly (isolating, rejecting,
excluding, ranking or rating, giving hateful looks,). Bullying often occurs
without apparent provocation. Bullying is not playful teasing between
relatively equal individuals.
An act of harassment, intimidation or bullying may also be committed
through the use of a land line, car phone or wireless telephone or through
the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer,
computer system, or computer network.
b. Cyber bullying is an aggressive, intentional act carried out by an
individual or group using electronic forms of contact. These include but
are not limited to:
i. Text message bullying involves sending unwelcome tests that are
threatening or cause discomfort.
ii. Picture/video-clip bullying via mobile phone cameras is used to
make the person being bullied feel threatened or embarrassed, with
images usually sent to other people.
iii. Phone call bullying via mobile phone uses silent calls or abusive
iv. Email bullying uses email to send bullying or threatening
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v. Chat room bullying involves sending menacing or upsetting
responses to children or young people when they are in a web-
based chat room.
vi. Bullying through instant messaging (IM) is an Internet-based
form of bullying where students are sent messages as they conduct
real-time conversations online.
vii. Bullying via websites includes the use of defamatory blogs (web
blogs), personal websites and online personal polling sites.
c. Prohibited Behavior - Students attending district schools are prohibited from
engaging in the following behaviors:
i. Physical abuse against a student, including, but not limited to, hitting,
pushing, tripping, kicking, blocking, or restraining another’s movement;
causing damage to another’s clothing or possessions; and another’s
ii. Verbal abuse against a student, including, but not limited to, name
calling, threatening, taunting, and malicious teasing.
iii. Psychological abuse against a student, including, but not limited to,
spreading harmful or inappropriate rumors regarding another, drawing
inappropriate pictures or writing inappropriate statements regarding
another, and intentionally excluding another from groups, or similar
iv. Bullying also includes any act of retaliation taken against:
• Any person bringing a complaint of bullying
• Any person assisting another person in bringing a complaint of
bullying, or
• Any person participating in an investigation of an act of
d. Hazing includes but is not limited to, any act that recklessly or
intentionally endangers the mental health, physical health, or safety of a
student for the purpose of initiation or as a condition or precondition of
attaining membership in, or affiliation with, any District-sponsored
activity or grade level attainment such as but not limited to:
i. Compelled ingestion of any drink, alcoholic beverage, drug, or
controlled substance;
ii. Forced exposure to the elements;
iii. Requiring total or substantial nudity on the part of the person;
iv. Requiring, encouraging, authorizing or permitting another to be
subject to wearing or carrying any obscene or physically
burdensome article;
v. Physical assaults upon the person;
vi. Offensive physical contact with the person;
vii. Participation by the person in boxing matches, excessive number
of calisthenics, or other physical contests;
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viii. Transportation and abandonment of the person;
ix. Forced prolonged exclusion from social contact;
x. Confinement to unreasonably small, unventilated, unsanitary or
unlighted areas;
xi. Sleep deprivation;
xii. Assignment of pranks to be performed;
xiii. Any forced activity that could adversely affect the mental or
physical health or safety of a student; or
xiv. Any other activities intended to degrade or humiliate.
The term hazing, as defined in this section does not include customary
athletic event/ activity or similar contests or competitions, and is limited to
those actions taken and situations created in connection with initiation into
or affiliation with any group or organization. The term “hazing” does not
include corporal punishment administered by officials or employees of the
District Board Policy 1005.1, Freedom from Abuse. For the purposes of
the definition, any activity described in the definition shall be presumed to
be “forced” activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such
activity notwithstanding.
e. Sexual Harassment - Refer to Board Policy 3085 Sexual Harassment,
Discrimination, and Retaliation
Policy History: Revised: 12/14/2022
f. Harassment involves any conduct by a student-whether verbal, written,
graphic, or physical—relating to another student’s race, national origin,
religion, sexual orientation, color, disability, or sex that is sufficiently
severe, pervasive, or persistent as to:
i. Interfere with or limit the ability of a student to participate in the or
benefit from the district’s programs or activities;
ii. Create an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational
iii. Substantially or unreasonably interfere with a student’s academic
performance; or
iv. Otherwise adversely affect a student’s educational opportunities.
v. Harassment also includes an act of retaliation:
• Any person bringing a complaint of harassment;
• Any person assisting another person in bringing a
complaint of harassment;
• Any person participating in an investigation of an act of
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vi. Actions that may constitute harassment may include, but are not
limited to:
• Physical acts (i.e. aggression or assault, battery, damage to
property, intimidation, vandalism, implied or overt threats
of violence);
• Verbal acts (i.e. demeaning jokes, bullying, taunting,
hazing, intimidation, hate speech, slurs, derogatory
nicknaming, innuendoes, or other negative remarks);
• Visual acts (i.e. graffiti, slogans or visual displays such as
cartoons or posters depicting derogatory sentiments); or
• Criminal acts (acts in violation of Idaho Criminal codes or
Idaho Human Rights Commission Code)
On district premises or at any District sponsored activity, regardless of
location: shall include, but not limited to buildings, facilities, and grounds on the
District campus, school buses, District parking areas; and the location of any
District sponsored activity. This includes instances in which the conduct occurs
off the district premises but impacts a District related activity.
Adopted: 5/12/2009 Revised: Reviewed:
Cross Reference: Civil Rights Grievance #3211
Section 504 Hearing #3212
Student Conduct #3230
Sexual Harassment #3232
Assault and/or Battery #3237
Technology Use #3239
Corporal Punishment #3270
Major Disciplinary Violations #3272
Safe and Secure Learning/Work Environment #3310
Child Abuse #3330
Gangs #3234
Disruptive Employee or Public Conduct #5234
Legal Reference: IC 18-917 Hazing
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 200e-2(a)
Franklin v. Gwinnett Co. Public Schools, 112 S. Ct. 1028 (1992)
IC 16-1619 Reporting of abuse, abandonment or neglect
Gebser v. Lago Vista Independent School District, 118 S. Ct. 1989 (1998)
Mentor Savings Bank v. Winson, 477 U.S. 57 (1986)
Elison v. Brandy, 924 F.2d872 (9th Cir. 1991)
Hazing IC 18-917
Handbook reference: Elementary Student Planner
Secondary Student Planner
3. Freedom of Speech and Assembly
a. Students are entitled to verbally express their personal opinions. Such
verbal opinions shall not interfere with the freedom of others to express
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themselves. The use of obscenities of any kind, inflammatory statements,
or personal attacks is prohibited.
b. All student meetings in school buildings or on school grounds may
function only as a part of the formal educational process or as authorized
by the principal.
c. Students have the freedom to assemble peacefully. There is an appropriate
time, place and manner for the expression of opinions and beliefs.
