HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION 0200 - The AdministrationSection 200 – The Administration Page 1 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY SECTION 200 – THE ADMINISTRATION 201.0 – ADMINISTRATIVE GOALS 202.0 – SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT 203.0 – ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN 204.0 – ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 205.0 – TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 206.0 – ADMINISTRATOR EVALUATION 207.0 – ADMINISTRATIVE REORGANIZATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SELECTION 208.0 – ADMINISTRATIVE TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION AND ALLOWANCES 209.0 – DISTRICT LEVEL ADMINISTRATION 210.0 – ADMINISTRATIVE VACATION AND WORK SCHEDULE Section 200 – The Administration Page 2 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 201.0 – ADMINISTRATIVE GOALS The administrative staff’s primary functions are to manage the District and to facilitate the implementation of a quality educational program. It is goal of the Board that the administrative organization: 1. Provide for efficient and responsible supervision, implementation, evaluation, and improvement of the instructional program, consistent with the policies established by the Board; 2. Provide effective and responsive communication with staff, students, parents, and other citizens; and 3. Foster staff initiative and rapport. The District's administrative organization shall be designed so that all divisions and departments of the District are part of a single system guided by Board policies which are implemented through the Superintendent. Principals and other administrators are expected to administer their facilities in accordance with Board policy and the Superintendent’s rules and procedures. Adopted: 4/24/2001 Revised: 01/25/2022 Reviewed: __________ 10/27/2003 202.0 – SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT The Superintendent is the District’s executive officer and is responsible for the administration and management of the District schools, in accordance with Board policies and directives and State and federal law. The Superintendent is hereby granted authority to act on behalf of the Board and the District in all administrative matters with the exception of those matters specifically reserved for the Board in law or rule for which there lawfully cannot be any delegation by the Board. The Superintendent is also authorized to develop administrative procedures to implement Board policy and to delegate duties and responsibilities. When a written procedure is developed, the Superintendent or designee shall submit it to the Board as an information item. Delegation of power or duty, however, shall not relieve the Superintendent of responsibility for the action which was delegated. 202.1 Qualifications and Appointment The Superintendent must be of good character and of unquestionable morals and integrity. The Superintendent shall have the experience and the skills necessary to work effectively with the Board, District employees, students, and the community. The Superintendent shall have a valid superintendent’s endorsement. When the office of the Superintendent becomes vacant, the Board will conduct a search to find the most capable person for the position. Qualified staff members who apply for the position will be considered for the vacancy. Section 200 – The Administration Page 3 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 202.2 Evaluation The Board will conduct a written formal evaluation, at least annually, of the performance of the Superintendent using standards and objectives developed by the Superintendent and the Board which are consistent with the District’s mission and goal statements. The Board shall include progress towards the targets for student outcomes found in the Annual Strategic Plan in the evaluation by using relevant data to measure growth. A specific time shall be designated for a formal evaluation session. The evaluation should include a discussion of strengths and weaknesses in the year immediately preceding the evaluation, as well as performance areas needing improvement. A portion of the evaluation must include multiple objective measures of student growth in achievement as defined in Section 33-1001, Idaho Code. 202.3 Compensation and Benefits The Board and the Superintendent shall enter into a contract approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. This contract shall govern the employment relationship between the Board and the Superintendent. Cross Reference: 1315 District Planning Legal Reference: I.C. § 33-320 Strategic Planning and Training I.C. § 33-513 Professional Personnel I.C. § 33-1001 Definitions IDAPA Local District Evaluation Policy Hancock v. Idaho Falls School District No. 91, No. CV-04-537-E-BLW, 2006 U.S. Dist. Ct. LEXIS 52243 Adopted: 4/24/2001 Revised: 01/25/2022 Reviewed: __________ 10/27/2003 Section 200 – The Administration Page 4 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 203.0 - ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN The legal authority of the Board is transmitted through the superintendent along specific paths from person to person as shown in the organizational chart of the District. The lines of authority on the chart represent direction of authority and responsibility. The superintendent may reorganize lines of authority and revise the organizational chart subject to Board approval of major changes and/or the elimination and creation of positions. The Board expects the superintendent to keep the administrative structure up-to-date with the needs for supervision and accountability throughout the school system. 