HomeMy WebLinkAboutConnections Therapy Centersildaho Falls School District 91 A World. Class EdLtcatiott 690 fohn Adams ParkwaY Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Phone: (208) SZS'7500 FAX: (2OB) 525'7596 Web Address: www.d91.k12.id'us IDAHO FALLS SCHOOLDISTRICT 91 System ofCare Protocol for Independent Contractors L Protocol for I nde De ndent Cont racto rs Providins EECH LANGU AGE The purpose of the System ofCare is to establhh a procedual protocol to assist Idaho Falls School Disrict'gl in collaborating for the delivery of rehted servbes provided by Independent Contactors in accordance with an eligible student's Indivitiral Education Plan (IEP) developed pursuant to ldaho Special Education Manual 2018 and the McdicairC Billing Polby for Spe eclr/Audiological Therapy and Evaluation in a school setting (IDAPA 16.03.09) This protocol provides guidelhes for the ldaho Falls School District 9l and independent contractors to implement Speech/Language Pathology (SLP) services that are delivered to etgible students with an individua I Educational Phn (IEP) on file in the school dbtrict. In order to provide SLP servbes, the independent conhactor must be approved tlrouglr the Dhector of Student Services' offpe and provide the following docunentation: 1. A copy of your current certificate of liabilhy irsurance with Idaho Falls School District 9l namcd as an additional insured on the polby. 2. Proof of workers' compensation coverage for independent contractor personnel 3. A copy of the contractor p€rsonnel current criminal backgound check prior to having contact with students pursuant to Idaho Code Section 33-130' 4. A copy of the contractor persomel credentials pertinent to the service being provided prior to working with students 5. i copy of the service/task plan the student is working on in non-school settings, The school will be the lead agency for any student enrolled while that student is in school. Before the Independent contractor nray work with the student, a contractual Agreement must be completei with the Contractor, bui6ing principal and Director of Student Sewices. Idaho Falls School District must follow rhe privacy provisions set forth by FERPA, HIPAA, and Idaho Special Education Manual 2018. ihe tdaho Falls School Dishict will need written authori;tion from the parent/guardian prior to sharing information with lndependent Contractors, PATHOLOGIST: Contractor: ConnedionsTherapy Centers School: Assigncd Scech &udenls Dale: August 9,20?2 I Contractori conncdionsTherapy Conler6 &hoolr Assigncd $.cch guderts Independent Contractor means a persor\ 8roup, agency' or organizatkrn that rn€ets the following two conditions: a. Is no-t an employee of Idaho Falls School Distrbt 9l or a public agency with legal jwbdicfion over the circumstances related to their invohement with the student, and u. Is paid or reimbursed for services provided to the student tbrough the established billing policy. Independent Contractor may do the following in Idaho Falls School District 9l: a. Submit evaluation reports to a school's Evahration teams for 999gig[91@ related to an cvahration being conducted. b. Be invited to an evahBtion team meeting by either *re school or parent' i The determination of eligibility for special education and the provision of a Free Approprhte Public Education (FAPE) are the responsibility ofthe IEP teanB and cannot be prescrbed by any other entity ii. All educational decisions regarding educational methodolory, materials, and personnel are the responsbility of the school district' c. Provrde services in the schools to students under the terns of a contract with the school district. (See Independent Contractors Agreement) i. Contracis are esdblished when the