HomeMy WebLinkAboutCelebration Speech of Idahoii. 'Idaho Falls School District 9L A World Class Education 69O fohnAdams Parkway Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Phone: (2O8) 525-7500 FAX: (2OB) 525-7596 Web Address: www.d91.k12,id,us I. Protocol for Indenendent Contractors Providins SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST: The purpose of the System ofCare is to establish a procedural protocol to assist Idaho Falls School District 91 in collaborating for the delivery of related services provided by Independent Contractorc in accordance with an eligible student's Individual Education Plan (IEP) developed pwsuant to Idaho Special Education Manual 2016 and the Medicaid Billing Policy for Speecl/Audiological Therapy and Evaluation in a school setting (IDAPA 16.03.09). This protocol provides guitlelines for the Idaho Falls School District 91 and independent contractors to implement Speech/Language Pathology (SLP) services that are delivered to eligible students with an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) on frle in the school district. In order to provide SLP services, the independent contractor must be approved through the Director of Student Services' office and provide the following documentation: A copy of your current certificate of liability insurance with Idaho Falls School District 91 named as an additional irsured on the policy. Proof of workers' compensation coverage for independent contractor personnel A copy of the contractor persomel current crimirnl background check prior to having contact with students pursuant to Idaho Code Section 33-130. A copy of the contractor p€rsonnel credentials pertinent to the service being provided prior to working with students. A copy of the service/task plan the student is working on in non-school settings. The school will be the lead agency for any student eruolled while that student is in school. Before the Independent Contractor may work with the student, a Contractual Agreement must be completed with the Contractor, building principal and Director of Student Services. Idaho Falls school District must follow the privacy provisions set forth by FERPA, HIPAA, and Idaho Special Education Manual 2016. The Idaho Falls School District will need written ar.rthorization from the parenUguardian prior to sharing information with Independent Contractors. Contrador: Celebration Speech of ldaho School: Assigned Speech Sud€nts 1 2 J 4 5 Dde: August 2022 t -t t IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 91 System ofCare Protocol for Independent Contractors I II. Overview for Indene ndent Contractors Workins with Students Independent Contractor means a person, group, agency, or organization that meets the following two conditions : a. Is not an employee of Idaho Falls School District 9l or a public agency with legal jurisdiction over the cicumstances related to their involvement with the student, and b. Is paid or reimbursed for services provided to the student through the established billing policy. Independent Contractor may do the following in Idaho Falls School District 91: a. Submit evahration reports to a school's Evah:ation teams for qllg1atg4 related to an evaluation being conducted. b. Be invited to an evaluation team meeting by either the school or parent. i The determination of eligfoility for special edrrcation and the provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) are the responsibility of the IEP teams and cannot be prescribed by any other entity. ii All educational decisions regarding educational methodolory, materials, and personnel are the responsibility of the school district. c. Provide services in the schools to students under the terms of a contract with the school district. (See Independent Contractors Agreement) i. Conlracts are established when the school district is paymg for the services and describes the services, the role and responsibilities of the Independent Contractor with the evaluation team and school administration, and the fiequency and duration of services; includes documentation of licenswe/certifrcation to perform the prescnibed services; addresses issues related to liability, terms of payment; and states the provisions for changes or termination of the contract. (Example: District contracts for physic a I therapy services) ii Contracted services to a student with a disability shall be included on the students IEP. d. Provide services to students on school growrds rurder the terms of Summary of Services with the school district. (See Summary of Services Form) i Summary of Services is established to allow the services to take place on school property to benefit the student's progress in the general education curriculum. The Summary of Services shall describe the specific services provide{ the responsibilities of the school and independent contractor, procedues for background checks and insurance, and the provisions for space, time, equfiment, and materials provided by the school dist:rrcl. The school district may terminate the Surnrnary ofServices at any time. Contractor: Celetnat ion Speech ofldaho School: Assigned Speech Students 1 2. 