Demonstrations which interfere with the operation of the school or
classroom are inappropriate and prohibited.
d. Official school publications such as school newspapers and yearbooks are
under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees as are all other programs.
Student editors may not advocate any doctrine, political position, or view
that is not in harmony with established Board Policy or practice. Students
have the responsibility to refrain from libel and obscenity, and to observe
the rules of responsible journalism.
Adopted: Revised: 5/12/2009 Reviewed:
1005.9 - Drug Free School Policy
In harmony with the federal regulations established by the Drug Free Workplace act of
1988, School District 91 is committed to the concept of having a drug free student
environment. It is the intent of the Board of Trustees that programs and activities be
planned and carried out by the professional staff that will enable the School District to
achieve this goal.
The primary focus of this program shall be educational in nature with instruction geared to
discourage student experimentation of any mood altering substance. A companion focus of the
district's program shall be one that is aimed to assist students who have made unacceptable
choices regarding any controlled substance. A necessary part of the latter focus is an attitude
among teachers and other staff members that one of our responsibilities is to assist those
students who need help in overcoming their potentially addictive behaviors.
The Board of Trustees believe that it is possible to have a totally drug free environment in
the school setting. If a student cannot, or will not commit to responsible behavior to help
achieve this goal, several sanctions may be imposed as a disciplinary measure. They
include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Parent or guardian contacted
b. Referral to internal assistance, such as counselors and/or health professionals
c. Referral to an outside agency for chemical dependency assessment
d. Suspension from school
e. Expulsion from school
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1005.10 - Referral Policy
1.0 When there is reasonable cause to believe that a student illegally uses, sells,
distributes, or possesses drug paraphernalia, drugs, alcohol, or other mood-altering
substances in school, on or adjacent to school property or at school functions, the
student will be subject to the disciplinary procedures contained in this regulation.
2.0 As used in this regulation, reasonable cause shall mean the existence of specific
observable evidence or behaviors that can be described.
2.1 Observable behaviors may include chronic attendance problems, sleeping in
class, erratic behavior, inappropriate comments, drop in grades, defiance of
or disrespect toward authority, or motor coordination problems. Possession
of alcoholic beverages, drugs or drug paraphernalia is also considered as
2.2 Evidence shall include, but not be limited to, smell of alcohol or other
mood-altering substances, impaired speech, impaired coordination or other
recognizable characteristics unusual for the particular student.
3.0 Offenses for elementary students shall be cumulative from grades K-6 and offenses
for secondary students shall be cumulative from grades 7-12.
1005.11 - Procedure
The district will train staff to identify drug, alcohol, and mood-altering substance use (IMPACT
training). Staff will refer such information through appropriate building procedures (Building
CORE teams). To develop reasonable cause for taking action, the following procedures may be
1.0 Documented behaviors or indicators of drug, alcohol, or mood-altering substance
1.1.1 IMPACT Student Referral form and IMPACT Teacher Response form.
1.1.2 Possession of alcohol or other illegal drugs.
2.0 All procedures are to be performed with discretion and documented.
3.0 Refusal to submit to a request to any of the procedures may result in disciplinary
1005.12 - Elementary Disciplinary Procedure
1.0 First Offense for Use or Possession (Grades K-6)
1.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.
1.2 Student will be suspended for 5 days.
1.2.1 Suspension may be modified if the student participates in and follows
the recommendations of an assessment by a certified drug/alcohol agency
approved by Idaho Falls School District 91. A release of information to the
School District would also be required.
1.3 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.
1.4 If the student does not complete the recommendations of the assessment, then
the remainder of the 5-day suspension will go into effect.
2.0 Second Offense for Use or Possession (K-6)
2.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.
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2.2 School Board petitioned for expulsion of student.
2.1 See 1.2.1
2.3 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.
2.4 Child Protection Services (C.P.S.) may be contacted.
3.0 Third Offense for Use or Possession (K-6)
3.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.
3.2 The student shall be suspended and the School Board petitioned for expulsion of
the student.
3.3 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.
3.4 Child Protection Service (C.P.S.) will be contacted.
4.0 First Offense for Selling or Delivering (Grades K-6)
4.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.
4.2 Law enforcement agency will be contacted.
4.3 The student will be suspended and the School Board petitioned for
expulsion of the student. 4.3.1 See 1.2.1
4.4 C.P.S. may be contacted.
1005.13 - Secondary Discipline Procedure
1.0 First Offense for Use or Possession (Grades 7-12)
1.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.
1.2 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.
1.3 Student shall be suspended for 5 days.
1.3.1 Suspension may be modified if the student participates in and follows
the recommendations of an assessment by a certified drug/alcohol agency
approved by Idaho Falls School District 91. A release of information to the
School District would also be required.
2.0 Second Offense for Use or Possession (Grades 7-12)
2.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.
2.2 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.
2.3 School Board petitioned for expulsion of student.
2.3.1 See 1.3.1
3.0 Third Offense for Use or Possession (Grades 7-12)
3.1 Parent or guardian will be contacted.
3.2 The student shall be suspended and the School Board petitioned for expulsion.
3.3 Law enforcement agency may be contacted.
4.0 First Offense for selling and/or delivering alcohol or drugs (Grades 7-12)
4.1 Law enforcement agency will be contacted.
4.2 Parent or guardian will be contacted.
4.3 The student shall be suspended and the School Board petitioned for expulsion.
1005.14 - Interrogation
Individual pupils may not be interrogated by any person, except an employee of the school district,
without the approval of the principal. Officials representing the Idaho Department of Health and
Welfare will be allowed access to students upon proper notification to the building principal.
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No principal shall grant such an interview unless he/she deems it essential to the welfare of the
child, or to the immediate health and safety of others, or as may be required by court order, or as
authorized by a parent or guardian of the student in advance of the interview.
