HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccess Pointii 'Idaho Falls School District 91 A World Class Education 690 fohn Adams Parkway Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Phone: (2081 525-7500 FAX: (208)525-7596 Web Address: ifschools.org IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICTgI Systcm ofCare Protocol for Indepcndenf Contractors I. Protocol for Inde endent Contractors Providin {,n BEHAVIORALINT ERVE,NTION SP ECIALIST (BI). BEHAVOI{IAI, INTERVENTION P ARAPROF[,SSI OANL (BI PARA), BI TECHNIC IAN (BI TECH).CO M MUNITY BASED REHABILITATI ON SERVICES (CBI{S) The purpose ofthe system of care is to establish a procedural protocol to assist Idaho Falls School Dist.ict 9l in collaborating for the delivery of related services pr.ovided by independent conttactors in accordance an cligible student's indiviclualized Education Program (IEP) and developed purs.ant to Idaho Special Education Rules and Reg,lations, 2018; T'he Cltildren's Mcntal Services Acr of 1998; and Medicaid billing policy for rehabilitative services in a sclrool setting (lDApA t6.03.09.24i, - IDAPA, IDAPA, and IDAPA Quali{ications and Supervision). This protocol plovides guidelines for ldaho Falls Schoot District 9l and independent contractors to implement Behaviolal Intervention (BI) conmlurity Based Rehabilitation Services (cBRS) that are delivered to Medicaid eligible students with anlEponfile within the school district. In order to provide BI and cBRS services in the sclrool setting, ths Independent contractor must be approved by the Director of student Services arrd provide the following docunentation: AND HABILITATI}TE SKILL S (HS): A copy of your cuucnt certifrcate of liability insurance wirh ldaho Falls School District 91 named as an additional insured ou the policy. Prool of rvorkers' corr.rpensation coverage for indepcndent contractor personnel. A copy of the contractor personnel cunent crirrrinal backgrorurd check prior to having contact with students pusuant to Idaho Code Section 33-130. A copy of the cor'itractol personnel credentials pertinent to the scruice being provided prior to wor king with students. A copy of all plaured and subsequent completion ollrair ng taken towards CBRS CPRP and/or CFRP Certification in accordance with USPRA, IDAPA 1 10.k. ii. 2. J. 4. J. Contrador: Acccss Poio( (Bl. cBrrs, l-tD Datc: Jrl), 28,2022 1 6. A copy of the service plan.the student is workitg on in non_school settings.7. provide monthly docrurrentation^of olc_to_or. ,"rj..uision by a qualifredagency representarive with the GBRS pr.ovider(s) to review tieatmenlprovided to tlrc student in accordancc wittr tOepa 16.03.09. g55.10. TheCBRS provider and agency are responsible io p.oriae ,rp".ulrloii *i,fr.lu"f,student rhe provider has wortea with ,ontttu..firi, incUa"s iiiiie ;;il;;.only worked with a student fo, or. auy unJirst ile condu"ted within thecalendar month they are submitting biliing. T.e schoor wi' be the lead aoengy for any e,rored student wh.ire trnt student is i, school.Before the Independenr cont[dor may work with u.,rJ*,'u "ont.actuar agreement nlust 3il::lr!"J:iJ1h rhe rndependent contractor, 1," erilJi,;' irincipal u,a ii," oi,".to.li Idaho Falls schoor District 9l must forow the privacy provisions set forth by the FanriryEducational Rights and privacy. Act (FERi'A), Hearth Insu.ance portabiritv andAccoLurtabiriry Act (HI.AA)' anairr" taurro sp"J"i'ai*",r* Manuar, 2018. Idaho FalrsSchool District 9l wi, need *.rtt"n urtt o.Ltronl;';ir" pare,t/guardian to shareinformation with private service providers IL Ove rvie rv lbr Indc pe nd ent Cont ractors Wo rkins wit h Students 2. "lndependent contractor,, mea meets the foltowing "ona;tionrtlt a person' Sroup' agency' or organization that a' Provides services to the District under trre ternrs specifred in the contrachla lagleement; b. Provides services to tlre District according to his or her own processes andmethods; c. Is paid or rcirnbrrsed for services provided to a student tlrough theestablished biilirg poticy.'Conllict of interest., means any official action or arry decision olrecorn:endation by a person who is employed uy ttr" s"troot district, the effectof w^ich worrld be the orivate pecu.iary U"""n, "iii" l*.ron or. a nreurber ofrhe person,s household, o, u uuri,,"..'