HomeMy WebLinkAboutYost Oct 2022 ACIFIC OFFICC AUTOMATION TOTAL IMAGE MANAGEMENT'* TB Schedule No. M oster Agreement No. @ Tk i\!.trt la*,1',' ,ryn, tk nati,wdly r,,ryni.z,l atpir,rurytry Equipment Model & Description Seriol N umber Accessories E See ottoched schedule for odditionol Equipment / Accessories @ Pocif ic Off ice Automotion. lnc. 685 E Ande Street ldaho Falls ID 83401 City st0le zip EqUipmentLocotionlifdifferentfromBillingAddressl Minimum Monthly poyment $ 342.90 Term 34 months (plos oppfi.obl€ tox.sl O i4inimum l,lonthly Poyment includes estimoted opplicoble personol property ond other similor toxes. Minimum Number Excess Per of lmoges lmoge Chorge 0 .0067 4425 '1'losltrAgre.nxnt'glolrneonfPoboverekeocedl4og.r&,e6'n€fltsd.diefs}ElrlEqlS6 scledle."IHAgt.rrqlf rtdrEmUisSdEdleddfEMoneragren'enl. YOU HAVE SEL€CTEO THE EqUIPHENT. THE SUPPTIER ANO II5 iEPRESENTATIVES A8€ NOT OUR AGENTS ANO ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO MOOIFY THE T€iMs OT THE TIII AGREEMENT. YOU AiE AWARE O' IHE NAME Of TH€ MANUFACN'RER OF EACH ITEI'I OF EQUIPMINI ANO YOU wlTT CONTACI €ACH MANUFACIUAER fOR A OESC&PTION OF YOUi WARRANTY RIGHTS. W€ MAI(E NO WAARANIIES TO VOU, EXPS€SS OR IM. p!r€o, s To TltE BERCHANTAETLTTV. FITNESS FOR A PAXTICUTAR PUnPOSE. SlrlT Alt_ tTv oi oIltERwrsE wE Piovlo€ THE EQUIPiIENT TO vOU A5-15. VOI,, AGREE TO US€ IHE EQUIPMENT ONLY IN TH! LAWFUL CONOUCT OF VOUR EUsINESS AND NOT FOR PERSONAL HOUSEIIOIO OR F MILY PT RPOS€S. WE SHALt NOT 8f UAaL€ FOR CONSE' OUENTIAL OR SPECIAT OAHAGES. WE T.4AI(E NO RE'EESENTA-NON OR WANRAI{TY OF ANY I(INO. EXPRESs 08 IMPLIED, wlTN RE'PECI TO TIIE LEGAI, IAx OA ACCOUNIING IREATT'ENT OF IHE iIM A6iEEIIENT ANO YOU ACI(NOWI€OGE THAT WE ARE AN INDEPENO€NI CONTRACTOR ANO NO'I FIDUCIAiY OF CUSTOMER. YOU wl!! 08. IAIN YOUS OWN LE6AT. TAX ANO ACCOUNIING AOVIC€ RII.ATEO TO TIIE TII"I AGiEC. HEI{T AND wlLL MAiE YOUR OWN OETESMINATION OF IIIE PROPEE TIH AGR€E. I.IINT T'RM FOR ACCOUNIING PURPOSES, YOUR PAVMENT OALIGATIONS ARE ASSOLUTE AND UNCONOITIONAL ANO ARC NOT SUBJECT TO CANCEI"LATION. REOUCT]ON OR 5E'OTf FON ATY R€AsON W|IATSOEV€8. BOIH PARTIES A6REE IO WAIVE AIL RIGHTS TO A ]UiY IRIAL. THE TIH AGREEMfNT SHALL 8E GOVERNEO AY ftIE LAWS O' OREGON, YOI' CONSENTTO THE JURISOICTION ANO VENUE OF FEDERAT ANO SIATE COURTS IN OiEGON. TO TI€LP THE GOVTNNIENT FIGHT TNE f1'NDING OF TERROf,ISt' ANO MONTY LAUN' OERING ACTIVITI€S. IED€RAT LAW REQUIRES AII FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TO OI- TAIN. V€RIIY ANO RECORO INfORHATION THAT IO€ NFES EACH PERsON WHO OPENS AN ACCOUNT. WIIAT THIS MEANS IO YOU: WHEN YOU OPEN AN ACCOUNT. WE WIII AS( 'OR VOUR NAI'I€. AODRESS ANO OTHER INFORMATION I}IAT wlTL AITOW US TO ro€NlrFy vou. wE MAY at50 Asx ro 5€€ ro€NTlrYlNG oocuMENTS- ALL OF THE T€RMS ANO CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN 'HE I'IASTEA AGR€I8ENT ARC BEREAV NCORPOSAIEO INIOTHIS SCH€DULE. AY SrcNING THIS SCHEOULE. YOU A6iEE IO TX€ TERMS OF THIS SCHEOUTE A{O IH€ MASITR AGRE€MENI, ORAI AGREEHEI{IS OR COMHIIHEN'TS TO LOAN MON€Y EXT'NO C?'DIT OR TO FORBEAR FAOM €NFOiC. ING REPAVHCNT Of A OEAT INCIUOING PRONEES TO EXTENO OE N€NEW SUCH OEEI ARE NOI €N'ORCEABL€. TO PROTECT YOU ANO US FROH MISUNO€RSTANDING OR OlS PPO|NTIENI, ANY AGREEM€NTS WE REACH COVEf,ING SUCH MATTEf,S Aia CON_ TAINEO IN THIS WRIIIiIG, WlilqH 15 ]I]E COMPLETE AND EXCTUSIVE STAT€I'IENT OF THE AGREEMENT 8€TWIEN US, EXCEPI AS WE MAY IAIER AGREE IN WRIIING IO MODIFY IT. Pocific office Automotion, lnc Nome lmoge Type 133j Block & White lmooe! coor rmoges ? 