203.1 - Line and Staff Relations Each employee of the Board, except the auditor and school attorney, will be responsible to the Board through the superintendent. All personnel will refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrative officer immediately in charge of the area in which the problem arises. Administrative officers will refer such matters to the next higher authority when necessary. All personnel will have the right to appeal any decision made by an administrative officer to the next higher authority and through appropriate successive steps to the superintendent of schools. This policy does not negate the employees' grievance procedure which is contained in the "Negotiated Master Contract" between the Board and the representative organization. Section 200 – The Administration Page 5 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 204.0 - ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF The superintendent's administrative staff is organized on the premise that the multiple responsibilities of the superintendent can be better served by establishing a means which will permit the best thinking of all staff members to be brought to bear on school problems. Although the Board and the superintendent cannot absolve themselves from legally constituted responsibilities, the team provides for a two-way flow of information and unified action on the part of team members. The members of the staff also act in an advisory capacity. Their mission is to gather ideas, to present reactions of district personnel, to express opinions, and to interpret school policy to other staff members in the light of detailed information they receive through discussions in meetings. The members of the administrative staff include the positions designated as management positions including principals, vice principals, head teachers, and administrators with district-wide responsibilities. 204.1 - Administrative Staff and Committees The Board authorizes the superintendent to establish such permanent or temporary staff and committees as he/she finds necessary for proper administration of Board policies and for the improvement of the total education program. All staff and committees created by the superintendent will be for the purpose of obtaining to a maximum degree the advice and counsel of administrative and supervisory personnel of the District and to aid in district communication. Functioning in an advisory capacity, such groups may make recommendations for submission to the Board through the superintendent. However, such groups will exercise no inherent authority. Authority for establishing policy remains with the Board, and authority for implementing policy remains with the superintendent. The membership, composition, and responsibilities of administrative staff and committees will be defined by the superintendent and may be changed at his/her discretion. 204.2 – Superintendent’s Staff In accordance with board authorization, eleven (11) standing members comprise the superintendent’s staff. The superintendent shall have sole responsibility for the organization and functioning of the superintendent’s staff and may add additional members in an ex-officio capacity. Each standing member of the staff has been designated with major administrative assignments and is responsible directly to the superintendent. The superintendent’s staff positions are shown in policy 204.2.1. The Superintendent shall develop an organizational chart indicating the channels of authority and reporting relationships for school personnel. Unless otherwise approved by the Superintendent, or (in the case of a Superintendent’s relationship), by the Board, no supervisory status shall exist when the supervisor and subordinate maintain a romantic relationship. Section 200 – The Administration Page 6 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY Adopted: Revised: 07/14/2021 Reviewed: 09/11/2019 10/09/2019 03/08/2017 12/11/2007 10/27/2003 06/25/2002 204.2.1 – Superintendent’s Staff Organizational Chart IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Policy History: Adopted: 07/18/2018 Revised: 07/14/2021 Reviewed: 09/11/2019 10/09/2019 07/18/2018 03/08/2017 12/11/2007 10/27/2003 06/25/2002 Director of Communications & Community Engagement Section 200 – The Administration Page 7 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 204.3 - Administrative Job Descriptions Other administrative positions exist within School District 91 to provide additional leadership as the District pursues the accomplishment of its mission. Board Policy 204.2.1 details the District Organizational Chart. (previously - Policy 204.6 – renumbered 6/25/2002) Adopted: Revised: 12/11/2007 Reviewed: 02/08/2017 06/25/2002 (Policy Sections 204.4, 204.5, 204.5.1, 204.5.2, 204.7.1 Deleted on 6/25/2002) Section 200 – The Administration Page 8 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 205.0 - TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS The superintendent is authorized to appoint an acting superintendent to serve for specified periods of time during his/her temporary absence from the District. A temporary absence is defined as a vacation period, attendance at national conventions, and/or any other periods when the superintendent would be out of immediate contact or presence in the District for over twenty-four (24) hours. When so appointed, the acting superintendent will assume all duties which are the responsibility of the superintendent of schools, with particular emphasis on emergency and day-to-day decision making. The acting superintendent will not be expected to deal with matters requiring long term planning or preparation unless specifically so assigned by the superintendent. The