HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION 0400 - Support Services
Section 400 – Support Services
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In order for students to obtain the maximum benefits from their educational program, a
complex set of support services must be provided by the District. These services are essential
to the success of the District, and the staff that provides them is an integral part of the
educational enterprise. Because resources are always scarce, all assets of District operations,
including non-instructional support services, shall be carefully managed in order to obtain
maximum efficiency and economy. To that end, the goal of the District is to seek new ways
of supporting the instructional program that shall maximize the resources directly available
for students’ learning programs.
Support services are responsible for:
1. Ensuring the proper operation and maintenance of school buildings, vehicles,
equipment; and to set high standards of safety; to promote the health of pupils and
staff; to reflect the aspirations of the community and to support environmentally the
efforts of the staff to provide good instruction;
2. Establishing through the Superintendent and staff efficient and businesslike procedures
for the management of buildings and grounds, offices, vehicles, equipment, supplies,
and the food program;
3. The establishment of a thorough, effective, and economical maintenance program,
including preventive maintenance that will ensure a useful life of school property,
vehicles, buildings, and equipment;
4. Adherence to generally accepted management principles and applicable laws and
regulations when establishing policies and regulations in these areas.
Adopted: 04/24/2001 Revised: 01/25/2022 Reviewed: ____________
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The Board recognizes the necessity for a planned safety program to ensure a safe environment
for all personnel and pupils throughout the school system.
The Superintendent and his/her staff will develop and implement a safety program which will
include, but not be limited to, compliance with and enforcement of all state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations. The program will include a provision for in-service training designed
to promote safety standards and practices.
402.1 - Emergency Plans
Special drill activities as required to comply with fire safety and other emergencies
will be planned and implemented by each principal, in association with the central
office and civil authorities, to ensure orderly movement and placement of students to
the safest available space.
402.2 - Emergency Closures
The decision to close school because of inclement weather that could endanger
students, either in getting to or from school or while in school, will be made by the
Superintendent on the basis of conditions that exist within the District.
The Board affirms its cooperation with civil defense authorities in making the
District's facilities available for public use in the event of an emergency. A civil
defense plan is maintained by the School District.
Should it become necessary to close any or all of the schools by reason of weather or
other emergency, the Superintendent may order the closing of any or all schools so
affected. Notification of such closings will be given staff, employees, and the public.
The plan of notification shall be determined by the superintendent.
The Superintendent will also have the authority to delay the opening of any or all
schools, or to dismiss them early because of weather conditions or other emergencies.
402.3 – Video Surveillance
The board authorizes the use of video cameras on district property, including busses,
to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of all staff, students, and visitors to District
property, and to safeguard district facilities and equipment. Video cameras may be
used in locations deemed appropriate by the superintendent.
Students and staff found to be in violation of board policies, administrative
regulations, building rules, or law, through video surveillance, shall be subject to
appropriate disciplinary actions. Others may be referred to law enforcement agencies.
Education Record: any information recorded in any way and placed in a student or employee
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personnel file, including, but not limited to, handwriting, print, computer media, video or
audio recordings, film, microfilm, and microfiche.
Other Media: methods of communication which news, entertainment, education, data or
promotional messages are disseminated, i.e., print, audio, electronic communication devices,
internet or social media.
402.3.1 Guidelines
1. Security camera systems (or other media) may be used to promote order, to
maintain the security, health, welfare, and safety of all staff, students, and
visitors on District property, and to safeguard District facilities and equipment.
2. Students, parents, guardians shall be notified within the student registration
packet and Idaho Falls School District faculty and staff shall be notified
through the Employee Handbook that video surveillance may occur on District
3. Notices may or may not be posted on or about District property and in school
transportation vehicles alerting those in the vicinity that security camera
systems are in use.
4. The District shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws related to
record maintenance and retention.
402.3.2 Student Records
1. Camera system recordings (or other media) may become part of a student’s
educational record or a staff member’s personnel record if they are kept and
maintained by the school system.
2. Camera system recordings considered for retention as part of a student’s
behavioral record will be maintained in accordance with established student
record procedures governing access, review and release of student records.
3. Camera system recordings used for discipline purposes become education
records and are subject to FERPA requirements.
4. Camera system recordings (or other media) may be used for investigations of
criminal activity by appropriate law enforcement agencies and may be used by
the school District to investigate violations of District policy and/or school
building specific student code of conduct rules.
402.3.3 Storage and Security
1. All surveillance camera data will be stored and secured to ensure
2. Surveillance video recordings will be stored for up to 10 school days after
recording, whereupon such recordings will be released to be overwritten unless
the recordings are held for review of incidents pending resolution of any
dispute in which the recording is evidence.
3. Audio may or may not be part of the video recordings made, reviewed, or
stored by the District.
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402.3.4 Camera Use
1. Security camera systems may be installed in public locations as deemed
appropriate by the superintendent or designee, such as hallways, common
areas, building perimeters, stadiums, and school buses. Security camera
systems shall not be installed in areas with reasonable expectation of privacy.
2. Use of surveillance camera recording devices may capture third-party
situations that occur. These recordings may be released to law enforcement
agencies when requested.
3. Staff, students and visitors are prohibited from tampering with or otherwise
interfering with security camera system equipment.
4. Only those authorized by the superintendent or designee may manage and/or
maintain the District’s adopted security camera equipment and systems.
5. Staff, Students and visitors are not allowed to install or setup any other camera
system (or other media) in any District location for the purposes of security and
surveillance. All camera devices (or other media) adopted for use under this
policy must be installed by those authorized by the superintendent or designee
and must be integrated into the District’s adopted security and surveillance
software solution.
402.3.5 Viewing Requests
1. Review of any surveillance video shall be accessible to the site administrator,
superintendent, designee or local law enforcement for reasons of security,
health, welfare or safety of all staff, students, visitors, facilities, or equipment
on District property.
2. Requests for viewing surveillance video will be granted according to state,
federal, and local laws and policies.
3. Only the portion of the camera system recording which recorded the specific
incident at issue will be made available for viewing. Requests for viewing may
be denied if the video is subject to legal confidentiality obligations.
4. Approval/denial of requests from third parties are subject to and must be
submitted through the District’s current public records request procedures and
policies. If a particular recording/video has been made part of a student’s
education record or an employee’s personnel file, the request will likely be
402.3.6 Live Viewing
1. Live viewing will be permitted only at school-related sites including the
transportation office, school buildings, District ancillary buildings, or central
administrative offices.
2. All site viewing will include the superintendent, designee, and/or the building
principal or designee.
3. A digital log will be maintained of those viewing camera system recordings
including the date of viewing, username of the staff member accessing the data,
date the recording was made, site or vehicle, and name of driver if applicable.
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4. Camera system recordings will remain the property of the District and may be
reproduced only in accordance with law including applicable Board Policy and
Legal Reference:
Idaho Code § 18-6701 et. Seq. Communications Security
Idaho Code 33-512 Governance of Schools
Idaho Code § 74-101 through 74-126 Idaho Public Records Law
34 C.F.R. Part 99 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Adopted: 04/24/2001 Revised: 05/11/2022 Reviewed: ____________
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School district properties will be maintained in good physical condition: they will be safe,
clean and sanitary, and as comfortable and convenient as the facilities will permit or the use
The superintendent, or his/her designee will have the general responsibility for the care,
custody and safekeeping of all school property, establishing such procedures and employing
such means as may be necessary to discharge this responsibility.
At the building level, the principal will be directly responsible for overseeing the school plant
and for the proper care of school property by the staff and students.
403.1 - Operation of Plant (Housekeeping)
The overall normal housekeeping and operational duties of the schools or buildings
operated by the District are the responsibility of the Director Operations. Plant
security shall be directed by the Director of Operations, or his/her designee.
403.2 - Grounds
Grounds maintenance such as watering, lawn care, and grooming, fencing,
landscaping and cleaning of the grounds is of major concern and will be under the
supervision of the Director of Operations.