school district is paying for the services and describes the services, the role and responsib ities of the Independent Contractor with the evah:ation team and school adminishation, and the fiequency and drration of services; inchdes documentation of licenstreicertifrcation to perform the prescribed services; addresses issues related to liability, terms of payment; and states the provisi:ns for changes or termination of the "ont a"t' (Example: Distrht conhacts for physic al theraPY services) ii.Contractedservicestoastudentwithadisabilityshallbeincludedonthe students IEP. d. Provide services to students on school grouds rmder the terms of Sumnury of Services with the school disrict. (See Surrrnary of Services Form) i Summary of Services is establhhed to allow the services to take place on school property to benefit the student's progress in the general education curricuLum. T'he Summary of Services shall descnte the specifrc services provided, the respoosibilities of the school and independent contractor' procedures for background check and insuance, and the provisions for lpace, time, equbment, and materials proviled by the school djsuict fie s'chool district nny tenninate the Summary of Services at any time ' 2Dde: August 9,20?, IL Ove rview for IndeDe ndent Contractors Workinq with Students l. 2. 3 4 5 ii. Services proviled under a Summary of Services to a studcnt with a disability shall be included on the student's Individual Education Plan (IEP). The district has no obligation to enter into a contract with an independent contractor or to allow an independeni conhactor access to school dishict property, space, materials, or equipment. School district records are only accessiblc to Independent Contractor rmder contract with the school district and with written consent from the student's parent or guardian, or the adult student (18 years oH or older). Request for records may be subject to a fee to cover costs of copying and mailing. Nothing in this System of Care protocol shall be constnred to limit or impinge in any way oriservices parents may acqube for theh child that are not provided at the school Issues related to the amount of time students are removed from school for any purpose fall under the terrns of other school district policbs. Conlrador: Co nnect io ns Thcrapy Centers School: Assigrcd Specch Sidents 3Dale: Auglst 9,2022 Contractor: ComectionsTherapy Centors Scbool: AssiSnc-d Sccch Sui.rts Idaho Falls School District 91 INDPE,{DTT{T CONTRACTOR CONTRACTAL AGRWIENT : Speec uase Patho losv (SLP)rvlce s This ContBchral AgreenEnt is entercd into between ldaho Falls School District 91 Oerein afler refencd to as "District") and Con-nections TherapyCenters (hercinafte rrcfered to as "Conb:actoi)' W herea s, the Dis trict provides s pcial ed u cat ional and Ie Isted s €rvices to as sisl s tudeots attending s chool in the Disidct iniheneducat'ionaIdevelopnrnt, as identificd on Ihe studen$'individuatiu d educatiol progrdrn (EP) plao; and Whereas, th e Contr& tor is duly licensed or qualifred and able to providerelatedservices to the District's stud€nb; It is hereby agreed byboth partics tha: DT]RATION OF AGRTEME{T: The oeriod of th is Conhactual A greE[Ent will corm€nce o[ the @ - "r"J,lrtir il" ii; "i r"rry zoz5. This ConradualAgrecnErt isc-oDting€otupoathe availability offunds-of i["Dt"t,i"r"ThlrC".tt.1""lAg*errrntshal]note:rccidtwelvc(12)calendarrlDnths At th€ d is cretion oftbe District.lhe Crn tractual Agreareat nay be renewe d annu ally. R.U-ATIONS HIP OF PARTIES: i" *rfor-r, t arui"es under this Contsactual Agrcentsnq Co ntrattor is a,,d s hall at all tires b e an independcnt ;;;;;.