*ti., ;i;;i; il ;,.#"Ji a n,"n,b", of rh"person's household is associated.a. In the event that a school district employee has an interest in the htdependentcontract, or a conllict of irrterest, thi enrpioyee ,;;.,,---'-'i. Prepare a written statement descrti,rg ihe matter required to beacted upon and the nature of tn" pot.,Gf lo,rn[iiii. Deliver the statement to the emptyee,s air""t -.up".uiro.. The Independent Contractor uray:a. Submit assessment data and/or. reports to a sclrool,s evaluation team for. gonsideration in the student eualuaiion proc;;. '*' " '*' b. Be invited to an evaluation ,.r, " ,rr*i,U by the school and/orparent/guardian. J Conlrador: Access po inl (ur, CBRS S)2 Datc: Jut), 28,2022 1. 4 i. The determination of eligibitity for special education aud the provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) are the responsibility of the IEP teams and cannot be prcscribed by any other entity. ii. All education decisions regarding educational rnethodology, materials, alrd personneI are the responsibility of the sclrcol district. c. Provide services in thc schools to students under the ter-ms of the corrtractual agreement with the school district (see Independent Contractot Contractual Agreement). i. Contracts are established when tlre school district describes the services to be provided, including the frequency and dulation of serices; is paying for the services; and outlines the role, responsibilities, and rcquirements of thc Independent Colttractor, including docunentation of licensure/certiftcation to pelform the prescribed services, documentation of current backg'ound check(s), documentation of liability insurance, terms of payntent, and provisions for changes or tern nation of the conhact. d. Provide seryices to stxdents on school groturds under the ternrs of the Sunrnrary of Services (see Sturuuary of Services folni). i. The Sturmary of Services is established to allow the seryices to take place on school property to benefit tlte student's progress in tlre general education curriculum. The Sunlrrary of Services shall describe the specilrc seruices to be provided; the lesponsibilities of the school and the Independent Contractor; and tlre provisions for' space, time, equipment, and materials provided by the school district. ii. The school district may terminate the Summary of Services at any time. iii. Services provided utder dre Sunmary of Services to a student with a disability shall be included on the student's IEP. The district has no obligation to enter into a contract with an independent contractor or to allow an independent contractor access to school district property, space, materials, or equipment. School district records are only accessible to an ildependent contractol who is under contract with the school district and with the written consent of the student's parenUguardian or tlte student, il l8 years old or older. 