1005.15 - Due Process
All students will be accorded rights as guaranteed under the constitution. When an incident of
misconduct occurs, a student shall be given written or oral notice of any charges against him/her
and an opportunity to present his/her version of the incident in question. Supervisors must give
each student the opportunity, either oral or written, to defend himself/herself against the charges of
misconduct prior to disciplinary action which may lead to suspension or expulsion. Such
procedures must be reasonable, fair, and lead to reliable determination of the factual issues
A. Right to Appeal
The right to appeal is discussed under the "Due Process" of this policy. Additionally, the
following shall govern the right to appeal:
1. Any appeal concerning a disciplinary action shall be scheduled for review
within ten (10) school days from the receipt of such appeal. At the time of the
hearing, the student, his/her parent or guardian, or his/her attorney shall be
given the right to be heard and shall be granted the opportunity to present such
witnesses and testimony as deemed reasonable. All hearings regarding
disciplinary matters will be closed to the public unless mutually agreed by both
2. Following the hearing, a report of findings will be made within ten (10) school
3. If necessary, a hearing may be rescheduled to hear arguments on the case. Such
rescheduling is intended to accommodate schedule conflicts of legal counsel,
parents and/or guardians, trustees, or school officials. In such an occurrence,
the hearing shall be rescheduled within ten (10) school days or as mutually
agreed by all parties.
4. The student being disciplined has the right to appeal any decision of a hearing to
its next highest authority up to and including the Board of Trustees. During the
appeal process, disciplinary action shall be suspended.
5. Any record of disciplinary proceedings of an exonerated student will be deleted
from his/her school record.
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1005.16 - Procedural Rules and Regulations
A. Examples of Disciplinary Action
This list of disciplinary actions which may be taken by the principal (or designee) or under his/her
direction is intended to be suggestive and not conclusive nor sequential since all disciplinary action
should fit the misbehavior in order to modify the behavior.
Conference: a meeting with the student's parent(s) or legal guardian and school personnel to
discuss the student's behavior or learning process. The schools will seek the assistance of the
student's parent(s) or legal guardian(s) in helping the student.
Contact: in which student and/or parents agree to comply with required behavior management.
Detention: requiring that a student remain after school for a period of time. The student is
obligated to bring materials to the detention area to work on to improve his/her academic
achievement at school.
Guidance: a conversation between the student and the school personnel. The purpose of this form
of meeting is to inform him/her that his/her behavior needs to change so that he/she does not
violate the rights of others or to help the student improve his/her learning capabilities.
Rearrangement of School Schedule: assigning a student a new schedule of classes and/or teachers
when the behavior of the student is such that the student has not conducted himself/herself in an
acceptable manner.
Restriction of Extracurricular Activities: informing a student that he/she cannot participate in
certain activities because of his/her past or present behavior.
School Clean-up: requiring a student to clean up certain areas of the school.
Take away free time or recess.
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B. Suspension
Students who cannot abide by school regulations and policies of the school district, and who disrupt
the educational atmosphere or interfere with the educational processes of the school, may be
suspended for a temporary period of time. One purpose of suspension is to allow time for the
administrator to arrange a conference between the student, parents/guardian, and school personnel to
establish a corrective procedure with cooperation between home and school. In addition, the following
limitations shall apply to all suspensions:
In-school Suspension:
1. Removal of student from class or classes and temporary placement in a more restrictive in-
house suspension classification.
In-school suspension is defined as temporary removal from a class or activity.
2. Suspension from a class may be initiated by the classroom teacher with concurrence of the
principal. Verbal and written notification to parents or legal guardian shall be provided by
the teacher.
3. Suspension from one or more classes may be initiated by the building principal provided that
verbal and written notification is given to the parents or legal guardians in a timely fashion.
4. Students will be given credit for assignments completed during supervised in-school
Out-of-school Suspension:
1. No student shall be suspended from a school by a school administrator for more than five
(5) consecutive days for each offense.
2. District administrators may suspend students for up to five (5) days, and Boards of Trustees
may suspend students for up to seven (7) calendar days.
Legal Reference: Idaho Code, Section 33-205.
3. Students may not be allowed make-up privileges for assignments missed as a result of
being suspended out-of-school
Saturday School
Saturday school is a supervised study session held on Saturdays as an alternative to suspension
from school for some students.
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C. District Discipline Review Committee (DDRC):
Committees composed of school personnel and patrons established for the purpose of conducting
hearings of student misconduct cases referred by the school principal or designee and make referrals
to the administrative staff. The DDRC will include at least one patron and one teacher who has not
previously been involved in the case. A DDRC will be organized by the superintendent or designee
who will serve as chairperson/facilitator. The DDRC is available if and when the building
administrator determines it is an essential step. AP 1005.16 (see ADMINISTRATIVE
Continuation School (Recommendation Only)
Transfer to Another School Within the District
Other Plan for Alternative Education
E. Expulsion
Expulsion is a very serious action to be taken against a student and should not be recommended
unless all resources and processes have been exhausted and a conference has been held between
the principal or his/her designee, and the appropriate district administrator. No recommendation
for expulsion shall be made until all necessary investigations and conferences have been held at the
school building level.
All expulsions are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees and shall be governed in
accordance with the "Due Process" procedures. Any decision by the Board of Trustees regarding
an expulsion shall require:
1. that a quorum of the Board be present and,
2. that such decision be made by vote and that such vote constitute a majority of those voting.
Suspension of Special Education Students
1. Special education students may not be suspended unless the continued presence of the
exceptional student in school poses a danger to himself/herself, other persons, or property, or
unless there is a serious disruption of the educational process. Examples of such situations
are: physical assault, or threatened assault on a teacher or another student; action taking
place on school property of a criminal nature; or continuous disruptive conduct which the
school has attempted and failed to control through documented changes in the child's
educational program/placement.
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2. The special education student may be suspended so long as:
a. Written notice is given to the parent or guardian and administrator(s) of the exceptional
student describing the grounds for the suspension and a brief statement of the facts.
b. A Child Study Team meeting (due process hearing) is called to meet within five (5)
school days, to review the student's Individual Education Program and to establish a
satisfactory plan for readmission or alternative education.
Expulsion of Special Education Students
1. An exceptional pupil may not be expelled unless the student's continued presence in school
presents a danger to himself/herself, other persons, or property. Examples of emergency
situations are: physical assault or threatened assault on a teacher or another student; action
taking place on school property of a criminal nature; or continuous disruptive conduct which
the school has attempted and failed to control through documented changes in the child's
educational program/placement.
2. If it is the judgment of the District Child Study Team that a situation exists that a school
provided or supported educational program is not possible, expulsion may be recommended
to the Board of Trustees.
3. After being informed of the situation, the Board of Trustees will schedule the necessary due
process hearing as outlined.
4. Within ten (10) calendar days following written notice of expulsion to the parent or guardian
of the exceptional pupil, the District Child Study Team will meet to review the exceptional
pupil's individual educational program to include appropriate educational goals that can be
carried out in a correctional or rehabilitative setting. The school district's individual
education program for the exceptional pupil shall be presented to the court for determining an
appropriate placement following expulsion.