3ii P5026 B&W 0 0 0235 P5026 Color 131 1 P6230 .0167 P6230 Color 3-26q[ gwu 0 ,b 11 Excess Per lmoge Billing Prelerence lmonthly if not checkedl ElMonthly DQuorterly Esemi-Annuolly EAnnuolly SuppuEn Fuer/Fnrrerr Fee $_ per month lNot to exceed $75.00 per month) The follou/ing odditionolpoyments ore dueon thedotethis Scheduleis signed by you: 0 0 0 SEcusrn DEPogl aI I By ADVANCE PAYM€NT *'Applied to: !first !lost {plus oppli.oble toxesJ Doculrrrr Fee $75-00 (included on first lnvoice) ldaho Falls School District 91 690 John Adams Parkwav ldeho Falls ID 83401 Ciiy By: x T itle; Do te 0rdlw Pog6 I of 1 Nome T itle: Dotei 1/4/L Fed Tox tD ^S /1 01158 075 PACIFIC OFFICE AUTOMATION - PREBLEM SELVEO _ Schedule A Addltional Equipment:Serial # Kyocera P5026cdw v0T2309162 Kyocera P5026cdw vDT2609459 Kyocera P2040dw v021Y64053 Kyocera P204odw vD2246A370 Kyocera P2040dw vD21Y64725 Kyocera P2040dw vD21Y64070 Kyocera P6230 RC82406981 Kyocera 7353C1 RS52201336 Customer Name: Customer Signature: Date: ldaho I District #91 he undersigned does hereby acknowledge the complete and satisfactory delivery and installation of the Equipment leased from Pacific Office Automation,lnc. The undersigned does further acknowledge that Lessor has made no warranties expressed or implied regarding the equipment; that our obligations to Lessor or its assignees as set forth in lhe aforementioned lease are free of any and all claims, counter claims, defenses, or set-offs. Equipment: (2) Kyocera P5026cdw #VDT2309162 #yDT2609459 (4) Kyocera P2040dw #VD21Y64063 #YD22468370 #VD21Y64725 #vD2tY64070 (1) Kyocera P6230 #RCB2406981 (1) Kyocera 7353ci #RS52201336 ldaho Falls School District gl (Full Name of Lessee) (Authorized Signature) 5t Co\5wo"'ho t^, oa (Print Name of Signer) lolt;/>z- (Date) FORM 31 Equipment Delivery and Acceptance Receipt ON APPROPRIATION RIDER This Non-Appropdation Rider lo the Masler Lease Agreement No.1580233 dated _, eL and all Schedutes lhereto now and hereafrer enlered into in accordance therewith (individually a 'Schedule'. and collectivety lhe "Lease"). is by and between paclffc Otffcc Autom.tion (Lessor, and ldaho Fall! School District 91 (Lessee). Capitalized terms used horeln without definition shall bo defned as provided in lhe Lease. NoMlhslanding anylhing conlained ln lhe Lease lo lhe contrary. lhe foltowing apples to €ach Schedule: l Lessee prcseolly inleMs to contirue each Schedule for its entire lerm and to pay all renlats or other payments relatng lhoreto and shall do all liings lawfufiy withln ils pou,€r to oblain ard mainlain funds ftom rfiich lhe renlals and a]l other payments ovring thereunder may be made. To lhe extent permitted by law, lhe p€rson or entity in charge of preparing Lessee's bodgel r\ill incllde in the budg€t request for each fscal yea, dudng the term ol each Schedule lhe rentals to become due in such liscal yeai and,,!ill use al reesona6le and la!'