2Dde: August 2022 3 4. 5 ii Services provided under a Summary of Services to a student with a disability shall be included on the student's Indivilual Education Plan (rEP). The district has no obligation to enter into a contract with an independent contractor or to allow an independent contractor access to school district property, space, materials, or equipment. School district records are only accessible to Independent Contractor under contract with the school district and with written consent from the student's parent or guardian, or the aduh student ( 18 years old or older). Request for records may be subject to a fee to cover costs of copying and mailing. Nothing in this System of Care protocol shall be construed to limit or impinge in any way on services parents may acquire for their child that are not provided at the school Issues rehted to the amount of time students are removed from school for any purpose fall rmder the terms of other school district policies. Contractor: Celebration Speech of Idaho &hool: Assigned Speech Srdents 3Dde: August 2022 Idaho Falls School District 91 Soe e ch./Lansuaee Patholo sv (SLP)Services This Crntractual Agreenrntis entered into between ldaho Falls School Dis trict 9I (hereinafterreferred to as "District") and Celebration Speech ofldaho (hereinafterreferred to as "Cont-actot"). W h ereas, the Dis trict provid es s pecial ed ucd ional and re lated s €rvices to as sist s t udents attending s chool in the District in theireducalionaldevelopnFn! as identified on the surd€nls' individualized edrcaion program (EF) plan; and Whereas, the Co n tracto r is duly licensed orqualified and able to provide related services to the District's stud€nE; It is hereby agreed byboth partiesthd: DIJRATION OF AGR"EDVIE{ T: The period ofthis C-ontractual AgreenEnt will commence on the 23'h dav ofAuqust2022 and remain in effect until the 26ti dav of lVlav 2023, This Contmctual AgreerrEnt is contingent upon theavailability offunds ofthe District. This ConfactualAgreementshall not e)aeed twelve(12) calendar rnntlE. At the discretion of the District, the Crntractual Agreernent may be renewed annually. RU,ATIONS HIP OF PARTIES: In performing services underthis ContachnlAgreerrn! Contractoris andshallat all times be an independent contractorofthe District. Nothing hoein is to be construedas establishing an erployer-employeerelationship. SERVTCES TO BE R"U\DR"U): Provid er s hall rcnd er th e pro fessional s ervices enurnerated on Sunnnary ofServ ices, atached hereto and ma de a part ofth is Contractual A greerrrcnt as s et forth fu lly here in. R,rcORD KEING: C.ontractor shallbe res ponsible for nnintaining conplete and accurate records d ocunrnt in g the pro fessio nal sewices provided pursuant to this ConfactualAgrcenrentand shallprovidecopies ofthe records to the Disticl within five (5) working days ofthe date requested. Additionally, upon reasonable notice,the District shallhave therightto review such records at any tinrc during business hours. Appropriate Medicaid billing sheebwillbe corpleted each nnnth forthe studen(s ) s€rved. CONflDE{TI,ALITY: Prov id er agrees tha all in fonrnt ion regard ing s erv ices pro vided pusualt to this Crnt-actual A g reenEnt, including, but not limited to, the s tudents' identity andthe nature ofs ervices rendercd, shallbe confidertial pursuantto the Family Educational Records and Privacy Act (I'ERPA). Contractor is prohibited liom disclos ing any infornation obhinedas a res ult o frend ering s erv ices pursuanl tothis Contractual A greement to any individual not authorized and directed bythe Distict, without parent/g uard ian consent o r consentofthe studentifl8 years ofage or older. R"UORTING OFABUSE AB ANDONMEYT, OR NEGLECT: Contractoracknowledges itsobligationto conply with ldaho Code Section 1Gl@L el seq. andreport, within 24 hours, any s uspected abtue, abandonnEnt, or neglect ofa child to the law enforcenrcnt agmcy or ldaho Department ofHeahh and Welfare. Contractcnalso agrees to informthe District, within 24hours, of such suspicion. 