Adoption: September 28, 1999
1005.17 - Education And Discipline - Student Conduct
A. Sexual Harassment – Refer to Board Policy 3085 Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and
Retaliation and Administrative Procedure
Policy History: Revised 12/14/2022
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1005.18 - Harassment Complaint Form
Name of Complainant:
Position of Complainant:
Date of Complaint:
Name of alleged harasser:
Date and Place of
Incident or Incidents:
Description of Misconduct:
List any witnesses that were present:
Evidence of Harassment,
i.e., letters, photos:
Any other information:
I agree that all the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.
Received by:
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1005.18.2 - Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form for Students
School ______________________________________________ Date ___________________
Student’s Name________________________________________________________________
(If you feel uncomfortable leaving your name, you may submit an anonymous report, but
please understand that an anonymous report will be much more difficult to investigate. We
assure you that we’ll use our best efforts to keep your report confidential.)
Who was responsible for the harassment or incident(s)? ________________________________
Describe the incident(s): _________________________________________________________
Date(s), time(s), and place(s) the incident(s) occurred: _________________________________
Were other individuals involved in the incident(s)? yes no
If so, name the individual(s) and explain their roles: ___________________________________
Did anyone witness the incident(s)? yes no
If so, name the witnesses: ________________________________________________________
Did you take any action in response to the incident? yes no
If yes, what action did you take? __________________________________________________
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Were there any prior incidents? yes no
If so, describe any prior incidents: _________________________________________________
Signature of complainant________________________________________________________
Signatures of parents/legal guardian________________________________________________
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1005.19 - Witness Disclosure Form
Name of Witness:
Position of Witness:
Date of Testimony/
Description of
Instance Witnessed:
Any other Information:
I agree that all the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.
Received by:
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1005.20 - Education and Discipline
A. Board Search and Seizure Philosophy
In order to maintain a quality educational atmosphere, preserve discipline and good order,
and promote the safety and security of students and employees, all school property,
including, but not limited to, buildings, equipment, buses, grounds, and other physical
settings and equipment of Idaho Falls School District #91 is under the direct jurisdiction and
exclusive control of the Board of Trustees and subject to search by members of the
administrative staff.
Therefore, students are advised that it is the policy of this School District that members of the
administrative staff have the authority to search the student lockers and all other school
property over which the school district has control at any time, without student consent, and
without a search warrant. Members of the administrative staff also have the authority to
search the personal property of students when reasonable under the circumstances. This
authority to search school property, or personal property of the student when appropriate, is
extended to members of the teaching staff who accompany students on out-of-town activities
for school-related purposes at school district expense.
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1006.1 - Statement of Policy for Possession
It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of School District 91 that any student who has a
firearm or explosives in their possession (either on their person, in their purse, handbag, or
backpack, or in their locker) will be immediately suspended from school. The
administration of the building where the offense occurred will hold a Due Process hearing
within five days of the incident, and make a written recommendation for expulsion to the
Board of Trustees, if appropriate. If petitioned for expulsion, the Board will hold such
hearing at its next regularly scheduled meeting, or at a special meeting, if the Board deems
In addition, any student who uses other deadly or dangerous weapons as defined in federal
law section 921 of title 18 of the United States Code shall be subject to the same
procedures and penalties described in the above paragraph.
Any student expelled under this section may not apply for re-admission for twelve months
from the date of expulsion. If re-admission is granted after proper application, it will not
occur until the start of the next grading term following approval of re-admission.
1006.2 - Statement of Policy for Threats or Use
It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of School District 91 that any student in possession
of a dangerous weapon as defined in I. C. § 18-3302D (either on their person, in their
purse, handbag, or backpack, or in their locker) will be immediately suspended from
The term “dangerous weapon,” as stated in 18 U. S. C. section 930, means a weapon,
device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for, or is
readily capable of, causing death or serious bodily injury, except that such term does not
include a pocket knife with a blade of less that 2 ½ inches in length. If the suspension lasts
more than two days, the principal shall hold a due process hearing to determine if the
student's action merits a recommendation to the Board for expulsion.
Additionally, any student who displays a dangerous weapon, or uses or threatens to use any
other instrument or device as a weapon, including bullying and physical violence against
another student or staff member, will be immediately suspended from school. The
administration will hold a Due Process hearing within five days of the incident that led to
the suspension. Depending on the circumstances involved, the administration may
recommend that the Board of Trustees expel the student.
Legal References: I. C. §18-3302D Possessing weapons or firearms on school property
U. S. C. 18 § 930, (g), (2) Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons in
Federal facilities
Adopted: Revised: 01/11/2011 Reviewed:
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1006.3 - Requirement for Parent/Student Signoff
If petitioned for expulsion, the Board will hold such hearing at its next regularly scheduled
meeting, or at a special meeting, if the Board deems necessary. Any student expelled under
this section may not apply for re-admission until the time period of expulsion set by the
Board expires. If re-admission is granted after proper application, the student may be
required to wait until the start of the next grading term following approval of re-admission.
Building administrators are required to distribute a disclosure statement regarding this
policy that all high school students and all parents of students in grades K-9 must sign
when the student registers for the beginning of each school year.
1006.4 - Prohibition against Enrolling from Other School District
It is also the policy of the Board of Trustees of School District 91 that no student who has
been expelled, or threatened with expulsion, by any other school district may enroll in
School District 91 until such time as the penalty for said infraction would have expired had
the student actually been expelled.
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1007.1 - Health Services
1. Pupil Illness and Injury
School personnel shall give only emergency care to students who become ill or are
injured on school property, on buses, or in areas adjacent to the school premises.
Any further treatment shall be the responsibility of the parent. Parents shall be
notified in case of illness, or injury to a pupil. In case the parent cannot be reached,
the family physician listed on the pupil's enrollment card shall be notified.
2. "Battering" of a Student
In the event a child shows evidence of being "battered" or excessively abused, the
proper authorities shall be notified within 24 hours according to state law.
1007.2 - Medication to Students
The purpose of administering medications in school is to help each child maintain an
optimal state of health that may enhance his/her educational plan. The medications shall be
those required during school hours that allow the student to fully participate in the
educational setting. All needed medication and supplies will be provided by the student,
parent, or guardian. The parent and family physician are encouraged to work out a
schedule of giving medication outside school hours. Self administration by responsible
students is allowed under certain conditions. This decision will be determined by the
school nurse or designee. These recommendations apply to all prescribed and over-the-
counter medications. This policy is intended to provide safe uniform administration of
medication at school as well as to provide for the safety of other students.
A. Guidelines:
1. Authorization of Medication
A Request for Medication at School form must be completed and signed by
the parent or guardian and physician. The physician's order must be
renewed annually. Dosage changes require a new physician's order.