/irl means available to secure lhe appropriation of money for such fscal year suffajenl to pa, aI rentals coming due lherein- The parlies acknodedge lhal approptiation for renlah is a govemmenlal tunclion which Le3see cannol contractually clrnmil itself in advance lo perfoam and each Schedule and the Lease does not @nstrlule su{fi a comrnitnenl. H6^er/rr, Lessee reasonably believes that moneys in an amount sufrcienl lo make all renlals can and ltill lawfulty be appropdated and mede available to pemi Lessee,s continued utilization of the Eqdpment in lhe fcafornance of fts essenlial lthctioG dudrB the term ott|e Leas6 and each Sctedule. 2- lf Lessee's govemlng body fails to appropriale suficient moneys in arry fscal year for renlals o, olher paymenb due under a specifc Schedule and if other funds ale not a\railable for srJch paymenls. then a "NorFApp.opdatoo" shall bc deemed to have oc.une;. f aNon_Approprialion occurs, then: (0 Lessee shall give Lessor immediate nolic.e of such NofuApp.opriatbn and provte tulllen ovtialence of such failurc by Lessee s goveming body at least sixty (60) days pdor to the erd of lhe lllen qrrent fiscal year or if NoGApp.opriation has not occured by lhat date, i'nmediatety upon such Non-Appropriation; (iD no later lhan the last day ;f t|le fscar yeii foi wtrtctr aptsopdalions lve.e made for lhe rcnlals due under the Schedule (the "Refum Date ), Lessee shall rclum to L6soa an. but not less lhan all, ot lhe Equipment covered by lhe Schedule, al Lessee's sole €leense. in accodance with lh€ tems hereot and (iii) the Scheduleshall leminate on lhe Retum Date without ponalty or expeNe to Lessee ard Les3ee shafi not be obligated to pay lh; rEntals beyon;such fsc.l yesr. povided. thal Lessee shall pay all re.rlals and olher F,ayrhenb due wder the sctrdutg tor wi*d.r moneys sna{ iravebeen apploPrialed or aae olhei /ise avaihble, prcvided furlher. that Lessee shall pay montltcmor{h renl at tho rale s; fodh in lhe Leas€ for each monlh or parl lhereof thal Lessee fails lo retum lhe Equipmenl a6 requirod herain. 3. Each Schedule shall be deemed execulory only to lhe exlent of monies appropdaled and ayailable for the purpole of theSchedule. and no liabilaty on account thereof shall be incuned by the Lesse€ beyond lhe amount ol such monies. Each Scheduleis not a general obligation of lhe Lessee. Neither the lull failh and credit no. the tadng po,.rar of the Lessee are pledged to lhepayment of any amount due or to become due under eny schedule. n is undoBlood thal neilher lhe Lease, any SciEor.ib nor anyreprssentalion by any public employee or otficer creates any legal or moral obligadon to appropdate o. m.ke monies availabb f; the purpose ofthe Schedule- 4. The Lessee and Lessor agree lhat lhey intend each Schedule to be an operating lease and that by the erecution thereol Lessee acquires no otlnerlhlp intetest in lhe Equipment whether vested or conlingenl. The Lessee's interest in the EquiFnent is Ilmited to that of a lessec and Lessor retakts all lhe righls of owllor lherEin. Any provkioos indicating to the contrary in l;is Ride. aae for precautionsry purposes only. lN wlrNEss WHEREoF, each ot the pa.ties hereto hrs caused this Ridrar to be erecuted as of the _ day of _ 2o_. Paclrlc Olltco Automation (Lessor) ldaho Falls School Distrlct 9l (Lessee) By Name/Tille L1_ cL ttu-l".r"l -C,/yl./olU/^ By (Dare) N.me/TIls _