-" fih;-ni; G"i lro tf, ing r, er" in i" to b-e co nstrued a s eslablis hin g an e nployer-euplo ye c rclatio nship. SMVICES TO BER.E{DBO: ra, ia "i J"u .".a", th e proGssio nal s cwices en u[Erated on su rlrrBry ofservicis , attacbed b ereto and nade a part o fthis Contractual Agrc€fiEDlss sd forth fully herein' RECORD KEDINC:-diti"[, r rr rU u" r.sponsible forn.intsining cooplete andaccurate records doc,rEnting the-professional. ;;il;;;il;G;^tio tr,i, c"nt""t .t"Agrcenrcntandshallprcvidecopies oftherecords to the.Disrict ll.itui" nie ol *oa.ing days ofthe date requescd. Addirionally, upon reasonable notice, thc Distict shallhave tli ,igfri," ['"i"* rrcir reiords at any tinr'd u rin g business houn. - A ppropriate Medicaid billing shee6 will be conpleted each nnnthforrhe studen(s) s €rved. COMIDENTIALITY: Provideraerees that all infonnation regard ing s€,vices provided pusuatrl to this ContractualAgrEErrnl ;ilil;i;;;1;,j;i;., it "'r,ua"'""; iairt ity an d ihe nanre ofs ervices rendered. shall be confidentiaI ,,,,*u,,,,iio tl"familv Educat ional Records and irivacyAct (FERPA)' Contractor is prohibited tom it*;;;;;;;ri;*tion obtained as a res ult o frcn d erin g s erv ices pursuant to this contradual A grcenEnt to ;'"ffi;id;i;;ild,;;;;;il;;Juvtu"oi.t'i"t, tt'out parent/su'diatr consent or consent ofthe st;de{ttifl8 years ofsge orolder. RPORTTNG OFAB[SE, ABANDONMUYT' OR Nffi-DCT: contra"to,a"kno*I"dg€sitsobligationtocorplywithlds}oCodescctionl6160t,€rs€4.andrepon,withinii'i"ri, i"v ,*p"ct;iub*e, "b'"ndonr,*nr, orne glect ofa ch itd to rhe lawenforcement agency or Id aho ;ffi;;;lidil;;;w;ii"* anr."ro, "r"i"gros to informthe Dis trict, within ?4hou6, ofsuch suspicion. 4Dd€: Augun 9,2022 SIR\/ICE DtrLMMY flN4E AIID PLACE Contractorshallpcrformscrvices set fofth in Sununary ofServices, unless the palties lrutually agreeto a ntodification ofthe tirrc and placeofservice delivery' COORDINATION OF SMVICES: To facil.itate delivery ofservices, the Dis trict will provide: l) rcas oDable aDd PIotrpt notification ofsEetings and otherappoinhrnb itl ],h ich the Contractor it elpectedto participate;2) signedparental co n sent forrs, as neces sary; 3) id en tify ing in fonmtioo regard hg the c licn t artd th c parent/guard ian; and, 4) reas omble assis tance in facilitatin! corrrunGtion betu,ieen the Contsactor and clients, parvrts/guard iar; and othel providers and agencles. PRIOR APPROVAL OF S RVICES : A[ services rendsedby Coni:actorunder the tem5 ofthis Contactual AgreenEntsballrequire priorapprcval by the District in accordance with federal and s tate lauls and regulations,local policies and procedures, and professional cod6s of conducl. CONSBIVAUTIIORTZATTON TO ACCESS TDUCATIONAL RECORD INTORM{TION OR PROTECTU) HMLTH INTIORMATION: District and Contmc,t or s hall at all tilEs requLc thc q/Titten consent or authori.a tion ofthe parenVguodian/or adult student ifage ofl S years ofage orolder, forrhe disclosure ofaccess to educalional infomBtiou pursunt to FERpA orproGctedhealth in fornation pursuant to theHealth Infonrntion Portability and Accountability Act (HIPA A) reg ard ing thestudent, and shall nBintain thc confid€ntiality ofthat inforEBtion consistentwith the stateand federal lawand regulations. PROFES SIONAL S RVICES; The servic€s rendercd pusualtt to this ConEach.nl AgreenEnt will be providedby individuals who are duly licetrsed ro perfom thJ sewices or supervisedby a ticcns ed/ceti.6ed provider in acco rdancc with applicable profes sionals tandards. Contractor agre€s that all work pursrlaDt to this Cont.actr,Lal Agreeffpnt will be perfornrcd in accordarcewith the highestprofcssional standards. WrittenassEanccs 'rill beprovidedto the bistrict attesting thar all enployees who coIIE into conta d with su.rdents s hall have been s ubiect tll criminal . backgmundchik at least