2. Medication Labeling, Storage, and Disposal
All medication must be received at school in its original prescription
container. Medications should be brought to school by the parent or
responsible adult especially for elementary school students. If this is not
possible, the parent or guardian must inform the school nurse, principal, or
designee by telephone that the student is bringing the medication to school
and how much medication is in the container. The amount of medication
received will be verified and documented by the school nurse, principal or
Medications administered by school personnel will be kept in a locked
storage compartment. Access to medication will be under the authority of
the school nurse, principal or designee.
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At the end of the school year, parents and guardians will be notified and
asked to pick up unused medication. All unused medications left at school
will be destroyed by the school nurse and witnessed by another school
3. Administration of Medication
All personnel designated to administer medications will be required to
complete an inservice on techniques for the safe administration and
monitoring of medications. The inservice will be provided by the school
The parent, guardian, or physician's office must give the first dose of any
new medication.
A record will be maintained on every student receiving medication. The
record should include the student's name, date, time of administration,
dosage, mode of administration and signature of person witnessing or
administering the medication.
Students on prescribed medications may be allowed to take their own
medications with written permission from their parent or guardian. The
written permission must be submitted to the school nurse. Competency of a
student to self administer medication will be established. The student will
be asked to bring only the prescribed dosage each day. Students who self
administer asthma medication in the form of inhalers must provide the
original prescription container. Students with asthma and severe allergies
must have immediate access to their medication.
In case of a respiratory emergency; i.e., bee sting or severe asthma attack,
epinephrine, by injection, may be administered by the school nurse.
In case of a diabetic emergency; i.e., severe insulin reaction (low blood
sugar), the school nurse or designee may administer glucose.
Aspirin and acetaminophen may be given to a secondary student upon
his/her request, with a physician's standing order and parental permission.
The physician's order and parental permission must be renewed annually.
1007.3 - Crisis Management Policy – Adopted: June 1997
The Board of Trustees recognizes schools need to be prepared to handle a crisis involving a
student, a staff member, a school or the whole district. While the school district's main
function is to educate, the safety of staff and student body is of paramount concern. When
a crisis occurs, the Board directs each school to follow the procedures outlined in the Crisis
Management Handbook, including the following:
1. Insure the safety and protection of the student(s)/staff.
2. Activate a crisis plan/crisis team.
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3. Notify the superintendent and police, as appropriate.
4. Notify staff, students, and parents, as appropriate.
5. Provide immediate emotional support for student(s) and staff in a designated area.
6. Provide short term support for students or staff members needing further assistance
for a period of time after the crisis.
The Board of Trustees further recognizes that trauma in the life of a staff member or
student can create feelings which can impact the ability to teach or learn. A person (or
persons) suffering from trauma, stress, abuse or depression cannot benefit fully from, or
provide services to, the educational program and that person may pose a threat to
him/herself or others. All involved school personnel should be alert to the individual who
exhibits signs of unusual depression or who threatens violence to self or others. Staff
members should know how to contact the proper authorities or know how to refer to district
personnel who can link individuals and their families to treatment programs in the
In order to help prevent suicide and other severe acts of violence, the Board directs that a
Crisis Awareness Program be initiated in every school to include the following:
1. Implement the district-wide crisis plan.
2. Provide in-service education to increase staff awareness of the seriousness of
trauma, crisis and their impact. This inservice will include warning signs,
procedures for dealing with crisis, and how to help lessen impact on students/staff.
3. Establish procedures to help ease the impact of a crisis on the students, staff and the
4. Inform parents of the crisis procedures and how parents can assist.
1007.4 - Communicable Diseases
A. Statement of Policy
It is the intent of the Board of Trustees of Idaho Falls School District #91 to attempt
to protect students and employees from exposure to diseases while they are
attending school or actively working for the school district. Staff members are
encouraged to wear protective gloves when handling any bodily fluids in the
performance of their duties. Students who have, or are suspected of having, a
communicable disease shall be dealt with according to the rules listed below.
B. Definition of Communicable Diseases
For purposes of this policy, the definition of "communicable diseases" shall be the
one established by the Idaho State Department of Health (SDH), and shall include,
but not be limited to, those contagious diseases reportable to SDH.
C. Suspicion of Disease
If a school district employee has reason to believe a student or another school
district employee has a communicable disease as defined in the section above
he/she shall immediately report this information to his/her immediate supervisor or
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to the Superintendent of Schools. If the supervisor who receives such a report
believes that this information is accurate, he/she shall report to the school nurse
who shall then notify the SDH and the Superintendent of Schools if not previously
D. Appointment of Health Review Team (HRT)
The Superintendent of Schools shall appoint a Health Review Team (HRT) for the
purpose of reviewing the cases of students having, or suspected of having, a
communicable disease. The HRT shall consist of an administrator, the school
nurse, a local physician, and other members as the Superintendent of Schools deems
necessary. The affected student shall be allowed to remain in the classroom until
the HRT verifies whether the student has a disease. The Superintendent of Schools
is authorized to arrange safe placement of the affected student during the
E. Confidentiality Requirements
Steps will be taken to protect the confidentiality of any student with a
communicable disease. Therefore, the knowledge that any student has a
communicable disease will be confined to those persons who have a direct need to
know as determined by the Superintendent of Schools. Those persons will be
provided with appropriate information and made aware of the requirements of
F. Recommendation of Health Review Team
The HRT shall consult with the affected student physician regarding any suspected
case of communicable diseases. The HRT shall conclude, within 72 hours after first
being informed, its fact finding and report a recommendation to the Superintendent
of Schools. After receipt of the above information and recommendations, the
Superintendent of Schools shall determine the placement of the affected student. In
the case of a student where exclusion from the regular school setting is in the best
interests of all, alternative special programming shall be provided by the school.
G. Possibility of Exclusion Guidelines
In the case of a student who has a human retrovirus variously labeled Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and when certain health conditions in the school
environment (e.g. measles or chicken pox) which could threaten their health, the
physician of the student will be notified by the school nurse. Exclusion from the
classroom or the work place will be at the discretion of the affected student’s
H. Education Regarding Communicable Diseases
The Idaho Falls School District shall take steps as determined by the Superintendent
of Schools to educate parents, students, and school employees regarding
communicable diseases and their transmission. Such education would serve to
minimize the risk of transmission to others, and to assist efforts to provide the best
educational setting for infected students and a safe work environment for infected
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1007.5 - Health Consultative Services
1. Screening, care, counseling, and referral services include:
a. Growth and development, K-6, other students on an individual basis;
b. Vision, K-6 (grades 3, 6 in cooperation with Lions Club) and on individual
basis K-12;
c. Scoliosis on individual basis;
d. Blood pressure checks as requested;
e. Dental, inspection only, major problems referred;
f. Rash (es) of undetermined origin (pediculosis, scabies, ringworm, etc.);
g. Other medical problems.
