HomeMy WebLinkAboutYost Jan 23ldaho Falls School District #91 a PACIFIC OFFIC€ AUTOMATION Equipment/Service and Supply Contract No. |J40a 1778 Taylorview Middle School- Media Center o o oln CUSTOMER NAME 690 John Adams Pkwy CUSTOMER NAME 350 Castlerock Ln, 'BtLtlNGaDDREss ldaho Falls ID o CL ttl ID83401 SHIPPING ADORESS ldaho Falls 83404 CTTY ( 208 )52S7500 STATE ztP CITY ( 208 )s24-7850 STATE TEI.EPHONE Dave Webster ATTENTION KEY OPERATOR By signinq this controct, customer ocknowledges ond ogrees: (o) this controct is NoN-cAN1EUBLE; (b) qll terms ond conditions on the rcverse side ore on integrol port ofthis controct; (c) to fully understond oll terms qnd conditions stoted herein; ond (d) this controct is the entire Agreement between customer ond Pocific office Automotion reloting to the equipment ond services des(ibed herein, ond con be chonged only by w ften ogreement signed by both porties. Customer Authorization Pacif ic Offi ce Autornation S'GNAIURE -Comptroller Aget:.t 9129/2022 22-- PO#ORDERED BY Trevor Burchard qTY ITEM TYPE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Kyocera New Kyoc€ra P6230cdn to be leased Minimum Monthly Payment (plus applicable taxes) 5 $23.04 Term 34 Months Ovelageslmates Monthly Base charges Overages Blllingcvcle Term of Contract B,ryV Service 0 $0 Color Service 0 s0 0.0750 a Monthly C Quarterly tr Semi-Annual tr Annual tr 60 months tr 48 months E 39 months E 36 months tr othe, coNDtltoNs oF sALt, coNTtN6ENCTES ORCOMMENTS lncluded Omnia Conhacl Number R1 g'1 102551403942 to be leased I II II I rII II I TITLE /Purchasing OATE TITIE by .u ztF T€LEPHONE Kallyn/Rob/Jessic€ ORDER DATE SOLD BY 912912022 Servlce/Supply Agre€mant 0.0167 f--T_---_+ PACIFIC OFFICC AUTOMATION Eq Su No. SMine High School uipment/Service and r',ZZ pplv v3 Contract _ 6.a o /g{J, ldaho Falls School Districi t91 CUSTOMER NAME 690 John Adams Pkwy o CL ah CUSTOMER NAME 1767 Blue Sky Dr.o o ot) BIILING ADORESS ldaho Falls 8340'1 SHIPPINGADORESS ldaho Falls ID 83402ID crw SIATE zlt CITY ( 208 ) 52S7500 STATE zlP ( 208 ) 52s-7M8 TILEPHONE Katlyn/Rob/Jessica TELEPHONI McKenna Murphy By signing this Controct, Customer ocknowledges ond agrees: (o)this Controct is NON-CANCEUBLE; (b) ollterms ond conditions on the reverse side ore on inteqrol port ol this Controct; (c) to lully understond oll terms ond conditions stoted herein; ond (d) this Controct is the entire Agreement between Customer ond Pocific Olfice Automgtion relotinq to the equipment ond services described herein, ond con be chonged only by written ogreement signedby both porties. Customer Authorization t'u*o-"t ComptrollerlPurchasing Agent l0 I 26 I 2022 SOLD BY 10t4t2022 McKenna Trevor Burchard TY ITEM ryPE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Kyocera Kyocera TASKalfa 5003i (Prinvcopy/Scan)to be leased DP-71 10 Documont Feeder lnc PF-7100 Dual500 Sheet PaPe. Trays lnc DF-7120 50 Sheet External Staple Finishe'lnc. AK-7llO