403.3 - Buildings and Grounds Security
School buildings constitute one of the greatest investments of the community. In the
interest of preserving the safety and welfare of students and to protect this investment
to the greatest extent possible, the administration will develop regulations and
procedures that will:
1. Ensure the locked security of appropriate school property.
2. Minimize fire hazards.
3. Reduce the possibility of faulty equipment.
4. Provide for the keeping of records and funds in a safe place.
5. Protect against vandalism and burglary.
6. Provide for the prosecution of vandals
7. Provide for employee responsibility for all furniture, textbooks, reference
materials, and other district equipment and supplies assigned to the employee's
403.4 - Key Control Policy
It is the policy of the Idaho Falls School District 91 Board of Trustees to safeguard the
security of District students and personnel and to provide appropriate access to District
property. This policy describes the control of the use and possession of keys to District
facilities, equipment, and vehicles, including general provision, key and building
security, key issuance procedures, distribution of keys, responsibilities regarding lost,
stolen, or missing keys, eligibility for possession, and provision for contractor access.
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1. To provide manageable access control for the distribution and accountability of keys, to
safeguard students and staff and to insure and maintain the integrity of the lock and key
2. To minimize financial losses to the District resulting from unauthorized entry and
reduce property damage and theft.
1. For the purpose of this document, keys are defined as physical keys or electronic
access cards.
2. The following persons shall be responsible for the issuance, maintenance, and return
of all keys under their jurisdiction:
a. Superintendent
b. Principals or Administration of school sites
c. Department/Division Directors
d. Food Services Supervisor for Food Service areas
3. The principal or designee may delegate the procedures involved in administering this
policy, but he/she cannot delegate the responsibility.
4. In the event of a suspected or known loss, theft, or unauthorized use of keys, the
principal or administrator shall notify the Maintenance & Operations Department
5. The principal or administrator shall keep key records as described under Key Issuance
Procedures 403.4AP (see AP ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES folder)
6. All authorized substitute keys for use by substitute custodians, substitute teachers shall
be kept in the key lock box.
a. Non-Master Keys are issued by the building Administrator or designee at
the facility to designated temporary personnel or substitutes. All facilities
have keys in stock for this situation. These keys are to be returned at the
end of the assignment/days.
b. Facility Master Keys are maintained at the work location for substitute
custodian use. These are to be turned in to the Supervising Custodian or
designee at the end of the assigned time.
c. District Master Keys are not issued to temporary or substitute personnel.
7. Persons issued keys shall at all time take reasonable precautions to prevent their loss
or theft. Damage suffered by the District resulting from the loan of a key or loss of a
key through negligence is the direct responsibility of the person to whom the key was
Key Security
1. No keys are to be duplicated except through the Maintenance and Operations
Department. Only authorized personnel of the district lock shop are authorized to
duplicate keys. Duplication by anyone else is in willful violation of this policy. The
employee will be held financially liable where damage or loss to district property
results from such action, and may be denied the privilege of having a key.
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2. All keys issued to any employee must be accounted for before clearance is granted
upon separation from the District, or the final check can be issued. All locksmith
services, including repair, key or lock changes or replacements, duplicate or
replacement keys for existing locks, lock changes and additions within a department
shall be procured only through the Maintenance and Operations Department facilities,
used in this policy, shall include door locks, alarmed locks, desk locks, district
vehicles, gates, etc. This does not include student lockers. The key system is designed
to correspond to room and equipment numbers. No changes are to be made to the
assigned room numbers, as this will affect the records and inventories in the Lock
3. Loaning of keys is Expressly Prohibited as stated in Board Policy 310.2.
a. Keys are not to be issued, loaned or used by anyone other than the person
assigned the key, at any time.
b. Keys found with anyone other than the assigned person will be collected
and turned over to the site administrator.
c. It will be up to the discretion of the teacher and the building principal to
loan keys to students involved in work study classes to have access to
particular rooms within that school building. Those students may not
possess keys for exterior building access.
Adopted: 06/09/2009 Revised: Reviewed:
403.5 Chemical Safety and Management
The Board recognizes that all steps should be taken to ensure that chemicals are
managed safely and compliantly. The Board directs the administration, supported by
the school staff, to implement a management procedure to manage chemicals in a cost
effective and safe manner, while ensuring compliance with all federal, state and local
requirements. The Board further directs the administration and the staff to assess the
management and use of chemicals regularly and make recommendations for
Adopted: 02/05/2008 Revised: Reviewed:
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The Board believes that all reasonable measures should be taken to conserve energy. The
Board directs the administration, supported by the school staff, to implement cost effective
operating procedures to reduce energy consumption in school facilities. The Board further
directs the administration and the staff to continually assess the consumption of energy and
make recommendations for improved energy conservation.
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The Director of Finance will maintain all records and accounts for properties of the District.
405.1 - Receiving and Warehousing
To accommodate the vast amount of instructional and non-instructional supplies
needed for effective management of the District, central warehousing will be provided.
The Board authorizes a district warehouse to facilitate the receipt, storage, and
shipment of supplies and equipment necessary for the appropriate conduct of the
business of the District.
The Board directs the administration to establish adequate rules, regulations, and
procedures for the operation and maintenance of the warehouse to ensure that the best
interests of the District will be served.
Adopted: Revised: 08/11/2021 Reviewed: ____________
405.2 - Maintenance and Control of Instructional Materials
All instructional materials and equipment of the school system will be classified and
catalogued according to an acceptable system. Textbooks will be made available to all
children in sufficient quantity and at appropriate levels so that they are optimally
useful to each child, and so that every teacher can meet both the planned curriculum
sequence and the special instructional needs of the children.
All textbooks purchased by the schools are school property. Principals will be
responsible for textbooks assigned to teachers and for conducting an inventory of all
books at the end of the school year.
405.3 - Disposal of District Owned Property
If any District owned property is no longer needed for public school purposes, the
Board may dispose of it. Disposal of property shall occur in the manner prescribed by
state law.
405.4 - District-Owned Vehicles
The Board adopts this policy to establish guidelines, obligations, and expectations of
employees who, within the scope of their employment, have occasion to operate
District-owned vehicles and equipment, or personal vehicles for official District
405.4.1 – Driver’s License Record Checks
Driver’s License Records (DLR’s) are required to be reviewed on at least an
annual basis for all school bus drivers, and this policy will be extended to any
district employee who drives a district owned vehicle on a regular basis.
Any district employee who operates a district owned vehicle on an average of
once per week is considered to be a regular driver.
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Each department must provide an updated list (name and DL #) of regular
drivers to the Transportation Director between July 1st & August 20th every
year. Each department must also have DLR checks done for any new hires
before they can use a district vehicle.
The Transportation Director will review all DLR’s and report any issues to the
appropriate supervisor. Copies of all DLR’s will be recorded in employee’s
405.4.2 District Vehicles and Equipment
Authorization for Use
Idaho Falls School District employees shall operate District owned vehicles
and equipment only when the employee:
1. Is authorized by their position and/or supervisor to act as the operator
of a vehicle or piece of equipment; and
2. Holds a valid Idaho operator’s license for each class of vehicle or piece
of equipment they are approved to operate and the district has verified
DLR status; and
3. Has demonstrated, to the supervisor's satisfaction, that they are
qualified to operate the vehicle or piece of equipment.
Responsibilities of Vehicle/Equipment Operator
Employees operating District vehicles and equipment shall:
1. Inspect vehicles or equipment before operating to ensure the vehicle or
equipment will function in a safe manner;
2. Refrain from eating or engaging in other activities which may distract
an individual from safely operating a vehicle or piece of equipment;
3. Operate such vehicles and equipment in a safe, responsible manner, and
in compliance with State laws and regulations governing vehicle use;
4. Pull off to a safe area and stop driving to use a cell phone in a vehicle;
5. Refrain from smoking or using any tobacco product in vehicle or piece
of equipment;
6. Be personally responsible for parking tickets, traffic fines, court
appearances, and other personal judgments or penalties arising from
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their violation of traffic laws while operating such vehicles or
7. Refrain from operating any such vehicles or equipment when under the
influence of controlled substances, medications, or mental or physical
conditions which could impair their ability to properly operate a vehicle
or piece of equipment;
8. Return such vehicles and equipment daily to the District facility
designated for that vehicle or piece of equipment unless it is taken to
the operator's residence as authorized described in this policy;
9. If the vehicle or piece of equipment is taken to the operator’s residence
as authorized by this policy, the operator shall ensure the vehicle or
equipment is made available for routine maintenance as well as
unscheduled maintenance when required;
10. Report any loss, redaction, or suspension of their operator license or
endorsements status to their supervisor as soon as they are notified of
the licensing status change;
11. Report all accidents immediately to the supervisor and/or to the
transportation director so that they can be reported to the District’s
insurance carrier. All Commercial Driver’s License holders shall
comply with federal and State laws regarding the reporting of accidents,
citations, or driving convictions and shall immediately report such
occurrences to their supervisor;
12. Use of District fueling cards and facilities, maintenance and repair
facilities, and supplies shall be limited to bona fide District vehicles and
13. Not allow other persons to use their refueling card or request that others
allow them to use refueling cards which are not assigned to them; and
14. Be evaluated in connection with their use of District vehicles and
equipment as part of their annual job performance review.