ai stingeot as thatrequircd by Idahocode 33 - 130 and policies ofthe District and have been determined to not have a criminal background inconsistent with working with ch ildren- The District shallhBve the right to observeservic€s beiB providcdto the clients. INSURANCE AND LIABILITY: Contractorshallbcliableforanylossesordarnag€sresultingfromCoDtractor'sperfoffrlanceofanysewices. covered bythis AgreenpnL Contractor shaU obtain lisbility insurance and submit proofofsuch ins urance to tbe District within ten1l0) days ofthe date ofthis AgreenEnt Contrador s hall indennifu and hold h arn ess thc District from any liability, in"luding but not [inited to. costs, eryeoses andattomey fces lesulting from contmcto/s pafomanoe ofservices provid€d under this Agreellpnt. District s tEll indenrniff and hold .. harmhss Coatraaor Aomany tiabiliti, including but n ot tirnited to, costs, e;pens€s and sttomsy fees resulting from Dislrict's rccklcss orwillirl misconductrelated to this AgreenEnt ASSIG{ME{T: This contracual Agre€rrEnt s hall not be s ubject to assignnEnt, in whole orin part, by contractrcrotby operation oflaw, sJas to authoriE any person other than Contrador,.orContraclor's enployees, to assufiE the d;ties subjcct to this Contractusl A greenE nt without the District's priorwritten consent AME{DMENT; ftris Contmctual ngree{rEn t nEy be anEndedat any tinre with the prior written cons€nt ofboih parties. Any and all antnduEntsto this Con bachlal A greqrEn t s hall be in writing. 5Dde: August 9,202Contrador: ConnadionsThcr.Py C€nt.rs Shool: As.iSned $ccch Sd.nts TERMINAION:.if, i.-C"1i*.t" a a g "enBnt .*y b e t.rmirated without cause by either pafiy with in th irty (30) days afrer providing writteu notice ofthe intelt to termirate to the otb(rparty' Additionally, the District nny iruxEdiat€ly terminate this Con tractral Agrc€trEn t' upon wittennotice, in the even t funditrg for the Dis trici's programis n o longcr 8va ilab le or the sP€cific s ery ices to th is CoD u"acnlal Agree nEn t are nDd ified or termin ated for a s tu dort DE'AT]LT: ilf,., iJf"rt Uy "i trer pafty, th c nondefault ing party nEy can c€l this_ Contractua I A greenEnt irrr'di8tely, uion ooti". "nd*v punue anyandall available lcgal, equitable, andother renedies. The defarlting paty ifiiUilf,"df.i"i"tivrrrlallepensesthatareincuncdbythenondefaultingpartyasaresuhthqpof,. . irr" f, Ji"i, U, t , Jfiri,i cd to, procuring s ubstitutc p erfonmncq legal fees , and other los s€s incured due to the default. TIME OF PMTORMANCE iior i" oi rn. "$"n"e in this Contmctu al A grecnpnq thcrefore, all tirres for perfornance ofthe obligations, as statedhcrein, shallbe strictly conplied with by theparties. NON-WAVITR BREACE: ftr" gifr." ofContractororthe District to insis t uPon s tric t p€rfoIlrEnce ofany ofthe tcnr ofthis Contractual AsreerEnt. or to e)crcise any option herein coofencd in any orallinstances, s hall not constilute a u?iver or ;;"lh;;;;;;;;i-t*t iit,i,ur, tt " tane shall bc and rpnrain in tull force and effect' unless such waivcr is evidence by the prior*ritteo eonsent of Conlractor or the DistricL NON.DISCRTMINATION: The Dattie6 herebv acreethattro persotr shatl on the grounds ofrace, color, cree4 national orig in, se4 age'or ii"itifi ".L" "*iiUia ftomordinied participaion in, or otherwise subjectedto, dis6imi,ation urd'r'ny act iv ity ;erforflEd p ursu ant to t h is Co nt-acnral A gree nEnt GOVBNANCE lrJC"rt".n a e,greerEnt s hall be gov erned by rhe laws ofthe srare ofldaho. contac tor s hall at all ti*s, iorrD-tu ,ri tt "na oU-, erre all fedcraL siate, and locallaws, regulations' and ordinances which are in effect and applicible duringthe p€riod ofthis Contractual A SrcarEnt ATTORNEY FEES: ii "itf,", prtt, a. f"rfs in any