6.Nothing in this System of Care Protocol shall be constt'ued to limit or impinge in any way on services pare ts may acquire for their child that are not provided at the school. Issues related to the amourt of t r']e students are removed from school fol any purpose fall tu.rder the ternN ofother school distt'ict policies' Conlrador: Acccss Poid (Br. CBRS HS) Jl)alc: July 28,2022 5. Th is Independen t contmcto r cont"dual Agreenrent (lrere inafter refered to as ,,contractual Agreement') is entered into between ldalro Falls School Dis trict 9 t lhereinafter referred to as ,.the District")and ACC16S pOtNT (h erc irro n"r r.f"""Jr o n i: ti;;:i;;) w hereas. the Dis trict provides s D€ciar ed ucationar and rerated s erv ices to assist s tudents attendingsclool irr the Districr in rheired ricationat a"uetoprr"rt, as raartin"a J-.' trrl,n,a"rt,s lndividuarizedEducation Prograrn(lEp); and w hereas, the contracroris d ury ricensed and/orquarified and abre to pmvide rerated scv ices to theDistrict's students; It is hereby agreed byboth parties that: DURATION OF AGREET\4U{T Idaho Falls Schoo I District 9l D CO CT The period ofthis Contmctual Agreen]ent ce c23 of us ;ln'l'his Conhachral Agreement is coutin genl upon the greemen t s hall not exreed lwelve ( l2) calendarrnonths. At thediscre tion ofthe Dislrict. the Con lractualAgreement rray be rene wed annuallv RELATIONS HTP OF PARTIES In perfonning serv ices underthis contractuarAgreement, contractor is a.d s haU at afl tirnes be anindependentcontractoroftrre District Nothingiierern ii io be'""*i","ir. .rtrurishing an emproyer-elnployee relationsltip. SERVICES TO BE RENDERED contmctorsha'rr rendcr the orofcssionars ervices en urnerated on the Sunrnary olservices, attachedhereto and nude a pafi oftliis Contracluut egre.,r*ni rir"r fo"f,r frf fy iri*lr. RECORD KEEPING contracrorsha be rcs oonsibre for rrnintaining_comprete and accurate records docrment ing theprofes sionals ervices provided prrrsuantto rrriicort["t"J n gr".;,it o"ni sr.,orr p.ovia" copies oftherccods to the Disl rict wilhin five (5) working days ofthe darJr"q uo,J.' aaO,tionally. uponreasonable noticq rhe Districr s hau have the-rigrrr lo rev ierv s r.t -l="orus ut any r i,r* <iiri,ig uusiuesshours. Appropriate Medicaid biring sheetr *it'i b. "o,rpLt"a """rr,*rirl rr.rrr" .,udenl(s) served. CONFIDENTTALMY contractor agrees thata, in fonr,t ion regarcringseruices provided puBuantto th is con tmctrrarAgreernenr, incrudins, bur not rirnited rolr r,," , tia.irt;. iaJnriiy.ra','r,,ir.i*",rrervices rendered,shallbeconfidentialpursuantto the Far;ily eaucatio,rofn co,rjs urj i,,iru.y nolfeneelcontractor is prohibited frorn discrosing any inronnat ion outoi*ir. " "t rr, "r*ndering serv icespurs uant {o r h is corrrractuar A o reernenito arry ind ivid uarnoiliiirr-*i*a ."a a i,".ted by l he Dis trict orwittrout the consenr ofrhe p a re"n t/grrard ia, ""ri".iru"*, iij S i"#irrg" ororo"r. REPORTING OFABUSE ABANDONME{T, OR NECI,ECT Co ntrac tor ackn owledqes its obliparionto cornp Iy wit h ldaho Code Sect ion l6_ 1601. er .rcr7. and repo4with in 24 hours, anv s rapected ab-Lrse. obararr',rirr. ,r,r+i".i "i" .r,i,il" ,*"r rrrcerncnr or rrreIdaho Deparrrnenl ofHeirrh and w"trar.. conr.acro;il;".;;';;il; rhe Disrricr, wirhi. 24lrours, ofsuch suspicion. Conlrador: Acccss point (Br, CBRS, HS)4 Dalc: July 28,2022 SERVICE DELIVERY TIME AND PLACE contracto's ha, perronn s erv ices s et fortt, in ttr" su,r,*,y otservices, un ress the pa rl ies lrutuaryagrse to a mod ification ofthe t irne and p lace ofscrv ice d eliv",y, -- COORDINATION OF SERVICES'fo faciritate deriverv ofservices- the Districr wi, provide: ( I) reasonabre and prcmpt notification ofrneerings and orrrcrappoinlrnents in wrr icr, ,i;. c;;i;r;;; il ;;Jir"eiil panicipate:12) s igned parenrarconscnr fonns. as nccessarv: (3) idenrift.ing infon,orioiireiu,.iirg,1i"",,"r, ,"0 ,he pa.en/grnrdian:a.d (4) reasonabre assistance'i; facirirar ing cornurunicarion-b"i*&li,r," .ont r",orand the crien(,paren t/guadian, and other pr oviders and algencie s. PRIOR APPIIOVAL OF SERVICES All services renderedby contractorunderthe tennsofthis conhactuarAgreementsharrrequire priorapprovarby the District in accorda*e witrr ferier,arand s rare ru*, u,ra r"grrr,io*, rocalporicies andprocedures, and professiona I codes ofconduct fiflri!