Prohibited Conduct of Vehicle/Equipment Operator
Any employee involved in one or more of the following circumstances while
operating District vehicles and equipment will immediately lose their
operational authorization:
1. Unlawful use, distribution, dispensing, manufacture, or possession of a
controlled substance;
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2. Operating any District vehicle or piece of equipment while under the
influence of alcohol, any drug, or the combined influence of alcohol
and any drug;
3. Use of any District vehicle or piece of equipment for illegal or
unauthorized purposes;
4. Operating a vehicle or piece of equipment in a manner which endangers
the safety or life of others;
5. Clearly negligent use of District owned vehicles or piece of equipment.
Any employee convicted of any of the items listed in the above section of this
policy, regardless of whether it occurred while operating a District vehicle or
piece of equipment, may be permanently prohibited from operating District
vehicles and equipment, and/or subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination.
405.4.3 Accident Management
The Idaho Falls School District establishes the following guidelines for
reporting, investigating, and documenting all accidents, collisions, and
incidents involving District vehicles and equipment:
1. All accidents/collisions/vandalism (herein collectively referred to as
“accidents”) involving District vehicles, regardless of the amount of
damages or personal injuries sustained, shall be reported immediately
to the driver’s supervisor. Driver and/or supervisor will notify the
transportation director. Failure to report an accident shall be cause for
disciplinary action;
2. An employee involved in any accident while operating District vehicles
or equipment may be required to submit to a drug and alcohol test.
Failure to submit to a drug and alcohol test; or testing positive for drug
use; or prohibited levels of alcohol as outlined in applicable law; shall
be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination;
3. An accident report shall be completed within twenty-four (24) hours of
any accident regardless of the amount of damage sustained to any
District vehicle or equipment;
4. All accidents shall be investigated by the transportation director or his
or her designee;
5. The transportation director will report their finding to the driver’s
supervisor and the director of Human Resources along with any
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recommendations to continue or discontinue the driver’s privileges for
operating district vehicles.
6. Administrative or disciplinary recommendations shall be determined by
the driver’s supervisor and/or department director.
"Equipment" for purposes of this policy means utility vehicles, construction
and lawn equipment.
"Vehicle" for purposes of this policy means buses, vans and passenger
vehicles, maintenance and delivery trucks.
Reference: ISBA December 2014 Updates
Other References: Standards for Idaho School Buses and Operations
Idaho Department of Education, Idaho’s School Bus Driver Training
Classroom Curriculum
ISBA Insurance Plan
Policy History:
Adopted: Revised: 08/12/2015 Reviewed: 07/15/2015
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406.1 - Technology Purposes
It is the intent of the Board that technology be used, as a tool, to support the following:
1. Student mastery and utilization of technology in meeting local, state, and
federal Achievement Standards.
2. Lesson planning and the delivery of instruction.
3. Student assessment, record keeping, and reporting.
4. Other administrative responsibilities.
It is the Board’s expectation that all staff will have or gain the necessary skills to
adequately use technology for the above-mentioned purposes.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: ______________ Reviewed: _____________
406.2 – Technology Curriculum
A K-12 technology curriculum guide should be prepared and presented to the Board
for adoption in accordance with Policy Section 600 (Curriculum). The curriculum
should address the developmental level of students, be integrated throughout the
curriculum, and address technology competencies needed by students.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: ______________ Reviewed: _____________
406.3 – Delivery of Technology Services
The Board directs the superintendent to organize the Technology Services Division
(TSD) to carry out the proper planning, purchasing and support of all technology in the
district whether it affects instruction or administration. Instructional and
administrative technology is to be consolidated under one department in order to
increase efficiency, eliminate duplication of services and purchases, allow for secure
sharing of resources and services, and promote the administration of consistent
policies and procedures. The Board requires that the TSD maintain an up-to-date
Technology Services Manual which contains the procedures needed to help carry out
the provisions of this section of board policy. This manual is to be approved by the
Board, whenever substantive changes are made.
The management of the TSD will be under the direction of the Director of Technology
Services. This position will report to the superintendent or designee. The Director of
Technology Services will maintain an organizational chart of his/her staff that will be
published in the Technology Services Manual.
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406.4 - Technology Planning
The Board expects technology planning to occur as a part of the district’s strategic
planning process and/or as otherwise required by technology funding agencies. The
TSD is authorized to fulfill this responsibility with adequate input for all interested
parties such as administrators, teachers, classified staff, students, parents and patrons.
Available technology funds will be allocated to interested parties in accordance to the
established technology plan(s). Evaluation criteria and time lines are to be included in
all technology planning. The TSD should report to the Board as needed, but not less
than once per year.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: _____________ Reviewed: _____________
406.5 - Technology Support
Support is defined as adequate staff needed to install and maintain hardware, install
and upgrade software, install and maintain the network infrastructure, and provide
adequate training and support for all district staff. Support also includes contracts for
virus and filter protections, etc. It is not the intent of the Board that TSD staff support
district staff members’ personal (non-employment) use of technology.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: ______________ Reviewed: _____________
406.6 - Technology Purchases
Technology funding sources and expenditures will be proposed in the annual budget
and should follow established technology plans. Purchases of technology will follow
policies and procedures of Section 300 (Purchasing) of Board Policy. It is the
responsibility of TSD to delineate and carry out these responsibilities following
procedures set forth in the Technology Services Manual.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: _____________ Reviewed: ____________
406.7 - Technology Grants
It is generally the policy of the Board to encourage the TSD, as well as other staff
members, to seek grant money for the purpose of enhancing and supplementing
technology budgets.
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406.8 - Technology Use Agreement
The Board expects that its technology and all related resources such as its network of
computers, peripherals, etc. will be used by all users in a judicious, prudent manner
observing generally accepted rules of conduct and etiquette. To ensure proper
understanding between the Board and users of technology the Board authorizes the
existence of an approved Technology Use Agreement (TUA). Subsequent substantive
changes to the TUA must be approved by the Board and the Board recognizes the need
for such changes as technology and its proper uses change. The Board requires that all
district staff, students and parents or legal guardians of minor students read and agree
to the Technology Use Agreement before an account will be established allowing them
access to technology services via the district’s technology network. It is the
responsibility of the TSD to ensure compliance and maintain adequate records.
Violation of the terms and conditions of this agreement will result in disciplinary
action in accordance with already established board policy up to and including
termination of employment or expulsions from school.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: 5/12/2009 Reviewed: ____________
406.9 - Network Security, Virus Protection and Internet Filtering
The Board expects the TSD to have in place an appropriate firewall system to protect
its technology from unauthorized access and malicious attacks from the Internet. It
also expects its technology to be protected with an appropriate virus protection system.
The board expects Internet content to be filtered of inappropriate materials as set forth
in the TUA with an appropriate Internet filtering system. The board expects the TSD
to be fiducially responsible in balancing the cost of these products with the risks
associated with each protection.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: ____________ Reviewed: __________
406.10 - Equipment and Data Security
The Board expects the TSD to maintain equipment and data security in accordance to
the generally accepted rules for the Information Technology (IT) industry in that
technology equipment is protected by alarm systems whenever possible within
reasonable costs and data is backed up daily with periodic back-ups stored off-
premise. TSD will not release any data to anyone other than the owner of the data
unless authorized by the owner.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: Reviewed:
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406.11 - Software Copyright
It is the expectation of the Board to adhere to the provisions of all technology related
software copyright laws. Violations of copyright laws are a criminal offense. The
following procedural statements state the compliance steps of this policy.