1Contractor: Celebration Speech of Idaho School: Assigned Speech $u&nts Dde: August 2022 F]tE{l Sf,RVrcE DU,MY: TIME AI\[D PLACE Contractor s hall perform services sd fofih in SunnEry ofservices, unless the parties mutually agrceto a nndification ofthe tinr and place ofservice delivery. COORDINATION OF SRVICES : To facilitate delivery ofservices, the District will provide: l)reasonable and prornpt notification ofnretings and otherappointnrents in which the Crntractor is eryectedto participate;2) signed parental consent forms, as necessa-y;3) identifying infonrntion regard ing theclient andthe parent/guard ian; and,4) reasonable assisbnce in facilitating connnunication betrveen the Contractorand clients, parorts/guardiaq and otherproviders and agencies. PRJOR APPROVAL OF SRWCES: A ll services rendered by Cont"ctor underthe terns ofthis ContrachmlAgreenEnt shallrequire prio r approval by the District in accordance with federdl and state laws andregulations, local policies and procedures, and profes siornl codes ofcondug. CONSEYT/AUTIIORZATION TO ACCESS E)I.]CATIONAL RECORD INFORIT{ATION OR PROTrcTE) HEALTH INFORIVIATON: Dstrict and Contractorshallat all tirEs require the wfitten consenl or authorization ofthe parent/guadian/or adult student, ifage ofl8 years ofage orolder, forthe d isclosure ofaccess to educdional infonnation punuant to FERPA orprotectedhealth infonnation pusuant to theHealth [nforrnation Portability and Accomtability Act (HIPAA) regarding thestudent, and shallnnintain the confrdurtiality o fth at in fonnatio n c omistent with the stateand federal law and regulations. PROFTSSIONAL SMYICES: The services rendercd pusuant to this Crnt'actualAgreernent will be pmvided by individuals who are duly licensed to performthe services or s upewised by a licensed/certified provider in accondancewith applicable professional standards. Contractoragre6 thatallwork pursuant to this CrntrachElAgreenrent willbe perfonrrd in accordancewith the highest professionalslandtrds. Written as surances willbe providedto the Dis trict attestingthat allenployees who corne into conad with studen6 shallhave beensubjed to a criminal background check at least as string€nt as that required by Idaho Code 33 - 130 and policies ofthe District, and have beendetermined to not havea criminal background incorsistent with working with children. The District shallhave the fight to obssveservices being provided to the cliens. INS IJRANCE AND LIABILITY: C, ntractor s hall be liab le for any los ses o r darnages res ulting liom C, ntractor's perfo nrnnce o fany s e rvice s covered bythis AgreenEnl Contractor shallobtain liability insurance and submit proofofsuch insuranceto the District within ten (10) days ofthe date ofthis Agreonent Contractor shallindermifl and hold harnrlessthe District from any liability, including but not limited to, costs, e&enses andattomeyfees resuhingfrom Crntractols p€rforrfiance ofsewices provided underthis Agreenrcnt. District sha.llindenmif andhold hannless Contradorfromany liability, including butnotlimited to, costs, eryenses and attomey fees resulling liom Dis trict's reckle s s or willfu I mis con d uct re lated to this A greernent ASSIGNMF]\IT: This ContractualAgreanrnt shallnot be s ubjed to assignnrent, in who le orin part, by Contractororby operationoflaw, so as to authorizf any pason otherthanContrador, orContractor's emp loyees, to assume the duties subject tothis Crntra(,ual Agreernent without the Dis trict's prior written consent AME{DMETIT: This ContractualAgreenEntrnay be anpnded at any time with the prior wfitten consent ofboth parties. Any and all amendnrentsto this ContractualAgreementshall be in writing. )Contrador: Celetration Spe€ch of Idaho School: Assigned Speech Sudents Dde: Augusl 2022 TBJVTINATION: This Contractual A greeirEnt may be terminated without caue byeitherparty within thirty(30)days after providing written notice ofthe intertto terminate tothe otherparty. Additionally, the District rlay irmEdiately terminate this Contractual AgreenEn!upon \aritten notice, in the event funding forthe District's program is no longer available orthe s pecific services to this Contractual AgreefiEnt are rnodified orterminaledfor a student. DEAULT: Upon default by eitherparty, thenondefaultingpafty ray cancelthis ContractualAgreenEnt ifirrEd iate ly. upon notice and nny punue anyandallavailable legal, equitable, and otherrenEdies. The defaulting party shallbe liable for any and alleryenses that are incurred by the non-d efaulting p arty as a result thereoi including, but not limited to, procuring substitute perfonnancg legal fees, and other losses incurred due to t he