#1,$.tsf3l+ftrroN ro AccESS EDUCATToNAL RECoRDS oR pRorFcrDD The District and con tractor s har at a, t imes req uirc the written consent or.aurl0rization oftheparcnt_/guardian o's .,rdenL if t8 ,"u^ orrg"riola";, f";al;;ffifi[ "racc."s to educarionalin fonnal ion pursuant to FERpA orprotectJo heatttr inronrnr ion p-r rsranr to tr," Hearth In ronnrtionportability and A ccou nra bititv Acr iHtpAai;.gr;Jr"gii,",i.j#i o,ii'jrorr,*in,ui,, ,t,.confidenriatiry ofthar infonnation ionsi,t",n,riiitri"!irt.r,,,i[i""il]* *o *gutariom. PROFESSIONAL S ERVTCES The services rendered pursuant lo this connactuarA grecrnent wi, be provide, by individuars who ared triy licensed to perfonr tr)e serv ices or sup"r"ir.a ui, -rr""*.ii"ri,'i.'o ,-",0o in accordance wirhapp ticable pro fessionar s r a,da.ds. c"rt.Jora,*iir,ri;ii;;;;il[i*," rhis contrachrarAgreernenr wi, be perfonned in accordarrc. ;,t",, ,t,,;i il;;,;;;iJrlii,i'rr.tunaurar. writt"ndocurnentation wi' be provided ro rhe Dir r.i.'o,,ot ing?i,riri1"rpo]""r r,,o "orr. inro conrarl $ithstudcnrs sha lthave bce, s ubiecr r() a crirni,,"l U""lgii,iJ"i *t ",tlllrril, ,,r,ng.nt as thar rcq uired byldaho Code Secrion 33- 130 and noticies oir f,r. pi.iri.t,."Ji,r"l"Je"ei"dirennined to not hau", il'ltrJlfrLffi:fl[;il;f;trlJt:J;',*j;s"ilr'';ilrr;;;]ii'Ii'l'j'll"'o''"'"""'ri"'i!i'tio INS UITANCB AND LIABILITY contraclor s ha' be sorery iiabre forany rosses ordarrnges res urti,g fromContractor,s perfonnance o fany ofthe s ervices covcred bv rhisConrr..n q1aer*,ri"",. c""t.i"oiri,,.rrina",nn iry and hordhanntess rhe Dis*ict frornanv Iiabiritv, i""rrJi"gluriir"tli,r",'t"";i;,;;;J, "*p."r*, and atroncy fees,res ulting frornContracror''s oe rfonna n ce o fthe s"ervices proriiia ,,i*i,. c.,rhactuarAgreernent.proo fo firs u mnces har bc sirbrnitrea ioir,; Diri;;i ;r, r,"; l;" iioj ilrJ'" nu" o"re o frh is con rracruarAgreerlent. COMPEI\SATION/B ILLING The District s lraltcompensate contractorforthe d irect services identificd on tl)e altached Idaho SchoolBased Medicaid prosranService Detailand-activiry Reco,.U. ii"i,r[r,*,*r, forapproved hoLrrswilibe ar r'e a,owabre biilins rare (per unirj fb;rr;r,;;;;ffi;"rir"riti,"li"r, ,,.,. rirnding rate (30%)and billi,g services ( r0%) rates, in an arnount not to e),iceed the District t rzte for the ten,oftheconlraclualAgrcement. A dditiorarhours wir be cornpersarJ "ili. r^,r" r*. p.videa lrrar rheadd itionallrours have been pre-approved, i, *riting. fri iii"'bii;;;:r";;;;"* Contractorwill s ubrnit a n.ronthlv invoice (s talcrrrcnt ofservices rendered ) and tl.recompleted districtMedicaid repodirrgronns ro the Dirc;i;.;isi;ils;;iliui',r,i "]ii'lir"*'' nronth. .r.hee comp letcd foms rnust be ac".rmte and ready ros ubnrit lo rhe oirtri"it uitirng ,"*ice. ccnerairy, theDist.ict will issuecrreck" rnonrhrv ifthe invoice ani;"p".*;rk;;;;;ilbtec an<r i, the Disrrict offceby the end ofthe previous month. Agency providers are responsible forgettangtheapprop ate Conlrador: Acccss Poinl (Bl. cuRS, IIS)5 Datc: July 28.2022 supervis ion completed by tlrc ap propriate supewisordependingon savice beingprovided. A-llfonrs rnist be completLd fully, sigrred ind be the original. Each montlrly invoice must include tlrefollowing infonnation foreach student receiving servic€s:(l) student's narne, (2) description ofservices provided, (3) total nuutberofhours spent in providing services, and (4) cost ofservices PIovid€d. AdditionaidocLrnrentalion may be req uired by the District and mlst be provided within five (5) working days ofthe date tlr€ written req trc:it forthe documenlalion is rnade. Thc Districtagrees to [ny Contractorat a ratc of S19.31 perhourfor Bchavioral Intcwe n tion Paranrofess io nal (BI PARA) Se rv ices ' $34.34 p r hourfor Behavioral Intc lle ntion S nc cialis t (llI Sc rvice S30.03 rre r hour for Bc havioral Intc rve ntion Te chnician.