1. Copyright laws as well as the ethical and practical problems caused by
software piracy will be taught in the district’s curriculum.
2. Copying of copyrighted software will be done strictly in compliance with the
terms and conditions set forth by the owner of the copyright.
3. Backup copies: The provisions of Public Law 96-517, Section 7(b) which
amends Section 117 of Title 17 of the United States Code allows for the
making of a back-up copy of computer software. This states that ". . .it is not
an infringement for the owner of a copy of a computer program to make or
authorize the making of another copy or adaptation of the computer program
a. that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in the
utilization of the program in conjunction with a machine and that it is
used in no other manner, or
b. that such a new copy and adaptation is for archival purposes only and
that all archival copies are destroyed in the event that continued
possession of the computer program should cease to be lawful."
The Board recognizes this provision and allows copying for these purposes.
4. Other than for the provisions stated in paragraphs 2 and 3 above, the Board in
no way sanctions the copying of copyrighted technology related software for
any use whatsoever, including school use.
5. Illegal copies of copyrighted software may not be made or used on school
6. The TSD is responsible for establishing procedures which will enforce this
7. The Board authorizes the TSD to allow at its discretion the execution of any
provision allowed for by the license agreement of technology related software
such as work-at-home rights provided appropriate paper work is in place
delineating both rights and responsibilities.
8. The Supervisor of Technology Services for the district or his/her designee is the
only individual(s) who may sign license agreements for software use in the
9. The legal or insurance protection of the district cannot be extended to
employees who violate copyright laws.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: Reviewed: _____________
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406.12 - Maintenance and Disposal of Technology Equipment
Guidelines for the maintenance and repair of technology equipment will be set forth in
the Technology Services Manual. Disposal of obsolete technology equipment will be
in accordance with state law and Board Policy 312.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: __________ Reviewed: ___________
406.13 - Technology Donations
The Board authorizes the TSD to accept or reject technology equipment donations
solely at its discretion as set forth in the Technology Services Manual. The TSD will
not set a value on accepted donations.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: __________ Reviewed: ___________
406.14 - Services provided to Outside Users
Tax Supported Institutions – With appropriate compensation the Board allows the
TSD to sell and support technology software owned by the district to other tax
supported institutions or to enter into lease agreements for technology services with
the same provided such arrangement are mutually beneficial to both parties.
Non-Tax Supported Institutions – Such agreements as mentioned above for technology
services to local non-tax supported institutions will be considered only for educational
purposes and if comparable services are not otherwise available in the community. In
addition consideration of these agreements will depend upon the availability of
resources and appropriate compensation.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: ____________ Reviewed: ___________
406.15 - Dissemination of Information via Internet
The board authorizes the TSD to maintain a website accessible to Internet users for the
dissemination of pertinent information applicable to staff, parents and patrons of the
district. The information may not promote a political or business cause. It may
promote parent-teacher-student organizations or school causes that are not political.
Personal information such as addresses and telephone numbers of staff members
should not be published without permission. Personal information of students may not
be published unless it is adequately protected by security measures allowing only
those with proper authority to access it. Pictures or other identifiable information about
students may not be published without the consent of their parents or legal guardians
unless it is properly protected as heretofore mentioned.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: ____________ Reviewed: ___________
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406.16 Cell Phone Usage
All cell phones shall be turned off during instructional times and during meetings.
Allowances for special circumstances or emergencies should be made on a case-by-
case basis by the responsible authority.
Adopted: 1/14/2003 Revised: 3/23/2004 Reviewed: ___________
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407.0 Transportation
The Board’s primary concern in providing transportation services to students is the safety and
protection of the health of students.
The District shall provide transportation to and from school for a student who:
1. Resides at least 1½ miles from the nearest appropriate school, determined by the
nearest and best route from the junction of the driveway of the student’s home and the
nearest public road to the nearest door of the school the student attends or to a bus
stop, whichever the case may be;
2. Is a student with a disability, whose IEP identifies transportation as a related service; or
3. In the judgment of the Board, has another compelling and legally sufficient reason to
receive transportation services, including the age, health, or safety of the student.
The type of transportation provided by the District may be by a school bus or other vehicle, or
by such individual transportation as paying the parent or guardian for individually
transporting the student. The Board of Trustees may authorize children attending charter
schools to ride a school bus provided that space is available and a contract for services has
been established.
Homeless students shall be transported in accordance with the McKinney Homeless
Assistance Act and state law.
Children in Foster Care
The Superintendent or designee shall implement the requirements for ensuring the educational
stability for all children in foster care. Each of these provisions must emphasize the child’s
best interest determination. A written guideline must provide clarity to each school and staff
member governing the transportation protocol for students in foster care. This includes the
facilitation of transportation to the school of origin (when in the student’s best interest).
Transportation will be provided, arranged, and funded for the duration of time in foster care.
These procedures must confirm the following:
1. Children in foster care needing transportation to the school of origin will promptly
receive that transportation in a reasonable and cost-effective manner. and;
2. Ensure that, if there are additional costs incurred in providing transportation to
maintain children in foster care in their schools of origin, the District will provide
transportation to the school of origin if:
A. The local child welfare agency agrees to reimburse the District for the cost of
such transportation;
B. The District agrees to pay for the cost of such transportation; or
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C. The District and the local child welfare agency agree to share the cost of such
State and Federal laws and rules shall govern any question not covered by this policy.
407.1 - Establishing Bus Routes
In order to operate the transportation system as safely and efficiently as possible, the
following factors shall be considered in establishing bus routes:
1. School bus routes shall be established with due consideration of the sum total
of local conditions affecting the safety, economic soundness, and convenience
of its operation including road conditions, condition of bridges and culverts,
hazardous crossings, presence of railroad tracks and arterial highways, extreme
weather conditions and variations, length of route, number of families and
children to be serviced, availability of turn-around points, capacity of bus, and
other related factors.
2. School bus drivers are encouraged to make recommendations in regard to
establishing or changing routes.
3. Parents should be referred to the Superintendent or designee for any request of
change in routes, stops, or schedules.
4. At least once each year, the transportation supervisor or the District’s school
bus driver trainer shall evaluate each route and each driver for the purpose of
assessing driver performance and the safety of routes and bus stops. The time
schedule for pickup and delivery of children shall be followed as accurately as
possible. Documentation of the route evaluation shall be retained by the
Bus routes shall be established by the Superintendent or transportation supervisor so that an
authorized bus stop is available within reasonable walking distance of the home of every
resident student entitled to transportation services. The Superintendent or transportation
supervisor shall make any necessary changes in routing.
The transportation supervisor must establish the time required for each bus route and certify
the accuracy of this time. Bus arrival time prior to the start of class must not exceed 15
minutes unless approved by building principal and transportation supervisor. Bus departure
time after school must not exceed 15 minutes unless approved by building principal and
transportation supervisor.
Safety Busing
Safety busing is the transportation of a student who lives less than 1½ miles from school
when, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, the age, health, and/or safety of the students
warrants such action.
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The Board of Trustees adopts the State Department of Education’s “Rating Sheet for Walking
Students.” http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/transportation/annual_reporting.htm The potential
on the rating sheet is calculated at 132. The Idaho Falls School Dist. 91 break-off point is
established at 25% or 33 total points. Therefore, the safety busing area must meet at least 1/4
of the potential.
The Board of Trustees will only consider requests for safety busing for students living less
than 1½ miles from school when a student walking to school would entail one or more of the
1. Unsupervised crossing of a heavily traveled multi-lane roadway requiring
beyond-age-level comprehension of complex traffic hazards;
2. Walking along an arterial road and highway permitting fifty (50) mile per hour
3. Crossing an intersection in competition with a high volume of right-turning
vehicles without the benefit of adult supervised crossing;
4. Walking in the traffic lane of an arterial or collector street because of the
absence of sidewalks or usable shoulders which are at least three (3) feet wide;
5. Walking beside or over unprotected waterways;
6. Walking routes which are temporarily interrupted by major road construction,
building construction, or utility construction;
7. Walking routes interrupted by numerous high traffic volume business
driveways; or
8. Other unique circumstances or extraordinary factors.
The existence of any of the above criteria does not automatically qualify an area for safety
busing. The Board may also consider evaluation factors including but not limited to: traffic
count, traffic gap times, posted speed, width of roadway, width of walking area, length of time
students would be exposed to area of concern, age of pupils, number of pupils, and traffic
control signs and markings, as well as written comments from parents, patrons, and school
personnel prior to a vote on the issue. Further, the Board of Trustees shall consider the
criteria set out in its measuring and scoring instrument.