rmnner or fails to fu lfll an y 8nd/or all prov is ions o fth is Conlractual Agree*nt' ", J if in'" "o'"A"f"rftin g p aly hires an attomey to exc rc is e _its rigb ts upon s uch defau lt or ftilurc, or if the ;;;i;;;";;i" "ii ritleut,ttti""l rdinganv proceedings in bsnkuptcv), the prevailiog psltv shall be. . intitled to recoverreasonable ittomry fecs ani cois fromthe otherparty. This pangraphsballbe enforceable Uv ti. p"rtiii r"wlrhsunding any rei cis s ion, forfeiturc, or o th€r terrdnation ofthis corbactual AgreffinL DISPUTE R.ES OLUTIONT All DaniciDatins aacncres age€ to resoke s ystemic dis putes that arise in the pmvision o fspecial educaion and ;;Jp;;d,;;;#;;ieruT".s in " non-.dre.ariaIrmnnerand lo enswe that usingthe following process to res oire intengatcy d isputes does rot disrupt s erv ices to s tud('l 6 an d families : l. An individualoragency with a concern will fint use the ag€ncy's internal proccdues to addrEss the concom. Z. if,ci oiriio n ir not achiev€d ar the previo us levc l, t he is s ue and all re lev an t infornalion $'ill low be foruardedtotheDircctorofstudcnrservicesofthetdahoFallsschoolDistrict9lslrdco[hrctor's admin is trator. L if-"Lrr"** i, "ot rcached at thcprevious lcvel the Directorofstudent Services will forward the issueand all rctevant hfomtionto thesrpc.itrtqdqf ofldahoFalls SchoolDistrict 9l ' 6Conir&ctor: ConncctionsThcrapy Cooters s.hool: Assignrd $eech $uddnG Dde: Augu n 9,2022 4. If a con cem is identified that is re lated to the quality o fs ervice or bea hh an d s afdy is su es, s choo ls s hou ld refer concems abouta conaactor, their s crv ices, or qual.ity ofservices tothe DirectorofstudentServices and contrrtor's ad min is t'a tor to address these concerl$, 5. If thes e co ncems arE not res olved in the d ia logue wilh s choo I ad minis tator (Directo r o fstu dent Services and/orsupe.intendent) andthe cont'actor's ad min is t"ator, the DHW rcgional licensingentity nny be contactedto investiSate the situdiorl. COMPASATION/BILLING: Contractor will submit to the Dfectorofstudent Services, bythe endofeach npntlL an Invoice(staterrEntof s ervices rendered) for that rpnth and the conpleted district's Medicaid rePorting forms. Th ese coEp leted forgs nust be accurateand rcady to submit to the district's billing sewice. Crncrally, the district will iss ue checks once eac.h month, after Board approval, ifstat€nrnt and Pap€Iwo* is corIPleted and in th€ Distdct Office by the end ofthe previous nDnth hch rnonthly statenEtrtrmst include the followinginfonrntion for each student receiving services: a) student's nanr; b) descriplion orserviccsprovided; c)totalnunrberofhours spent in providingprofessioral services; andd) costofsen'ices pmvidsd. Additioml documentation lllay be riquirediy the Oiitricr and rust be p mvid ed with in frve (5) wolking days ofthe date tbc wlitten request for 6e docunEntationis nBde. The district agrees to pay the Contractor at a rate of $Z!qg per hour for Snecch./Lane e Patholosv Se rvices. testine.and DaDerwork for the duration ofthe contract. $QQ[per hour for ParaDrofe s s ional services. theraDvand Dape rwork forthe duration ofthe contract. This contract is not to exceed $I2,600 based on the number of days worked (approximately 172 days at 2 days p€rweek when school is in session). COMPLEIf, STATTME{T OF TERIVIS: Th is Contractual AgrcenEnt constituEs the cntirB agrcefiEnt between theparties hetdo, and shall supasede all previous oralorwrhten proposals, negotiations. conrniturnts, and allothercormuDications between ths parties. This Conkactual A greenEn t nBy not be released, discharged, or nodified cxcept by an instrurncnt in writin g s igned by the duly a u thofized rep resen lativ es o fth c paIt ies. 1 Contrador: ConneltionsTherapy Ccnlcrs School: Assigncd Seech $rients Datc: Augusl 9,2022 SUMMARYOFSERVICES Itrd€Petrdent Contrector/Idrho Fells School Distrlct 9l Protocol This Summary of Servkes is to be used only aftel the District and Contractor has signed lhe confact, lndependenl Contractor Contractual Agreement. Independent Contractor Agency: Connection Therapy Centers Administrator: Michelle Dahherg and Anna Bidwell Ehsiness Address: 1225 S. tlghline Drive, Idaho Falls, ID 83404 Telephone Number: 208-535- I290 Supervisor: Michelle Dahherg E-Mail: mich connectionsther .com Certificaley'LiceDsure Number: SLP- l 14? Expiration Date: 02- l I -2021 Review of Service: Indicate when each review willbe done and who will do the review: First Review: Septembc! 27,2021 Second Review: November 15,2021 Third Review: Febn:arY 14,2022 Fourth Review: A$n 25,2022 Other: lJpon the request of either party Service(s) to be provide: Speech/knguage Services When service(s) will be provided: Day(s): Monday - Friday (when school is in session) Time:6hoursaday Location (ie. classioom, playground, etc...): Assigned SLP Students Duration ofservices (each day): As required by the assigned sfudents' IEPS' Contr6olor: Conncd ion6 Thcrapy Cenlcrs $hool: Assiged $..ch $uJents 8Ddci Augun 9,2022 contrector rrlll comply with the dlstrlct/school op€retlonrl procedures and will fulfill the fouowing r€sPonslbllitl€3:' . Sign in and out of school offrce each visit - provide proper idcntification' . Mist wear a picture identfication and/or obiain a visitor's identification badge from the school at the time ofthe each visit' . Must wear appropriate clothing for a school setting . Adhere to set scheduh - anive and leave on time' .Notifybuitdingadministratolifyouwillbeabsent(onedaynoticeifpossible). . Student must-be picked up frorn and returned to an appropriatc school staffpersoneach visit if applicable. o Remain in assigned location. . Be knowledgeable about emergency procedures ofthe school' . Do not violaie the right of priricy of any student b,y using any informatiol 'Tdotly. -- --,, obtained by observiig other students as service reftrence to make contact wrth palents to seu or contract them to services from your agency' .ThesPecialeducationteacherand/orgeneraleducationteacheristheinstructionalleadelin the classroom. At no time should a service provider assume that theirjudgment for bstructionalimplementationofsupen.isionofanindividuaVclasscansupersedetheteacher or school staffmember. .Notifythedistrict/schoolofanystaffmgchangeswithintheagencythatrelatestotheseTvic€s trdicated on this agreement. . Be cooperative when resolving cotlflicts with schooydistrict staff' . Provide testing nraterials and technology devices (laptop, iPad, headphones) for personaluse and to work w h srudents. SchooUDistrict resPonshilltles includ€ : . Respe.t the rights ofcontractor. . Provided infomration regarding the procedurals and schedule ofthe school' o Provide information on emergency procedures' . When appropriate, invite service prot'ider to specific student's MDT and/or IEP team meetings, wilh Parental aPProval. . Accommodate. within reason, Contractor's needs to fulfrll the service review plan' .Provideapositiveclimateandbuildingenvironmetrttofacilitatemufualassistance. . Be cooperative when resolving conflicts between contractrrr and school staff, The above items are not to be conscribed as all inclusive. Any concems will be addressed according to the Dispute Resolution item in the Contractual Agreement IN MTNESS WHEREOF, the parties have exccuted this Contractual Agteement' v rI Signature of Disaict 91 Superintendent/De e atc al wln c) Contrador: Conncdions Therapy C€nters School: AseiSncd Sccch gudeot3 Dde: Augt'st 9,2022 Date