$36.26 pcr hour for Communi tv Based Rehabilitation Serv iccs (CB RS) Scrv ices. $30.03 p:rhourf<rr l{abilitative Skills Pro (HS l'RO)' and $19.31 perhorrr for Habilitative Sl<ills Para (H S PARA) for the duration of thc contract NON.DISCRIMINATION Ttre parties hereby agreethatno person shallbe excluded frorq denied participation in, orothetrvise s ubjLcted to d is crirn'r-n at io n on the grounG ofrace, color, creed, nalionalodgin, seX age, ordisability irr perfonnance ofthis Conhactual Agreement. COVERNANCE Th is Co ntractualAgreernent s hall be govemed by tlrc laws ofthe State ofldaho. Contmctorshall, at all tirnes, cornp ly with and observeallfedeml, state, and local laws, regulations, atrd odinances which arc in effectand applicable during thepeliod ofthis Cont-actualAgreement ASSIGNMENT This ContractualAgreementshallnot be s ubject lo assignment, in whole or in part, by Contractoror by operation of law, so as to authorize any person otherthan Colltraclor, or Con[actor's emPloyees, to ais unre the d Lrties s ubject to tlris Contracttral Agreernent without the Dis trict's prior written consent. S TJCCESSORS AND ASS IGNS Tlris ContractualAgreernent is binding upon, and inuresto tlte benefit of, s uccessols and pennitted ass igr)s to theContractual Agreement. AMENDMENT This ContractualAgrcenrentrnay be amended at any time with the PrioI written consent ofboth parties. Any and allarnendrnents to this ContractualAgrcement shallbe in writing. TERMINATION This Co ntractual Agreernent rnay be terminated withot[ cause by eitherparty within thirty (30) days after providing written notice oftlre intentto tenninate to the other party. Add itionally, the Districttnay irnnrcdiately terminate th is ContractualAgreenEnt' upon written notice, in the event fundingforthe District's pmgram is no longer available orthe s pecific services to this ConftactualAgr€ement are modified or tenninated for a student. DEFAULT Upon default byeither party, thenon-delaulting party Inay, upon written notice, cancelthis Contractual A greernent inunediately and tnay pursue any and allavailable legal and eqrritable renedies. The dsfaulting party shallbe liable for any and allexpenses that are incuned by the non- defaulting party as a result thereof, including, but not limited lo, procuringsubstituteperfonnance, legalfees, and otha losses incurred due to the default. TIMO OF PERFORMANCE Tirne is ofthe essence in this ContractualAgreerrlent; thereforc, alltimes for perfonrrance ofthe obligations, as statei herein, shallbe strictly conrplied with by tlre parties. 6Contrador: Acccss I'oint (Br, CBRS, r.rs) Dale: July 28.2022 NON-WAVIE8. BREACTI The failure ofcontmctororthe Dislrict to insist upor) stricr pcrfonnance ofany oftrre ternrs ofrh iscontractua I A greernent' orto e)€rcise any optron ir",ei,, co,irenIJ iiany orrrt i,.,.tnnces, sha, notconstitLrte a lvaivcr or rerirro uis hrnen t o fa-ny'. r"r.,tl.ifuri t'r* riir,".j.,orru" uro ,"main in fuI fo rceand effecr' un ress s uch waiver is cvidencjbyrh" prio;;;,;fi; "on..n, orconouoor orthe District.A'l-roRNEY Flt'rs Ifeither party defau Its in anv nun ner or fairs to fu rfilr any and/or a, prov is ions oftrr is co ntmctuarAgreement, and ifthe non-d'efaurting pany hi.es an atioiney ro "orcrisl it. .rgr,s upon such defaurr orfaiture, or if rhe parties are invorvedrn any ,i'grti"<ir.l"ir,u uiy fii.."ai"g. i,,' uankr.uptcy), theprcvailing party shal be e. t it red to recover reasonab re al rom.i r"", l,,i "o.s ,iom the ol her Daft v.'rhis paragraphshatrbe enforceabte by tnrpJl", "-",*iii,'i_i;ffi;}"-*;;;:,{b,[;i;;:#Xil",lennination ofth is Contractual A grecrnent. DISPUTE RESOLUTION A ll participating agencies a.ree to resorve s )sternic d isputes that arise in th€ provision ofspecialeducation and independenr c-onrra,orscrrr"o in o no,i.l"Jr.,irrl"ir,rr.