Each year, no later than the regular board meeting in August, the Board of Trustees shall
review and vote on all requests for new safety busing locations. The Superintendent or their
designee is directed to review all existing safety busing locations at intervals of at least every
three years.
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10/09/2019 07/15/2015
08/12/2015 07/13/2010
407.1.1 - Location of Bus Stops/Routes
Buses should stop only at designated places approved by Superintendent or
transportation supervisor. Exceptions should be made only in cases of emergency and
inclement weather conditions. Bus stops shall be chosen with safety and protection of
the health of the student in mind.
School loading and unloading zones are to be established and marked to provide safe
and orderly loading and unloading of students. The principal of each building is
responsible for the conduct of students waiting in loading zones.
Providing supervision of loading and unloading areas at or near schools during
unloading and loading of school buses. Schools shall provide an adequate number of
supervisors for the size of the loading area and number of students present and ensure
close, continuous and interactive supervision whenever students and/or buses are
present in the loading area (Section 33-512(4), Idaho Code).
The location of student bus stops and bus routes shall be evaluated and selected at least
annually, based upon federal and state guidelines.
In general, students may be required to walk the following distances to the nearest bus
• Grade K-6 up to 0.65 mile
• Grades 7-12 up to 1.5 mile
School Bus Stops:
• Will normally not be located in a cul-de-sac unless the diameter
exceeds 100 feet and parking is not permitted in the cul-de-sac.
• Will not be located in a cul-de-sac unless the cul-de-sac is a necessary
turnaround point.
• Shall be planned to minimize or eliminate the need for backing the
school bus. If the bus must back up, a safe and adequate turning place
must be available.
• Will be located, when possible, on or adjacent to public or community
• Will be located to avoid driving on privately owned streets or
• Will be located to avoid high traffic-density intersections. (High traffic
density will be determined by the city traffic department.)
• Will be located to make maximum use of traffic signals when necessary
to enter/exit main highways.
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For mid-day routes, a parent/guardian or an adult designated by the
parent/guardian must be at the bus stop for the drop-off of all kindergarten
students. Kindergartners will not be dropped off otherwise and will be
transported back to the school
Adopted: 06/25/2002 Revised: 03/09/2022 Reviewed: 09/11/2019
10/09/2019 07/15/2015
08/12/2015 07/13/2010
407.1.2 - Changes in Assigned Bus Stops
A written request with rationale for a permanent change of bus stops within the School
District in which the Student resides may be made by the Parent to the Superintendent.
➢ The Superintendent, in his/her sole discretion, will determine on a
case by case basis if the request is to be approved or denied. Items
which may be considered by the Superintendent in evaluating such
requests include, but are not limited to:
➢ Whether the change will provide a substantive benefit to the
Student or Parent;
➢ Whether the change does not circumvent safety or efficiency;
➢ Whether adequate seats are available on the Bus serving the
requested Bus stop; and/or
➢ Whether the requested stop meets the distance guidelines regarding
Elementary and Secondary Students.
• Upon approval, requests for permanent changes will be effective for the
remainder of the current school year, or if school is not in session, the
upcoming school year only.
• Requests must be made and approved on an annual basis. Approval of
requests in preceding years will not guarantee approval in subsequent
407.2 – Responsibilities of Parents and/or Parents on School Buses
The interest and assistance of each parent is a valued asset to the transportation program.
Parents’ efforts towards making each bus trip a safe and pleasant experience are requested and
appreciated. The following suggestions are only three (3) of the many ways parents can
1. Ensure that students are at the bus stop in sufficient time to efficiently meet the
2. Properly prepare children for weather conditions; and
3. Encourage school bus safety at home. Caution children regarding safe
behavior and conduct while riding on the school bus.
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Parents may ride school buses on regular bus routes only if proper written permission from the
Transportation Supervisor is obtained and a waiver of liability is signed prior to boarding. An
exception to this requirement may be made for parents functioning as sponsors or chaperones
for school-related field trips.
407.3 - School Bus Safety
The safety and welfare of student riders will be the first consideration in all matters pertaining
to transportation. The District shall provide each new school bus driver with a school bus
driver training program before allowing him or her to drive a bus carrying students. The
District shall provide all experienced school bus drivers with at least ten hours of refresher
school bus driver training each fiscal year. Such training shall meet the requirements
described in the Standards for Idaho School Buses and Operations. Documented training
similar to that required by the District may be used to comply with new school bus driver
training hours, unless the driver has a gap of more than four years in their previous driving
The Superintendent or transportation supervisor shall develop written rules establishing the
procedures for bus safety and emergency exit drills which comply with State law and Federal
Highway Safety Guideline 17 for student conduct while riding on buses.
If the bus and driver are present, the driver is responsible for the safety of his or her
passengers, particularly for those who must cross a roadway prior to loading or after leaving
the bus. Except in emergencies, no bus driver shall order or allow a student to board or
disembark at other than his or her assigned stop unless so authorized by the Superintendent or
transportation supervisor. In order to assure the safety of all, the bus driver may hold students
accountable for their conduct during the course of transportation and may recommend
corrective action against a student. Bus drivers are expressly prohibited from using corporal
The bus driver is responsible for the use of the warning and stop signaling systems and the
consequent protection of his or her passengers. Failure to use the system constitutes
negligence on the part of the driver.
For home to school and school to home bus routes, students are to carry only items on the bus
that can fit safely within the seat compartment, preferably on the student’s lap. Items that are
perceived as unsafe items by the bus driver will not be allowed in the passenger compartment
of the bus, such as skis, large skateboards, scooters, large musical instruments, golf clubs, etc.
Passengers shall not carry hazardous materials or hazardous objects on the bus. No animals,
live insects, or glass containers are to be brought on the bus.
Exceptions can be made on buses transporting teams or groups to an event as long as the
equipment can be stored safely in the storage compartments. Some smaller equipment can be
transported in the passenger compartment on these events if it can be stored safely and there is
adult supervision on the bus. The bus driver will always have the final say in determining
what can be transported and how it is stored.
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407.3.1 – Hours of Service for Drivers
The maximum driving time for passenger-carrying vehicles shall be as follows, subject
to the exceptions and exemptions provided by law, and the District shall not permit or
require any driver to drive a passenger-carrying commercial motor vehicle:
1. More than ten (10) hours following eight (8) consecutive hours off
duty; or
2. For any period after having been on duty fifteen (15) hours following
eight (8) consecutive hours off duty.
Additionally, the District shall not permit or require a driver of a passenger-carrying
commercial motor vehicle to drive for any period after:
1. Having been on duty sixty (60) hours in any seven (7) consecutive days
if the employing motor carrier does not operate commercial motor
vehicles every day of the week; or
2. Having been on duty seventy (70) hours in any period of eight (8)
consecutive days if the employing motor carrier operates commercial
motor vehicles every day of the week.
Drivers shall use FMCSA over-the-road hours-of-service trip logs, a trip
agenda, or other trip documentation validating applicable driving hours on all
out-of-District trips
407. 3.2 Driver Training and Responsibility
Bus drivers shall observe all State statutes and administrative rules governing traffic
safety and school bus operation. The District shall, at the beginning of each school
year, provide each driver with a copy of the District’s written rules for bus drivers and
for student conduct on buses. Student transportation operations, including participation
in training programs for all transportation personnel.