2. Assists with Special Education Student Evaluation/Placement K-12 as requested by student evaluation teams. 3. Determination of Immunization Status as follows:
According to state law, a statement certifying the student's immunization status must
be in the possession of school authorities at the time of enrollment.
4. New Student Health Appraisals:
Health appraisals for new students who have no prior record of a medical
examination may be conducted by the health services staff.
5. Homebound Instruction:
Homebound instruction will be provided for students with extended absences due to
medical reasons. District guidelines have been established to govern such services.
Arrangements can be made by contacting the health services staff.
6. Health Education:
Instruction regarding health related subjects may be provided in the classroom, in
small groups, and on an individual basis when requested by a teacher, principal, or
Adopted: 5/9/2006
1007.6 - Service Animals in Schools
The district acknowledges its responsibility to permit students and/or adults with
disabilities to be accompanied by a “service animal” in its school buildings, in classrooms,
and at school functions, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, 28 C.F.R. Part
35, subject to the following:
1. All requests for an individual with a disability to be accompanied by a service
animal must be addressed in writing to the superintendent and must contain
required documentation of vaccinations. This written request must be delivered to
the superintendent’s office at least ten (10) business days prior to bringing the
service animal to school or a school function.
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2. Owners of a service dog must provide annual proof of the following vaccinations:
DHLPPC (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Paroinfluenza, Parvovirus,
Coronavirus), Bordatella and Rabies.
3. Owners of service miniature horses must provide annual proof of the following
vaccinations: Equine Infectious Anemia (Coggins Test), Rabies, Tetanus,
Encephalomyelitis, Rhinoeumonitis, Influenza and Strangles.
4. All service dogs must be spayed or neutered.
5. All service dogs must be treated for, and kept free of fleas and ticks.
6. All service animals must be kept clean and groomed to avoid shedding and dander.
7. Owners of service animals are liable for any harm or injury caused by the animal to
other students, staff, visitors and/or property.
8. The animal must be a dog, or in specific circumstances, a miniature horse. No other
species of animal, whether wild or domestic, will be permitted in schools as a
“service animal.”
9. The animal must be “required “for the individual with a disability.
10. The animal must be “individually trained” to do work or a task for the individual
with a disability.
11. Special Provisions/Miniature Horses: Requests to permit a miniature horse to
accompany a student or adult with a disability in school buildings, in classrooms, or
a school functions will be handled on a case-by-case basis, considering:
a. The type, size, and weight of the miniature, and whether the facility can
accommodate these features.
b. Whether the handler has sufficient control of the miniature horse.
c. Whether the miniature horse is housebroken.
d. Whether the miniature horse‘s presence in a specific facility compromises the
legitimate safety requirements that are necessary for safe operation.
12. Removal of a Service Animal: A school administrator may ask an individual with a
disability or his parents to remove a service animal from a school building, a
classroom, or from a school function if any one of the following circumstances
a. The animal is out of control and the animal’s handler does not take effective
action to control it.
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b. The animal is not housebroken.
c. The animal’s presence would “fundamentally alter” the nature of the service,
program or activity.
d. The animal presents a direct threat to students, staff, or other individuals.
13. A service animal must have a harness, leash, or other tether, unless either the
handler is unable because of a disability to use a harness, leash, or other tether, or
the use of a harness, leash or other tether would interfere with the service animal’s
safe, effective performance of work, or tasks, in which case the service animal must
be otherwise under the handler’s control (e.g., voice control, hand signal, or other
effective means).
14. The school system is not responsible for the care or supervision of a service animal,
including walking the animal or responding to the animal’s need to relieve itself.
a. The district is not responsible for providing a staff member to walk the
service animal or provide any other care or assistance to the animal.
b. Students with service animals are expected to care and supervise their
animal. In the case of a young child or a student with disabilities who is
unable to care for or supervise his service animal, the parent is responsible
for providing care and supervision of the animal.
c. Issues related to the care and supervision of service animals will be addressed
on a case-by-case basis in the discretion of the building administrator.
ADA Regulations, 28 C.F.R. Part 35 (as amended, 2010)
Adopted: 02/07/2012 Revised: Reviewed:
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The safety of every student is a matter of serious concern to the Board of Trustees, the
administration, and teachers. It is the policy of the Board to set up regulations to provide the best
safety measures for each and every student.
1008.1 - Emergency Drills
The Superintendent or designee must provide for and carry out emergency response drills
at each Idaho Falls School District 91 facility.
Each school shall conduct:
• Evacuation drills at least once each month
• Lockdown drills at least once per semester
• Hall check at the beginning of each semester
The Superintendent or designee shall periodically provide the Board with a report on
emergency drills.
• The results of these drills shall be recorded and assessed for possible
• Schools shall conduct fire drills at least once a month and shall include blocked
exits on a regular basis.
• Evacuation drills will also be conducted and may include blocked exits.
Fire Drills: a monthly evacuation plan utilizing the District’s fire alarm system under the
Governance of IFC 405.2.
Evacuation Drills: the notification option for evacuation include fire alarm, public
address system, bullhorn, and/or designated adult runners.
Lockdown Drills: a procedure for denying access to the site or parts of the site in the event
of a dangerous situation.
Hall Check: a procedure for rapidly locating suspicious objects or persons within site.
Adopted: 6/9/2009 Revised: Reviewed:
Local References: IFC 405.2
Legal References: IC 33-506(1) Organization and government of Board of Trustees
IC 33-512(4) Governance of schools
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1008.2 - Automobiles
When students drive a car to school, the student is subject to the regulations and policies
prescribed by the principal. When a student fails to comply, appropriate action may be
taken by the principal, up to and including loss of parking privileges in school-owned or
school-designated parking areas.
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Transportation to and from school shall be furnished without charge by the School District to
pupils who live more than 1 1/2 miles from the school to which they have been assigned.
Determination of the distance shall be made by the Department of Transportation and shall be
measured according to the shortest possible walking route which a child may take to reach the
In addition, transportation will be provided for student activities that are approved by the District
Administration. A transportation cost may be charged for activity travel that is not part of the
reimbursement schedule established by the State Department of Education. A transportation fee
schedule will be established and approved by the Board of Trustees.