acting superintendent will take special care to keep the Board informed as to any departure from normal routine. In the event of a vacancy in the office of superintendent of schools, or in the event of incapacitation of the superintendent, the responsibility for the temporary appointment of an interim superintendent rests with the Board. Section 200 – The Administration Page 9 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 206.0 - ADMINISTRATOR EVALUATION It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent, or his/her designee, to evaluate all school district administrators. Such evaluation shall be based on the appropriate administrative position job description. The superintendent shall report to the Board annually regarding the performance of administrative personnel. Section 200 – The Administration Page 10 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 207.0 - ADMINISTRATIVE REORGANIZATION, ASSIGNMENT AND SELECTION Subject to Board approval, the superintendent will have complete freedom to organize, reorganize, and arrange the administrative and supervisory staff, including instructions and business affairs, in a manner which in his/her judgment best serves the Idaho Falls public schools. The responsibility for selection, placement, and transfer of personnel shall be vested in the superintendent subject to approval by the Board. Section 200 – The Administration Page 11 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 208.0 - ADMINISTRATIVE TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION AND ALLOWANCES District vehicles may be assigned to individuals where circumstances warrant such consideration. The use of District vehicles shall be limited to official school district business and when approved by the Board of Trustees for commuting to and from work. Any mileage driven in a District- owned vehicle that is not for official District business will be considered a taxable fringe benefit to the employee driving the vehicle. This taxable fringe benefit will be in addition to the employee’s annual salary and will be reported on the individual employee’s W-4. Records of mileage and use other than official District business must be recorded in a diary or log. Unauthorized personal use of the vehicles or failure to report personal mileage and use may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. No employee, friend, associate, or family member of any employee may use a District-owned vehicle for personal use other than de minimis personal use by the employee. This policy and taxable fringe benefit will be reviewed annually to verify that the policy is in compliance with IRS regulations. Before the start of school each year, the superintendent shall present a written yearly travel schedule to the Board Chairman detailing when he/she will be out of the district for school-related purposes. Policy History: Adopted: 08/15/2018 Reviewed: 07/18/2018 Revised: 06/13/2018 07/12/2017 06/14/2017 05/17/2017 Section 200 – The Administration Page 12 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 209.0 - DISTRICT LEVEL ADMINISTRATION District level administrators are defined as those employees, other than the Superintendent, who are employed for 250 days per year and who have responsibilities and duties that require them to supervise other District 91 employees. District level employees are eligible for the same terms and conditions of the Negotiated Master Contract as members of the bargaining unit unless the Board specifically votes to limit or expand any terms and conditions found therein. Section 200 – The Administration Page 13 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY 210.0 - ADMINISTRATIVE VACATION AND WORK SCHEDULE 210.1 - Assignment and/or Reassignment The basic consideration in the assignment of administrative personnel is the well-being of the programs of instruction. Administrative and supervisory personnel will be assigned on the basis of their qualifications, the needs of the District, and where the superintendent and the Board feel the employee is most qualified to serve. 210.2 - Vacation: District Level Administrators Vacation time for full-time District level administrators shall be granted at District expense for the benefit of the District as well as a consideration of the health and welfare of the administrator. The number of vacation days for District administrators employed on a twelve (12) month (241 days) basis is as follows: a. Ten (10) working days per year during the first five years. b. Fifteen (15) working days per year during the sixth through the tenth year. c. Twenty (20) working days per year, thereafter, starting with the eleventh year. d. Not over forty (40) days can be accumulated at any time. e. At the time of separation from the school district (termination or other cause), the maximum number of unused vacation days to be credited for separation benefits will be twenty (20) days unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Trustees. f. Each administrator will be credited with the number of days awarded for his/her specific year of service, prorated monthly, starting July 1 of each contract year. g. In addition to vacation benefits, administrators will be eligible for certain paid holidays as approved annually by the Board of Trustees with the adoption of the "Administrative Work Calendar". h. Holidays: • Thanksgiving and the Friday after • Christmas Eve and Christmas • New Years • President's Day • Independence Day • Memorial Day • Labor Day Policy History: Adopted: _________ Reviewed: 07/15/2020 Revised: 07/15/2020 Section 200 – The Administration Page 14 of 14 IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 BOARD POLICY END OF SECTION 200