Each bus driver shall meet the qualifications established by the State Department of
Education, including, but not limited to the following
1. Be over the age of 18 years of age;
2. Be of good moral character;
3. Not be addicted to the use of intoxicants or narcotics;
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4. Possess a valid and appropriate commercial driver’s license and other endorsements
required by law, and, if applicable, a waiver for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
issued by the State Department of Education; and
5. Be medically qualified under the physical examination standards of the federal
motor carrier safety regulations; provided, however, that individuals with insulin-
dependent diabetes mellitus, who are otherwise medically qualified under the physical
examination standards of the federal motor carrier safety regulations, may request a
waiver for this condition from the State Department of Education as provided in Idaho
Code § 33-1509.
When a teacher, coach, or other certified staff member is assigned to accompany students
on a bus, such person shall be primarily responsible for the behavior of the students in his
or her charge. The bus driver shall have final authority and responsibility for the bus. The
Superintendent or designee shall establish written procedures for bus drivers.
The District shall ensure that transportation personnel have access to a library of resources
to assist them in operating safe and efficient transportation services. These resources shall
1. Applicable federal, State, and local laws, codes, and regulations;
2. Applicable manuals and guidelines;
3. Online access to internet and other resources; and
4. Applicable trade journals and organizations’ publications.
Related training shall be provided to school bus drivers related to district plans (IEP,
504 Plan, definitions, handling, care, emergency evacuations, health certificates, etc.).
Transporters of pre-school age and older children in vehicles that use seat belt systems
minimally should adhere to the following recommendations;
- establish written policies and procedures for procurement, maintenance,
cleaning and inspection of seat belt systems)
- usage training - retrofitting school buses with seat belt systems;
- Emergency procedures
- Develop training and procedures for personnel in the, use, care and upkeep of
seat belt systems, and the use of seat belt cutters.
Legal References: FMCSA 382.105 Testing Procedures
I.C. § 33-1508 Operation of School Buses
I.C. § 33-1509 School Bus Drivers – Definition –
Qualification– Duties
I.C. § 49-105 Definition - Drivers Licenses
IDAPA School Bus Drivers and Vehicle Operation
Other References: Idaho’s School Bus Drivers Training - Behind the Wheel Curriculum
Adopted: 06/15/2022
Section 400 – Support Services
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407.4 - Special Use of School Buses
School Activities: Activity buses used for field trips, athletic events, and other school related
activities are to be requested on the District's transportation request form well in advance of
the activity date. The requests are to be submitted to the appropriate administrator for
approval. Each school district that provides activity bus transportation for students shall have
comprehensive policies and guidelines regarding activity transportation (IDAPA
• The assignment of buses to groups requesting them will be made on the basis
➢ Longest trip
➢ Number of passengers
➢ Storage requirements
• All activity vehicles will be inspected immediately after each trip. Cleanliness
and condition will be the responsibility of the group transported. Damage cost
will be assessed the group.
• Schools will be directly responsible for the driver's lodging, reservations, and
• Only participants, coaches, advisors, and the driver will be allowed on the bus.
Friends and family members will not be permitted to ride district transportation
to and from activities.
• All activity groups will be accompanied and supervised by district employed
teachers, coaches, or advisors to and from all activities.
• Conduct of students on the bus will be the responsibility of the coach, teacher,
or advisor with the group.
Adopted: 06/25/2002 Revised: 06/15/2022 Reviewed: 09/11/2019
04/13/2022 07/15/2015
10/09/2019 07/13/2010
407.5 - Community Groups
The policy of the Board is that transportation equipment purchased by the school district is to
be used primarily for school purposes. Requests from private or non-school groups to use
district transportation equipment are to be directed to agencies available in the private sector.
407.6 - Discipline Relating to School Bus Transportation:
407.6.1 - Statement of Philosophy
The safe and proper transportation of students on school buses is of significant
importance to all parties concerned. The conduct of students whether waiting for
transportation, or while being transported, should be the same conduct as expected of
students while in class. We will not tolerate any behavior that prevents our drivers
from carrying out their responsibilities; or that intimidates others; or that prevents
fellow passengers from having a safe ride to and from school.
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407.7 - Rules of Conduct
Riding the school bus is a privilege for students, not a right. Students are expected to follow
the same behavioral standards while riding School District vehicles as are expected on school
property and at school activities, functions, and events and additional specific transportation
safety rules. All school rules are in effect while a student is riding a District vehicle or at a
school bus stop.
The Superintendent or designee shall establish written rules of conduct for students riding
school buses. Such rules shall be reviewed annually by the Superintendent or designee and
revised if necessary. If the rules are substantially revised, they shall be submitted to the Board
for approval.
A copy of the rules of conduct for students riding buses shall be provided to students at the
beginning of the year. The classroom teacher and bus driver shall review the rules with the
students at the beginning of each school year. A copy of the rules shall be posted in each bus
and shall be available upon request at the District office and in each building principal’s
The bus driver shall be responsible for enforcing the rules, and shall work closely with the
parent and the building principal to modify a student’s behavior. The rules shall include
consistent consequences for student misbehavior.
A recommendation to terminate bus privileges shall be accompanied by a written record of the
incident(s) that led to the recommendation. Said written record shall be provided to the
parent/guardian of the student whose bus privileges are being revoked.
Discipline of Students with Disabilities
If a student’s IEP team determines that special transportation is required and documents it on
the IEP, all procedures under the IDEA 2004 must be followed with regard to the student and
transportation. A suspension from bus transportation depends on whether bus transportation is
identified on the IEP:
1. If bus transportation is on the IEP, a suspension from the bus would be treated
as a suspension from school. An exception to this is if the District provides
transportation in some other way, such as transportation in lieu of, because
transportation is necessary.
2. If bus transportation is not on the IEP, a suspension from the bus would not be
counted as suspension from school. In this situation, the student and the parent
would have the same obligation to get to and from school as a student without
a disability who had been suspended from the bus.
Cross References: § 3330 Student Discipline
§ 8130 Transportation of Students with Disabilities
Legal References: I.C. § 33-205 Denial of School Attendance
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I.C. § 33-1501 Transportation Authorized
Adopted: 06/15/2022
407.7.1 - Regarding the Bus Driver
The driver is responsible to operate the bus in a safe manner. Students need to obey
requests of the driver promptly and willingly. Such requests may include, but are not
limited to:
• Specific seat assignments.
• Student assistance in keeping the bus clean.
• Requiring permission to open windows.
• Requiring students to maintain unobstructed aisles.
407.7.2 - Regarding Loading/Unloading
• Enter the bus with the least possible confusion.
• If necessary to cross the road:
➢ Cross 15 feet in front of the bus.
➢ Wait at the front of the bus for driver’s signal before crossing
traffic lane.
• Remain on the sidewalk (back from curb) until bus comes to a complete
• No fighting, harassment, pushing, shoving, or cutting in line.
• Do not hitch rides on rear bumper.
• Students must be on time and should board bus only at assigned school
and home bus stop.
• Students will identify themselves (name and address) if asked to do so
by driver.
407.7.3 - Regarding Riding the Bus
• Follow driver requests promptly.
• Go directly to an available seat and remain seated; facing forward.
• Carry-on items will be limited to those items that can be held on rider's
• NO harassment of any kind
• NO PROFANE OR INAPPROPRIATE language or gestures
• NO destruction of any property.
• NO weapons of any kind will be allowed on a bus.
• A violation will result in a suspension of bus privileges for one year.
407.7.4 - Withdrawal of Bus Privileges
The District may withdraw the privilege of riding the bus for any student or adult who
fails to obey bus rules. If a student's privilege to ride the bus is withdrawn, the
parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be solely responsible for transporting the student to and
from school. Parents/guardians shall be held liable for any damage caused by their
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Adopted: 06/25/2002 Revised: 06/15/2022 Reviewed: 09/11/2019
10/09/2019 07/15/2015
08/12/2015 07/13/2010
407.8 – Inclement Weather & Bus Zone
The Board recognizes the unpredictability and resulting dangers associated with the weather
in Idaho. To achieve the maximum safety for children and efficiency of operation, the
Superintendent is empowered to make decisions as to the emergency operation of buses, the
cancellation of bus routes, and the closing of schools in accordance with his or her best
“Bus Zones” have been established to assist staff, students, and parents when it becomes
necessary to cancel bussing in specific areas due to weather or other emergency situations.