default. TIME OF PMJORMANCE Time is ofthe essencein this Contractual Agreenrnq Iherefore, alltimes for perfornance ofthe obligations, as stated herein, shall be strictly corplied with by the parties. NON.WAVIN, BR"EACII The failure ofC.ontractororthe District to insist upon strict p€rfomrane ofany ofthe tenrs ofthis Crntractual AgreenEnt, orto e>ercise anyoptionherein confened in any or all instances, shall not corstitute a waiveror re linq u is h nrnt o fany sudl tenr! but the same shallbe and renain in full force and effect, unless srch waiver is evidence by the prior written consent ofcrntretororthe Districl NON-DISCRIMINATION: The parties hereby agreethatno person shall, on the grounds ofrace, color, c reed, national origin, sex, age, or d isability, be excluded fromordenied participation in, orotherwise subjectedto, discrimination underany activity perfonned pursuant to this Contr-actual Agreerr)ent. C,OVMNANCE This ContractualAgreementshall be govemed by the laws ofthe State ofldaho. Cont?ctor s ha.ll, at all tirEs, conrp ly with and obs erve all fedeml, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances which are in effect and applicable duringthe period ofthis Contractual Agreernent. ATTORNEY FES: Ifeither party defaults in any rnanner or fails to fulfill any and/orall provis ions ofthis Contrac{ual Agreernent, and if the nondefaulting party hires an attomey to e)€rcise its rights upon srch default or failure, or if the parties are involved in any litigation (including any proceedings in bankuptcy),the prevailing party shallbe entitled to recover reasonable altomey fees and costs liom the otherparty. This paragraph shall be enforceable by th e part ies n ot\yithshnding any res cis sion, fo rfe it ure, or oth er terminat ion o fth is Contzctual A gre€rnen t DISPUTE RDSOLUTION: A ll p art ic ipating ag errcies agee to resolve systemic d is putes that aris e in the provision ofspecialedtrdion and in d ependant co ntractor s erv ices in a non-adversarialnnnner and toensure thd usingthe following process lo res olve interag€ncy disputes does not disrupt s erv ices to student and families: l. An individualor agencywith a concem will fint use the agancy's internal procedures to address the concem. 2. Ifresolution is notachieved at theprevious level, the iss ueand allrelevant infonrntion will now be forwarded to the Director ofstudent Services ofthe IdahoFalls SchoolDistrict 91 and contractor's ad min is t rator. 3. lfconsersus is not reached at theprevious level, the Directorofstudent Services will forward the issueand all relevant infonnationto thesuperintendent ofldaho Falls School District 91. Contrador: Celekation Speech of Idaho School: Assigned Speech Sudents 6Dde: Aueust 2022 4. Ifa concem is identified that is related to the quality ofservice or healthand safdy issues. schools should refer concems about a cont-actor, th e ir s erv ices, orquality ofservices tothe Director ofstudent Services and contractor's ad min is t"ator to address these concerns. 5. lfthese corrcems arc notresolved in the dialogue with schooladminist-ator (Director ofstudent Services and/or s uperintendent ) andthe contrador's administrator, the DHW regional licensingentity may be contactedto investigate the situation. COMPE\IS ATION/BILLING: The Dstrict s hall co rpemate Crnfactorforthe direct services identified onthe attadled Idaho School Based Medicaid Service Detailand Activity Record Reimbursernent forapprovedhours will be atthe rate ofthe allowable arnount perhour for Speeclrtanguage Pathology serv ices (SLP) less state funding rate (3fflo) and billing services ( l0lo) rates, in an arnount not to e)ceed the District's rate forthe termofthe Contractual Agreenrcnt. Additional hours will be conpensated at the sarE rate, providedthar theadditional hous have been pre-approvd in writing, by the District's designee. Contractor will submit to the Directorofstudent Services, by the end ofeach monttl an tnvoice (statementof sewices rendued) forthat month andthe conpleted district's Medicaid reporting forns. Theseconpleted forrB rnust be accurateand ready to s ubmit to the district's billing service. Cenerally, the district will issue checks by the semnd Friday ofthe nnntlr ifstatarrnt and paperwork is conpletedand in the District Office by the end ofthe previous nnnth. Each rmnthly statement mustincludethe following infornntion for each stdent receiving sewices:a) student's narne; b)description orservices provided; c)totalnumberofhours s pent in providing professional services; andd)cost ofservices provided. Additionaldocunrntation nny be required by the District