1009.1 - Student Conduct and Discipline on School Buses
The bus driver is in charge of the operation of a bus at all times. No student activity may
take place that interferes with the operation of the bus or the safety of the students or
violates any other part of the District's discipline policy or behavior code.
Students who, in the judgment of the bus driver, violate the rules of good and safe conduct
in the bus shall be reported to their school principal on the appropriate form. The principal
will determine the proper discipline of the students. The principal, in cooperation with the
Supervisor of Transportation, will decide when a student may return to riding a bus once
he/she has lost the privilege.
1009.2 - Student Responsibilities
While using school district transportation, students are expected to observe the following
standards of etiquette and behavior:
1. Be on time for the bus.
2. Wait in an orderly line and avoid "horseplay".
3. Enter or leave the bus through the entry door.
4. Go directly to an available or assigned seat, when entering the bus.
5. Be seated and remain seated until the bus stops for pupils to unload.
6. Have a strong sense of responsibility for the safety of self and others.
7. Keep all parts of the body inside the bus except when unloading.
8. Follow the driver's suggestions promptly.
9. Treat others and equipment with respect.
10. Refrain from the use of profane language on the bus.
11. The use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs and controlled substances is
12. Refrain from carrying hazardous materials, objects, and animals on the bus.
13. Refrain from leaving or boarding the bus at locations other than the assigned
home stop or assigned school.
14. If necessary to cross the road:
a. Cross in front of the bus.
b. Wait at front of bus for signal from driver before proceeding into
traffic lane.
15. Refrain from eating or drinking of foodstuffs while on the bus.
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1009.3 - Disciplinary Procedures
When a student's behavior on a bus is such that disciplinary measures are in order, a
citation form will be completed by the driver and given to the Supervisor of Transportation
who will, in turn, give it to the student's principal for appropriate disciplinary action.
Where the disciplinary infraction is severe enough, a student may be suspended from riding
a bus. The disciplinary action will be communicated by the principal to the student, the
student's parents, and the Supervisor of Transportation.
A student may be suspended from riding on a bus by the bus driver if he/or she fails to
identify himself/herself when requested to do so.
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1010.1 - Approval
The existence and operation of all school clubs shall be subject to the approval of the
school administration and subject to such rules and regulations as the District shall require.
1010.2 - Election
The club officers shall be elected according to proper election procedures including
nominations, balloting, counting, and verifications.
1010.3 - Membership
No school club shall be allowed to choose its new members merely by the decision of its
present members. No student shall be denied membership in any school club if he or she
can meet the rules and regulations for membership set up by the school.
1010.4 - Advisors
Advisors shall be present at all meetings or functions of any club or arrange for other
faculty members to take their place. If the group takes a trip, the advisor shall act as one of
the chaperons. If the group is a mixed group, both a male and female chaperon must
accompany the group.
1010.5 - Funds
The advisor will keep a close check on the club funds to assure that good business practices
prevail. Requisition slips for all purchases shall be signed by the advisor, and all bills must
be paid prior to the end of the school year. Club books shall be kept in accordance with
approved District #91 accounting practices and will be available at all times for
examination by the District auditor.
1010.6 - Participation
Extracurricular activities are a part of the total educational program offered to students.
Therefore, exclusion should be based on reasonable rules. Marriage is not a situation
which adversely affects the discipline or usefulness of the activities program of the school
and cannot be used to bar the student from extracurricular activities.
1010.7 - Student Government
Under the building principal's supervision, all students are encouraged to participate in the
student government of the school. Through this participation, students are able to become
involved and can substantially contribute to the educational program of the district.
1010.8 - Student Publications
Official school publications such as school newspapers should reflect good taste and the
responsible judgment of the student editors. Students have the responsibility to refrain
from libel and obscenity and to observe the normal rules for responsible journalism and
editing. Within these bounds students have a responsibility, as do editors of other
newspapers, to report the news and to editorialize within established district guidelines.
Any newspaper printed by a journalism class for school credit must have faculty
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supervision. No unauthorized newspapers may be published or distributed on school
district property.
1010.9 - Forms of Initiation
1. Initiations and Hazing
Only formal induction ceremonies for a club, class, activity, or the student body will be
allowed, and then only under the planning and supervision of the sponsor and the
principal. No ceremonies in which the action may be hazardous or belittling to the
student will be allowed.
a. All induction activities for any organization are to be ceremonial in nature. The
word ceremonial is intended to mean activities similar to the Honor Society
induction and is contrasted with initiations that have required acts or activities
that are belittling or demeaning to a group or an individual. All initiation-type
activities are prohibited.
b. No membership in a club or an organization is to be contingent upon
participation in an initiation ceremony. Membership must be allowed to any
individual who meets the performance criteria for the organization.
c. No hazing of one student by another is to be sanctioned. This is intended
specifically to eliminate the initiations that occur in the fall with the 7th grader
entering a junior high or sophomores or new students entering a high school.
Students that cause or participate in hazing will be subject to suspension or
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It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of the Idaho Falls School District No. 91 to encourage an
effective, efficient program of activities.
All prior absences must be considered in light of the 90% attendance requirement before granting a
student permission to participate in travel activities.
1011.1 - Senior High Athletics
The provisions of the Idaho High School Activities Association and School Conference
apply to all senior high school athletics. Procedures and regulations will be developed in
cooperation with the Coordinator of Physical Education and Athletics, principals, and
coaches in line with Board Policy and State and conference provisions.
1011.2 – Middle School Athletics
When applicable, the provisions of the Idaho High School Activities Association and the
Middle School Conference will govern middle school athletics. Procedures, regulations,
and other policies will be set forth in cooperation with the building principals and the
Coordinator Physical Education and Athletics.
1011.3 - Social Events
Social activities are an important part of any student's life and of the school. This type of
activity often reflects the educational quality of a school and can be easily observed. It is
the desire of the Board to sanction such activities insofar as they fall in line with overall
school policy. Such events are the responsibility of the school principal.
1011.4 - Student Trips (Secondary Schools)
All school sponsored trips must have the recommendation of the building principal and be
approved by the Director of Education prior to the trip.
Specific details and plans relative to departure, destination, overnight lodging, food services,
purpose of trip, number of students involved, chaperons, (male and female must accompany
mixed groups), and return time must accompany all requests.
Parents and/or legal guardians of those students going on the trip will be notified of the trip
schedule and will sign consent slips for their students.
Student travel that is administered within the school is limited to a radius of 300 miles and
must be limited as follows:
1. It is expected that, in general, students will not miss school for activities such as
contests, conferences, trips, etc. However, in instances where only one activity
is available for statewide or regional interaction of students, limited school time
may be used. This loss of school time will, however, be charged against the
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student's days of allowable absence. The current status of each student's
attendance should be considered before approval to miss school is given.