The Board authorizes the installation and use of video & audio recording devices in the school
buses to assist the drivers in providing for the safety and well-being of the students while on a
Legal references
• ID 33-1501 – Transportation Authorized
• ID 33-1502
• ID 33-1503 – Payments when Transportation Not Furnished
• ID 33-1402
• ID 33-1404
• ID 33-1509(7)
• ID 33-512
• IDAPA – Special Education
• 20 USC Section 6312(c) Every Student Succeeds Act Standards for Idaho
School Buses and Operations
Other references
• Federal Highway Guideline 17
• IDAPA – Special Education
• Idaho Department of Education, Idaho’s School Bus Driver Training
Classroom Curriculum
• Standards for Idaho School Buses and Operations (SISBO)
• FMCSA 395.5
• School District #91 Driver Transportation Manual
Policy History:
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08/12/2015 07/15/2015
08/10/2010 07/13/2010
407.9 – Emergencies Involving Transportation Vehicles
In the event of an accident or other emergency, the bus driver shall follow the emergency
procedures developed by the Superintendent or transportation supervisor. A copy of the
emergency procedures shall be located in each bus. To ensure the success of such emergency
procedures, each bus driver shall conduct an emergency evacuation drill within the first six
weeks of each school semester. The District shall conduct such other drills and procedures as
may be necessary.
The investigation and reporting of accidents and other transportation problems. Drivers shall
report all school bus accidents to local school authorities and the appropriate law enforcement
agency in accordance with Title 49, Chapter 13 of Idaho Code. Subsequent to the accident or
incident, a Uniform School Bus Accident/Injury or appropriate Incident Report Form shall be
completed by the driver or transportation supervisor and submitted to the State Department of
Education within fifteen (15) days.
To allow evacuation in the event of an emergency, items belonging to those riding the bus
must be safely stowed and secured away from any aisle or emergency exit. To ensure that
aisles and emergency exits are kept clear at all times, the Superintendent or transportation
supervisor may issue rules limiting the size or number of items riders may bring with them on
the bus.
1. At least once each school semester, provide all passengers transported to and from
schools in a school bus with instruction in the location and operation of all emergency
exits. Also, provide supervised practical emergency exit drills to each student
transported to or from schools in a school bus or school activity bus. (EFFECTIVE
July 1, 2018 SISBO / Student Transportation / State Department of Education / 68)
a. Each bus route should have a written emergency evacuation plan. This plan
should reflect each student’s ability to evacuate or help others. Students with
disabilities should participate in required evacuation drills and should only be
excluded if their participation would present a health risk. Parents should be
notified in advance of such barriers to their child’s participation. Every effort
should be made to ensure that ALL students have a reasonable understanding
of the concept of an emergency and how they will exit the bus.
b. The driver and the attendant must be familiar with any equipment in the bus
that would aid in an actual evacuation, (e.g., the use of all emergency exits,
emergency/fire blankets, webbing cutters, etc.). It is important to enlist the help
of school liaisons, parents and other personnel (e.g., physical therapists) to
train and help students and staff understand emergency procedures including
how to exit the bus safely without the use of their mobility devices and
equipment (wheelchair, etc.). Local emergency personnel should be involved
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in developing the plans, especially if the students transported have complex
medical conditions.
2. Before departure on each activity trip, provide all passengers transported in a school
bus, instruction on the location of all emergency exits and demonstrations of their
operation. Instruction should include a general review of safe riding practices, rules
and procedures.
3. Limit the amount of carry-on items, especially large items such as luggage, coolers,
sports/band equipment, etc., in school buses. Aisles and emergency exits in school
buses must be kept clear at all times. Any item that is brought on board must be safely
stowed and secured away from any aisle or emergency exit. School districts shall
develop policy identifying other perceived unsafe items prohibited from being
transported in the passenger compartment of a school bus, such as skis, skateboards,
large instruments, etc.
Adopted: 07/13/2022 Revised: ____________ Reviewed: _____________
407.10 Use of Wireless Communication Devices by Bus Drivers
While the Board of Trustees believes the use of wireless communication devices by District
bus drivers is important to provide instant communication regarding emergencies as well as to
convey other important District information, bus drivers shall be subject to the restrictions
outlined in this policy to ensure safe use of personal or District wireless communication
For purposes of this policy, wireless communication device is defined as any device intended
to facilitate communication, including but not limited to cell phones, two-way radios, walkie
talkies, palm pilots, blackberries, PDAs, beepers, pagers, etc.
Bus drivers shall not place or receive communications on any personally owned wireless
communication device while passengers are loading or unloading from the bus or while the
bus is in motion.
Under usual circumstances, use of District owned wireless communication devices shall be
allowed when used to assist a driver and/or dispatcher in the necessary communications
periodically needed to safely deliver children from home to school, from school to school,
from school to home, and on activity trips. A school bus driver is prohibited from operating a
school bus while using a cellular telephone, except:
1. During an emergency situation;
2. To call for assistance if there is a mechanical breakdown or other mechanical problem;
3. Where a cellular telephone is owned by the District and used as a two-way radio; and
4. When the school bus is parked.
Bus drivers may not use hands-free devices, unless there is an emergency situation. Bus
drivers shall under no circumstances place or receive communications unrelated to District
business while on duty.
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Violation of this policy may subject the driver to disciplinary action up to and including
termination. Ensure compliance with Electronic device regulations, meeting compliance with
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Regulations, 49 CFR Part 392.82.
Legal Reference: 49 CFR 392.82 Wireless Communication Devices
Adopted: 07/13/2022 Revised: ____________ Reviewed: _____________
407.11 Transportation of Students with Disabilities
Transportation shall be provided as a related service when a student with a disability requires
special transportation in order to benefit from special education or to have access to an
appropriate education placement. Transportation needs may include, but are not limited to, the
1. Travel to and from school and between schools;
2. Travel in and around school buildings or to those activities which are a regular part of
the student’s instructional program;
3. Specialized equipment (such as special or adapted buses, lifts, and ramps) if required
to provide special transportation for a student with disabilities; and
4. Other services that support the student’s use of transportation, such as:
a. Special assistance, such as an aide on the bus and assistance getting on and off the
b. Safety restraints, wheelchair restraints, and child safety seats;
c. Accommodations, such as preferential seating, a positive behavioral support plan
for the student on the bus, and altering the bus route; or
d. Training for the bus driver regarding the student’s disability or special health-
related needs.
The Child Study Team that develops the disabled student’s Individualized Education Program
will determine on an individual basis when a student with a disability requires this related
service. Such recommendations must be specified on the student’s IEP. Only those children
with disabilities who qualify for transportation as a related service under the provisions of the
IDEA shall be entitled to special transportation. All other children with disabilities in the
District have access to the District’s regular transportation system under policies and
procedures applicable to all students of the District. Utilizing the District’s regular
transportation service shall be viewed as a “least restrictive environment.”
Mode of Transportation
One of the District’s special education buses will be the preferred mode of transportation.
Exceptions may be made in situations where buses are prohibited from entering certain
subdivisions due to inadequate turning space or where distance from school may seriously
impact bus scheduling. In such situations, other arrangements such as an individual
transportation contract may be arranged with the parents. Such voluntary agreement shall
stipulate in writing the terms of reimbursement.
Cross References: § 3340 Corrective Actions and Punishment
§ 8140 Student Conduct on Buses
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Legal References:
20 U.S.C. § 1400 et seq. Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA)
IDAPA Special Education
Other Reference: Idaho Special Education Manual
Adopted: 07/13/2022 Revised: ____________ Reviewed: _____________
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It is the goal of Idaho Falls School District 91 to strive to make a significant contribution to
the general well-being, mental and physical capacity, and learning ability of each student and
afford them the opportunity to fully participate in the education process Idaho Falls School
District 91 promotes healthy schools by supporting wellness, good nutrition, and regular
physical activity as a part of the total learning environment. The District supports a healthy
environment where children learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. By
facilitating learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity,
our school contributes to the basic health status of children. Improved health optimizes
student performance potential.
Healthy eating is demonstrably linked to reduced morbidity and risk of mortality from many
chronic diseases.
The Board directs the Superintendent or designee to inform and update the public, including
parents, students, and others in the community, about the content and implementation of the
wellness policy. Such information may be provided on the District website, through
dissemination of student handbooks, or in any other manner the Superintendent may deem
For the purposes of this policy the school day is defined as midnight before to 30 minutes
after the end of the instructional school day.