* r, a," cnsurc lrrat using thefollowirrg process to resolve inlemgenq. di.p"i", J*, ,rrt ol*,pi r.ijilo ,o.,ro"nls and farnilies: , f,: llJ:*:,"r agency with a concem rvi firsr use rhe agency,s in tenrat p rocedures ro addrcss 2 lf res o lution is not achieved at theprcvious level, the iss ue and all re levant in fonrntion will nowbe forwarded to the Direcrorofstidmts.;i"";'f";l;;;F;irs'sciiooiDis trict 9r andContmctor's administrator.J lfco nsensus is not reached at the p rcvious level, th e Director.ofstudent services will foruard theiss ue and alrrcrevant hrfonrntion to t'e Srp"rir,"no* oiiiui,olaiis sc'oor oisrrict 9 t.4. lf a conccrn is related to thc or ratity ofr"*i"" o, h"ulit, nnU ,li*yi..r"r. ,.,r*ls s^ould re lers uc' concems aboutcontraoorand/or rr,."."i"t.r i" iri'pr", iii'a ilo ,r,. oir"",oro rstrdent_ S-ervices and Co nl ractor's ad tnin is t-ator to be addresscdl5 rfthesc concerns are not res olved i, a o ia rogue *ittr trr" s choorad nrin istrator (the Directo r o fstuderrr services and/or rhe Su oerin rend",ui"ra,ii" dl,,,*.i",.lliininirrutor, tt," Dcpanrnenr ofHealttrandWelfareregionallicensingerrtityrryO._,.t.tJiJiir"stigatetlresitt,ation, S ERVERAB ILITY AnytcnrrorprovisionorlhisconrractuarAgreernentthatisirrvaridorunen[orceabreinanysituatioo in anviuris.dicr ion wiI be deerned rnodifi"Ji;;,[;i;il;il ;ri"'iirl rri"r. a"*nnined bv rcrercnceto the invalid or unenforceable tenn(rhevaridityorenforc",rir,,y"r,r,.'Jffili"l,llllilT"1jLl,i,!$iil%1,i;xil;lix;:1H:1T*i the validitv orenforceabirirv oftrrc otrcndi;;t;;;;l;;#'in'i,r"r ll'l'"rr,,*,'on orjurisd icr ion. COMPLE'TE STATEMUVT OF TEI{MS Th is contmctuarA grcanent constit ules the ent ire agreernent bcrween th e part ies h ereto. and s harlsu persedeall previous ora lor wrirren proposats, neiotiations, .",,r;ii;;;;i;:;;; ;ii;;l;;"" '""" cornrnu n ica I ions between r^e parties. This Con;?c"tuaiAgr;i*ri ,*v ""t u",.en ,dis.hrrg.ct,n,,rnrcd ified except by an insl ru,renr in wriring. s;gn"o ut rriEd;ty;,1ii,;;1;; ,"p*."nranves o frheparties. Contraclor: Acccss point (BI, CBRS, H$1Dnlc: .,uly 28.2022 SUMMARYOFSERVICES Indelrndent Contractor and Itlaho Falls School District 9l This Su,rrnary ofServices is to be used onry after the District and contractor have s igned thelndependent Contractor Contractual Agreernent. Department of Health & Welfare Contact: School Based Medicaid Address: 3232 Elder Street, Boise, ID 83705 Telephone Number 208-364- 1903 Independent Contractor Agency: Access point Administrator: Pete Molino Business Address: ZZ2ZTeton plaza, Suite 2, Idaho Falls, lD g3404 Telephone Nurnber: 208- 522-4026 E-Mail: Tarnmera@AccesspointKids.com Supervisor: Tamrnera Smith Certificate/LicensureNumber: 7ACCPrFAM0TT ExpirationDate: 3/3u2075 Direct Service Provider: Qualified individual as rnutually agreed upon Review of Service: First Review: November 14, 2022 Second Review: Febn:ary 13,2023 Third Review: April 24, 2023 At the student's annuallEp Team meeting SIRVICE PLAN(S) MUST BE ATTACHED (For Information Onty) Service(s) to be provide: Behaviorar Intervention (BI) , community Ehsed Rehabilitation Services (CBRS), and Habilirative Skills (lJS) When service(s) willbe provided: Day(s):. Monday - Friday rvhen school is in session and student is attendingTirne: the school day when student is attending Location (i.e., classroom, playground, etc...): all locations Duration ofservices (each day): As required by the assigned students, IEps. Contraclor: Access poinl (BI, CBRS t.ts)8 Dalc: July 28.2022 contractor will comply with the District an orschool opcrational procedures and rvill fulfithe following r.esponsibilities:. Sign in and out ofthe schooloffice each visjt \vith proper identification.r wear picture identification and/or obtain a visitor's identification badge frorr theschoolfor each visit.o Wear appropriate clothing for the schoolsetting.o Adhere to