2. Debate is limited to competition in regional conference and state meets. It is
recognized that present scheduling procedures dictate that the use of some
school time is necessary to provide a competitive program. However, absences
must be kept to an absolute minimum, and the schedule must be cleared yearly
with the Director of Education before any commitments are made.
3. The Honor Society is allowed one activity a year at participant expense.
Activities that extend overnight are not acceptable. School time must not be
4. Cheerleaders' activities will be managed and controlled by the administration of
each secondary school. School time will not be used except when necessary for
state competition.
5. Drill teams are allowed a maximum of one contest per year that requires
overnight travel or travel outside the East Idaho area and loss of school time.
Additional participation in local contests and events may also be allowed when
approved by the building administrator.
6. Travel for vocational students will be considered only when travel is related to
class activities and requested in advance.
Vocational students who hold a state office or who win state competition may
apply to attend National competition. Expenses for such approved travel are the
responsibility of the student or the organization.
7. Other school organizations may apply to the school administration for
permission to participate in sponsored or scheduled activities. Organizations
such as Key Club, Student Government, music and journalism are covered by
this section.
8. High school student travel is limited to two consecutive school days, and junior
high travel is limited to one school day.
9. Requests for participant sponsored travel are to be submitted to the building
administrator and to the district administrator for approval. Such requests are to
be submitted prior to any fund raising or in-depth planning
Travel beyond the 300 mile radius for IHSAA sponsored events for which participation was earned
in local or regional competition may be approved by the District Administration. Participation in
similar state level competitions sponsored by other state organizations/agencies will be considered
but must have the approval of the Board of Trustees. Any travel outside the State during the
school year that goes beyond the 300 mile limit must also be approved by the Board.
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School sanctioned travel to attend national or regional competitions may be approved by the
principal for selected high school students. The student(s) allowed such travel would be winners
of a state competition with further competition at the regional or national level, or a student officer
or representative attending a convention or clinic. Expenses for such approved travel are the
responsibility of the student or the organization.
1011.5 - Elementary Honor Programs
Elementary honor society is allowed one activity per semester at participant expense.
Travel for activities should be confined to Bonneville County.
1011.6 - School Read-In, Read-a-Thon, Math-a-Thon, etc.
These special events must have the recommendation and approval of the Director of
Education: Specific details and plans must be submitted to the administration relative to
location, number of students involved, chaperons, and hourly plans, including
transportation of students. No read-in will be permitted to continue after 10:00 P.M. No
read-a-thon, math-a-thon, etc., may include student door-to-door solicitation of funds.
1011.7 - Elementary Activities
District-wide activities, i.e. jump rope contests, library tours, arts assemblies, etc., are
under the jurisdiction of the Director of Education.
School activities beyond those scheduled on a district-wide basis must have the approval of
the appropriate administrator.
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1012.0 – ATHLETICS
The underlying purpose of the Idaho Falls School District #91 interscholastic athletic
program is development of the student athlete in a competitive culture. This development will
occur by:
1. Encouraging student athletes and providing sufficient opportunity for students to develop
individual ability.
2. Encouraging team spirit among all members of the team and their coaches.
3. Facilitating the attributes of pride, sportsmanship, and ethical behavior in students,
participants, and spectators.
4. Maintaining a good relationship between athletic teams and student body, faculty,
administration, and community.
5. Teaching fundamentals and techniques of each sport in a progressive sequence through
development of 7-12 programs through a coordinated effort between Administrators,
Activities Director, and Program Director.
1012.1- Objectives:
1. Provide activities to meet the needs of a variety of student interests and abilities.
2. Foster a culture committed to excellence and reaching the highest possible level of
3. Provide a value based program focused on good character.
4. Promote understanding of the value of activities in the educational process.
5. Promote and represent a positive image of school activities.
6. Provide opportunities for the student athlete(s) to seek and achieve academic,
athletic, and personal potential.
7. Provide and encourage professional development of coaches through School
District calendar events/activities.
1012. 2 - Coaching
The coaches' attitude toward athletes should be positive and respectful. An athlete should
never be dealt with in a way that may be humiliating and especially not in the presence of
the public. Coaches should refrain from using language which humiliates, degrades, and/or
intimidates students. Swearing, profanity, or obscenities are not acceptable.
1012. 3 - Athletic Eligibility
1. Athletic eligibility shall be in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the
Idaho High School Athletic Association, incorporated by reference. A full time
student is defined as enrollment in four (4) credit bearing classes.
2. Non-resident students, defined as those students whose parents’ legal residence is
outside the District #91 boundaries as prescribed by State statutes, shall pay the
non-resident participation fee.
1012.4 - Athletic Advisory Committee
It is the desire of the Board to establish a standing committee to examine policy needs in
depth and make recommendations to the Board. The Athletic Advisory Committee will
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also review administrative procedures and provide recommendations to the Athletic
Director and district administration. Committee membership shall be established by the
Athletic Director, in consultation with building principals, approved by the Board, and
should establish balanced representation of parents, coaches, and administrators. The
Athletic Director shall serve as vice chair of the committee and shall report on behalf of the
Athletic Advisory Committee to the Board quarterly.
Adopted: Revised: 07/18/2018 Reviewed:
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1013.0 - GENERAL
1013.1 - Gifts to Staff Members
Pupils, parents, and other patrons of the District shall be discouraged from the routine
presentation of gifts to District employees.
When a pupil feels a spontaneous desire to present a gift to a staff member, the gift shall not be
elaborate or unduly expensive.
1013.2 - Solicitations of Students
The schools shall strive to safeguard the students and their parents from money raising plans of
outside organizations, commercial enterprises, and individuals.
This policy applies particularly to ticket sales and sales of articles or services except those
directly sponsored or approved by the school authorities.
1013.3 - Sales, Promotions, Surveys
The public school setting is not to be used to contact staff members or students for sales or
other commercial purposes not directly related to the operations or activities of the District or
the school.
Students are not to be used to carry home announcements related to activities of a commercial
The involvement of students in surveys and fund raising activities for charitable organizations
must have approval in advance from the Superintendent's office.
Fund raising activities should be confined to the attendance area of the building in charge of
the activity.
1013.4 School Policy
Administrators of each individual school may extend this policy by developing and writing
additional rules and regulations for the orderly management of students. School rules and
regulations should be cooperatively developed with staff, students and parents and should
reflect the rights and responsibilities of those they are intended to serve.