Nutrition Standards
To promote student health and reduce childhood obesity, the District requires all schools
within the District to comply with the nutrition standards established by the USDA with
respect to all food that is available on school grounds during the school day
Adopted: 11/15/2017 Revised: 03/09/2022 Reviewed: 09/13/2017
07/13/2016 06/08/2016 05/11/2016
408.1 - Financial Management
Found in Board Docs under Policies
408.2 - Regular Menu Planning
In addition to Federal requirements, all menu planning must comply with the Nutrition
Standards for Idaho School Meals developed by the Idaho State Department of Education,
Child Nutrition Programs. These standards are listed in Administrative Procedure AP408.2.
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408.3 – Ala Carte Menu Planning (applies to competitive breakfast and lunch time sales)
In addition to the guidelines noted in Policy 408.2, Ala Carte menus must comply with the
current Idaho State Department of Education Standards for vending machines and other food
in schools. These standards can be found in https://healthymeals.fns.usda.gov/smartsnacks
408.4 - Competitive Day:
Daytime Sales and Vending Machines.
408.4.1 - Competitive Day:
Sales must meet the standards set forth in Policy 408.3. These standards apply to any
food or beverage sold on the school campus during the school day that is not part of a
USDA Reimbursable Meal, including food sold in vending machines, school stores,
club fundraisers, and by outside vendors. Foods of minimal nutritional value may not
be served in the same area where reimbursable meals are served as per Federal
requirements. Marketing, including signage, machines and food service equipment, is
permitted only for those foods/beverages meeting the competitive food requirements.
408.4.2 - Elementary Schools:
Vending machines and competitive daytime sales are not allowed in the District’s
elementary schools.
408.4.3 - Secondary Schools:
Food and beverages sales outside of the school breakfast, lunch or snack program shall
be required to meet the Ala Carte standards found in Administrative Procedure
AP408.3. Nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and low-
fat whole grain products will be available wherever food is sold at school.
408.5 - The Role of Food in Rewards, Activities, Concessions, and Parties
Educators are discouraged from using foods and beverages with low nutritional value as
rewards. Teachers are encouraged to consider non-food items as teacher to student incentives.
Should teachers decide to use food items as an incentive, they are encouraged to adhere to the
District Nutritional Standards. Concessions and occasional class parties and celebrations are
exempt from the above guidelines; however, providing healthful options is strongly
encouraged. Healthy options are to be published on the District’s website. Only commercially
prepared and packaged products or products which have been prepared by District #91 Food
Service may be served.
Adopted: 11/15/2017 Revised: 03/09/2022 Reviewed: 09/13/2017
08/27/2014 10/11/2017 06/24/2014
04/11/2006 08/13/2014 07/22/2014
11/08/2011 10/2006
408.6 - The Role of Food in Fundraisers
All fundraisers, both exempted and compliant must be tracked. Food and beverage sold to
students at schools during the school day, other than those foods provided as part of the school
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meal programs, must meet the Federal Smart Snacks Standards found here:
https://foodplanner.healthiergeneration.org/calculator/. Candy and other foods with low
nutritional value (see Administrative Procedure AP408.3 (see AP ADMINISTRATIVE
PROCEDURES folder) for specific limitations) may not represent more than 20% of the items
offered in fundraisers over the course of a school year.
408.7 - Physical Activity
Physical activity is to be encouraged through active engagement in recess, physical education
classes, and intramurals utilizing the use of available space, time, and personnel.
408.8 - Wellness Education for Students, Parents, and Staff
1. The school district will make available information that encourages parents to
provide their children with nutritious foods, regular exercise, and healthy
lifestyle choices. This information is to be available on the district’s web page,
through brochures, through district and school newsletters, and parent
2. Food service staff shall receive the training needed to comply with this policy.
3. Wellness education (nutrition, fitness, safety, physical and emotion health) is to
be included through the normal curriculum adoption process in each
elementary grade, secondary health classes, and appropriately integrated into
other courses.
408.9 - Monitoring and Compliance
1. The involvement of administrators, school food service staff, school health
professionals, physical education teachers, parents, and students in the
development, implementation, and evaluation of our wellness policy is
encouraged through a meeting conducted by the superintendent’s designee at
least every three years to review Administrative Procedure AP 408.9.
2. The superintendent or designee(s) shall be responsible for monitoring the
compliance of this policy. Procedures regarding monitoring of compliance can
be found in Administrative Procedure AP408.9. (see AP ADMINISTRATIVE
Policy History:
Adopted: 11/15/2017 Revised: 10/11/2017 Reviewed: 09/13/2017
08/27/2014 08/13/2014 06/24/2014
04/11/2006 11/08/2011 07/22/2014
01/09/2007 10/2006
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The Board will strive to provide facilities that will offer the best possible physical
environment for learning and teaching.
The Board aims specifically toward:
1. Securing property in advance of building needs to allow for the construction of schools
at sites best suited to the growth areas of the district.
2. New buildings and renovations that will accommodate and facilitate those new
organizational and instructional patterns that support the district's educational
philosophy and instructional goals;
3. Meeting all safety requirements through the remodeling of older structures;
4. Providing such building renovations as needed to meet requirements on the availability
of public school facilities to handicapped persons;
5. Building design and construction that will lend themselves to low maintenance costs
and the conservation of energy. These two factors will also be given special
consideration in the renovation of buildings.
409.1 - Specifications
Specifications for new school facilities and extensively renovated facilities will be
developed by the Superintendent and the central office staff with input from the
professional and non-professional staffs. The educational specifications will be
submitted to the Board for its consideration.
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Certain school buildings may no longer be adequate for instructional purposes and should be
used to benefit the school district or public in other ways.
A school may be considered for closing if any of the following conditions apply:
1. The school building is inadequate by virtue of age, condition, size of site, or other
overriding limitations and cannot reasonably and economically be brought up to the
current educational standards.
2. The school has been substantially under capacity for a two-year period and is projected
to remain so. "Substantially under capacity" is the difference between program
capacity and student membership such that the students in that grouping could be
housed in other existing facilities.
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In keeping with the practice to recognize elected officials and others for their efforts, the
Board wishes to have plaques installed on new construction projects giving the names of
persons at the time of acceptance of the project bid as reflected in the Board minutes. The
plaques will provide the following information:
1. Name of School or Building
2. Board Approved Construction Date
3. Names of the Board Members on the Board
Approved Construction Date, thusly:
a. Chairman
b. Vice Chairman
c. Members (In order of number of years on the Board of Trustees.)
4. Name of Superintendent
5. Name of Architect
6. Name of Contractor
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The Idaho Falls School District Board of Trustees is responsible for the naming and renaming
of all schools and school facilities within the District. It is the desire of the Board that each
new building or facility within the District is given a name that lends dignity and status to the
school or facility. In fulfilling this responsibility, the Board will make every effort to respect
community preferences.
The naming or renaming of a school or facility may occur under the following circumstances:
1. When a new school is built;
2. When two or more schools have the same name (for example, an elementary school
and a middle school), one school may request a new name while the other retains the
original name; and
3. When a new facility is built to replace an existing facility, which will be closed.
The following guidelines should be considered when naming a school or facility:
1. A proposed school name may be a person, place or thing;
2. Proposed names should not be a person whose primary identification is of a religious
3. Distinguished persons proposed for the school name must have been deceased for at
least six months and should have made significant contributions to the community,
county, state, or nation.
4. A person’s moral character should also be considered;
5. Persons proposed for the school name shall not be a relative of any employee or
School Board Trustee; and
6. Geographic names may also be considered. These names should be clearly identifying
and widely known.
Committee for Naming of Schools and/or Facilities
The Superintendent or designee will convene a committee for the naming of schools and/or
facilities. The committee will consist of:
1. Two students;
2. Two teachers;
3. Two parents; and
4. The principal of the school or the superintendent.
The committee will work together and form a list of suggested school names. The committee
will then present the list to the Board of Trustees for final decision.
Policy History:
Adopted: 08/15/2018 Revised: 07/18/2018 Reviewed: 06/13/2018
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