set schedule _ arrive and leave on time.o Notify the buirding adrninistrator ifyou wi, be absent (one day notice, ifpossibre).. P ick up and retu rn the s tudent to an appropriate schooi staff person fo, *" f,' " t;i, iiapplicablc. o Rernain in assigned location.. Be knowledgeable about schoolernergency proccdures. ' Not use any information obtairred by obseivilg other students to make contact w ithparents for solic itation purposes.. Not.attempt to supersede a teacher or sc lroolstafl member in the irrstructionalimplementation or supervision of an individual or class. The specialeducation teacher and/or generar education teacher is the insrructionar leader rn tre "tassioorn.' Notify the Dhhict and/or schoorofany staffing chanies rvithin tt.'" og"n"y tt uir"toi"to the services indicated on this agreernent.r Be cooperative when resorving conflicts with district and/or schoorstarf. District/school res po nsi bi I i ties incluttc:. Respect the rights ofContractor.. Provide inforrnation regarding the procedures and schedule ofthe school.. Provide information on emergency procedurcs.o When appropriate, invite-Contractor to specific stude,rt,s Multi-Disc iplinary Teanr(MDT) meetings and/or Individuarized Edrcation prograrn (lEp) rearn mcetincs.. Accommodate, within reason, Contractor,s needs to finf r ,r," *."i""pirr. """" ' Providc a Positive climate and building environrnent to facilitate rnutual assistance.o Be cooperati'e rvhen resolving conflicts between Contractor and schoorstafi The above items are not to be considered afl incrusive. Any concerns wifl be addressed accordingto the Dispute Resolution section in the Contractual Agreement. IN WII'NESS WHEREOF, thc parties have executed Contractual Agreement. ontr a cslgnee o Datc Sigrutule of Distict 9l Superiutende or Desigrec \nlar Datc 9Contractor: Acccss Point (Br. CDRS, H$ Dnlc: JUly 28.2022 '+. 'Idaho Falls School District 91 A Worlcl Class Eclucatiort 690 fohn Adams parkway Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Phone: (2081 525-7500 FAx: (2081 SZS-7596 Web Address: idschools.org IDAHO FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 9I System of Care Protocol for Indepcndent Contrnctors I. Protocol for Access Point Fam ilv Servic cs Providin l! BEHAVIORAL I NTERVENTION SPEC IALIST (BI),BEHAVORIAL IN TERVENTION PAIT,AP ROFESS IOANL (BI PARA).I]EHAVORIAL TECHNI CIAN (BI TECH).MMIINITY I}ASDD RI'IIABILIT TION SERV ICES(CBRS) AND H AB ILITATIVE SKI (HS): The purpose ofthe System ofCare is to establisl: a procedural protocol to assist Idaho Falls SchoolDistrict 91 in collaborating for the delivery ofrelated services frovided by independelit contractorsin accordance an eligible student's Idividualized Educatio, program ltin) a,d developedpursuantto Idaho Special Education Rules and Regulations, 20l g; The Children;s Mental serviccsAct of 1998; and Medicaid billing policy for rehabilitative seruices in a school setting (lDApA,IDAPA,tDAPA, and rDApA - Qualifications and Supenrision). The school will be the lead agency for any enrolled student while tlrat student is in school- Before the_lndependent contractor may work with a student, a contractual agreement must be completed with the Independent Contractor and the Director of Student Services. Independent Contt'actor Agency: Access point Family Services Supervisor: Tanrnrera Srn ith Administrator: Pete Molino Business Address: 2722 Teton plaza, Suite 2, Idaho Falls, ID g3404 Telephone Nurnber : 208-522-4026 E-Mail; .l anltreritri,tAccqssl\)intli ids.conr BI Rate: $34.34lhour' Bl-Para Rate: $l9.3lihour BI Tech Rate: $30.03/hour CBRS Rate: $36.26lhour HS Pro Rate: $30.03/hour HS Para Rate $19.31/hour I ndepcndent Contractor: Director of Student Serviccs: Students: As per addendurn Date: Dato: 1 Lal 202'z- 1 Contrac(or: Acccss Point Family Services School Ycar 2022-2023 n )a