Staple Finisher Attachment Kit Minimum Monthly Payment (plus applicable taxes) S $155.84 Te 34 Months lmages Monthly Base charges OveEges Overaget BlllingCycle Term of Contract Bruv Service 0 $o El Monthly O Qua.t€rly tr Semi-Annual D Annual El 60 months tr 48 months o 39 months Il 36 months tr other coNDtitoirsoF sALE, coNTtNGENctEsoRcoMMEllrs lncluded to be leased TITLE DATT TITTI d by Pacific Office DA]E ATTEI{TION KEY OPERATOR ORDERED BYPO#ORDER DATE lnc. service/supply Agreement 0.0045t = a PAC|FIC oFFlc€ AUTOMAI-ION Equipment/Service and Supply Contract No.7 7 -0ool(6( ldaho Falls School Distrlct #91 skyr rE'Hlgh School c,F6 o.a CUSTOMER NAME 690 John Adans Pktly ciF o. th CUSTOMER NAME 1767 Blue sky Dr, BILLINGADDRESS ldaho Falls SHIPPING ADDRESS ldaho Falls ID 83402ID83401 crY ( 208 )52t7648 STATE ztP CITY ( 208 l s2t7500 ztP TEUPHONE Kadrn LoperRob TELEPHOI{E McKenna MurPhY ATITNTION XIY OPERATOR gy signing this Controct, Customer ocknowledges ond ogrees: (o)thiscontroct is NON-CANCEUBLE; (b) ollterms ond conditions on the reverse side ore on integrql pott of this Controct; (c) to fully understond oll tems ond conditions stoted herein; ond (d) this Contruct is the entire Agreement between Customer and Pacific Office Automotion reloting to the equipment ond seNices described herein, and con be chonged only by written ogreement signed by both porties. Customer Authorizatlon SIGNATURE 1!!2022 2 2*_ ORDER DATE PO#ORDERED BY SOLD BY 511212022 Bonnie/Rob Trevor Burchard qTY ITEM DESCRIPTIONTYPE UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Kyooera Kyocera P5026cdw to be leased Minimum Monthly Payment (plus applicable taxes)$14.4s Term-g-Months servl.e/Supply Atreement lmaSes Monthly Base char8es Overagei oveaaSes' Sillingcych Telm of ConUact B/w Service 0 $0 0.0235 g Monthly o Quarterly D Semi-Anoual tr Annual E 60 months E 48 months tr 39 months B 36 months tr other Color Sen ce 0 $0 0.1311 Suppod coxornolts or slu, cotlTlNGENclEs oRcoMME Ts lf funded by 11/27 =$14.4YMo lf tunded by 127=$14.84/Mo Subtot?l Omnia Contract Number R191'102551403942 to be leased TITI-E Conrplfoller/Purchaslnt A8enr DATE by Pacific ation STAIE lncluded nru DAII ldaho Falls School District #91 n PACIHC OFFIC€ AUTOMATION Equipment/Service and Supply Contract No.lJ-oooYg76 ldaho Falls High School c; o ota CUSTOMER NAME 690 John Adams Pkwy ID o CL (, ID CIJSTOMf R t{AME 601 S Holmes Ave BII-I-ING ADDRESS ldaho Falls 83401 SHIPPINGADDRESS ldaho Falls 83401 cnY ( 208 ) 52$7500 STATE zlP ct-fY | 208 1525-7740 STAII zl? TELEPHONE Katlyn/Rob/Jessica ATTEMIION KEY OPEMTOR 8y signing this Contract, Customer scknowledges ond ogrees: (o) this Controct is NON-CANCEUBLE; (b) oll terms ond conditions on the reverse side dre dn integrol port of this contrqct; (c) to fully understdnd sllterms and condittons stoted herein; ond (d) this Contrsct is the entire Agreement between Customer ond Pocific OIfice Automotion reloting