and must be provided within five (5) wofting days ofthe date the \4ritten req uest for the docurEnation is made. The districtagrees to Fy the Contractor at a rate of$75.00 pe r hour for Spe e ch,/Languaqe Patholosy Se wices. COMPI,ETE STATUUE\IT OF TB}IS: Th is Contractual A greernent const it utes the entire agreefrEnt between the p arties herdo, and shallsupersede all previous oral orwritten propo6als, negotiatiors, conrnitnents, and all otherconrnunicatiom between the parties. This ConfactualAgreernentrmy not be released, disdnrged, ormodifred ercept by an instrunrcnt in writing signed by the duly authorized represantatives ofthe parties. Contrador: Celebration Speech of Idaho School: Assigned Speech Sudents 7Dde: Awust 2022 Certific atell-ic ens ure Number: 09126842 B:reau of Occupational Licenses: SLP-1412 SUMMARYOF SERI'ICES Independent Contractor/Idaho Falls School District 9l Protocol This Summary of Services is to be used only after the District and Contractor has signed the contact, Independent Contractor Contractual Agreement. Department of Heahh & Welfare Contact: SchoolEhsed Medicaid Address: 3232 EHer Street Ebise, ID 83705 Telephone Number: 208-364- 1903 Independent Contractor Agency: Celebration Speech of Idaho Administrator: Kim Stowell Brsiness Address: 1979 Eagb Pointe Ct, Ammon, ID 83406 Telephone Number: 208-589-838 I Supervisor: Kim Stowell E-Mail: kdstowell(rigmail.com Direct Service Provider: Dawn Taylor Telephone Number: 208-52 1 -3880 Certific atellic en s ure Number: 0l I 19251 Bureau of Occupational Licenses: SLP- 1494 Celebrationspeec hidaho@ gmail.com Expiration Date: 08 I 23 I 2023 DMait dawn.taylor. SlP@celebrationspeech.com Expiration Date: 03 I 24 /2023 Review of Service: Indicate when each review will be done and who will do the review First Review: September 26, 2022 Second Review: November 14, 2022 Third Review: February 13, 2023 Other: at each student's annualIEP team meeting Service(s) to be provide: Speech/Language Services When service(s) will be provided: Day(s): As mutually agreed upon Incation: As assigned on the Ancillary Schedule for 2022-2023 Duration ofservices (each day): As required by the assigned students'IEP Contractor: Celetration Speech of ldaho School: Assigned Speech sudents {lDde: August 2022 cortrrctor will comply witt tlc drstricrhchoor oFnarDrrr pmc.dlrca ,rd ;ilr fEt r[ rbc fotlowrtrgr6pooribiliriB: . Sign in and our of schol o{fice each visit _ provide proper idenrification. ' t'lust wear a picturc idcntificarion and/or obrain a visitor's identification badge frcm the school st tlre time ofthe each Yisit.. Must wear apFopriste clothing for a school setting.. Adhere to 3et schedule - arrive and leave on time.o Norify building adminisraror ifyou lvill be abs€nr (one d6y notice ifpossible). ' srudent must be picked up from and retumed ro an appropriate schooi staffpenon each visil ifapplicable. . Remain in assigned location.. Be knowledgeable about e ergency procedures ofthe school.. Do nol violare the right of privacy of any student by using an) information randomly obtained by observing oth€r stud€nts as service refirence to make conlact with parents to seltor contmct them to services from your agency. ' The sP€cial educalion teacher and/or general educadon teacher is the insaucdonal leader in the classroom. At no time should a service provider assume that theirjudgment forinstructional imPlemcntsion or supcrvision ol'an irdividual/class can sulnede rhe teacher or schml staff member.o Notify the districtzschoor ofany starling changes within rhe agency thar rera1gs to the sen ices indicated on rhis agreement.. Be cooperative when resolving conflicts with school/district staf!: ScloouDbarht rG poliibilid!3 hchde:. Respect the riglrts ofcontractor.o Provided infomation regarding the procedurals and sche{ule ofthe school.r Provide information on emergency procedures_. Whes appropriate. iovite service providsr to specific stud€nr,s MDT and/or tEp tcammeetings. with parcnEl spproval.r Accommodate, wilhin reason, Contractor.s needs to fulfilt the service rwiew pla[,r Provide a positive climaJe and buirding environment to faciritate muuar assislance.o Be cmpemtive when resolving conflicts between conrractor and school sraff Th€ above items ar€ nor to be conscribed as aI incrusive. Any concerns wi be addressed according tothe Dispute Resolution item in the Contracrual Agreemenr. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contractual Agreemenl ature of C z_ Date o\ ar \raSignaturc ol'District Supcri Contracror: Cekb.stion SFaoch of tdsho school: Asigncd SF.ch Stud.n6 nec Ddei ^ugrN1202! Datc