to the equipment ond seN'tces described herein, ond cdn be chqnged only by written ogreement signedby both porties. Customer Authorization SIGNATUR bomptroller/Purchasing Agent lO l2O /2022 TELEPHONE Chris Powel Z- SOLD BYORDERED BYPO#ORDER DATE Trevor Burchard10117t2022 TOTALUNIT PRICEDESCRIPTIONQTYITEMTYPE to be leasedKyocera P2040dw1Kyocera New Minimum Monthly Payment (plus applicable taxes)$7.43 Ter u Months . overalbs,. I'. BilllnsCycle . .,.'1.:f; .. : t:retn oflgnlric!::, Monihlioaie ,','.: Chartds l.rages Molrnry !1i.t9j: ..., dmageaj :'.: l $o 0.0171BlVy' Serulce A Monthly tr Quarterly tr Semi-Annual tr Annual tr 60 monthso 48 monthstr 39 months tr 36 monthstr other cor'rohtorus or saLt, coNTrNGENctEs oR coMMENTs lncluded Omnia Conhact Number R191 102551403942 to be leased - II E IIIII IIII TITI-E DATE TITLT by Pacific Office on DAT€ tlt ri-- =+ I o -_r I PAOFIC OFFIC€ AUTOMATION r2.d'1.ofi..hdb6ryd ldaho Falls School Dislrict #91 ldaho Falls HS oFo ovt CUSTOMER I{AME 690 John Adarns Pkwy CUSTOMER NAME 601 S Holmes Ave, BILLING AODRESS ldaho Falls ID 8340'1 oF IL VI SHIPPING ADDRESS ldaho Falls ID 83402 clIY( 208 1s2r7500 SIATE ztP STATE zlPCITY | 208 )s2s-7740 TELEPHONE Kattyn Lope/Rob TEI-EPHONE ATTEIVTION KEY OPERATOR By signing this Controct, Customer ocknowledges ond dgrees:(o)this Controct is NON-CANCEUBLE; (b) o terms ond conditions on the reverse side ore on integrol pott ofthis Controct; [c) to Jully un derstond dllterms dnd conditions stoted herein; ond (d)this Controct is the entire Agreement between con be chqnged only by written Customer Authorization Customer dnd Pocilic Office Au tomotion reloting to the equipment ond sevices described herein, ond ogreement signedby both porties. SIGNATURE >7 P0#ORDERED BY SOLD BY 11117 t2022 Katlyn Lopey'Rob Trevor Burchard qTY ITEM TYPE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Kyocera New Kyoce.a P5026cdw to be leased Minimum Mmthly Payment (plus applicable taxes) S 33 Nronths$14.45 Te E 0 $0 0.0235 0 $o 0.1311 Security a Monthly D Quarterly tr Semi-Annual tr Annual tr 60 months El 48 month< tr 39 months tr 36 months tr other CONDITIONS OF SALE, COI{IINGTNCIES OR COMM€NTS lncluded lf funded by 11/27 =914.45/Mo lf lunded by 12127 =$14.84/Mo Omnia Contract Number R 1 91 102551403942 to be leased TIITE DA]T Ttru by Pacific Office Automati a Equipment/Service and Supply Contract no. J3-octo l8g I ORDER DATE tmages i : Charses l IOveraE.5 I I r L ___r--T- i-E r--r---- I H- L rktdl..l&.eca ldaho Falls School Oistrict #81 n PAOHC OFFIC€ AUTOMATION Equipment/Service and Supply Contract no. 73-6oolf/? Dora Erickson Elarnenl,ary School o CL th oF.o ot1 CUSIOMEi NAIIE 590 John AdarB Pkwy CUSTOMERXAME 940 Carlbld Strgat srurNG ADof,Ess ldaho Falls ID 83401 SH|PP|I{G AOORTSS ldaho Fa[s ID 8340'1 otY t m8 ) 52$7500 STAIE ZP qly ( 208 l sa$76r2 STAIE zlP Ifi.rPHo r KsUyn Lopez/Roo TEIEPHO{\IE Mark Hunsaker ATTENTlON XEY OPERATOR By signing this Controc't, Customer ocknowledges ond dgrees: (o) this controd is NoN-cANcEuSLE; lb) ollterms dnd conditions on the reverse side ore on integml pan ofthis bntroct; (c) to lully understond allterms ond condltions stoted herein; and (d) this contruct is the entire Agrcement between Customer ond Pocific ofrce Automotion relatiog to the equipment ond sevices desci&d herein. ond con be chonged only by written cgreement signed by both porties. Cunomer Authodzadon 20J'I ORDERED BY SOID BYORDER DATE PO' Trcvor Burchard11912023Katlyn TOTATDESCRIPTIONUNIT PRICEQTYiTEMTYPE lo bs l€asedKyoce.8 New Kyocera P204Odw Minlmum Monthly Payment (plu3 applicable taxes) S-*g-- Term--------91-Months Servk€/suppV ASrccrn€nt CharS€5 Ovaragas Tenn of C6ntract lohlrry ar.sc Iiagcs Arcl.gar Bllling Cyde B^/v Sewica 0 $0 0.0171 Sr,cFn Pl Monthly o Quarterly tr Semi-Anrual tr Arrual o o tr tr tr 60 months 48 months 39 montk 35 months Other coNDiTlor{s or sAtE. coln[GaNctEs oRcoMMENrs lnduded Omnie Clntrad Number R 'l91 102551403942 lo b6 leased IIIIIIIIIIITIITIIIIIIIIIIII -I-r - - - r - II - TIIIIIIIIII- I Ir I TITI.E ComprroU.r OA'rf BY by Pacific Oftrce I| DAIT SIGiIAIURT [ tundad by t/29 :$8.3rMo lf tunded by 28=S8.5dMo I a PAflFIC OFFIC€ AUTOMATION uipment/Service and pply Contract 7J'oo"/7{/ Eq Su l'Brct'l.sc'}! ldoho FElb S.hool Dislrict #91 [,s1" No. Eriorson Eleinoabry Sdlool c,Fo o.h CI.'STOMER llAME 690 John Adams Pkwy (I,STOMER IIAf,,lI -ae.r rc .|dl-4 Pk*y iss- glL Ske./. EIIII'{G ADORESS ldaho Frlls ID oF o- th SHIPPI'{G ADORE S ldaho Fa[8 ID el4ol ow { 208 15297500 oIlt ( 208 )521762,r STATT zrP TETEPHONE KotlyrvRob/Joasie T:t'EPlot{E Mirrael Keye6 arrIl{noN (fY OP€RAIOR 8y signiog this Contrqct, Customet ocknowledgesond ogrees: (o) this Controd is NON-CANCEUBL"E; (b) oll tenns ond conditions on the reverse side ore on lntegral pott ol this Controct; (c) to lully understond all terms ond conditions stoted heretn; ond (d) this Controct ts the entire Agreement between Customq add Pocitic Ollice Automation reloting to the equlpment ond seNices descdbed hercin, ond con be chonged only by wriften ogrcement slgnedby both porties. Customer Authodritloo slGT'IATURt BYU20t2023 z3I ORDER DATE POS ORDERED BY SOLD 8Y 12t15!m22 Tlavor Eura:fiard QTY ITIM TYPE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Kyocera New Kyocara P204&rv,lo be loas€d Minimum Monlhly Payment (plus applicable taxes) S-34-s5-Term Months S€wk€/Supply Agre.ricnr hiegas Mod y B.se Charles O*r.ta3 OYaratet a[$ng Cy.l.Tcrrn o, Conlract BrrW S€avico 0.0171 fupp6,'i CONOMO S OF SAI.T, COMI|NGE OESORCOMME TS lnduded lf tunded by 129 = S8.33Mo Omoia Contract Numbsr Rl gl 102,/i5'1403912 to be leased IIIIII IIIIIIII:IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII -I I TITL! Comptroller DATT ITTE by Pacific offlce OATE 83401 ztPSTATT E Monthlv o Qusnedy o Seml.Annual E Annual tr 60 months O 48 monthstr 39 months EI 36 months o orher_ f- lrlso I